Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Reply To: option tree

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Hi i000yards!

I’ll be addressing the issues by bullets to make it more readable :)

1). The logo issue: the blank image means that the system cannot read the file you are uploading. Make sure you choose “File URL” in the “Link URL” section after uploading the image. Also note that the image uploader accepts .jpg and .png and .gif formats. In case it still doesn’t work, I’d be able to fix the problem much quicker if you could provide me with the access to your website’s WordPress admin panel.

2). Could you please provide the URL of the page and clarify which tab you have in mind? Is it something that can be found on the Fuji preview on ThemeForest?

3). You can change the colour of the footer area in the Theme Options panel, the “Style: Footer” tab, “Footer background color” option. You can also change the background of the bottom copyright area separately: that would be the “Copyright background color” option in the same tab.

Hope that helps!

Andrew | Satori