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Recensione Definitiva di – Dovresti Usare Questo Hosting nel 2024?

Ci sono i vecchi hosting provider, testati ; ci sono quelli popolari, con milioni di clienti; ci sono quelli che si evolvono costantemente e reinventano sé stessi…

E poi c’è un piccolo gruppo di compagnie di hosting in mezzo a tutte e tre le categorie:

SiteGround sta decisamente in quella fascia.

In questa recensione dettagliata esamineremo questo host al microscopio per avere le risposte alle domande più popolari:

  • 🦄Cos’ha di speciale SiteGround?
  • 💳Come scegliere il piano di hosting più padatto?
  • 👎Ci sono dei lati negativi nell’uso di SiteGround?
  • 🎯Chi dovrebbe usare SiteGround e perché?

Iniziamo dando un’occhiata alle cose che probabilmente non troverai da nessun’altra parte; cose che rendono SiteGround unico:

Cos’ha di Speciale SiteGround

Siamo seri.

SiteGround si concentra su WordPress come altri famosi sistemi di gestione di contenuti e costruttori di siti, ci sono piani a pagamento in base alle tue necessità, supporto 24/7…

Suona familiare.

Quello che differenzia SiteGround sono le sue soluzioni tecnologiche, personalizzate dal suo team interno; più specificamente:

  • Un set di misure per massimizzare la ⚡ velocità del tuo sito web, cosa di cui parleremo a parte nel prossimo capitolo,
  • Funzioni di 🔐 sicurezza all’avanguardia per prevenire e mitigare ogni potenziale attacco, analizzate in dettaglio in questa sezione,
  • Alcuni dei i migliori 💵 prezzi tra gli hosting provider del suo calibro, specialmente quando consideriamo i grandi sconti della prima prova,
  • Potenti 🛠️ tool per i clienti per collaborazioni convenienti, test e migrazioni, integrati direttamente dal team di SiteGround (parleremo di questo proprio qui!).

Come abbiamo menzionato, gli utenti di SiteGround ottengono molto più che un server; c’è un ventaglio intero di strumenti amministrativi per rendere la tua vita più semplice:

  • Un sistema utente flessibile permette l’accesso ad altri membri del team, clienti, o esperti di terze parti per aiutarti a gestire i tuoi progetti web,
  • Puoi creare copie di test dei tuoi siti web sul momento con un click e trasferire ogni cambiamento, di nuovo, con un solo click,
  • Ai freelancer e alle agenzie piacerà la funzionalità white label, che ti permette di fornire servizi di hosting ai clienti sotto il tuo brand personale.

Tutti gli strumenti sopra menzionati funzionano sulla base di una solida infrastruttura hardware e software per il massimo delle prestazioni e della stabilità:

Infrastruttura e Velocità

Ecco un fatto sorprendente: SiteGround, uno dei più grandi host al mondo, non possiede nessun server fisico!

Invece, usa Google Cloud per la sua infrastruttura principale…

Sì, hai capito bene: quando stai hostando con SiteGround, il tuo sito web si trova sui server di Google.

Tutto ciò non è affatto inusuale al giorno d’oggi…

…infatti, la maggior parte dei moderni hosting provider, sia grandi che piccoli, si concentra su servizi che aggiungono valore 🚀 e affidano l’hardware vero e proprio alle poche compagnie come Google e Amazon che hanno grossi vantaggi di scala ma non forniscono interfacce user-friendly.

I clienti di SiteGround possono scegliere tra diverse regioni quando creano un nuovo sito web, incluse Europa, Stati Uniti, Asia, e Australia:

I punti blu nella mappa rappresentano le 150+ location del network di Cloudflare CDN, incluso in ogni piano di SiteGround.

Il tuo sito carica automaticamente dal nodo del CDN che è più vicino a ogni singolo visitatore, portando miglioramenti significativi alla velocità.

Per migliorare ulteriormente il caricamento delle pagine, i siti di SiteGround girano su un software specificamente ottimizzato (PHP, MySQL, Brotli compression, ecc…), che porta alcuni tra i tempi di risposta più veloci dell’industria:

Questa è la ragione principale del perché SiteGround ha mantenuto per anni il podio nelle classifiche di HRank ⚡

Infine, ogni sito web ha in sé uno specifico, preinstallato, plugin di WordPress, che ti permette di controllare facilmente le impostazioni del server e modificare i parametri di caching

Parlando di plugin di WP…

Sicurezza in SiteGround

C’è un altro plugin di WordPress creato dal team di SiteGround per funzionare specificamente sui client dei siti:

SiteGround Security aiuta a prevenire le minacce più comuni e gli attachi al tuo sito web, e anche reagire velocemente in caso di attacco, ad esempio effettuando il logout di tutti gli utenti e resettando le password.

Non è l’unico plugin di sicurezza di WP al mondo, ovviamente, ma è comunque utile avere tutte le varie funzioni in un solo posto, totalmente integrate nel tuo hosting provider.

A livello server, tre misure chiave aiutano ad assicurare la massima sicurezza per ogni cliente di SiteGround:

  • Firewall e un filtro su base AI per proteggere automaticamente contro attacchi e hacking 🦺
  • Backup giornalieri su vari centri di server indipendenti in diverse aree geografiche assicurano che il tuo sito possa essere ripristinato dopo un qualsiasi disastro 💽
  • Sistemi di monitoraggio che controllano ogni status del server e le prestazioni ogni 0.5 secondi, 24/7 🔍

A questo punto potresti dire che ogni host che si rispetti abbia queste funzionalità, e avresti anche ragione.

C’è solo una piccola differenza:

SiteGround riesce a offrire tutto questo ad un prezzo vicino agli hosting provider più “mainstream”:

Piani e Prezzi di SiteGround

A prima vista, sembra un po’ confusionario: quattro diversi tipi di hosting, ognuno con piani a pagamento differenti…

Ma dai un’occhiata più da vicino e noterai che i piani di tipo hosting Web, WordPress, e WooCommerce sono in realtà identici!

Questo perché sono tutti essenzialmente lo stesso tipo di hosting condiviso, con tre livelli di prezzo per bisogni specifici.

Tenendo questo a mente, dimentichiamoci dei tipi di hosting e discutiamo nel dettaglio ciascun piano a pagamento:

  • StartUp è abbastanza chiaro: ottieni un sito web e risorse server sufficienti a gestire un traffico decente. A meno che tu stia migrando con un progetto più grande, vale sempre la pena di iniziare con questo piano e poi decidere se hai bisogno di un upgrade.
  • Il piano GrowBig ti permette di creare siti web illimitati, il che significa che è perfetto per quelli che gestiscono molti progetti o hanno un numero elevato di visitatori (più di 20.000 al mese).
  • Infine, con l’ironicamente nominato piano GoGeek ottieni ancora più risorse computazionali, e anche la soluzione white label che ti permette di offrire hosting web ai tuoi clienti: ottimo per agenzie e freelancer.

Come abbiamo menzionato prima, la parte migliore dell’offerta di SiteGround è il fatto che tutte le funzionalità di livello professionale sono disponibili a un prezzo davvero ragionevole.

Per esempio, ecco un paragone di prezzo con hosting provider premium che usano Google Cloud come loro infrastruttura:

La linea tratteggiata indica il prezzo pieno che si applica dopo il primo ciclo di fatture su SiteGround: persino quello è molto al di sotto delle alternative, e non stiamo nemmeno considerando il prezzo introduttivo fortemente scontato (ovvero la colonnina nera).

Ci sono quattro cicli di fatture disponibili su SiteGround, con quello mensile che è il più costoso e quindi meno utile.

Puoi sempre optare per un ciclo (scontato) più lungo e usare la garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni se necessario.

Sebbene in media pagheresti meno al mese con l’opzione da 3 anni, lo sconto maggiore sul primo periodo 🤑 è disponibile per il ciclo di fatturazione da 1 anno, dove l’ammontare speso al momento è molto più basso:

Ottieni il 69% di sconto su SiteGround

Un’altra cosa che vale la pena menzionare è la cancellazione: con SiteGround è facile come cliccare un bottone sul tuo pannello di amministrazione dell’hosting, nessun bisogno di contattare il supporto.

Quando cancelli, puoi scegliere se continuare a usare il tuo sito fino alla fine del corrente periodo di fatturazione, o rimuovere tutto immediatamente.

Pro e Contro di SiteGround

Prima di spostarci al verdetto finale riguardo SiteGround, riassumiamo i punti deboli e forti di questo hosting provider:

  • Ottieni funzioni di livello premium e strumenti a un prezzo molto più basso della maggior parte degli altri host gestiti di WordPress
  • Il parco software ottimizzato integrato sull’infrastruttura di Google Cloud assicura un’esperienza fluida e veloce nei i tuoi siti web
  • Ogni account ottiene un sacco di funzioni di sicurezza per prevenire minacce e ridurre i danni, includendo firewall, monitoraggio in tempo reale e backup automatici
  • Cloudflare CDN è incluso a zero costi aggiuntivi con ogni account di SiteGround, migliorando sia velocità che sicurezza
  • Non ci sono limiti di visitatori su nessuno dei piani, al contrario della maggior parte degli altri hosting provider professionali
  • Potenti strumenti per collaborare e gestire con i clienti rendono la vita più facile a freelancer e agenzie
  • I plugin di sicurezza, ottimizzazione e migrazione per WordPress integrati dal team di SiteGround per funzionare senza problemi con l’hosting
  • Supporto clienti 24/7 tramite live chat, sia per i clienti attuali che quelli potenziali
  • Il cloud hosting offerto da SiteGround è meno attraente di quello gestito dalle soluzioni di WordPress, essendo fino a due volte più costoso, per esempio, delle macchine paragonabili di Digital Ocean
  • Le risorse disponibili potrebbero essere limitate per siti o account che usano regolarmente troppo potere di calcolo di un server
  • Lo strumento per creare una copia di test/sviluppo del tuo sito web non è disponibile col piano StartUp

E ora i risultati finali:

Verdetto: Conviene Usare SiteGround?

20 anni nell’industria e milioni di clienti: può un hosting provider avere più credibilità di questa? 👓 Vediamo:

Nel corso della sua esistenza, SiteGround ha chiaramente provato a mantenere il suo status di host “premium conveniente”, combinando qualità professionale a prezzi competitivi.

In effetti, è più facile definire chi NON dovrebbe usare SiteGround che tutti gli altri (chi dovrebbe)

  • Se il tuo budget è considerevole e stai cercando l’hosting più avanzato basato su Google Cloud per un grosso progetto, dai piuttosto un’occhiata a Kinsta,
  • Se fai parte di un team di sviluppo che ha bisogno di un hosting cloud scalabile con totale controllo su tutte le impostazioni dei server, una soluzione self-service come Digital Ocean è probabilmente la scelta migliore per te.

A parte questo…

Che ti serva semplicemente un sito web per la tua organizzazione o che tu crei siti per i tuoi clienti, SiteGround ha tutto ciò che ti serve e molto altro, costruito su fondamenta tecniche solide come la roccia💎 nonché anni di esperienza 🏆 e reputazione.

Ottieni il 69% di sconto su SiteGround

Hai un opinione su SiteGround o vorresti condividere un’esperienza personale? Dirigiti alla sezione dei commenti: aiutiamoci l’un l’altro a prendere decisioni migliori!

Avaliação Definitiva da – Você Deve Usar Essa Hospedagem em 2024?

Existem provedoras de hospedagem antigas e bem estabelecidas; existem provedoras populares, com milhões de clientes; existem aquelas que evoluem e se reinventam constantemente…

E existe um pequeno grupo de empresas de hospedagem que estão na interseção destas três categorias –

Este é o caso da SiteGround.

Em nossa avaliação detalhada, vamos colocar essa hospedagem embaixo de uma lupa e descobrir as repostas para as perguntas mais populares:

  • 🦄O que a SiteGround tem de especial?
  • 💳Como escolher um plano de hospedagem adequado?
  • 👎Há alguma desvantagem em usar a SiteGround?
  • 🎯Quem deve usar a SiteGround e por quê?

Vamos começar dando uma olhada nas coisas que você provavelmente não vai encontrar em nenhum outro lugar – coisas que tornam a SiteGround única:

O Que a SiteGround Tem de Especial

A SiteGround foca em WordPress assim como outros criadores de sites e sistemas de gestão de conteúdo populares, há diversos planos de pagamento dependendo das suas necessidades, suporte 24h…

Parece familiar, não é mesmo?

O que realmente diferencia a SiteGround são suas soluções tecnológicas, feitas sob medida por sua própria equipe técnica; mais especificamente:

  • Um conjunto de medidas para maximizar a ⚡ velocidade do seu site, que discutiremos separadamente na próxima parte,
  • Recursos de 🔐 segurança de última geração para prevenir e mitigar quaisquer ataques potenciais, analisados em detalhes nesta seção,
  • Alguns dos melhores 💵 preços entre as provedoras de hospedagem do seu calibre, especialmente quando consideramos os grandes descontos iniciais,
  • Poderosas 🛠️ ferramentas para o cliente para facilitar a colaboração, testagem e migrações, criadas internamente pela equipe da SiteGround (vamos falar sobre isso aqui mesmo!).

Como acabamos de mencionar, os usuários da SiteGround ganham mais que apenas um servidor – há toda uma gama de ferramentas administrativas para facilitar sua vida:

  • O flexível sistema do usuário permite o acesso de outros membros da equipe, clientes ou especialistas terceirizados para ajudar você a executar seus projetos web,
  • Você pode criar cópias-teste do seu site publicado com um clique, e transferir quaisquer alterações de volta para o original – novamente, com um único clique,
  • Freelancers e agências vão adorar o recurso de white label, que permite que você forneça serviços de hospedagem para seus clientes com sua própria marca.

Todas as ferramentas acima funcionam com o suporte de uma sólida infraestrutura de hardware e software para o melhor desempenho e estabilidade.

Infraestrutura e Velocidade

Um fato curioso: a SiteGround, uma das maiores provedoras de hospedagem do mundo, não possui nenhum servidor físico!

Em vez disso, ela usa o Google Cloud para sua infraestrutura principal.

Sim, foi isso mesmo que você leu – quando você hospeda seu site com a SiteGround, ele é armazenado em servidores do Google.

Isso não é algo incomum hoje em dia –

– na verdade, a maioria das provedoras de hospedagem modernas, tanto as grandes quanto as pequenas, foca em serviços que agregam valor 🚀 e terceiriza o hardware em si para as poucas empresas como o Google e a Amazon que têm enormes vantagens de escala, mas não fornecem interfaces amigáveis ao usuário.

Os clientes da SiteGround podem escolher entre diversas regiões ao criar um novo site, incluindo Europa, Estados Unidos, Ásia e Austrália:

Os pontos azuis no mapa representam as +150 localizações da rede Cloudflare CDN, incluída em todos os planos da SiteGround –

Seu site automaticamente carrega a partir do nódulo CDN que estiver mais perto de cada visitante em particular, melhorando a velocidade substancialmente.

Para aprimorar ainda mais o carregamento de páginas, os sites da SiteGround operam com softwares exclusivamente otimizados (PHP, MySQL, compressão com Brotli, etc.), o que resulta em alguns dos tempos de resposta mais rápidos na indústria:

Esse é o principal motivo pelo qual a SiteGround há anos vem se mantendo nas posições mais altas nas classificações da HRank. ⚡

Por fim, cada site vem com um plugin para WordPress exclusivo pré-instalado, que permite que você controle as configurações do servidor e ajuste os parâmetros de caching facilmente.

Falando em plugins para WP…

Segurança na SiteGround

Há outro plugin para WordPress feito pela a equipe da SiteGround que trabalha especificamente com sites de clientes:

O SiteGround Security ajuda a prevenir contra as ameaças e ataques mais comuns em seu site, além de reagir rapidamente em caso de uma invasão, por exemplo, fazendo o log out de todos os usuários e redefinindo senhas.

