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Hey Neonbrand,
I can’t see an icon menu on the page you’ve linked to – could you please clarify which filter you have in mind?
If you wish to emulate the square icons on the left as in the theme demo, please create one or more icon menu items in the “Icon Menu” tab of the Theme Options panel; more information on the icon menu and its filtering option is available in the “Menus” section of the theme manual.
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Timsofa,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
I will go over your questions in the same order:
1). This hasn’t been envisaged in the theme’s back-end, yet it can be done using some additional custom CSS:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .page-holder h2 { display: none; } }
You can insert custom CSS into the child theme’s style.css file (if you are using one), or into the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel.
2). Again, this hasn’t been envisaged as a back-end option because a blog typically does contain information on when and by whom an article has been posted. However, you can hide it by using some more custom CSS:
.home #post-list-wrapper .post-meta { display: none; }
3). The mobile menu will take on all styles set for the main menu in the “Style: Header” tab of the Theme Options panel. If you wish to specifically change the color/background of any the mobile version, you can do it with some additional CSS:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { #nav-wrap { background-color: #ffffff; } #nav-wrap li a { color: #333333 !important; } }
replacing the “#ffffff” and “#333333” with the hex codes of colours which match your preferences.
4). You’re right, there might be a need to make them always full-width on smaller screens, thank you for pointing this out! I’ve prepared a fix – please download this archive, unzip it, and upload the resulting files into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Kanso/) via ftp, replacing the existing files when prompted.
Let me know if any of the above does not achieve its goal!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Chris,
I suspect that this error message might be caused by the same bug that causes the one you’ve mentioned in your other thread. Could you please try taking the steps I’ve described there, and let me know what happens. Thanks!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Chris,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
I’ve double-checked the theme on a new WP instance, and could not replicate the “header already sent” error. From the message you’ve posted though, I can see that the WP Cache plugin might be the culprit. Could you please try disabling it and clearing the browser’s cache? If this does not remove the error, please try activating any other theme (e.g. the default Twenty Fourteen) and checking if the error persists. Please let me know of the results!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Matteo,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
The “gallery” post and project format does not have automatic slide advancement option envisaged in the theme, yet you can activate manually it by removing the “timer: false” line from the slider settings (“header-functions.php file, line 523 in the 3.2 theme version).
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Steve,
the blog posts page and the front page layouts can be created by setting the „Front Page Displays” values in the “Settings -> Reading” section of the admin panel. When you change the “Posts Page” drop-down value, that page will automatically receive the blog layout from the theme (thus you can create a new page with the default layout and declare it as a “shell” for the blog posts using the abovementioned settings). My apologies if this hasn’t been explained clearly enough in the manual, I will add corresponding information for the next version update. Thanks for bringing this up!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Massaki,
I can see from the code that you still have the original “responsive.css” on your website – could you please try using the one I’ve linked to in the previous post (unzip the archive and upload the contained file via ftp into the theme folder /wp-content/themes/Kanso/, replacing the existing file). Thanks!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Balazs,
I’ve tried disabling the script that truncates the text in portfolio items, which I suspect to be the most probably cause of the issue. Please check to see if the portfolio page is being displayed in Chrome on the Mac now. Thanks!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Vonnagy,
I think I know where the source of the issue is: the “WP Media Gallery” tab in the “Background Slider/Image Source of Images” settings box refers to the native WordPress media gallery (i.e. the “Media” admin menu), not to a third-party plugin; this is mentioned on page 8 of the theme manual, yet I will make sure that it is explained in more detail in the next versions. When you choose the “WP Media Gallery” tab, the slider will source images from the image attachments of that particular page, i.e. every image you upload either via the “Add Media” link above the content editor, or as the featured image. Note that for the images to be included in the slider, you do not need to actually insert them into the page (i.e. pressing the “Insert into page” button) – simply uploading them from that page is enough; also, for the images to be displayed in the slider, they need to be attached to the page, i.e. uploaded from that page (that means that if you choose an existing image form the Media Library tab while in the image upload pop-up, it will not appear in the slider for that page).
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Steve,
please try removing the line breaks between all the closing “[/column]” and the opening “[column]” tags – here is the full code from the theme demo. The LIST shortcode does not support center-aligning the text – you will need to use other methods of creating lists (for example icon fonts) or a third-party plugin to achieve that.
Andrii / Satori Studio -