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  • in reply to: Menus #460

    you are welcome. I just bought Origami too and I am trying to figure it out but I am still having a lot of
    I hope Andrew/ Satori will come to me as the Messiah…

    in reply to: Header Image Auto-Appeared? #457

    hi Andrew,
    I would like to have my logo where this space is too, on every page of my blog
    I uploaded my logo to my medias several times, in JPG, which I later scaled, and as a GIG, but I can’t find a way to show it
    in that famous native ’empty’ space.
    I would like my logo to be excactly centered and as big as the ’empty’ rectangle.
    I would also like to try it in transparency (thus keeping the original background of the theme behin, like you did on Theme<forest for 'Origami' , and see which one I like best.
    For now, I was totally unable to show my logo in any given way.

    Another problem I have:
    my top grey menu i sworking and showing the right pages… Home, Links, Contacts…
    But there is one word (that is not even linked to anything) at the end of the menu on the right, it says 'pure questo' and I can't find a way to erase it.

    How can I get rid of it ? I started the menus from scratch several times, and that word 'pure questo' is nowhere to be found !
    Any Ideas ?

    in reply to: Menus #456

    you must go inside your WP editor in
    Appeareance -> Menus -> the one the up right you click on the + and create a nex menu (name it grey top menu for instance)
    then add to it as many categories or pages as you want (on the left bottom of the same page)
    then in order for this menu to appear you must click on the top left of this page under ‘theme locations’ and choose from the scroll down of the ‘top fill width menu’ what you just created: ‘grey top menu’.
    SAVE, refresh your website page.

    in reply to: Error on page load #455

    …. I am googling GL HF ….
    oh I had to delete the other theme in order to fix the bug (and it sucked anyway, honest)
    but I have sooooo much stuff that ain’t working on my blog, something tells me you’ll see me hanging in this
    forum quite often… (creepy smile)

    in reply to: Error on page load #453

    So here is what was actually causing the problem: a stupid ‘update’ that ThemeForest made me buy for 5 $
    – there is a thread about this issue in the forum in fact –
    for a theme that is omonymous ‘origami’ by another designer
    I had the feeling that theme was messing up with ‘our’ Origami and indeed it was: once I deleted the theme from the WP manager,
    the error instantly disappeared!
    Forum manager: spread the word! Also to these guys at ThemeForest (who could refund us these 5 bucks for a suggested update that not only is not for the right theme but it also screws up the one we bought..)

    Thanks Akullander !
    I feel almost like a geek girl now!

    in reply to: Error on page load #452

    ..positive! I did it several times. I wish I could post a screen shot !
    it definitely replaced the older php file, as it asked me to rewrite and it also says it got modified a few minutes ago.
    Looks like this file (i did unzipp it no worries!) didn’t work for me…

    Maybe the designers have an idea what’s up on my website ?

    in reply to: Error on page load #450

    thanks! I used it, and finally replaced this php file with the on eI found on this thread.
    Guess what?
    the error is still on my home page.
    Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘twitter_widget_script’ was given in /home/leda1979/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403

    in reply to: Error on page load #447

    oh, thans so much !
    my hosting is with Hostgator…
    I am trying to check if there is an FTP something in that mess of a login page they have….
    … I’ll let you know what happens.

    in reply to: Error on page load #445

    thanks, but I have no idea where my site ‘is’. I mean, I know the server where it’s hosted.
    But I know nothing about coding, and I used in the past FTP transfer to updload or download files from servers,
    but I was given an FTP adress to do so.
    I have no clue how to access ‘my website’s FTP’ or if there is on eto begin with.
    Am I the only clueless person in this forum? :/

    in reply to: Error on page load #443

    hi Andrew, I have the same problem as Akillander.

    (see it on http://www.medium-grey.com ), and a bunch of other BTW .. %)
    I am a total rookie, so I will need to ask you a lot of questions I am afraid.
    Regarding this error thing: I downloaded and unzipped this file, but where exactly am I supposed to upload it ??
    I know, I know… but I learn fast.

    In my WP editor I cannot find where; I have no clue… is there a link ? Can you explain exactly where ?

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