Esse não é o único plugin de segurança para WordPress que existe, é claro, mas é bom ter todos os recursos diferentes em um único lugar, totalmente integrados com sua hospedagem.

A nível de servidor, três medidas principais ajudam a garantir o máximo de segurança para todos os clientes da SiteGround:

  • Firewall e um filtro baseado em IA para proteger automaticamente contra ataques e invasões 🦺
  • Backups diários em vários centros de servidores independentes em diferentes localizações geográficas garantem que seu site possa ser restaurado depois de qualquer desastre 💽
  • Sistemas de monitoramento que verificam o status e desempenho de cada servidor a cada 0,5 segundo, 24horas por dia, 7 dias por semana 🔍

A essa altura, você pode argumentar que toda hospedagem web premium possui esses recursos – e você teria toda razão.

Só tem uma coisinha: a SiteGround consegue oferecer todas essas vantagens por um preço próximo ao das hospedagens “convencionais”.

Planos e Preços da SiteGround

A princípio, parece um pouco confuso: quatro tipos diferentes de hospedagem, cada um com diversos planos de pagamento diferentes…

Mas quando você olha mais de perto, vai perceber que os planos nos tipos de hospedagem Web, Shared e WooCommerce são na verdade idênticos!

Isso porque todos eles são, essencialmente, o mesmo tipo de hospedagem compartilhada, com três níveis de preços para atender às necessidades distintas dos clientes.

Com isso em mente, vamos esquecer os tipos de hospedagem e focar em discutir cada plano de preço mais detalhadamente:

  • O plano StartUp é bastante direto – você tem direito a um site e recursos de servidor suficientes para lidar com um tráfego decente. A menos que você esteja migrando com um projeto grande, sempre vale à pena começar com esse plano e depois decidir se precisa de atualizações.
  • O plano GrowBig permite que você crie sites ilimitados, o que significa que ele é adequado para aqueles que possuem diversos projetos ou que têm um grande número de visitantes (mais de 20.000 por mês).
  • Por fim, com o plano GoGeek (nome sapeca, não acha?), você tem ainda mais recursos de computação, assim como a solução de white label que permite que você ofereça hospedagem web aos seus próprios clientes – ótimo para agências e freelancers.

Como mencionamos antes, a melhor parte da oferta da SiteGround é o fato de que todos os recursos de nível professional estão disponíveis por preços muito razoáveis.

Para exemplificar, aqui está uma comparação entre provedoras de hospedagem premium que usam o Google Cloud como sua plataforma de infraestrutura:

A linha pontilhada indica o valor integral que se aplica depois do primeiro período de cobrança da SiteGround – mesmo isso fica muito abaixo das alternativas, e não estamos nem levando em conta o preço introdutório, que tem descontos consideráveis (a coluna sólida).

Há quatro ciclos de cobrança disponíveis na SiteGround, sendo que o mensal é o mais caro e, portanto, o menos útil –

E você sempre pode optar por um ciclo de cobrança mais longo (com desconto) e usar a garantia de reembolso em 30 dias se necessário.

Embora você acabe pagando menos por mês em média com a opção de 3 anos, o maior desconto inicial 🤑 está disponível para o ciclo de cobrança de 1 ano, no qual a quantia gasta agora é muito mais baixa:

Ganhe 69% de desconto na SiteGround

Mais uma coisa que vale à pena mencionar é o cancelamento: com a SiteGround, é tão simples quanto clicar em um botão em seu painel de admin, nem é necessário entrar em contato com o suporte.

Quando você cancela, pode escolher continuar usando seus sites até o fim do período de cobrança atual ou remover tudo imediatamente.

Prós e Contras da SiteGround

Antes de passarmos para nosso veredito final sobre a SiteGround, vamos resumir os pontos fortes e fracos desta provedora de hospedagem:

  • Você tem acesso a ferramentas e recursos de nível premium por um
    preço muito mais baixo do que o da maioria das outras hospedagens de WP gerenciado
  • Conjunto de soluções otimizado construído sobre a infraestrutura do Google Cloud garante um funcionamento consistentemente rápido e estável dos seus sites
  • Todas as contas têm uma gama de recursos de segurança para prevenção e mitigação de ameaças, incluindo firewall, monitoramento ao vivo e backups automáticos
  • Cloudflare CDN está incluída, sem custos adicionais, em cada conta SiteGround, melhorando tanto a velocidade quanto a segurança
  • Não há limites de visitantes em nenhum dos planos, ao contrário da maioria das outras hospedagens premium
  • Poderosas ferramentas de colaboração e gestão de clientes, que facilitam a vida de freelancers e agências
  • Plugins para WordPress (segurança, otimização e migração) criados pela equipe da SiteGround para trabalhar perfeitamente com a hospedagem
  • Atendimento 24h através de chat ao vivo, tanto para clientes existentes quanto potenciais
  • A oferta de hospedagem em nuvem da SiteGround é menos atraente do que suas soluções de WordPress gerenciado, sendo até 2x mais cara do que máquinas comparáveis, por exemplo, da Digital Ocean
  • A disponibilidade de recursos pode ser limitada para sites ou contas que regularmente usam muito poder computacional de um servidor
  • A ferramenta para criar cópias de desenvolvimento/teste do seu site não está disponível no plano StartUp

E agora, a conclusão:

Veredito: A SiteGround Vale à Pena?

20 anos de empresa e milhões de clientes – será que uma provedora de hospedagem pode ter mais credibilidade do que isso? 👓 Vamos ver:

Ao longo de sua existência, a SiteGround claramente tentou manter seu status de hospedagem “premium acessível”, combinando qualidade profissional com preços competitivos.

Pra falar a verdade, é mais fácil dizer quem NÃO deve usar a SiteGround, em vez de dizer quem deve (todo o resto!) –

  • Se você tem um orçamento substancial e está procurando pela mais avançada hospedagem baseada em Google Cloud para um projeto grande, dê uma olhada na Kinsta,
  • Se você faz parte de uma equipe de desenvolvimento que precisa de hospedagem em nuvem escalonável com controle total de todas as configurações do servidor, uma solução de autosserviço como a Digital Ocean provavelmente é melhor para você.

Fora isso, esteja você precisando só de um site para sua organização ou se você cria sites para seus próprios clientes, a SiteGround tem tudo que você precisa e mais, construída sobre uma fundação técnica sólida 💎 assim como anos de experiência 🏆 e reputação.

Ganhe 69% de desconto na SiteGround

Você tem uma opinião sobre a SiteGround ou uma experiência pessoal que gostaria de compartilhar? Vá para a seção de comentários abaixo – vamos ajudar uns aos outros a tomar decisões melhores!

The Definitive Review – Should You Use This Hosting in 2024?

There are old, time-tested hosting providers; there are popular ones, with millions of clients; there are those which constantly evolve and reinvent themselves…

And then there’s a small group of hosting companies at the intersection of all three categories –

SiteGround is firmly in that cohort.

In this detailed review, we will examine this host under a magnifying glass to uncover answers to the most popular questions:

  • 🦄What’s special about SiteGround?
  • 💳How to choose a suitable hosting plan?
  • 👎Are there any drawbacks to using SiteGround?
  • 🎯Who should use SiteGround and Why?

Let’s start by looking at the things that you probably won’t find anywhere else – things that make SiteGround unique:

What’s Special About SiteGround

Seriously, though?

SiteGround focuses on WordPress as well as other popular content management systems and site builders, there are several pricing plans depending on your needs, 24/7 support…

Sounds familiar.

What really sets SiteGround apart are its technological solutions, custom-built by its technical team; more specifically:

  • A set of measures to maximize your website’s ⚡ speed, which we will discuss separately in the next chapter,
  • State-of-the-art 🔐 security features to prevent and mitigate any potential attacks, analyzed in detail in this section,
  • Some of the best 💵 prices among hosting providers of its caliber, especially when we factor in the large first-period discounts,
  • Powerful 🛠️ client tools for convenient collaboration, testing, and migrations, built in-house by the SiteGround team (we’ll talk about this one right here!).

As we just mentioned, SiteGround users get more than just a server – there’s an entire array of administrative tools to make your life easier:

  • The flexible user system allows access to other team members, clients, or third-party experts to help you run your web projects,
  • You can create test copies of your live website in one click, and transfer any changes back to the original – again, in a single click,
  • Freelancers and agencies will like the white label feature, which allows you to provide hosting services to clients under your own brand.

All the tools above function on top of a solid hardware and software infrastructure for maximum performance and stability:

Infrastructure and Speed

Here’s a surprising fact: SiteGround, one of the largest hosts in the world, doesn’t own any actual physical servers!

Instead, it uses Google Cloud for its key infrastructure…

Yes, you understood correctly – when you’re hosting with SiteGround, your website is stored on Google’s servers.

This is not something unusual in our day and age –

– in fact, most modern hosting providers, both big and small, focus on the value-adding services 🚀 and outsource the actual hardware to the few companies like Google and Amazon that have huge scale advantages but don’t provide user-friendly interfaces.

SiteGround clients can choose between several regions when creating a new website, including Europe, United States, Asia, and Australia:

The blue dots on the map represent the 150+ locations of the Cloudflare CDN network, included on every SiteGround plan –

Your website automatically loads from the CDN node that is the closest to each particular visitor, bringing serious improvements in speed.

To further improve page loading, SiteGround websites run on uniquely optimized software (PHP, MySQL, Brotli compression, etc.), which results in some of the fastest response times in the industry:

– this is the main reason why SiteGround has held top positions in HRank ratings for years ⚡

Finally, each website comes with a unique, pre-installed WordPress plugin, that allows you to easily control the server settings and adjust the caching parameters.

Speaking of WP plugins…

Security at SiteGround

There is another WordPress plugin made by the SiteGround team to work specifically with client sites:

SiteGround Security helps prevent the most common threats and attacks on your website, as well as react quickly in case of an attack, e.g. by logging out all users and resetting passwords.

It’s not the only WP security plugin in existence, of course – but it’s still nice to have all the various features in a single place, fully integrated with your hosting provider.

On the server level, three key measures help ensure maximum security for every SiteGround client:

  • Firewall and an AI-based filter for automatically protecting against attacks and hacks 🦺
  • Daily backups in several independent server centers in different geographical locations ensure that your website can be restored after any disaster 💽
  • Monitoring systems that check each server’s status and performance every 0.5 seconds, 24/7 🔍

At this point, you might argue that every premium web host has these features – and you’d be right.

There’s just one nuance:

SiteGround manages to offer all that goodness for a price that is closer to “mainstream” hosting providers:

SiteGround Plans and Pricing

At first glance, it looks a bit confusing: four different types of hosting, each having several pricing plans…

But take a closer look, and you’ll notice that the plans in the Web, Shared, and WooCommerce hosting types are actually identical!

That’s because all of them are essentially the same kind of shared hosting, with three pricing tiers for different client needs.

With that in mind, let’s forget about hosting types and focus on discussing each pricing plan in more detail:

  • StartUp is quite straightforward – you get one website and enough server resources to handle decent traffic. Unless you are migrating with a large project, it’s always worth starting with this plan and then deciding if you need to upgrade.
  • The GrowBig plan allows you to create unlimited websites, which means it’s suitable for those who run several projects or have high visitor traffic (over 20,000 per month).
  • Finally, on the cheekily named GoGeek plan you get even more computing resources, as well as the white label solution that allows you to offer web hosting to your own clients – great for agencies and freelancers.

As we mentioned earlier, the best part of SiteGround’s offer is the fact that all the professional-grade features are available at very reasonable prices –

For example, here’s a price comparison for premium hosting providers which use Google Cloud as their infrastructure platform:

The dashed line indicates the full price that applies after the first billing period at SiteGround – even that is way below the alternatives, and we’re not even considering the heavily discounted introductory pricing (i.e. the solid dark column).

There are four billing cycles available at SiteGround, with monthly being the most expensive and hence the least useful –

You can always opt for a (discounted) longer billing cycle and use the 30-day money-back guarantee if needed.

While you will end up paying less per month on average with the 3-year option, the largest first-period discount 🤑 is available for the 1-year billing cycle, where the amount spent right now is much lower:

Get a 69% discount on SiteGround

One more thing worth mentioning is cancellation: with SiteGround, it’s as easy as clicking on a button in your hosting admin panel, no need to contact support.

When you cancel, you can choose to continue using your websites until the end of the current billing period or to remove everything right away.

Pros and Cons of SiteGround

Before we move on to the final verdict on SiteGround, let’s summarize this hosting provider’s stronger and weaker sides:

  • You get premium-grade features and tools at a much lower price than most other managed WordPress hosts
  • Optimized software stack built on top of the Google Cloud infrastructure ensures consistently smooth and speedy functioning of your websites
  • Every account gets a slew of security features for threat prevention and mitigation, including firewall, live monitoring, and automatic backups
  • Cloudflare CDN is included at no additional cost with every SiteGround account, improving both speed and security
  • There are no visitor limits on any of the plans, as opposed to most other premium hosting providers
  • Powerful tools for collaboration and client management, making life easier for freelancers and agencies
  • Security, optimization, and migration plugins for WordPress built by the SiteGround team to work seamlessly with the hosting
  • 24/7 customer support via live chat, both for potential and existing clients
  • The cloud hosting offer at SiteGround is less attractive than its managed WordPress solutions, being up to 2x more expensive than e.g. comparable Digital Ocean machines
  • Resource availability may be limited for websites or accounts that regularly use up too much of a server’s computing power
  • The tool for creating a test/development copy of your website is not available on the StartUp plan

And now for the bottom line:

Verdict: Is SiteGround Worth It?

20 years in business and millions of clients – can a hosting provider get any more credible than that? 👓 Let’s see:

Throughout its existence SiteGround has clearly tried to maintain its status as the “affordable premium” host, combining professional quality with competitive prices.

As a matter of fact, it’s somewhat easier to define who should NOT use SiteGround as opposed to everyone else (who should) –

  • If your budget is substantial and you’re looking for the most advanced Google Cloud based hosting for a large project, take a look at Kinsta instead,
  • If you are part of a developer team that needs scalable cloud hosting with full control over all server settings, a self-service solution like Digital Ocean is probably best for you.

Apart from that –

Whether you just need a website for your organization or you make websites for your own clients, SiteGround has everything you need and more, built on a rock-solid technical foundation 💎 as well as years of expertise 🏆 and reputation.

Get a 69% discount on SiteGround

Have an opinion on SiteGround or a personal experience you’d like to share? Head over to the comments section – let’s help each other make better decisions!

La Recensione Definitiva di : Piattaforma Sopravvalutata o Miglior Hosting di WordPress nel 2024?

Dato che più del 30% dell’Internet si basa su WordPress, ad oggi solo gli hosting provider più pigri non offrono delle varianti di un’offerta specializzata in WP.

Tuttavia, diversi brand stanno in una categoria a parte – soluzioni di grado professionale dedicate esclusivamente a WordPress, con funzioni premium e costi premium.

Kinsta è uno di questi host di alto livello, e in questa recensione dettagliata scopriremo se è degna di essere chiamata la piattaforma WordPress gestita meglio 👑

Verdetto riassuntivo: Kinsta è chiaramente per coloro che non sono disposti a compromessi su qualità e sicurezza: questo host si concentra sulle migliori soluzioni e offre un supporto clienti impareggiabile, indipendentemente dal piano che scegli.

