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Keep SEO in Mind While Managing a Multilingual Website + Tips for Popular Languages

You’re running a multilingual website, and your content has been localized into, say, three different languages. Given all the effort and time that went into the translations, you pat yourself on the back, awaiting an influx of customers happy to engage with a website that speaks their tongue.

Might it be that you’re celebrating a bit too early?

How Does Translation Influence SEO?

Newsflash: having your website translated into several languages doesn’t guarantee that its will appear on the first page of Google for the people who speak these languages. So, the impact translation on search engine optimization (SEO) is something that your business will have to consider at some point.

Indeed, having a multilingual website means dealing with different search engines in different countries, therefore, some additional website optimization is not only recommended – it’s a must if you want to rank.

Studies on the influence of different languages on eCommerce businesses have long established that translations play a critical role in business success. Here are some interesting outtakes from a study published by CSA Research several years ago, which polled over 3,000 people from 10 countries:

  • 30% of respondents never buy from English-only websites, and 29% rarely do
  • 56% of respondents spend more time on the websites in their native language or boycott English-only websites altogether
  • automotive and financial products are among those that consumers are the least likely to buy if the website isn’t in their native language
  • among the biggest concerns is the lack of payment information in the native language
  • 50% of the respondents also say they prefer at least the navigation elements of the website to be localized

However, a translation itself isn’t enough for a high ranking in Google and the local search engines. Optimizing the translated content is also critical to getting your SEO right – i.e. avoiding pitfalls such as lack of clear localized content structure, which leads to weak search positions, which in turn has an immediate negative impact on customer engagement rates and therefore sales.

What About Auto-Translation?

Some companies avoid investing in professional translation, resorting to auto-translation with tools such as Google Translate.

Google Webmaster Central advises against this practice, saying that ‘…using automated translation tools to directly create content for your site would be seen as creating auto-generated content, which is against Google Webmaster Guidelines’.

And that’s G-speak for ‘you will be punished hard, SEO-wise ‘.

Thus, using auto-translation tools, the abundance of which is offered not just by Google, but by different WordPress plugins as well, negatively impacts SEO results. On the contrary, getting your website professionally translated improves SEO ranking and user experience in general.

Getting Serious About Localization

To translate your website with search engine optimization in mind, we need go beyond word-switching and look at localization as a coherent discipline.

Localization is more extensive than simple translation since it involves adapting the many aspects of your content and products to the target market:

  • converting currencies into local equivalents if applicable – this includes both the sums, the symbols, and the word order
  • localizing units of measurement in case the target country uses a different unit system (e.g. metric vs imperial)
  • changing date formats to those commonly in use by the native speakers of the language
  • using proper formats for geographical and other data such as addresses and phone numbers
  • adjusting images and graphs according to local cultural norms and expectations – including, but not limited to, colors, forms, symbols, etc

If these elements are localized improperly, the search engine algorithm may not recognize them, consequently bringing a negative impact on your SEO results.

So, since localization has a profound impact on SEO, let’s take a look at the most popular languages with SEO in mind. Those were picked according to the ranking by Statista of the most common languages used on the Internet.

How to Localize Content for Chinese Speakers

According to Forbes, over 800 million Internet users are from China. So even despite the fact that most of them are located in a single country, the Chinese language is the second most used language on the Internet.

But the sheer number of users is not the sole reason, why you need to start localizing your website in Chinese and worry about search engine optimization.

China is one of the world’s largest markets for… well, almost anything, not to mention the biggest production and manufacturing area in the world.

If you decide to target the Chinese market, full localization of your website is a must, as only 10 million out of 1.3 billion people in China speak any English.

Localizing a website into Chinese has certain peculiarities you should keep in mind:

  • Word order is essential – as you’re well aware, Mandarin as well as Cantonese use symbolic writing (logograms, to be precise), where almost every symbol carries it own, separate meaning, and a word can be represented by one, two, three, or sometimes four symbols. This also means that rearranging symbols can have a dramatic impact on the message, up to the point where a single shift in position can completely change the meaning of an entire sentence.
  • Date and time order – in Chinese, the year is followed by the month and then the day (which is handy, by the way, when you want to order something by dates on a computer)
  • Name format – unlike in English and most other languages, the last name comes first in Chinese, followed by the first name.

