Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383


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  • #449

    Another noobish question from me :)

    How do I get the menus that appear on the theme preview here –

    I mean the grey navbar at the top and the green nav at the top left (theme features, page layouts etc)

    Also how do I add the 2 column gallery page? I’d like to use it as a portfolio page

    Thanks in advance :)


    you must go inside your WP editor in
    Appeareance -> Menus -> the one the up right you click on the + and create a nex menu (name it grey top menu for instance)
    then add to it as many categories or pages as you want (on the left bottom of the same page)
    then in order for this menu to appear you must click on the top left of this page under ‘theme locations’ and choose from the scroll down of the ‘top fill width menu’ what you just created: ‘grey top menu’.
    SAVE, refresh your website page.


    Thanks, that’s a great help. :)

    Now I just need help with adding the gallery page…


    you are welcome. I just bought Origami too and I am trying to figure it out but I am still having a lot of
    I hope Andrew/ Satori will come to me as the Messiah…


    Hey, Cab322003 and Leda1979!

    First of all, thank you for the purchase and my apologies for a slow reply! Also, big thanks to Leda1979 for taking the menu question!

    Here’s how you create a portfolio page in Origami:
    1). Create one or more portfolio items by going to “Portfolio -> Add New” in the admin menu. In case you want your future portfolio to be filterable, be sure to add tags to each portfolio item using the box on the right hand side of the item edit screen.
    2). It is recommended to add a featured image to each portfolio item, otherwise only text will show up on the portfolio page. Please see page 4 of the theme manual for a screenshot of how to add a featured image in WordPress.
    3). Create a portfolio page by clicking “Pages -> Add New” in the admin menu. In the “Page Attributes” box to the right of the text edit area, choose one of the portfolio-type page templates from the “Template” drop-down (in your case, you’ll want to choose the “2-column” version).
    4). Voila! :) If you visit your portfolio page now, you should see the individual items displayed in a grid of one or several columns, depending on how many you chose in the previous step. The filter above the items will consist of the tags you’ve given to your portfolio items.

    There are some more tips and relevant screenshots on page 4 of the Theme Manual.
    In case something is unclear, let me know!

    Andrew | Satori

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