Funzionalità: cosa ottieni? Leggi di più
Prestazioni: è veloce e affidabile? Dettagli
Costo: buon rapporto qualità prezzo? Scoprilo
Supporto: è utile? Vedi la discussione

Prima diamo un’occhiata a cosa differenzia Kinsta dagli altri hosting provider, cioè sia i suoi concorrenti diretti nel segmento premium, sia il gruppo più ampio di compagnie che offrono hosting di gestione WP:

Caratteristiche Uniche di Kinsta

Potresti aver già notato che non è così semplice distinguere tra gli host specializzati in WordPress – ciascuno di essi sembra dichiarare di essere il provider più veloce e affidabile. Pertanto, come fai a fare una scelta oggettiva?!

Non ti sovraccaricheremo il cervello mettendoci a elencare tutte le funzioni di Kinsta; invece, ecco quelle che davvero la metteno in risalto rispetto alle alternative:

  • 28 data center attorno al mondo ti assicurano che il tuo sito web sia sempre il più vicino possibile ai tuoi visitatori; sì, la distanza fisica può fare una grande differenza quando si tratta di millisecondi nei tempi di caricamento ⚡
  • Location of Kinsta's data centers

  • L’ottimizzazione C2 sulle virtual machine su tutti i piani di abbonamento offre il massimo delle prestazioni anche per i siti più esigenti; dirigiti verso la sezione della recensione sull’infrastruttura per imparare di più su cosa comporta tutto ciò!
  • L’integrazione a Cloudflare fornisce un livello aggiuntivo di sicurezza, proteggendoti da attacchi, bot e altri agenti malevoli; ovviamente, puoi connettere Cloudflare a qualsiasi hosting (a costo zero con il loro piano gratuito), ma Kinsta offre le funzionalità di Cloudflare Enterprise a ogni cliente, che è una cosa un po’ più costosa da ottenere separatamente
  • Lo strumento di

  • monitoraggio integrato delle prestazioni (Kinsta APM) è un sistema gratuito incluso in tutti i piani di Kinsta che visualizza i lavori interni del tuo sito web e individua potenziali problemi e margini di miglioramento
  • Sei tipi di backup sono disponibili per tutti i clienti di Kinsta, includendo sia quelli manuali che automatici, e con frequenze che variano dal giornaliero (default) all’orario (ad un costo addizionale)
  • L’ambiente per sviluppatori DevKinsta è uno strumento progettato internamente dal team di Kinsta per supportare agenzie e freelancer di tutti i livelli di esperienza, semplificando lo sviluppo locale, il dislocamento e le consegne dei progetti.

Come probabilmente avrai notato, tutte le caratteristiche sopra menzionate sono relative alla velocità, all’attività di rete e alla sicurezza; il che ha senso, perché è questo che rende buono un hosting provider, dopo tutto. Addentriamoci ancora di più e vediamo come queste funzionalità si uniscono nella piattaforma di Kinsta:

Infrastruttura e Prestazioni

Prima di procedere, c’è una cosa che dovremmo chiarire riguardo a Kinsta in modo da capire come funziona realmente:

– Kinsta è focalizzato esclusivamente in hosting gestito di WordPress, che significa:

a) non offre un portfolio di diversi tipi di hosting (condivisi, dedicati, VPS…) come molti competitor, ma piuttosto diverse varianti dello stesso setup con diverse risorse disponibili,

b) il prodotto di Kinsta non è una semplice installazione di WordPress, ma un server virtuale potente e flessibile che, guarda caso, è anche particolarmente adatto a far girare WordPress (perché è il motore di siti web più popolare al mondo).

A proposito, a questo punto dovremmo probabilmente dirtelo, giusto in caso:

WordPress Gestito implica un servizio di hosting che è esplicitamente ottimizzato per WP e si prende cura di tutti i compiti di gestione e manutenzione come sicurezza, aggiornamento software e backup.

Con tutto questo in mente, diamo un’occhiata dietro la facciata; ecco un utile diagramma che abbiamo creato per l’occasione:

Kinsta's infrastructure

Prima di tutto: similmente ad altri host gestiti di WordPress, Kinsta non possiede in realtà alcun hardware: tutte le infrastrutture fisiche dietro i suoi servizi sono basate su Google Cloud,

…e non un cloud qualsiasi, solo la tecnologia più avanzata sul mercato, chiamata C2 (compute-optimized virtual machines) che combina hardware all’avanguardia con il software più recente, per il massimo delle prestazioni.

Ma ora viene la parte leggermente più complicata:

Kinsta divide i server virtuali (che sono essi stessi astrazioni dei server fisici) in contenitori LXD, con ciascun sito WordPress che gira sul proprio pacchetto software dentro tale contenitore.

In altre parole, i siti dei clienti sono ospitati in compartimenti sicuri e scalabili che hanno accesso a risorse sostanziali (12 CPU e 8 Gb di RAM ciascuno, per essere precisi) sulla migliore infrastruttura di computing che Google può offrire.

Velocizza il tuo sito web con Kinsta

D’accordo, quindi come influiscono tutti questi prodigi tecnologici sulle prestazioni del tuo sito web? Ecco qui le considerazioni più importanti:

  • Pagine recentemente aggiornate e generate in modo dinamico (come i carrelli degli acquisti) sono specialmente veloci grazie alla qualità top dei server C2 🏅 su Google Cloud,
  • Potenza di calcolo a sufficienza e software ottimizzato WordPress 🚀 assicurano che ogni richiesta al server (quindi il carico del sito) sia processata in un batter d’occhio,
  • Cloudflare CDN aggiunge un altro livello all’infrastruttura, depositando le pagine del tuo sito su centinaia di nodi locali 🌎 e consegnandole a ogni visitatore dalla località più vicina (anche nel raro caso in cui il server originale non stia rispondendo in quel momento), massimizzando velocità e affidabilità.

In aggiunta, il Monitoraggio Integrato delle Prestazioni che abbiamo menzionato prima aiuta a tenere d’occhio potenziali inefficienze e punti di rottura.

Kinsta's apm

Questo e altri strumenti sono integrati direttamente dentro il pannello di controllo di Kinsta, totalmente gratis con ogni piano di abbonamento; un altro (spesso trascurato) fatto che lo distingue da altri hosting provider. Parlando di prezzi…

Piani e Prezzi di Kinsta

Ricordi che prima abbiamo detto che essenzialmente Kinsta offre un singolo prodotto di hosting con varie risorse?

Per rendere le cose ancora più facili, i 10 (!) piani di abbonamento disponibili possono essere suddivisi in sole tre categorie, a seconda dell’utente destinato:

Utenti destinati Imprese piccole o individuali Freelancer o medie imprese Agenzie o grandi imprese
Piani di Kinsta Starter; Pro Business 1..4 Enterprise 1..4
Siti WordPress 1-2 5-40 60-150
Visite mensili 25-50 mila 100-600 mila 1-3 milioni
PHP worker/sito 2 4-6 8-16
Cronologia backup 14 giorni Fino a 20 giorni Fino a 30 giorni

Ah, molto meglio adesso; una riga dalla tabella sopra potrebbe necessitare di ulteriori spiegazioni, però: i PHP worker 🧑‍🔧 sono processi individuali che generano le pagine del tuo sito web per i visitatori, quindi, più il tuo sito si appoggia a pagine generate dinamicamente (es. grandi store e comunità online), più lavoratori PHP ti serviranno affinché il sito giri velocemente.

Tre cose in più che vale la pena ricordare sulle politiche di abbonamento di Kinsta:

  • I cicli di fatturazione annuali sono il 16% più economici che pagare mese per mese, e puoi cambiare tra piano annuale e mensile in qualsiasi momento.
  • Ci sono limiti di risorse su ogni piano, e cioè visite al sito, spazio su disco e uso di CDN; e tutto ciò che va oltre il limite mensile assegnato è fatturato separatamente.
  • Ogni cliente è idoneo a un rimborso completo entro 30 giorni dal loro acquisto iniziale, e a un rimborso parziale dopo quella scadenza (per la porzione non utilizzata della loro iscrizione); altre risorse extra menzionate precedentemente non sono rimborsabili.

Cancellazioni e rimborsi sono abbastanza semplici: il pannello di controllo di Kinsta ti lascia chiudere il tuo account con un solo click; nessun bisogno di contattare il supporto o cercare un pulsante “accidentalmente” ben nascosto.

Prova Kinsta senza alcun rischio per 30 giorni

Per comparare oggettivamente i prezzi di Kinsta ad altri hosting provider di WP gestito; si dovrebbe tenere in considerazione sia la qualità dell’infrastruttura, sia le sue caratteristiche uniche (es. lo strumento APM), e non dimentichiamoci le cose non tangibili:

Supporto e Migrazione

È facile non giudicare il servizio clienti come un punto chiave a favore, o perché non è così facile da valutare e quindi comparare la sua qualità, o semplicemente perché non ci pensi troppo fino a quando non affronti un problema reale 🔥

Tuttavia, l’hosting di siti web è un affare a lungo termine, quindi, quando si tratta di supporto, è solo una questione di “quando”, non “se” ne avrai bisogno…

…e quando quel momento arriverà, vorrai un servizio clienti reattivo, efficiente e paziente, che è esattamente quello che offre Kinsta.

Il team di servizio sembra adeguatamente preparato relativamente al volume delle richieste in entrata, e consiste in larga parte di sviluppatori; questo permette a Kinsta di assicurare un livello di qualità che vince costantemente encomi e classifiche al top nel settore:

  • Kinsta è orgogliosa della sua filosofia da supporto unitario, che significa che ogni specialista della cura del cliente è capace di risolvere un problema senza trasferire la tua richiesta attraverso diversi rappresentanti.
  • Tutti i clienti hanno accesso a una chat di supporto 24/7/365 in Inglese; nei giorni lavorativi puoi anche ottenere supporto in diverse altre lingue.
  • I clienti esistenti possono chiedere aiuto direttamente dentro il pannello di controllo di Kinsta, mentre i clienti futuri possono cercare il pulsante della chat nel lato destro in fondo alla home page
  • ufficiale.

  • Il tempo medio di risposta è riportato essere di 1.5 minuti circa, che sembra coincidere con quello che abbiamo provato nel nostro test del servizio.

In aggiunta alla chat dal vivo, puoi fare domande attraverso il modulo di contatto ufficiale e ottenere una risposta entro 1 giorno lavorativo; c’è anche un’opzione per parlare con il team di supporto tramite telefono se sei locato negli Stati Uniti (o non hai problemi con le chiamate internazionali).

Un’altra funzione importante che è fornita da esseri umani è la 🧳 migrazione: muovere un sito esistente da un altro hosting provider. Ormai non sarai sorpreso di sapere che Kinsta lo rende facile al punto da dover compilare solo un breve modulo:

Kinsta migration

Ci sono migrazioni base illimitate e un certo numero di migrazioni premium incluse in ogni piano di Kinsta; le seconde sono pensate per siti WordPress complessi come e-commerce e comunità online.

I clienti possono scegliere fra tre opzioni: dare a Kinsta accesso al loro precedente pannello di controllo di hosting (essenzialmente un servizio di valet), fornire un file di backup, o usare un plugin per fare tutto manualmente.

In ogni caso, il risultato sarà che il tuo sito beneficerà dell’hosting di una delle piattaforme migliori attualmente esistenti.

Pro e Contro di Kinsta

Prima di andare al verdetto, riassumiamo tutto quello che abbiamo imparato su Kinsta qui sotto:

  • Tutti i siti di Kinsta sono ospitati nell’hardware più avanzato su Google Cloud per avere massima velocità e prestazioni migliori sotto carico pesante.
  • Il software dei server è ottimizzato per WordPress in tutto e per tutto, e gli aggiornamenti alle ultime versioni di tutti i componenti sono gestite dal team di Kinsta (ecco perché è chiamato WP gestito).
  • L’integrazione a Cloudflare di livello aziendale è disponibile su tutti i piani per garantire sicurezza e affidabilità per i tuoi siti incentrati sul business.
  • Ogni account include potenti strumenti unici come il sistema di Monitoraggio Integrato delle Prestazioni e l’ambiente di sviluppo locale DevKinsta, e, ovviamente, lo stesso pannello di controllo myKinsta.
  • Sei tipi di backup, inclusi quelli manuali e automatici, assicurano che nessun dato sia mai perso e che il tuo sito web sia velocemente recuperabile nel caso di un incidente o un attacco deliberato.
  • Ogni cliente, indipendentemente dal piano, ha eguale accesso al pluripremiato team di supporto di ingegnerei di Kinsta che possono aiutarti a risolvere qualsiasi problema ad ogni ora del giorno.
  • Invece di risorse di calcolo fisse, ci sono limiti di utilizzo su ogni piano, il che significa che potresti finire per pagare extra per cose come il numero dei visitatori, lo spazio su disco e il traffico CDN.
  • Parlando di limiti, l’unica opzione per aggiungere più PHP worker per sito è di passare al livello di abbonamento successivo, che non è sempre conveniente in relazione ad altri parametri.
  • In questo momento, Kinsta non offre nomi di domini, e quindi avrai bisogno di registrare un dominio su un provider di terze parti e connetterlo col tuo sito Kinsta (se preferisci di gran lunga avere entrambi i domini e i siti web sotto un unico tetto, dai un’occhiata a SiteGround invece).

Bene, è tempo di tirare le somme!

Verdetto: Dovresti Usare Kinsta?

Adesso è probabilmente chiaro che Kinsta NON è per coloro che non vedono alcuna differenza tra le varie opzioni di hosting e si concentrano solamente su minimizzare le loro spese annuali.

Ed è assolutamente giusto, perché non tutti i progetti web sono, in tutta franchezza, adatti a un hosting provider di questo livello: ha poco senso pagare di più nel caso in cui il sito della tua azienda esista solo perché “è un po’ strano non averne uno nel 2024”.

Cosa ha senso hostare su Kinsta?

La parola chiave qui è business-critical: ogni sito web che influisca significativamente sulla tua attività (o che siano la tua attività), come siti aziendali 📈 con traffico intenso; editori 📰 come giornali e blog popolari; istituti accademici 🎓 e piattaforme di insegnamento online; e, ovviamente, 💳 e-commerce.

Se sei un’agenzia o uno sviluppatore indipendente, sarà un piacere assoluto lavorare con Kinsta; l’unica eccezione è se ti posizioni nel segmento low-cost, ad esempio lavorando su Fiverr.

Avvia il tuo progetto web su Kinsta

…Bene, supponendo che tu abbia deciso di scegliere Kinsta al posto di un altro hosting provider, quale piano di abbonamento dovresti usare?

Dopo quello che abbiamo imparato prima, è piuttosto chiaro:

  • Se ti servono giusto uno o due siti web, prendi lo Starter o il Pro, rispettivamente; un aggiornamento a Business 1 potrebbe essere necessario solo se pensi che il tuo sito web abbia più pagine dinamiche che statiche e potrebbe beneficiare di più di due PHP worker.
  • Se crei siti web per professione o lavori in un’azienda che ha diverse proprietà web separate, scegli uno dei piani Business a seconda di quante installazioni di WordPress hai bisogno al momento.
  • E infine, se fai parte di un team di web development o di una grossa compagnia che gestisce centinaia di siti (ad esempio blog generati dagli utenti), i piani Enterprise sono la scelta più logica.

C’è qualcos’altro che vorresti sapere su Kinsta? O forse vorresti condividere la tua esperienza personale con questo hosting provider? Unisciti alla discussione nella sezione dei commenti sottostante: aiutiamoci l’un l’altro a fare scelte informate!

The Ultimate Review 2024: Overrated Braggarts or Best WordPress Hosting?

Given that WordPress powers more than 30% of the Internet, today only the laziest hosting providers are not offering some variant of a specialized WP offer.

However, several brands exist in a league of their own – professional grade solutions focused exclusively on WordPress, with premium features and premium pricing.

