Forum Replies Created
Hey Christian,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
I will go over the questions in the same order:
1). To change the font sizes of the 2×1 tiles with portfolio tag descriptions, please use this CSS (you can insert this and following snippets into the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel), the first line is for the title, the second is for the description text:
.tax-tagportfolio #portfolio-header h1 { font-size: 32px; } .tax-tagportfolio #portfolio-header .portfolio-tax-desc { font-size: 20px; }
2). Since it’s a very common practice to link the logo to the home page, there is no option in the admin back-end to link it with some other destination; however, you can achieve that by changing the template file (“header.php”, found in the theme root folder). In particular, you’ll need to edit line 85 – locate the string:
echo home_url();
and replace it with
echo home_url('/page-url');
where page-url is the slug (i.e. the last part of the URL) of the page you want to link to.
3). Please try this CSS for changing the text color of the header search form:
#header #searchform input { color: #ffffff !important; }
4). To remove the navigation links in portfolio projects, you can either use this CSS:
#content .navlinks { display: none; }
or remove lines 12-21 in the “single-project.php” theme file.
Should you face any problems with implementing any of the above, do not hesitate to contact me!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Amro,
I will cover the questions in the same order:
1). A back-end setting for this has not been envisaged as a theme option; however, you can achieve this by adding a line of CSS code to the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel:
#nav-primary a { font-weight: 700 !important; }
2). Again, this hasn’t been intended as a ready option, but you can change this by adding own CSS:
#social-top a { font-size: 20px !important; }
3). Please use the “Page order” parameter in the “Order of portfolio items” drop-down on the “Portfolio Page” tab of the Theme Options panel; then if you assign values to the “Order” setting in the “Attributes” box while in editor mode for specific projects (i.e. the items in the “Portfolio” admin section), they will be rearranged relative to each other’s numbers.
4). You can use any individual item in the vertical icon menu as a filter (just like in the demo), in which case you’ll need to fill in the “Filter” parameter in the respective icon menu item box in the “Icon Menu” tab of the Theme Options panel – or as a direct link to any URL, in which case you will need to fill in the “Link URL” parameter in the respective icon menu item box.
5). Please use the “Maximum content width” option in the “Page Elements” tab of the Theme Options panel. You can input any integer in that settings field.
6). Please untick the “Display search box in the header” checkbox in the “Page Elements” tab of the Theme Options panel.
7). To add a new portfolio item (aka “project”), you will need to add a new content item in the “Portfolio -> Add New” admin section. For more information on building the portfolio, please see pages 4-7 of the theme manual.
Should you face problems with any of the above, do not hesitate to contact me!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey JP,
I’m awfully sorry for replying only now, a notification about this thread must have slipped through my inbox.
The theme does not imply a possibility to have two taxonomies for the “project” post type out of the box, which means you will need to perform some customization to achieve this. Since this is not covered by the ThemeForest support offer, you will need to use a help of a professional developer (e.g. on Envato Market) in case you are not familiar with php yourself.
There are at least two ways to get a second taxonomy to work with the “project” post type:
1). The cleanest, but also the longest one: register a new taxonomy using the “register_taxonomy” function and then add an association with the “project” post type either by adding a “taxonomies” parameter in the “register_post_type” arguments on lines 471-483 of the theme’s “functions.php” file, or by using a separate “register_taxonomy_for_object_type” function.
2). Extend the default “tag” taxonomy so that it can also be used with projects in addition to posts, either by adding a “taxonomies” parameter in the “register_post_type” arguments on lines 471-483 of the theme’s “functions.php” file, or by using a separate “register_taxonomy_for_object_type” function.
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey JP,
could you please provide a live link to the website in question? If it is not available live yet, could you please tell me which version of the theme you are using? You can look up the theme version in the “style.css” file, found in the “Shogun” folder, i.e. the root theme folder. The .css file can be opened by any text editor such as Notepad, or a dedicated code editor, in case you have one installed. One of the first lines of the “style.css” file should read “Version: XX”.
