Deprecated: ¡La función get_currentuserinfo ha quedado obsoleta desde la versión 4.5.0! Usa wp_get_current_user() en su lugar. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Settingup help needed

New Front ES Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Settingup help needed

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  • #6756

    Hey Andrii,

    I have few more questions please:
    1. How to make main menu font bold? I tried menu item font and wrote the
    2. how to increase the size of the little social icon at the top?
    3. Arranging the tiles in the main page? I’m trying to get them in a specific order. Also I want to have one stick to the top at all times. I tried to choose page order as a way to organize them, and gave some tiles large numbers in the attribute order insider projects, hoping they would go down, but they won’t. Any suggestions?
    4. Using the vertical icon menu requires that I have their content all in that front page, right?
    5. How do I make the whole thing wider?
    6. How to get rid of the search bar?
    7. Do I need to add a new page to have content and description of each project once clicked? And how do I organize content inside the project page?
    I tried to also import all the content but nothing really happened inside the page.

    Thank you for the help



    Hey Amro,

    I will cover the questions in the same order:

    1). A back-end setting for this has not been envisaged as a theme option; however, you can achieve this by adding a line of CSS code to the «Style: Add Custom CSS» tab of the Theme Options panel:

    #nav-primary a { font-weight: 700 !important; }

    2). Again, this hasn’t been intended as a ready option, but you can change this by adding own CSS:

    #social-top a { font-size: 20px !important; }

    3). Please use the «Page order» parameter in the «Order of portfolio items» drop-down on the «Portfolio Page» tab of the Theme Options panel; then if you assign values to the «Order» setting in the «Attributes» box while in editor mode for specific projects (i.e. the items in the «Portfolio» admin section), they will be rearranged relative to each other’s numbers.

    4). You can use any individual item in the vertical icon menu as a filter (just like in the demo), in which case you’ll need to fill in the «Filter» parameter in the respective icon menu item box in the «Icon Menu» tab of the Theme Options panel – or as a direct link to any URL, in which case you will need to fill in the «Link URL» parameter in the respective icon menu item box.

    5). Please use the «Maximum content width» option in the «Page Elements» tab of the Theme Options panel. You can input any integer in that settings field.

    6). Please untick the «Display search box in the header» checkbox in the «Page Elements» tab of the Theme Options panel.

    7). To add a new portfolio item (aka «project»), you will need to add a new content item in the «Portfolio -> Add New» admin section. For more information on building the portfolio, please see pages 4-7 of the theme manual.

    Should you face problems with any of the above, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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