Kinsta is one of these high-end hosts – and in this detailed review we’ll find out whether it’s worthy of being called the best managed WordPress platform 👑

Verdict summary: Kinsta is clearly for those who aren’t ready to compromise on quality and security – this host focuses on best-in-class solutions and offers unparalleled customer support regardless of the plan you choose.

Features: what do you get? Read more
Performance: is it fast and reliable? Details
Pricing: is it value for money? Find out
Support: is it helpful? See discussion

First, let’s look at how Kinsta is different from other hosting providers – meaning both its direct competitors in the premium segment and the wider group of companies offering managed WP hosting:

Unique Kinsta Features

You might have already noticed that it’s not so easy to distinguish between specialized WordPress hosts – every single one of them seems to claim they’re the fastest and most reliable provider. So how do you make an objective choice?!

We’re not going to overload your brain by simply listing all Kinsta features – instead, here are the ones that truly set it apart from its alternatives:

  • 28 data centers around the world ensure that your website is always as close as possible to your visitors – yes, physical distance can make a big difference when it comes to milliseconds of site loading time ⚡
  • Location of Kinsta's data centers

  • C2 optimized virtual machines on all plans offer maximum performance for even the most demanding websites; head over to the infrastructure section of the review to learn more about what that means!
  • Cloudflare integration provides an additional layer of security, protecting from attacks, bots, and other malicious actors; you can of course connect Cloudflare to any hosting (at no cost on their free plan), but Kinsta offers Cloudflare Enterprise features to every client, which is a bit more expensive to obtain separately
  • Application performance monitoring tool (Kinsta APM) is a free system included in all Kinsta plans which visualizes the inner workings of your website to pinpoint any potential problems and areas for improvement
  • Six types of backups are available for all Kinsta clients – including manual as well as automatic, and with frequency ranging from daily (default) to hourly (for an additional fee)
  • DevKinsta developer environment is an in-house tool built by the Kinsta team to support agencies and freelancers of all experience levels, simplifying local development, deployment, and project hand-offs.

As you’ve probably noticed, all of the above are related to speed, uptime, and security – which makes sense because this is what makes a good hosting, after all. Let’s dive deeper and see how these features come together in Kinsta’s platform offer:

Infrastructure and Performance

Before we proceed, there’s one thing that should be made clear about Kinsta in order to understand how it really works:

– Kinsta is focused exclusively on managed WordPress hosting, which means:

a) it doesn’t offer a portfolio of different types of hosting (shared, dedicated, VPS…) like most competitors, but rather several variants of the same setup with different available resources,

b) Kinsta’s product is not a simple WordPress install, but a powerful and flexible virtual server which happens to be particularly suitable for running WordPress (because it’s the most popular site engine in the world).

By the way, at this point we should probably spell it out just in case:

Managed WordPress implies a hosting service that is explicitly optimized for WP and takes care of all management and maintenance tasks like security, software updates, and backups.

With all that in mind, let’s take a peek under the hood – here’s a helpful diagram we made for the occasion:

Kinsta's infrastructure

First and foremost: similarly to other managed WordPress hosts, Kinsta doesn’t actually own any hardware – all physical infrastructure behind its services is based on Google Cloud,

…and not just any random cloud – only the most advanced stuff available, called C2 (compute-optimized virtual machines) that combine cutting-edge hardware with the latest software for maximum performance.

Now here comes the slightly more complicated part:

Kinsta divides the virtual servers (which are themselves abstractions on top of physical servers) into LXD containers, with each WordPress website running on its own software bundle inside such container.

In other words, client websites are hosted in independent, secure, scalable compartments that have access to substantial resources (12 CPUs and 8 Gb of RAM each, to be precise) on the best computing infrastructure Google has to offer.

Speed up your website with Kinsta

Alright, so how does all this technological goodness affect your website’s performance? Here are the most important considerations:

  • Recently updated and dynamically generated pages (such as shopping carts) are especially fast thanks to top-quality C2 servers 🏅 on Google Cloud,
  • Plenty of computing power and WordPress-optimized software 🚀 ensure that any request to the server (i.e. site load) is processed in an eyeblink,
  • Cloudflare CDN adds another layer of infrastructure, caching your site’s pages on hundreds of local nodes 🌎 and delivering them to each visitor from the closest location (even in the rare case when the origin server is not responding at the moment), maximizing speed and reliability.

In addition, the Application Performance Monitoring we mentioned earlier helps keep an eye on the potential inefficiencies and breaking points –

Kinsta's apm

This and other tools are built right into Kinsta’s control panel, free of charge with any pricing plan – another (often overlooked) fact that distinguishes it from other hosting providers. Speaking of prices…

Kinsta Plans and Pricing

Remember we said earlier that Kinsta essentially offers a single hosting product with varying resources?

To make things even easier, the 10 (!) available pricing plans can be divided into just three categories, depending on the intended user:

Intended users Individual or small company Freelancer or medium company Agency or large company
Kinsta plans Starter; Pro Business 1..4 Enterprise 1..4
WordPress sites 1-2 5-40 60-150
Monthly visits 25-50 thousand 100-600 thousand 1-3 million
PHP workers/site 2 4-6 8-16
Backup history 14 days Up to 20 days Up to 30 days

Ah, much better now; one row from the table above might require additional explanation, though: PHP workers 🧑‍🔧 are individual processes that generate your website’s pages for the visitors, so the more your website relies on dynamically generated pages (e.g. large stores and online communities), the more PHP workers you’ll need per site for it to run smoothly.

Three more things worth remembering about Kinsta’s pricing policies:

  • Yearly billing cycles are 16% cheaper than paying month by month, and you can switch between annual and monthly at any time.
  • There are resource constraints on each plan, namely site visits, disk space, and CDN use – and anything over the allotted monthly limit is billed separately.
  • Every customer is eligible for a full refund within 30 days of their initial purchase, and a partial refund after that (for unused portion of their subscription); extra resources mentioned earlier are non-refundable.

Cancellations and refunds are quite straightforward – the Kinsta control panel lets you close your account in one click; no need to contact support or look for an “accidentally” well-hidden button.

Try Kinsta risk-free for 30 days

To objectively compare Kinsta pricing to other managed WP hosting providers, one should take into account both the quality of infrastructure as well as unique features (e.g. the APM tool) – and let’s not forget the intangible things:

Support and Migrations

It’s easy to dismiss customer support as a key value proposition – either because it’s not that easy to measure and hence compare its quality, or simply because you don’t think about it too much until you face a real problem 🔥

Website hosting is a long-term affair, though – so when it comes to support, it’s just a question of “when”, not “if” you’ll need it…

…and when that moment comes, you’ll want customer support to be responsive, efficient, and patient – which is exactly what Kinsta offers.

The service team seems to be adequately staffed relative to the volume of incoming requests, and consists largely of developers; this allows Kinsta to ensure a level of quality that consistently wins accolades and tops industry rankings:

  • Kinsta prides itself on the single-tier support philosophy, which means that every customer care specialist is capable of resolving an issue without bouncing your request between several representatives.
  • All clients have access to 24/7/365 support chat in English; on workdays you can also get support in several other languages.
  • Existing clients can get help right inside the Kinsta control panel, while future clients can look for the chat button in the bottom right corner of the official home page.
  • The average response time is reported to be about 1.5 minutes, which seems to coincide with what we’ve experienced in our service tests.

In addition to live chat, you can ask a question via the official contact form and get a reply within ~1 business day; there is also an option to speak to the support team over the phone if you are located in the United States (or don’t mind international calls).

Another important feature that is provided by humans is 🧳 migration: moving an existing site from another hosting provider. By now you won’t be surprised to hear that Kinsta makes it as easy as filling a short form:

Kinsta migration

There are unlimited basic migrations and a certain number of premium migrations included with every Kinsta plan – the latter is meant for complex WordPress sites like e-commerce and online communities.

Clients can choose from 3 options: give Kinsta access to their previous hosting control panel (essentially a valet service), provide a backup file – or use a plugin to do everything by hand.

Either way, as a result your website benefits from being hosted on one of the top platforms that exist today –

Pros and Cons of Kinsta

Before we move on to the verdict, let’s summarize everything we’ve learned about Kinsta in one place:

  • All Kinsta websites are hosted on the most advanced hardware on Google Cloud for maximum speed and best performance under heavy load.
  • Server software is optimized for WordPress through and through, and updates to the latest versions of all components are handled by the Kinsta team (that’s why it’s called managed WP).
  • Enterprise-level Cloudflare integration is available on all plans to ensure security and reliability for your business-critical websites.
  • Every account includes unique powerful tools like the Application Performance Monitoring system and DevKinsta local development environment, and of course the myKinsta control panel itself.
  • Six types of backups, including manual and automatic ones, ensure that no data is ever lost and your website is quickly recoverable in case of an accident or a deliberate attack.
  • Each customer, regardless of the plan, has equal access to Kinsta’s award-winning support team of engineers who can help solve any issue at any time of day and night.
  • Instead of fixed computing resources there are usage limits on every plan, which means that you might end up paying extra for things like visitor numbers, disk space, and CDN traffic.
  • Speaking of limits, the only option to add more PHP workers per site is to upgrade to the next pricing tier, which doesn’t always make sense in terms of other parameters.
  • Right now, Kinsta doesn’t offer domain names, which means you will need to register a domain at a third-party provider and connect it to your Kinsta website (if you strongly prefer having both domains and websites under one roof, check out e.g. SiteGround instead).

Alright, it’s time to wrap up!

Verdict: Should You Use Kinsta?

It’s probably clear by now that Kinsta is NOT for those who see no difference between various hosting options and focus solely on minimizing their yearly payments.

And that’s totally fine, because not all web projects are, frankly, suitable for a top hosting provider – it makes little sense to pay a premium in case your company’s website exists only because it’s “kind of weird in 2024 not to have one”.

What does it make sense to host on Kinsta?

The keyword here is business-critical: any website that significantly affects your business (or that is your business), such as company sites 📈 with significant traffic; publishers 📰 like magazines and popular blogs; educational establishments 🎓 and online learning platforms; and of course, 💳 e-commerce.

If you are an agency or a solo developer, Kinsta is an absolute pleasure to work with; the only exception is if you’re positioning yourself in the low-cost segment, e.g. working on Fiverr.

Start your web project on Kinsta

…Alright, suppose you’ve decided you do want to choose Kinsta over any other hosting provider – which pricing plan do you use?

After what we’ve learned earlier, it’s quite straightforward:

  • If you need just one or two websites, go for Starter or Pro, respectively; an upgrade to Business 1 might be needed only if you feel like your website has more dynamic pages than static ones and could use >2 PHP workers.
  • If you make websites for a living or work for a company which has several separate web properties, choose one of the Business plans, according to how many WordPress installs you need right now.
  • And finally, if you are a part of a web development team or a big company which manages hundreds of websites (e.g. user-generated blogs), the Enterprise plans are a logical choice.

Is there anything else you’d like to learn about Kinsta? Or maybe share a personal experience with this hosting provider? Join the discussion in the comments section below – let’s help each other make informed choices!

De Ultieme Review: hebben de 30 miljoen mensen die in 2024 hiervoor kiezen gelijk?

Hostinger is tegenwoordig een van de meest betaalbare opties onder de hostingreuzen. Maar ‘groot en goedkoop’ betekent niet per se het beste –

Titanic was ook groot en sommige tickets waren redelijk betaalbaar…

Dus in plaats van algemeenheden, zullen we in deze diepgaande review feiten en gegevens analyseren om erachter te komen of Hostinger je geld waard is.

Samenvatting van het vonnis: de belangrijkste voordelen van Hostinger zijn eenvoud en lage kosten, waardoor het een uitstekende keuze is voor kleine en middelgrote webprojecten. Zowel ontwikkelaars als website-eigenaren hebben de mogelijkheid om een geschikte optie te vinden in het aanbod van Hostinger.
Prijs: krijg je waar voor je geld? Lees verder
Servers: hoe snel/betrouwbaar zijn ze? Zie data
Functies: wat krijg je als klant? Details
Klantondersteuning: is het beschikbaar en helpen ze echt? Ontdek het

Trouwens, toen Hostinger aan het beslissen was over hun merknaam, voorzagen ze waarschijnlijk niet de vele verschillende manieren waarop deze verkeerd gespeld kon worden.

Dus als je hier bent vanwege het zoeken naar hostenger of hosinger of zelfs hostiger – dit is precies hetzelfde bedrijf als waar we het hier over hebben :)

Hoe groot is Hostinger?

Om je een idee te geven van hoe groot Hostinger is, volgen hier enkele cijfers: het bedrijf heeft momenteel meer dan 30 miljoen klanten in meer dan 170 landen (dit is bijna in elk land ter wereld!).

En er zijn geen tekenen van vertraging – volgens hun gegevens breidt Hostinger nog steeds uit met een snelheid van 1 cliënt per 5 seconden.

Wat is Hostinger?

Zoals je zou verwachten, is Hostinger echter niet altijd de internationale speler geweest die het vandaag is. Hostinger ontstond in 2004 uit één filosofie:

Mensen willen niet betalen voor marketing alleen voor de hosting: eenvoudig, betrouwbaar en zo goedkoop mogelijk.

Dit principe blijft na vele jaren nog steeds de kern van Hostinger, namelijk hoogwaardige dienstverlening tegen een zo laag mogelijke prijs.

Laten we het aanbod eens bekijken:

Het juiste Hostinger pakket kiezen

Als grote internationale provider biedt Hostinger voor bijna alle privé- en zakelijke behoeften verschillende oplossingen aan.

Shared hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress, VPS – met al die termen kan het snel erg verwarrend worden! 🤯

Geen paniek, hier is een eenvoudige gids:

  1. Verwacht je meer dan 10.000 bezoekers/maand op je website? Als je antwoord “NEE” is (of “IK HEB GEEN IDEE”), ga dan voor shared hosting!

    We raden het Premium pakket aan omdat je er een gratis domeinnaam bij krijgt, maar als je er al een hebt is het Single pakket prima!

    Als je ‘JA’ hebt geantwoord, met andere woorden, als je een website met veel bezoekers bouwt, ga dan verder met de volgende vraag:

  2. Heb je zakelijk een sterk geoptimaliseerde WordPress website nodig? Als je antwoord “JA” is, overweeg dan het WordPress hosting plan van Hostinger.

    Als je op zoek bent naar iets geavanceerder en flexibeler (je hebt bijvoorbeeld “NEE” geantwoord), bekijk dan de volgende stap:

  3. Heb je een professionele server nodig met dedicated resources? Als je “JA” hebt geantwoord, dan zal de Virtual Private Server, ook wel VPS hosting genoemd aan je behoeften voldoen.

    Houdt er rekening mee dat VPS hosting gespecialiseerde kennis vereist – als je dus niet bekend bent met server-instellingen, probeer dan één van de voorgaande opties!

    VPS hosting biedt de beste prijs-kwaliteitsverhouding voor de kleinere professionele projecten 👓 – er is dus een beter product als je iets groters wilt bouwen:

  4. Tot slot, als je een uitbreidbare oplossing nodig hebt voor een groot project, dan moet je zeker voor cloud hosting gaan –

    Dit is de meest flexibele optie waarmee je direct resources kunt toevoegen en waarmee je de meeste uptime voor je site of webapp kunt garanderen.

…Maar waarom zou ik überhaupt voor Hostinger kiezen? Ok, goed, je let nog steeds op! Om deze vraag te beantwoorden, hebben we meer gegevens nodig:

– in de volgende delen van deze review zullen we de technische kenmerken van Hostinger 🤓 analyseren, evenals onze eigen ervaringen tijdens het gebruik van deze provider.

Laten we beginnen!

Uptime en snelheid van Hostinger: hoe betrouwbaar is deze provider?