Since Google isn’t popular in China (because it doesn’t work there without a VPN), the majority of Chinese people use Baidu to search the internet. International brands that operate in China therefore rely on the algorithms of this search engine to optimize their websites. Haier, a brand that produces home appliances, is one of the examples of full website localization for the Chinese market:

Haier on Baidu

Keywords on the picture above are not auto-translated but localized. You can quickly check it by going to Google Translate and type in the first keyword. The translation into English doesn’t make sense:

Keyword translation - Mandarin

When introducing a website to Mandarin, Japanese or any other language of the Sino-Tibetan group, keep in mind that, for SEO, keywords shouldn’t be auto-translated directly but rather researched, since the meaning of the words depends so much on the particular combination of symbols.

Implications for Localizing your Website into German

Although “only” around 80 million Internet users speak German as their mothertongue (which is peanuts compared to Mandarin), it is still among the top 3 most popular languages on the Internet.

Quite conveniently, English and German share the same language group (so also the character set, mostly) and around 70% of the German-speaking population also speaks pretty good English. So, for SEO purposes, it is usually not necessary to carefully translate your brand name like you’d be doing in Mandarin.

However, it doesn’t mean that you won’t have to face the peculiarities of the German language when doing localization:

  • Capitalization is the name of the game – all nouns, both proper and common, are always capitalized in German. Keep that in mind to avoid silly mistakes that look pretty serious to the native speakers.
  • Nouns have genders, which is identified by the article and the ending of the noun. To spice things up a bit more, there are also noun declensions, which means that “this is a Toyota” and “I saw a Toyota” would use different articles.
  • The German alphabet itself – informally, the extra letters ö,ä,ü,ß are often spelled oe, ae, ue, and ss by Germans themselves to simplify the typing, but for SEO purposes and keyword research, be mindful of the native letters when doing localization.
  • Words are typically longer in German than in English, which you should keep in mind if you have any elements on your website that do not automatically adjust to their content length; also, the SEO meta such as titles and descriptions may overflow the allotted 65/160 symbols if translated literally into German.

On the latter point, while the standardized replacement letter combinations are quite useful for creating URLs, simply replacing umlauts with their dot-less equivalents doesn’t necessarily keep the word looking the same for a German-speaker (and the German Google – note the clarifying question and how some of the instances aren’t even highlighted in the results):

The extra German letters

Although German is more forgiving than Chinese in terms of localization, it is still better to do your homework before expanding into the German-speaking segment of the Web.

Website Localization and SEO for Arabic Speakers

According to the above-mentioned Statista ranking, Arabic is in the top 5 languages used on the Internet, with ca 168 million Arabic-speaking Internet users worldwide.

Nevertheless, there’s still a rather large gap between how many Arabic-speaking people use the Internet, and how much web content is available in Arabic (e.g. compare the above 5% with the 0.9% of Arabic content on Wikipedia). In addition to this, Arabic has many dialects and variations, which may impact localization in surprising ways:

  • Numbers and dates – ironically, while people in Europe and the Americas use the numeric symbols referred to as the Arabic numerals, a large part of the Arab world uses a different notation which is formally called the Eastern Arabic numerals.
  • Phonetic peculiarities – vowels, for instance, can have signs above or below characters in Arabic. Although there’s a simplified spelling, like in Chinese, the correct use of the Arabic alphabet has a significant impact on SEO results.
  • Right-to-left writing – Arabic uses the right-to-left writing system, which will impact the infrastructure of your website during localization

Due to the peculiarities of the phonetic system, many international businesses do partial localization into Arabic. Zara, for instance, has the website navigation, payment information, and notifications localized while keeping product names and the names of their collections in English:

Zara in Arabic

You can also see how all their content uses the RTL writing system both for localization and SEO purposes.