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Pamela,
the portfolio page you’ve created does work as intended ( In case you wanted it to appear as the static front page of the website, please visit the “Settings -> Reading” admin panel and set this page as the “Front page” drop-down selection for the “Front page displays” option.
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Freepam,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
I will go over your questions in the same order:
1). The Google font did not appear because there were extra spaces after the names in the respective fields in the Theme Options panel (probably an artifact of copy-pasting from another place). I’ve removed the spaces and now the font displays normally.
2). The color of the body text can be set in the “Body text color” field in the “Style: Content” tab of the Theme Options panel.
3). I’ve added an extra CSS rule to your website, now the vertical margin between the site name and the post title is smaller (for non-logged-in users).
4). The footer in WordPress is determined by the widgets which are set up in the “Appearance -> Widgets” admin section; when there is at least one widget set up in the “Footet” widget area on that page, it will automatically create a footer. What you have at the moment is the copyright area, a custom element created within the Ikebana theme; in order to change its background color, please use the “Copyright background color” field on the “Style: Footer” tab of the Theme Options panel.
5). The website background is light-teal at the moment, which corresponds to the color set in the Theme Options panel, so I suppose this one has been solved. If there’s still a problem, please let me know.
Should anything of the above be unclear, or should you have other theme-related questions, do not hesitate to contact me!
Andrii / Satori StudioP.S. I’ve edited out the login information to your website from your post, otherwise it would stay public and might have compromised your website’s security.
satoriKeymasterHey Moritz,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
Social icons (or other widgets) have not been envisaged in the theme’s footer, so there’s no “out-of-the-box” option for that. Technically, it is possible indeed, but will require certain code customization. There are several ways you could proceed:
– add the html markup (i.e. images and links) for the social icons into the “Copyright text” field on the “Page elements” tab of the Theme Options panel, wrapping them into a container (e.g. a div) with “float: left” property or “text-align: left”.
– add the icons into the footer widget area in the “Appearance -> Widgets” admin section, using the Social Media Widgets, and removing the extra margins in the footer widget area by adding this code to the theme’s “style.css” file (opens by default when you visit the “Appearance -> Editor” admin menu):#footer .widget-footer { margin: 0 !important; }
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Max,
this is not envisaged in the back-end of the theme (as a ready-made feature), but in principle this effect can be achieved by setting the “position” property of the menu element as “fixed”, in which case it will stay where it is regardless of the scroll.
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey bwhall,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
This issue has not been reported previously, so let’s do a little testing. Please try activating any other theme in the “Appearance -> Themes” admin section (e.g. the standard “Twenty-Fifteen”), and try to recreate the bug situation. If the issue disappears with another theme, that implies that the problem lies in Ikebana indeed. In the latter case, please send me your WordPress login and password to (no disclosure guaranteed) because I’ll need to see the actual back-end to provide meaningful recommendations. Thanks for your patience!
Andrii / Satori StudiosatoriKeymasterHey Percy,
this has not been envisaged as an out-of-the-box theme feature, but technically it is possible to achieve. Since it is a theme customization, it is unfortunately outside the ThemeForest support offer, but I will try to guide you through the best I can. In order to create a portfolio page that only displays projects with a certain tag, you will need to create a copy of the portfolio page template (pick any of the existing four, depending on how many columns you need), give the new file a unique name, edit the name on line 1 of the new file to make it unique as well (WordPress does not allow duplicate page template names). Then, you will need to modify the loop on line 40 of the file (the line should start with “$loop”); change it from
$loop = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'project', 'posts_per_page' => -1));
$loop = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'project', 'posts_per_page' => -1,'tax_query' => array( array('taxonomy' => 'tagportfolio','field' => 'id', 'terms' => 'XX',),),));
replacing “XX” with the ID of the tag that you need to filter the page projects by. You can find the tag ID by clicking on the tag in the “Portfolio->Tags” admin section: the number after “&tag_ID=” in the browser’s address bar is the tag ID you need.
After you have the file ready, you can upload it into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Sensei/), then create a new page and select the new template name in the “Page Attributes” box on the right. Voila! :)
Should you encounter problems along the way, do not hesitate to contact me!
Andrii / Satori Studio -