Naast de functies en prijs is er een ander uiterst belangrijk criterium bij het kiezen van een hosting, dat is de stabiliteit – met andere woorden, de uptime en snelheid van de server.

Om de uptime te meten, met andere woorden het deel van de tijd dat de servers van Hostinger actief zijn, kunnen we kijken naar zowel zelfgerapporteerde cijfers als cijfers van derden.

De eerste zijn gratis beschikbaar op hun servermonitorpagina. Het bevat dagelijkse, wekelijkse en maandelijkse statistieken voor alle 150+ Hostinger’s servers, wat er ongeveer zo uitziet:

Hostinger uptime

Onderaan de tabel vind je de gecombineerde cijfers voor alle servers, daar zijn we vooral in geïnteresseerd:

Kijk naar het gemiddelde over 30 dagen om een idee te krijgen hoeveel tijd je website naar verwachting binnen een bepaalde maand offline zal zijn.

Vanaf May2024 ligt dit cijfer bijna op 99,9% – wat betekent dat een gehoste website slechts ongeveer 42 minuten downtime per maand zou moeten ervaren, wat een redelijk normaal resultaat is voor de meeste moderne hostingproviders.

Dit komt ook overeen met het cijfer van 99,908% , wat onafhankelijk door Hrank gemeten is en valt ook binnen de grenzen van de Service Uptime-garantie van Hostinger – die precies 99,9% is volgens sectie 7 van hun Hostingovereenkomst.


Hoe zit het met de snelheid? Dit is een beetje lastiger, omdat het van veel verschillende factoren kan afhangen, niet alleen van de hardware van de hostingprovider.

De laadtijd van een webpagina is sterk afhankelijk van zaken als de totale grootte van afbeeldingen op de pagina, het aantal actieve WordPress-plug-ins en andere details die geen verband houden met de hosting.

Het is dus logisch om alleen de responstijd te beschouwen – dit is de gemiddelde tijd (in milliseconden) die een server nodig heeft om te reageren op een inkomend verbindingsverzoek (dwz iemand die probeert toegang te krijgen tot een website op die server).

Volgens de gegevens van de onafhankelijke Hrank-bots, schommelt de gemiddelde responstijd van Hostinger rond de 800 ms:

Hostinger uptime Hostinger’s gemiddelde reactietijd zoals gemeten door Hrank (lager is beter)[/ caption]

In feite is te zien dat de gemiddelde responstijd van Hostinger de afgelopen jaren is afgenomen (=snellere websites), mede dankzij infrastructuurupgrades.

Alles onder de eerste responstijd van 1000 ms is een goed resultaat voor een shared hostingprovider en Hostinger doet het beter dan de meeste andere grote internationale providers.

Oké, nu we naar de feiten hebben gekeken, gaan we van cijfers naar onze persoonlijke ervaring:

Onze ervaring met het gebruik van Hostinger

Zoals we eerder hebben besproken, biedt Hostinger een verscheidenheid aan services aan voor zowel beginners als professionals.

Voor deze review gaan we shared hosting nader bekijken, aangezien dit verreweg het populairste Hostinger-product is.

Zoals gewoonlijk is de eerste stap het kopen van een pakket.

Wanneer je je bestelling voltooid, krijg je toegang tot het hosting admin paneel – dit is de plaats waar je je hosting account gaat beheren:

Hostinger biedt de gebruiker een aangepast admin-paneel, gebouwd door de interne ontwikkelaars van het bedrijf. Naar onze mening is deze redelijk gebruiksvriendelijk en gemakkelijk te navigeren, zelfs in vergelijking met veelgebruikte alternatieven zoals cPanel of Plesk.

Alles wat je nodig hebt, wordt weergegeven door tegels met afbeeldingen en netjes in groepen georganiseerd om je te helpen de diensten sneller te vinden. Je kunt ook de zoekbalk bovenaan gebruiken om makkelijker toegang te krijgen tot de gewenste items.

Om een website te maken, kun je de Auto Installer gebruiken om een inhoudbeheersysteem zoals WordPress op te zetten – of de websitebouwer Zyro met drag-and-drop van Hostinger zelf gebruiken.

Beide opties zijn toegankelijk via het Website gedeelte van het hosting admin-paneel

Overigens is Zyro websitebouwer een interessant voorbeeld van hoe een slecht product een succesvolle comeback kan maken.

Toen we Hostinger voor het eerst in 2017 beoordeelden, was Zyro een puinhoop – het zag eruit als een kruising tussen een vroegtijdig uitgebracht startup-idee en een afgedankt topproduct.

Dit was een tijdje het geval, maar begin 2020 kreeg Zyro een complete revisie:

Hostinger Zyro

Nu lijkt het meer op een moderne sitebouwer 😎 De keuze aan sjablonen is nog steeds vrij beperkt, maar de ontwerpen zien er nu in ieder geval netter en up-to-date uit.

Naast verbeterde visuals en een verzameling van meer dan 1 miljoen afbeeldingen, biedt Zyro nu een aantal intrigerende producten op basis van kunstmatige intelligentie:

  • AI Writer, een automatisch systeem dat je om een onderwerp vraagt om vervolgens meerdere paragrafen met (zeer menselijk klinkende) tekst over dat onderwerp produceert. Het is nog steeds niet perfect, maar het kan een grote hulp zijn om je writer’s block te doorbreken.
  • AI Heatmap Tool, die je webpagina’s analyseert vanuit het oogpunt van de bezoekers en je vertelt waar je de belangrijkste elementen van je pagina moet plaatsen, zoals call-to-action-knoppen.

Het lijkt wel magie!

Over het algemeen kunnen we de nieuwe versie van Zyro aanbevelen aan iedereen die een eenvoudige website wil maken die uit een of meerdere statische pagina’s bestaat. Voor degenen die meer flexibiliteit en meer functies nodig hebben, is WordPress nog steeds de beste keuze.

Hostinger klantenondersteuning

Als je al klant bent, kunt je het Hostinger-team 24/7 om hulp vragen via de live-chat die zich in de rechterbenedenhoek van het hosting admin-paneel bevindt.

Om de kwaliteit van de klantenondersteuning te testen, hebben we hen vragen gesteld via de chat: hun responstijd was supersnel (meestal slechts enkele seconden) en de Hostinger-vertegenwoordiger was altijd vriendelijk, beleefd en behulpzaam.

Er werden grappige kattenfoto’s gebruikt om ons humeur op te vrolijken terwijl we aan het wachtten waren tot ze het antwoord typten 🐈

Naast de live-chat is er een gratis kennisbank met nuttige artikelen over alle Hostinger-producten en -diensten. Je kunt het vinden door op de “Help” link in het bovenste menu van het hosting admin-paneel te klikken.

Het bevat ook een lijst met de meest gestelde vragen – de kans is groot dat je je probleem daar al mee kunt oplossen.

…Wat als je geen klant bent?

In dat geval kun je een bericht sturen naar het Hostinger-team via het contactformulier op hun website.

Het zal natuurlijk niet zo snel zijn als de live-chat, maar je vraag zal waarschijnlijk ook niet zo urgent zijn :) in ieder geval krijg je binnen een paar uur je antwoord; de langste reactietijd in onze tests was 7 uur.

Wist je trouwens dat je ons ook vragen kunt stellen over Hostinger? Bekijk het formulier onderaan de tekst!

Over het algemeen is Hostinger erin geslaagd om onze verwachtingen te overtreffen ivm de kwaliteit van de ondersteuning. We hebben veel erger gezien, zelfs van concurrerende bedrijven met hogere prijzen.

30 dagen geld-terug-garantie en annulering van een Hostinger-account

Als je op de officiële startpagina van Hostinger helemaal naar beneden scrolt, zie je een verklaring waarin je je geld terug kunt vragen gedurende de eerste maand (30 dagen, om precies te zijn) nadat je de betaling hebt uitgevoerd.

Hoewel een geld-terug-garantie een prijzenswaardige functie is voor elke zichzelf respecterende hosting provider, is het de moeite waard om je op een aantal kleine lettertjes te wijzen – zorg ervoor dat je op de hoogte bent van de gevolgen voor het aanvragen van deze terugbetaling:

  • Nieuwe domeinnaamregistraties kunnen alleen binnen 4 dagen (96 uur) na voltooiing van de aankooptransactie worden geannuleerd. De meeste andere grote hostingproviders bieden helemaal geen restitutie voor nieuwe domeinnamen.
  • Gezien het vorige punt is er nog steeds een lange lijst met domeinnamen die geen restitutie ondersteunen; dit zijn bijna alle landspecifieke en regionale extensies, evenals enkele generieke extensies zoals .mobi en .info.
  • Enkele andere items die niet meetellen voor de 30 dagen geld-terug-garantie zijn domeinverlengingen, privacybeschermingspakketten en SEO-toolkits.
  • Ten slotte kunt je geen enkele aankoop terug laten betalen die is gedaan met cryptocurrencies (ja, Hostinger staat het betalen van je bestellingen toe met Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin en een heleboel andere populaire munten).

Oké, wat als je besluit je account na de 30 dagen te annuleren? – je hebt bijvoorbeeld geen hosting meer nodig omdat je het bijbehorende webproject hebt stopgezet.

Je kunt eenvoudig je hosting pakketen en domeinen deactiveren via jehosting admin-paneel, zoek gewoon naar het item “Account deactiveren” met het grote rode stopteken:

Interessant genoeg, hoewel individuele services gemakkelijk geannuleerd en verwijderd kunnen worden, biedt Hostinger geen eenvoudige manier om iemands persoonlijke account bij het bedrijf volledig te verwijderen (onder vermelding van “veiligheidsredenen”).

Hoewel dit geen echte problemen zou moeten opleveren als je eenmaal alle services in dat account hebt gedeactiveerd (er worden zeker geen kosten meer in rekening gebracht), is er voor degenen die graag zelf alles willen verwijderen, een optie die kan werken: vraag gewoon Hostinger-ondersteuning om het account te verwijderen.

Als je je in de Europese Unie bevindt, kun je zelfs woorden als GDPR gebruiken om er zeker van te zijn dat aan je verzoek voldaan wordt; woon je in een andere regio dan zul je meer op de goede wil van het bedrijf moeten vertrouwen.

Wat wil men op het internet nog meer weten over Hostinger?

Voordat we verder gaan met het samenvatten van de sterke en zwakke punten van Hostinger, dit is een verzameling van de meest voorkomende vragen die we op internet en in de berichten op onze website hebben gezien:

Is Hostinger echt gratis? Nou, niet meer… Wat bedoelen we met “niet meer”? Leuk feitje – het was vroeger gratis als onderdeel van de eerste pogingen om snel de verschillende internationale markten te veroveren – maar tegenwoordig is het een betaalde hosting, maar wel een met de focus op een echt goedkope strategie.

Is Hostinger goed voor WordPress? Absoluut. We kunnen het met gemak de beste prijs-kwaliteitsopties noemen voor je zelf gehoste WordPress-website (bekijk onze ranglijst van de beste “goedkoopste” hosts die er zijn).

Is Hostinger betrouwbaar? Kort antwoord – ja, zonder twijfel. Uitgebreid antwoord – voor een retail hosting oplossing die een fractie kost van wat andere grote providers je in rekening zouden brengen, is Hostinger verrassend goed uitgerust om onderbrekingsvrije hosting te leveren met de krachtige ingebouwde beveiligingsfuncties.

Voor en nadelen van Hostinger

Nu we de producten en diensten van Hostinger hebben onderzocht, evenals de klantenondersteuning, laten we de voor en nadelen even samenvatten. We proberen zo objectief mogelijk te zijn:

  • Geweldige prijs-kwaliteitsverhouding: zeer concurrerende prijzen voor alle hostingpakketten – zoals Hostinger het zelf zegt, “je betaalt alleen voor de hosting, niet voor de marketing”
  • Flexibele aanbiedingen voor elk type klant – van particulieren en kleine bedrijven (shared hosting) tot grote bedrijven en professionele programmeurs (VPS en cloud)
  • 99,9% uptime-garantie -Hostinger belooft in feite dat je website altijd online beschikbaar zal zijn. Het cijfer vertaalt zich in een maximum van 44 minuten downtime per maand, wat in de praktijk zo goed als 0 minuten downtime is volgens onze tests.
  • Je kunt een gratis domeinnaam krijgen bij je hostingaankoop als je kiest voor een pakket van ten minste 12 maanden
  • Je kunt tussen het populaire hosting-dashboards zoals cPanel kiezen of de eigen oplossing van Hostinger gebruiken (wat ook geen slechte optie is)
  • WordPress en andere populaire site-engines kunnen met slechts enkele klikken worden geïnstalleerd met behulp van de Auto Installer-functie vanuit het hosting admin-paneel
  • De websitebouwer van Hostinger, Zyro genaamd, is in 2020 volledig vernieuwd en is nu prettig in gebruik
  • Grote kennisbank met educatieve bronnen over het gebruik van de producten van Hostinger, gratis beschikbaar voor alle klanten
  • Eersteklas ondersteuning van een vriendelijk, snel en behulpzaam team dat altijd (24/7) klaar staat om je problemen op te lossen
  • Degelijk maar zeker geen bijzonder uptime gemiddelde en server reactiesnelheid
  • Relatief beperkte keuze aan sjablonen in hun Zyro websitebouwer
  • Geen mogelijkheid voor telefonische ondersteuning – je moet in plaats daarvan gebruik maken van de live-chat, e-mail of het contactformulier

Voordat we deze review afronden met een conclusie en een oordeel (zou je Hostinger moeten gebruiken?), hebben we hier een stapsgewijze gids om een extra korting op je Hostinger-aankoop te krijgen:

Bonus: Hostinger-promotiecode

We zeggen niet dat je per se Hostinger moet kiezen – maar als je voor deze provider besluit te gaan, is het toch fijn om nog meer op je bestelling te besparen?

Daarom geven we je graag een handige handleiding om extra korting te krijgen bij Hostinger met behulp van een kortingscode:

(aangezien we eerder al hebben geconcludeerd dat het Premium-pakket van 12 maanden in de meeste gevallen de beste keuze is, zullen we het als voorbeeld gebruiken)

  1. Bezoek de officiële Hostinger-website door op de onderstaande knop te klikken (de website wordt automatisch in een nieuw venster geopend):

    Ontvang de beste deal bij Hostinger ›

  2. Klik onder Premium Webhosting (dwz de middelste optie) op de grote rode knop “Toevoegen”. Dit brengt je naar de configuratiepagina.
  3. Kies het pakket van 12 maanden door er op te klikken (dit is het goedkoopste abonnement waarbij je een gratis domeinnaam krijgt, het is niet de moeite waard om het abonnement voor 1 maand te kiezen).
  4. Op dit punt is dit hoe je configuratiepagina eruit zou moeten zien:


  5. Kijk nu onderaan de pagina en zoek de tekst “Heb je een kortingscode?”, Direct onder het totale orderbedrag. Als je op de link klikt, komt er een nieuw veld zichtbaar. Typ de volgende code:

  6. Nadat je de code hebt ingevoerd, klik je op het plus pictogram aan de rechterkant (deze moet paars van kleur worden). Je ziet een bericht dat de kortingscode met succes is toegepast en de korting verschijnt in je bestelling!
  7. Gefeliciteerd! Je hebt zojuist wat extra geld bespaard op je Hostinger aankoop, waardoor de uiteindelijke prijs nog aantrekkelijker is geworden.

Als de bovenstaande promotiecode in jou geval niet werkt, laat het ons dan weten in een bericht onderaan de pagina – we zullen het onderzoeken en ons best doen om ervoor te zorgen dat je een werkende code ontvangt.

Eindoordeel: is Hostinger je geld waard?

Met bovenstaande informatie in gedachten, zou je Hostinger gebruiken voor je volgende webproject?

Als het op hosting aankomt, is dit het merk van “waar voor je geld” krijgen: je betaalt een redelijke prijs voor wat je krijgt en wat je krijgt is functioneel, praktisch en gebruiksvriendelijk. Hostinger… werkt gewoon ⚡

Maak een website op Hostigner ›

Voor degenen die besluiten om Hostinger te proberen: vergeet niet onze handige handleiding te bekijken om extra te besparen op je eerste bestelling.


Heb je nog steeds vragen over de servers, pakketten, ondersteuning, enz.? Of misschien maak je al gebruik van Hostinger en wil je je ervaring delen?

Neem in ieder geval deel aan de discussie hieronder, laten we elkaar helpen om een weloverwogen beslissing te nemen!

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Warpgate Review 2024: Reimagining Hosting, or Just Showing Off?

Most digital services nowadays offer either a free version or a trial period, allowing to actually use the product for a while before deciding whether it’s right for you.

One of the very few exceptions? 🛑 Web hosting.

Not only are there no test versions (i.e. you always pay up-front) – even buying the service is notoriously difficult and time-consuming!

Not to mention the various tricks and dark patterns hosting companies use to lure you in, like conspicuously “promo” prices which later increase dramatically, often x2 or x3-fold.

Apparently, hosting users are not the only ones who are frustrated with these trends – a curious company called Warpgate seems set on re-inventing what it means to be a web host in 2024.

But do they deliver?

In other words, is it actually worth your time and money?

In this detailed review, we will examine Warpgate from all angles and answer the most important questions about this hosting provider:

  • 🌀What is Warpgate and how does it work?
  • 🦄Is there anything special about this host?
  • 💳Is it really cheaper than other providers?
  • 🚀Who should use Warpgate and who shouldn’t?

We’ll start by looking at the “non-standard” features and ideas implemented by the service, as well as the philosophy behind it all:

What’s Unique About Warpgate?

Warpgate calls itself a “human- and planet-friendly hosting”. Rather ambitious, yes! What can they offer to back this up?

Here are some of the things about Warpgate that are hard to find in the web hosting industry:

  • A novel onboarding experience which focuses on speed and simplicity: you can create a WordPress website in 15 seconds and start working on it straight away – because…
  • Warpgate is free for the first 30 days, and requires no card details to complete the set-up of your staging website.
  • After the free month is over, you are offered flat, predictable pricing with no hidden fees or subsequent price hikes.
  • Apart from the functionality, it’s refreshing to see a company paying as much attention to social responsibility: Warpgate keep their operations carbon-neutral – while also supporting non-profit causes such as child education and the fight against COVID.

The last item is always a good idea, if you ask us…

But as for the other three, we’ll need a closer look to form an objective opinion. Let’s start with creating your own website on Warpgate:

The Onboarding Experience

While Warpgate is still technically a web host (a managed-WordPress host, to be specific), the process of creating a new website here looks more like a site builder – maximum simplicity, no upfront commitments ⚡

  1. In order to get started, you’ll need to input the desired subdomain and your email address in the form on the official homepage:

    Set up your website with Warpgate ›

  2. After you click the big purple “warp in!” button, you’ll get an email with the activation link (check the spam if you haven’t got anything in your mailbox). Click on the link and enjoy 10-15 seconds of nerdy status updates:

    Warpgate activation

  3. When the new WordPress site is ready (~ quarter of a minute), you will see the link to your new staging (i.e. temporary) address, which will look like Click on the link and complete the standard WP install routines – and you’re done!

Once inside your new WordPress admin, you will find a welcome screen to guide you through the first couple of steps as you set up your website and explore the available features:

Warpgate welcome screen

This WordPress introduction was custom-made by the Warpgate team, and is a serious improvement over the (rather drab) standard WP screen shown below:

WordPress standard welcome

Have you noticed the “Warpgate” item in the left-hand-side admin menu? That’s the hosting panel! And yes, it is a conscious decision –

Warpgate got rid of the complicated hosting admin environment and incorporated their own, greatly simplified and streamlined version right inside your WordPress admin.

For the sake of visual comparison, this is how standard, old-school hosting dashboards like cPanel look:

Typical cPanel

(this isn’t even half of the panel!)

…and this is how Warpgate’s built-in hosting control center looks for an activated account (you’ll see a domain search tool in a staging website’s panel):

Warpgate control panel

There are many more options, settings, and features in a cPanel dashboard – but the growing popularity of hosts like Warpgate makes you wonder:

…how often do most hosting users really need any of them? (if at all)

And yes, full-time developers do tend to need more nooks and crannies for managing large websites; however, in such cases a professional-grade cloud platform like Amazon AWS is a much more natural choice.

Large retail hosts of the yesteryear, like GoDaddy or Bluehost, are geared towards smaller websites that are often managed by beginner webmasters – but they are still using those huge, incomprehensible hosting panels you saw above.

“Most ordinary people don’t ever use 99% of the hosting panel items, so why keep the clutter?” – ask the creators of Warpgate.

Following through on this minimalist idea, Warpgate declutters the hosting admin experience – but that’s not the entire story. The pricing is also suitably ascetic:

How Much Does Warpgate Cost?

Well, it probably couldn’t get any simpler: Warpgate offers a single hosting plan with monthly ($3 per month) and yearly ($30 per year) billing options.

This includes a free domain name and automatic SSL certificates for added security, which are often charged separately by hosting providers.

The most important difference, though, is the fact that the prices do not change after your first billing period:

You pay the same $3 per month or $30 per year for as long as your Warpgate account is active – no hikes, no hidden fees.

This interactive table on Warpgate’s website really brings home the long-term price advantages vis-à-vis popular classic hosting services:

Warpgate vs other providers

While certain classic hosts do offer ~$2/month prices on some occasions like Black Friday, you will inevitably see your invoice increase by 200-300% after the first billing cycle.

Not on Warpgate, though 💵

It’s up to everyone to decide whether they still prefer paying a bit less initially and then being charged several times more indefinitely – but a promise of a clear, transparent, fixed payment schedule is sure to find its own admirers.

Pros and Cons of Warpgate

Let’s sum up what we’ve learned about this hosting provider by listing all the strong and not-so-strong points:

  • Creating a new website at Warpgate takes less than a minute and requires only a valid email address to activate.
  • Warpgate is free of charge for the first 30 days, without requiring you to leave your card details.
  • You get a fully managed WordPress website with automatic core updates and a custom-made welcome screen for easier onboarding.
  • The hosting management dashboard avoids the clutter of traditional panels, and is located right inside the WordPress admin.
  • All sites are located on SSD-only servers optimized for WordPress, which results in top-notch loading speed.
  • You get a free domain with every subscription, and it doesn’t accrue any hidden charges after your first billing period, unlike with most other hosts.
  • The pricing structure is simple and transparent, without any hidden fees or subsequent price hikes.
  • Warpgate’s support team leaves a positive impression, all replies we got were friendly and to the point.
  • The company actively pursues social causes, including being carbon-neutral, contributing to charity, and hosting non-profits for free.
  • Warpgate offers exclusively WordPress websites (fully-managed), so there’s no possibility to install other CMS like Joomla, Drupal, or Ghost.
  • The range of features is more basic compared to large hosts like GoDaddy or Bluehost, following Warpgate’s “no-distractions” approach.
  • Support is only available by email, there’s no phone or live-chat; expect to get replies within 1-2 days from your initial message.

So, is Warpgate worth using, and if yes – who should use it? Summing up below:

Our Verdict: Is Warpgate Worth It?

There are hosting providers that try to be everything for everyone, and then there are more focused companies like Warpgate.

Consider giving it a try if:

  • You need a WordPress website as quickly as possible, fully ready for your customizations and content,
  • You like simplicity and transparency when it comes to user interfaces, customer support, and especially pricing,
  • You prefer brands that actively direct effort and resources towards noble goals – social causes, environmental protection and charity.

On the other hand, Warpgate is definitely NOT for you if:

  • You need something other than WordPress – a different content management system or a completely custom-coded website,
  • You have prior experience of managing servers and prefer full control over your server’s parameters and the entire software stack.

One thing about Warpgate that will definitely appeal to everyone is the fact that you can try it free of charge, with zero commitments:

Try Warpgate for free ›

Let us know what you think about Warpgate in the comments below; if you already have experience with this provider, do share your thoughts – let’s help each other make informed choices!

Penji Review 2024: Your Very Own “Design Team in a Box”? + 15% OFF Coupon

On-demand graphic design services are becoming a staple in business operations – not least thanks to the explosion of social media, which requires high-frequency, regular visual content to stay ahead of the competition.

The most influential representative of a new breed of service providers in this field is Penji: a contract-free, flat-fee service offering unlimited design projects for busy entrepreneurs and business owners.

In this detailed review, we will take a close look at Penji and seek answers to some of the most important questions for anyone considering this service:

  • 🦄How is Penji different from other design services?
  • 💵How much does Penji cost and what plans are available?
  • 🔍Are there better deals for any of the Penji plans?
  • 💡Is Penji worth using, and who should use it?

Those who are already familiar with Penji can use the table of contents on the right (full-screen) or below (mobile) to find specific topics, but before we go into the nitty-gritty of Penji, it’s worth starting with the basics:

What Is Penji and How Does It Work?

One of the leading on-demand graphic design services in the market today, Penji is a pride of Camden, New Jersey, that made it to the 2019 Inc. 5000 list snagging the 1006th spot. The founders, Johnathan Grzybowski and Khai Tran, launched Penji to provide reliable, fast, and affordable graphic design.

From having only a handful of clients years ago to catering to big guys like Reebok, UPenn, and AWeber – Penji’s mission is to help small and large businesses grow through quality and unique graphic designs.

At the core of Penji is the simple yet powerful idea of “subscription-based design services”:

for a flat monthly fee, you get unlimited design projects, complete with drafts and revisions – all the while retaining the flexibility of an online subscription (read – no long-term up-front commitments)

This means you don’t need to assemble and manage an in-house design team (or even a remote outsourced team) – you simply get a share of Penji’s vast pool of designers whenever you need them, coordinated by your personal account manager.

Sounds almost too good to be true!

Let’s dig a bit deeper and consider the benefits of Penji for your business, as well as potential risks:

Pros and Cons of Penji

Brands frequently need marketing graphics for their advertising channels — social media, outdoor advertising, online ads, print ads, branding, to name a few.

Subscribing to Penji feels a little like having your own magic army of designers-on-demand: you no longer have to hire separate specialists for every project type:

  • Penji offers unlimited graphic designs, web and app designs, illustrations, and infographics. This is beneficial if your company is running on a tight schedule.
  • Plus, you no longer have to pay hourly or per-project rates… and last but not least, Penji’s plans come with unlimited revisions: unlike other design services that charge extra for revisions, Penji lets you request as many modifications as you like, at no additional cost.

  • Penji runs on a subscription-based system that lets its clients pay a fixed fee every month.
  • Startups and small businesses might be working with a shoestring budget when it comes to marketing – and this is one of the reasons why many choose Penji as their go-to design service: paying a fixed rate every month enables brands to anticipate and allocate their budget without going overboard.

  • Pre-vetted designers for the win! Penji only hires the top two percent of graphic designers in the industry. This means you no longer have to go through the rigorous hiring process when searching for quality graphic designers.
  • Moreover, Penji’s graphic designers have versatile skills and expertise. All your different projects will be assigned to the best suitable designer with similar knowledge.

  • Speaking of design quality: Penji’s graphic designers are knowledgeable about graphic design trends, concepts, and principles – not to mention the latest industry tools and best practices.
  • Plus, all Penji’s designers have years of experience and seem to have worked with various existing brands – a nice touch given that most new design clients need professional guidance when it comes to the visual strategy and implementation.

  • Penji’s promise of a 24 to 48-hour turnaround never fails to impress: all you have to do is submit your request and wait for the first draft, which will typically be ready within a working day.
  • Penji takes pride in its seamless design process, enabled by the custom online platform they built in-house. This is where all the magic happens: by using Penji’s platform for requesting designs, asking revisions, and downloading, you no longer have to toggle between a myriad of apps and other sites.
  • The creators of Penji don’t seem to be fans of excessive paperwork: there are no contracts involved, so every client has the freedom to cancel their subscription anytime, without incurring any cancellation fees.
  • Your projects will be stored in the Penji platform for 90 more days, so when you cancel your subscription and re-subscribe within 3 months, you’ll still have access to all your design projects.

    A cherry on top?

  • Penji offers a 15-day money-back guarantee for those who want to try their service, risk-free.

Impressive! Let’s talk about risks and potential drawbacks, though. Here are some of the things you should take into account when using Penji:

  • The flat monthly fee might be a blessing for organizations with a constant stream of new design requests – but for those whose design volumes vary a lot from month to month, Penji’s fixed-price plans might not offer the best value during the months of low demand.
  • Penji’s core idea is to commoditize design; the flip-side is that designers in Penji are interchangeable, and you will probably be assigned different designers from time to time if your preferred ones are currently busy with other clients or otherwise unavailable.
  • This also means that in order to get the best value out of Penji, it is always worth being as specific as possible in your design briefs – newly assigned designers might not be familiar with your previous orders and discussions.

  • Finally, Penji’s platform allows communicating with designers in written form – via the online dashboard or by email; there’s no possibility to talk on the phone, which makes things a bit more complicated for those who strongly prefer verbal communication.

Just like any other tool, Penji is not necessarily great for everyone – so be sure to evaluate your design needs against how much you will pay for your subscription. Speaking of which:

Penji Plans and Pricing

Clients can choose between 3 affordable plans, depending on their monthly design needs. Here is a breakdown of the rates and included features:

Pro Team Agency
Designers 1 1 2
User seats 2 5 10
Design types images images, web images, web
Support standard standard priority
Price / mo $400 $500 $900

The Professional plan is suitable for solopreneurs, startups, and small businesses with regular visual design needs; it comes with 1 designer and 2 team seats – more than enough for a project with a couple dozen visuals per month.

The Team plan adds more user seats and allows creating a wider range of output compared to Pro – including website designs (not code, though!), custom illustrations, and even infographics. The Agency plan takes it one step further, adding a second designer and priority support to maximize productivity for the most demanding clients.

All plans come with unlimited revisions – this means that you can request changes to the deliverables as often as you like (preparing a clear and detailed brief will still save you lots of time, though).

If you do decide to try Penji, you can save even more by using our exclusive discount offer:

BONUS: -15% Penji Coupon

Yes, we know – 15% discounts are already available for the yearly billing cycles; in this case, however, we will show you how to get the same lower price for a monthly subscription, thus reducing your up-front commitment 12-fold 😎

Follow these steps to get 15% off the monthly plans:

  1. Click on the link below to open Penji’s official pricing page; choose the plan you like and hit the big purple button:

    Get 15% Off Your Penji Subscription

  2. On the next screen, take note of the promo code field under the pricing choice in the right-hand side:

    Penji coupon code

  3. If the field is already filled, just hit “Apply”; if the field is blank, copy and paste this coupon code and hit “Apply”:


Voila! Notice how your price became 15% lower – you can now continue with the registration and checkout!

Verdict: Should You Use Penji?

Ours is a visual age! To stand out online and offline, it is imperative to create eye-catching graphics that separate you from the competition.

You can achieve this by perusing pure freelance services like Fiverr, hiring and managing a full-fledged in-house design team – or you can take a simpler approach a use Penji.

Subscribing to Penji is like having your own design team, with none of the hassle:

Startups and small businesses can scale and level the playing field due to cost-efficiency, while agencies can make the most out of a design partner with simple, transparent pricing and dedicated support.

Overall, Penji is a smart choice if you have constant design needs (e.g. social media channels, regular ad campaigns, blog posts, physical promos, etc.

Before subscribing to Penji, though, keep in mind these two things:

  • Make sure that your regular design demands are at least several items per day – otherwise you might not get the best value out of a flat-fee tool like Penji. Trying out the cheapest plan is the most sensible option, given the 15-day money-back guarantee.
  • If you do decide to subscribe, check out our step-by-step instructions above on how to obtain a better price for your monthly billing cycle – why pay more if you can pay less?

Still have questions about Penji which were not answered in this review? Let us know in the comments section below!

Full Crello Review 2024: Graphic Designer’s Dream or Just Another Drawing Tool?

Whether writers and other word-lovers like it or not, the Internet is all about images and videos these days!

If you are managing the visual identity of a brand (even a tiny one), the amount of graphics you need to produce on a daily basis can quickly become overwhelming.

Enter Crello

This online service wants to revolutionize the way we approach graphic design, and save everyone tons of time in the process. Does it deliver on its promises? Let’s find out!

In this detailed review, we will answer the most important questions about Crello to help you make an informed decision:

  • 🎨What is Crello and how does it work?
  • 🦄How is Crello different from other similar tools?
  • 🤼Is Crello better than Canva, and in which cases?
  • 👍Should You Use Crello in your design projects?

Before we discuss the unique features of Crello and compare it with the closest alternatives, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure we understand the basics:

What Is Crello and How Does It Work?

First and foremost, Crello is an online design tool. If you’re reading this article, you probably already know that, so let’s try to be more specific:

Crello is a design automation platform for creating all kinds of visual marketing materials, both digital (social, web, ads) and physical (brochures, labels, posters, etc).

Alright, that’s better, but also less comprehensible 🤔 – what on earth is a “design automation platform”?!

– It means that Crello is much smarter and more practical than the cumbersome design software of the past. The entire workflow is all about saving time:

  1. No need to start from scratch anymore: Crello offers over 10,000 fully customizable templates for every conceivable purpose (you can always switch back to a blank canvas if you prefer, of course).
  2. Forget about manually setting the right dimensions for a Facebook image post or an YouTube video cover – Crello has all the presets you’ll ever need, always up to date with the latest requirements of each social media.
  3. Choose from millions of visual assets – high-quality photos, videos, and illustrations – to customize your designs.
  4. Quickly scale your media campaigns from a single design by creating unlimited copies of your work in any format or dimensions.
  5. Share your designs directly from your Crello dashboard: post to social media, generate a link, or download your design as a file in one of 7 available formats.

By the way, the third step is made possible by the fact that Crello is a brainchild of the founders of Depositphotos, one of the largest media marketplaces in the world – which means that…

Crello is fully integrated with the Depositphotos library, giving you instant access to 150+ million stock images, videos, and other graphics files.

These come in 3 varieties: free files (obviously costing zero), stock files (which you can buy separately) – and premium files, which are only available in Crello Pro.

Speaking of which, let’s see what other features you can unlock with the Pro version:

Crello Free or Crello Pro?

First of all, it’s worth spelling out that anyone can use the basic version of Crello free of charge, indefinitely – no need to add your card details or anything.

The paid version (Crello Pro) is meant for those who use Crello regularly and would like to maximize their productivity:

  • Apart from full access to the premium library, Crello Pro removes the monthly download limit for your designs – if you create several designs per day on average, this might be useful.

    Crello: download

  • The Pro version also unlocks the automatic background removal tool, which works almost like magic:

    Crello: background remover

  • Most importantly, though, Crello Pro allows you to create a team and invite up to 10 other users to collaborate on designs:

    Crello: team collaboration

There’s also the priority support offer, which means you’ll always be the first in line to talk to Crello’s support team – but we wouldn’t consider this as a major reason to switch to Pro:

Crello’s interface is quite intuitive and easy to learn, especially given the detailed guides and video tutorials that can be accessed from the bottom menu on the official home page.

Besides, you can get support in the free version as well… just somewhat slower 🐌

For those among you who like things organized into rows and columns, here’s a little summary table we made to give an idea of the main perks of Crello Pro:

Plan Crello Free Crello Pro
Choice of images Limited All images
Image background removal Yes
Downloads per month Limited
Priority support Yes
Collaborate with team members Yes

There are two billing options in the Pro version: monthly and yearly, the latter being 20% cheaper (as is typical for online subscriptions).

Here’s some good news, by the by –

Did you know there’s a way to save an additional 25% on a Crello Pro purchase? Check out the next section to find out how.

Using the -25% Crello Promo Code

If you do decide to go Pro, here’s a step-by-step guide on getting a significant discount on your Crello subscription.

It works both for the monthly and the yearly billing option, but the total savings are obviously 12x bigger with the latter, as the code only applies to the first period:

  1. Visit the official Crello homepage following the link below; if you don’t have an account yet, create one – if you do, log in to your control panel.

    Get 25% Off Crello Pro ›

  2. While in your Crello account, click on the round icon in the top right corner to show the drop-down menu; in the menu, click on “promo code”:

    Crello coupon

  3. On the promo codes management page, enter the following combination into the form and click on the green “Apply” button:

  4. Done? A blue box with coupon details should appear below the form, indicating that the coupon has been successfully applied.
  5. You can now switch to Pro using the standard process (i.e. by clicking on “Subscription” in the account menu in the top right corner of the screen). Enjoy!

…Or, alternatively, you can simply click on this direct link that applies the coupon automatically ✨

Nice! Before we move on to the final verdict, there’s one more popular question we need to cover – namely, how does Crello compare to its closest alternative?

Crello vs Canva

If you’re in the design business and considering Crello as your main tool, you’ve probably also heard of Canva by now.

It’s an online platform that is very (I mean, very!) similar to Crello, but there are still some significant differences you should take into account:

  • The choice of elements is somewhat wider in Canva, which offers more interactive elements like editable charts, buttons, or forms. The graphic libraries are very similar in size, though (~200 million from Getty for Canva and ~150 million from Depositphotos for Crello).
  • Canva has one more type of subscription in addition to the comparable Pro version: the Enterprise option at Canva adds more team-focused features and offers priority support. Both are more or less included in the Crello Pro subscription, for a much lower price.
  • Crello is 20% cheaper for both its yearly and monthly plans, if we compare the Pro versions. Again, it should be mentioned that the premium features you get with Canva Pro and Crello Pro are nearly identical.

To sum up, in most cases Crello will work just fine as a substitute for Canva, at a significantly lower price 💰

We recommend considering Canva over Crello if you need a lot of interactive elements in your designs, and/or if you have a large design team (>10 people).

Apart from that, the choice more or less boils down to your personal preferences – both tools are great at increasing your productivity and facilitating collaboration.

…Now that that’s been clarified, let’s summarize what we know about Crello:

Pros and Cons of Crello

  • No need to download any software: Crello works from any modern browser, without any special requirements
  • Start with a blank sheet or one of the pre-set sizes for social media, your own website, or printed materials
  • Thousands of free templates, photos, videos, backgrounds, and animations are available to all users
  • Fully integrated with the Depositphotos library of 150+ million images, videos, and illustrations
  • Publish directly to social media – or download your designs as images, pdf documents, or videos
  • You can organize your work into folders as well as upload your own visual elements and fonts
  • The automated image background remover in Crello Pro can save a lot of time
  • Invite up to 10 team members to collaborate with you on designs (available in Crello Pro)
  • The Crello Pro subscription costs much less than similar online tools like Canva
  • More interactive elements like forms, charts, and maps would be a great addition to Crello’s toolkit
  • The automatic design resizer needs some more work in terms of fitting images and backgrounds into new dimensions
  • While most features of a brand kit are present in Crello, a more complete brand-management package will be a useful development

Alright, now that we examined Crello from different angles, it’s about time we answered the main question posed in the beginning of our review:

Should You Use Crello?

Crello has found a good balance between simplicity and powerful features – you can start creating professional-quality designs in minutes, no steep learning curve involved.

Does it mean everyone should be using this tool?

Well, yes and no:

  • If you just need a couple of social media images per month, the basic (free) version of Crello offers everything you need.
  • If design is what you do for a living (or if your business/project relies heavily on visuals), consider subscribing to Crello Pro for premium images, advanced tools, unlimited downloads, and teamwork options. Check out the -25% coupon guide above if you do decide to subscribe.
  • If you need to use a lot of interactive elements such as forms, charts, and maps in your designs, take a look at Canva Pro (do keep in mind that it costs 20% more than Crello Pro).
  • If you are a part of a large design team (>10 people), Canva Enterprise might be the suitable choice, with its advanced collaboration features.

In any case, if you’re still unsure whether Crello is the right tool for you, the best way to find out might be to simply give it a try 🤷 you don’t need to leave credit card details for that:

Try Crello for free ›

…Or maybe you have some additional questions about Crello? Scroll down to the discussion section below and leave your comment – let’s help each other make informed decisions!

Recensione di JotForm (2024): Dovresti Usare Questo Costruttore di Moduli Online?

☑︎ Questa recensione è stata aggiornata l’ultima volta in May 2024

Ah, moduli online! Una di quelle cose di cui non sai di aver bisogno, fino a quando non ti serve sul serio.

JotForm è una delle soluzioni più popolari per questa scopo… ma dato che stai leggendo qui, ti starai anche chiedendo:

“Creare e gestire moduli online sembra una rottura! Uno strumento perfetto dovrebbe essere semplice da usare ma anche adatto ai miei bisogni e requisiti specifici. Dovrei fidarmi di JotForm per questo lavoro?”

Scopriamolo insieme. In questa recensione dettagliata, analizzeremo JotForm da ogni angolo possibile e risponderemo alle domande più frequenti:

  • 👶JotForm è facile da usare per i neofiti?
  • 🔒Sicurezza e privacy: dovresti fidarti di JotForm?
  • 💸Quale piano tariffario dovresti scegliere?
  • 🏆JotForm è meglio delle alternative?

Prima di discutere le caratteristiche uniche che distinguono JotForm dai servizi alternativi, diamo un’occhiata veloce al servizio stesso:

Cosa È JotForm?

I moduli sono ovunque! Ogni volta che un’organizzazione ha bisogno di un qualche tipo di input da un ampio numero di persone, siano essi clienti, impiegati, sostenitori, studenti, ecc…, usa una sorta di modulo per raccogliere queste informazioni.

L’idea fondamentale dietro JotForm è di rendere l’intero processo il più semplice possibile: dal creare effettivamente i moduli, a gestire i dati raccolti.

…e non si tratta solo di sondaggi; il ventaglio di possibili usi per JotForm include anche i seguenti scenari comuni:

  • Candidarsi o registrarsi per eventi, lavori, borse di studio, abbonamenti, persino prestiti per abitazioni. La semplicità 🎯 è essenziale qui, dato che ci sono generalmente un sacco di informazioni da raccogliere da una singola persona in questi casi.
  • Dare feedback o valutazioni, che include anche raccogliere le lamentele, lasciare recensioni o giudizi, o votare su una decisione. La chiarezza 🔮 è di importanza cruciale, come anche l’abilità di analizzare i dati per creare approfondimenti.
  • Mettersi in contatto con una organizzazione (o figura pubblica) in modo da chiedere una domanda, offrire cooperazione o semplicemente condividere un’idea. Dato che questo tipo di modulo è usato spesso da stranieri visitatori per la prima volta, la privacy 👁️‍🗨️ e la protezione dei dati diventano preoccupazioni aggiuntive.
  • Fare una prenotazione, che può significare qualunque cosa dal prenotare un tavolo o programmare un appuntamento, a noleggiare vari servizi o case vacanza. Iniziare con questo tipo di modulo è molto più semplice tramite modelli preimpostati 📑 che includono tutti i campi e le interazioni necessarie.
  • Ottenere nuove prospettive di commercio, sia online che offline; la lettera implica anche l’abilità di usare i moduli su una varietà di dispositivi 📱 come smartphone e tablet.
  • Ordinare un prodotto o servizio online è uno dei casi d’uso che generalmente ti aspetteresti da un costruttore di moduli online, ma JotForm possiede sicurezza sufficiente 🔑 e integrazioni di pagamento per creare moduli di checkout sorprendentemente efficienti.

…e non abbiamo menzionato casi di nicchia e requisiti speciali, come raccogliere dati sensibili sulla salute di pazienti! (ad es. sotto l’HIPAA negli Stati Uniti)

JotForm promette di risolvere ognuna di queste sfide, ma ci riesce davvero? Vediamo cosa c’è di speciale riguardo questo strumento.

Caratteristiche Uniche di JotForm

Certo, JotForm non è l’unico modo di creare moduli online, quindi ci sono dei vantaggi specifici nell’usarlo?

In effetti, ce ne sono un bel po’:

  • La logica condizionale rende possibile “insegnare” al tuo modulo a reagire agli input dell’utente, aggiungendo, rimuovendo, nascondendo, saltando o cambiando automaticamente i campi in relazione a specifiche risposte.

Puoi anche usare un qualsiasi campo che chi risponde completa, come un input per il resto del modulo; ad es. per alterare le etichette o ricalcolare i valori di altri campi!

Ciò si apre a possibilità quasi illimitate per rendere i tuoi moduli sempre più efficaci, ad es. creando facilmente pagine di ringraziamento fortemente personalizzate:

JotForm: condizioni

E sì, le regole condizionali sono presenti (in una certa misura) nella maggior parte dei costruttori di moduli, persino in Google Forms, ma nessuno offre un grado di flessibilità anche solo vicino a quello di JotForm.

  • Le app e la libreria di integrazioni sono ciò che rendono JotForm esponenzialmente più potente, connettendo i tuoi moduli con centinaia di servizi di terze parti.

Questo ti permette di aggiungere cose fantastiche ai tuoi moduli (come firme o verifiche aggiuntive), esportare i dati del modulo nel tuo progetto di gestione o strumento di analisi preferito, e persino raccogliere i pagamenti senza il bisogno di soluzioni e-commerce costose!

Parlando di sicurezza:

  • La protezione dei dati e la privacy sono funzioni che assicurano la sicurezza sia dei creatori che dei rispondenti: JotForm usa certificati SSL a 256 bit su tutti i moduli e ti lascia decidere esattamente chi può riempire il modulo e chi può vedere i risultati.

Puoi anche decidere aggiuntivamente di criptare tutte le risposte del modulo con una chiave RSA-2048 prima che ti vengano inviati, cosa che agisce come una doppia assicurazione contro chiunque cerchi di intercettare i dati dei tuoi utenti.

Per attivare la criptazione, devi andare sulle impostazioni del tuo modulo e cliccare sul pulsante marrone “Mostra altre opzioni”.

In aggiunta a queste funzioni di sicurezza, dovremmo menzionare diverse abbreviazioni che potrebbero suonarti familiari. Ecco qui:

JotForm è completamente conforme al GDPR (Leggi europee di protezione dei dati) e al PCI (per processare i pagamenti), e se hai bisogno di raccogliere informazioni relative alla saluta dai tuoi rispondenti, puoi aggiornare la conformità all’HIPAA.

  • Le opzioni di pubblicazione avanzate ti danno piena libertà quando si tratta di inviare i tuoi moduli al tuo pubblico. Di nuovo, JotForm alza seriamente il livello qui, rispetto ad altri strumenti simili:

Ci sono molti modi in cui puoi pubblicare un modulo creato su JotForm, come un link diretto, un post su un social media, o persino un documento PDF compilabile.

JotForm: pubblica

Puoi anche inviare il modulo tramite email direttamente ai tuoi rispondenti, o includerlo nel tuo sito: il codice specifico per ogni piattaforma web popolare come WordPress o Shopify è generato per te automaticamente.

  • Il creatore di PDF è un’altra funzione unica di JotForm che ti permette di convertire facilmente le risposte di un modulo in documenti PDF professionali, ideale per generare fatture, proposte, ticket, certificati, ecc…

La parte migliore qui è che non hai bisogno di iniziare da zero: ci sono centinaia di modelli di PDF preimpostati a tua disposizione.

…il che ci porta al prossimo aspetto di JotForm:

  • La libreria di modelli contiene migliaia di moduli già fatti per qualsiasi situazione, raggruppati per tipo e settore. Un grosso risparmio di tempo!

Per comprendere meglio i ruoli dei modelli su JotForm, diamo un’occhiata più da vicino a come funziona il costruttore di moduli stesso:

Costrutture di Moduli e Modelli

Iniziare con JotForm è super semplice: puoi creare un nuovo account inserendo il tuo nome, l’email, lo username e la password; o anche più velocemente registrandosi tramite Facebook o Google:

Crea un Account Gratuito su JotForm ›

Ci vorranno circa 30 secondi in totale, e saremo pronti per cominciare! Clicca sul grande pulsante verde “Crea Modulo” ed esplora le nostre opzioni.

Ci sono 3 modi per creare un modulo: partendo da un foglio bianco, usando un modello o importandone uno esistente (da un sito web, dal tuo account JotForm o da un documento PDF).

In situazioni di tutti i giorni userai certamente dei modelli (fanno risparmiare tanto tempo!), ma per introdurre bene il processo sarebbe meglio cominciare da una tavola vuota 📖

Il costruttore di moduli ha una semplice interfaccia che cela un ventaglio sorprendentemente ricco di strumenti e potenti funzionalità:

JotForm: construttore

Puoi aggiungere nuovi campi e altri elementi cliccando sul bottone grigio scuro rotondo a sinistra dello schermo [1] che apre un intero pannello di varie cose che puoi usare nel tuo modulo.

A parte gli elementi base e i portali di pagamento, fai attenzione alla terza tabella che contiene un ampio numero di blocchi più avanzati, come la geolocalizzazione automatica o fare una foto al rispondente.

Se clicchi su un campo esistente, un pulsante a ingranaggio circolare apparirà, [2] che apre il pannello delle proprietà dei campi. Qui puoi cambiare l’etichetta, la grandezza e la posizione del campo, e anche segnarlo come necessario.

Il terzo importante pannello è per il complessivo design del modulo: è aperto dal pulsante blu a rullo di vernice [3] nell’angolo in alto a destra dell’interfaccia.

Ad essere franchi, questa parte del costruttore di JotForm è stata la più grande e positiva sorpresa per noi; la varietà di opzioni va ben oltre qualsiasi cosa che abbiamo visto in altri costruttori di moduli:

  • Puoi scegliere colori e sfondi per ogni singola parte del modulo, o cliccare sul pulsante in basso per attivare l’interfaccia di progettazione avanzata con una quantità pazzesca di impostazioni granulari aggiuntive.
  • Nel modulo puoi sistemare font, dimensione e posizione, e persino aggiungere il tuo codice CSS personale se hai familiarità con i linguaggi di programmazione web.
  • O puoi semplicemente scegliere un modello grafico già fatto per il tuo modulo! Ci sono sia temi gratis che premium disponibili sullo store di JotForm.

…mentre siamo ancora dentro al costruttore di moduli, hai notato il banner di JotForm in fondo allo schermo? [4] Apparirà su tutti i moduli pubblicati usando l’account gratuito.

Per rimuovere il banner dai tuoi moduli, hai bisogno di una sottoscrizione. Come funziona? E vale i soldi spesi? Ecco in sostanza:

Tariffario di JotForm

La cosa bella di JotForm è che è un cosidetto servizio freemium; in altre parole, ha sia una versione gratuita che una a pagamento.

Ciò significa che puoi iniziare a creare ed usare i tuoi moduli senza alcun obbligo finanziario, e successivamente aggiornare se JotForm si dimostra utile per il tuo progetto.

Quello che ci piace particolarmente di JotForm è che non c’è assolutamente alcuna differenza di funzionalità tra il piano gratuito e quello a pagamento: hai bisogno di pagare soltanto per limiti di uso aggiuntivi e per rimuovere il marchio sotto ai moduli.

Tenendo questo a mente, la logica dietro i piani di abbonamento di JotForm è abbastanza chiara:

Piano JotForm Gratis Bronzo Argento Oro
Costo mensile $0 $24 $29 $79
Limite moduli 5 25 100
Risposte mensili 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Spazio disponibile 100 MB 10 GB 100 GB 1 TB
Banner di JotForm si no no no

Come puoi vedere dalla nostra tabella riassuntiva soprastante, JotForm scala in base alle tue necessità, mentre non stabilisce alcun limite alle funzionalità.

Una cosa che vale la pena notare è un 50% di sconto per la registrazione di istituzioni no profit o didattiche, che è una cosa che non troverai con altri fornitori di moduli online 🎓

Infine, JotForm offre una garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni su ogni piano a pagamento, che significa che puoi chiedere un rimborso totale durante il primo mese, contattando il team di supporto usando il modulo di contatto o via email (rispondono 24 ore su 24).

Grande! Adesso abbiamo decisamente tutte le informazioni che ci servono per rispondere alla nostra domanda principale:

Dovresti Usare JotForm?

Non c’è alcun dubbio, JotForm è senz’altro il servizio di costruzione di moduli più avanzato su cui abbiamo poggiato le nostre mani (e qui alla Satori Webmaster Academy li abbiamo provati tutti).

I lettori più anziani del nostro blog sanno che ci piacciono specialmente quei prodotti che riescono a rimanere semplici e intuitivi, e al contempo contenere potenti funzionalità che sono sufficientemente buone per soddisfare anche gli utenti più esperti:

JotForm è un prodotto del genere. Il suo costruttore online è facile da usare per i novizi, ma rivela gradualmente una grande varietà di opzioni e capacità non appena lo si impara meglio.

Ogni singola funzionalità è disponibile nella versione gratuita del servizio, il che significa che non hai bisogno di pagare nulla fino a che non sei davvero sicuro che JotForm sia lo strumento giusto per ciò che ti serve:

Inizia ad Usare JotForm Gratis ›

Inizialmente ci aspettavamo che JotForm fosse uno strumento complicato per i casi più esigenti; ora lo usiamo su tutta la linea, anche per i moduli di solo testo più semplici (ciao ciao, Google Forms!)

A prescindere che tu sia un libero professionista o faccia parte di un grosso team, JotForm rende sorprendentemente facile dimenticarsi che prima creare i moduli online era un lavoraccio.


Speriamo che questa recensione sia stata d’aiuto e abbia risposto a più domande di quante ne ha create! Condividi i tuoi pensieri e le tue opinioni nella sezione dei commenti sottostante; aiutiamoci a vicenda per fare una scelta sensata 💬

Full JotForm Review (2024): Should You Use This Online Form Builder?

☑︎ This review was last updated in May 2024

Ah, online forms! One of those things you don’t know you need – until you need it really badly.

JotForm is one of the most popular solutions for this situation… but since you’re reading this, you are probably also wondering:

“Building and managing online forms sounds like a hassle! A great tool should be simple to use but also meet my specific needs and requirements. Should I trust JotForm to do the job?”

Let’s find out together. In this detailed review, we will analyze JotForm from every possible angle and cover the most popular questions –

  • 👶Is JotForm easy to use for beginners?
  • 🔒Security and privacy – should you trust JotForm?
  • 💸Which pricing plan should you choose?
  • 🏆Is JotForm better than the alternatives?

Before we discuss the unique features that distinguish JotFrom from alternative services, let’s get a quick overview of the service itself:

What Is JotForm?

Forms are everywhere! Every time an organization needs some kind of input from a large number of people – be it customers, employees, supporters, students, etc. – it uses some sort of form to collect this information.

The main idea behind JotForm is to make the entire process as easy as possible: from actually building the forms, to managing the gathered data.

…And it’s not just about surveys – the range of possible uses for JotForm also includes the following popular scenarios:

  • Applying or registering for events, jobs, scholarships, memberships – even loans or housing. Simplicity 🎯 is key here, since there’s typically a lot of information to be collected from a single person in such cases.
  • Giving feedback or evaluation, which also includes filing complaints, leaving reviews or ratings, or voting on a decision. Clarity 🔮 is critically important here, as well as the ability to analyze the data to form insights.
  • Getting in touch with an organization (or public figure) in order to ask a question, offer cooperation or simply share an idea. Since this type of form is often used by strangers first-time visitors, privacy 👁️‍🗨️ and data protection become additional concerns.
  • Making a reservation, which can mean anything from booking a table or scheduling an appointment, to hiring various services, to vacation rentals. Getting started with this type of form is much easier via ready-made templates 📑 that include all the necessary fields and interactions.
  • Obtaining new business prospects, both online and offline; the latter also implies the ability to use the forms on a variety of devices 📱 such as smartphones and tablets.
  • Ordering a product or service online is one of the use cases you wouldn’t typically expect from an online form builder, but JotForm possesses sufficient security 🔑 and payment integrations to build surprisingly efficient checkout forms.

…and we haven’t even mentioned niche cases and special requirements, such as collecting sensitive health data from patients! (e.g. under HIPAA in the United States)

JotForm promises to solve each of those challenges – but does it actually deliver? Let’s see what’s so special about this tool.

Unique Features of JotForm

Of course, JotForm is not the only way to build online forms – so are there any specific advantages to using it?

Actually, there are quite a few:

  • Conditional logic makes it possible to “teach” your form to react to the user’s inputs, automatically adding, removing, hiding, skipping or changing fields in response to specific answers.

You can also use any field the respondent completes as an input for the rest of the form – e.g. to alter the labels or recalculate values of other fields!

This opens up almost limitless possibilities for making your forms even more effective, e.g. easily building highly personalized thank-you pages:

JotForm: conditional logic

And yes, conditional rules are present (to some extent) in most form builders, even Google Forms – but none comes even close to JotForm in terms of flexibility.

  • Apps and integrations library is what really makes JotForm exponentially more powerful, by connecting your forms with hundreds of third-party services.

This allows you to add various cool things to your forms (like signatures or additional verification), export form data into your favorite project management or analytics tools, and even securely collect payments without the need for expensive e-commerce solutions!

Speaking of security:

  • Data protection and privacy features ensure safety both for the creators and the respondents: JotForm uses 256-bit SSL certificates on all forms and lets you decide exactly who can fill in the form and who can see the results.

You can also choose to additionally encrypt all form responses with an RSA-2048 key before they are submitted to you, which acts as a double insurance against anyone trying to intercept your users’ data.

In order to enable encryption, you will need to go to your form’s settings and click on the brown “Show more options” button.

In addition to these security features, we should mention several abbreviations that might sound familiar to you. Here goes:

JotForm is fully compliant with GDPR (European data protection laws) and PCI (for payment processing) – and if you need to collect health-related information from your respondents, you can upgrade for HIPAA compliance.

  • Advanced publishing options give you full freedom when it comes to delivering your forms to your audience. Again, JotForm really raises the bar here, compared to other similar tools:

There are numerous ways you can publish a form created in JotForm – as a direct link, a social media post, or even a fillable PDF document –

JotForm publishing

You can also email the form directly to your respondents or embed it into your website – the specific code for each popular web platform like WordPress or Shopify is generated for you automatically.

  • PDF constructor is another unique feature of JotForm that lets you easily convert form responses into professional-looking PDF documents – ideal for generating invoices, proposals, tickets, certificates, etc.

The best part here is that you don’t need to start from scratch: there are hundreds of ready-made PDF templates at your disposal.

…Which brings us to the next aspect of JotForm:

  • Template library contains thousands of pre-made forms for just about every situation, grouped by type and industry. A huge time-saver!

To better understand the role of templates in JotForm, let’s take a closer look at how the form builder itself works:

Form Builder and Templates

Getting started with JotForm is super simple: you can create a new account by filling in your name, email, username, and password – or even faster via the Facebook or Google sign-up:

Create a Free Account at JotForm ›

It takes about 30 seconds in total, and we’re ready to begin! Let’s click on the big green “Create Form” button and explore our options –

There are 3 ways to create a form: starting from a blank canvas, using a template, or importing an existing one (from a website, your JotForm account, or a PDF document).

In day-to-day situations you will most likely be using templates – they save so much time! – but for the sake of introduction it might be better to start with a clean slate 📖

The form builder has a simple interface that conceals a surprisingly rich array of tools and powerful features:

JotForm builder

You can add new fields and other elements by clicking on the dark-grey rounded button on the left on the screen [1] which opens an entire panel of various things you can use in your form.

Apart from the basic elements and payment gateways, take note of the third tab which contains a huge number of more advanced blocks, like automatic geolocation or taking a photo of the respondent.

If you click on an existing field, a circular cog button will appear [2] that opens the field settings panel. Here, you can change the label, size, and position of the field, as well as marking it as required.

The third important panel is for the overall form design – it’s opened by the blue paint-roll button [3] in the top right corner of the interface.

To be frank, this part of JotForm’s builder was the biggest positive surprise for us; the variety of options is far beyond anything we’ve seen in other form builders:

  • You can choose colors and backgrounds for every individual part of the form – or click on the button at the bottom to activate the advanced designer interface with a mind-blowing amount of additional granular settings.
  • You can adjust the form’s fonts, size, and position – and even add your own CSS code if you’re familiar with web development languages.
  • OR you can simply choose a ready-made visual template for your form! There are both free and premium themes available in JotForm’s store.

…While we’re still in the form builder, have you noticed the JotForm banner at the bottom of the screen? [4] It will appear on all forms published using the free account.

In order to remove the banner from your forms, you’ll need a subscription. How does it work? And is it worth the money? Here’s the gist:

JotForm Pricing

The nice thing about JotForm is that it’s a so-called freemium service – in other words, it has both a free and a paid version.

This means you can start building and using your forms without any financial commitments, and later upgrade if JotForm proves to be useful for your project.

What we particularly like about JotForm is that there is absolutely no difference in features between the free and the paid plans: you only need to pay for additional usage limits and for removing the branding below the forms.

With this in mind, the logic behind JotForm’s subscription plans is quite straightforward:

JotForm plan Free Bronze Silver Gold
Monthly cost $0 $24 $29 $79
Form limit 5 25 100
Responses per month 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Available space 100 MB 10 GB 100 GB 1 TB
JotForm banners yes no no no

As you can see from our summary table above, JotForm scales together with your needs – while not putting any limits on the functionality.

Another thing worth noting is a 50% discount for registered non-profits and educational institutions, which is something you won’t find at other online form providers 🎓

Finally, JotForm offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on any paid plan, which means you can ask for a full refund during the first month, by contacting the support team using the contact form or via email (they reply 24/7).

Neat! By now we pretty much have all the information we need to answer our main question:

Should You Use JotForm?

There’s no doubt – JotForm is by far the most advanced form builder service we’ve laid our hands on (and we at Satori Webmaster Academy have tried them all).

Long-time readers of our blog will know that we especially like products which manage to stay simple and intuitive while packing powerful features that are good enough to satisfy even the most expert users

JotForm is one such product. Its online builder is easy to use for beginners, but gradually reveals a huge variety of options and capabilities as you get to know it better.

Every single feature is available in the free version of the service, which means you don’t have to pay anything until you’re really sure JotForm is the right toolkit for your needs:

Start using JotForm for Free ›

We initially expected JotForm to be a complicated tool for the more demanding cases – now we’re using it across the board, even for the simplest, text-only forms (bye-bye, Google Forms!)

Regardless of whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or a part of a big team, JotForm makes it surprisingly easy to forget that online forms used to be a difficult and tedious task.


We hope this review was helpful and answered more questions than it created! Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below – let’s help each other make a sensible choice 💬