Optimizing Content for Portuguese Speakers (and SEO)

There are over 170 million Internet users who speak Portuguese, making it one of the most commonly used online languages. Out of the 9 countries that speak Portuguese and its dialects, Brazil is of course by far the largest (and the fastest-growing) market.

Apart from Brazil and Portugal, though, it’s worth keeping in mind that this language is either the primary one or is extensively used by significant minorities in large parts of Africa (such as Angola and Mozambique) as well as Latin America (such as Uruguay, Argentina, and Venezuela).

While being a European (Romance) language by origin, Portuguese has some peculiarities that will impact localization, and, consequently, search engine optimization:

  • Forms of addressing people – keep in mind that in Portuguese there are the formal and informal ways of saying “you”, which use different pronouns – and using the right form of address a much bigger thing than in, say, English.
  • Native words – while Portuguese has a lot of loanwords, it has been a recent trend in the Lusophone countries to prefer using local equivalents instead, which should be considered during localization.
  • Double space – when translating a text into Portuguese, keep in mind that the final version will most probably be longer than the source because of this little quirk of the syntax. It’s also worth keeping in mind which trying to make your website look and feel authentic to the native speakers.

More to the last point, you need to keep in mind that meta titles and meta descriptions for Google search results in Portuguese will have to be adjusted to make them fit into the limited number of characters.

Languages Are Fun, but Require Attention to Details

Trying to reach an international audience in their native tongue is a great strategy that has propelled more than one business to new heights. However, any such undertaking will be less effective if the finer details of the language are not taken into account.

And it’s not just about looking trustworthy and authentic to the native speakers –

Your growth in the new segment of the web will be much more sustainable (and cost-efficient!) if you always keep in mind the implications on search engine optimization – from keyword research to on-page SEO such as meta-data.


Planning (or already executing) a localization of your website? Hit us up in the comments below, we’ll be glad to answer any questions you might have about optimizing your efforts for sustainable SEO growth!

SEO Research and Analysis: the Definitive Guide

New to SEO? Perhaps the most you know so far is that, unless you grasp SEO and start to implement your own strategies, your website won’t rank and your traffic will be weak. In other words, you won’t get seen on the web.

Moreover, you’ll continue to fall behind the 61% of marketers who made improving their organic search presence a top priority.

The problem is that SEO can sound and look really confusing: white hats, black hats (grey hats?!) semantic cores, PBNs… Does driving traffic have to be so complicated? Not anymore. In this article, we separate the wheat from the chaff in clear, simple language, focusing on the two main aspects you need to concentrate on if you’re to launch a successful SEO campaign: research and analysis.

Your research is what ensures you’re picking the right keywords to rank for, while your analysis tells you what’s working and what needs tweaking or being eliminated from your strategy. We’ll end the article with four tools that will power your success in both areas.

Key to your research? A plan…

Creating an SEO Plan

When it comes to your SEO plan, there are two main things you should be focused on: building a semantic core and choosing the right keywords based on the first step. Let’s break it down in more detail:

Building A Semantic Core

Ultimately, people come to a website to achieve specific goals – be it obtain information, get entertained, ask a question or buy something. If your website helps visitors meet their goal, they will engage, buy, share, like, and come back again – in other words, your site will stay alive and potentially earn income.

Starting with this bird’s eye view of the SEO research task has an important benefit: you align your offer with your visitors’ aims right from the get-go. From here, there’s only a small step towards our first milestone: namely, describing the goals and desired outcomes of the people whose problems your website is solving. A structured collection of such terms is the semantic core of your website.

It is worth noting that the “structured” bit is very important: simply listing the goals is not enough, because it will quickly get messy as you proceed towards keyword research. Instead, try arranging your semantic core in a hierarchy, starting from the most generic words and branching out to more specific ones. Don’t think too much about specific wording at this point – we will tackle that in the next step of our SEO research.

Let’s look at an example: let’s say you have an online shop which sells new and used smartphones. The top layer of the semantic core will most likely contain those actions, as well as non-purchase intents (or, at least, not direct ones), such as guides on how to choose a smartphone or asking specific questions to your support team or a community. The next layers will build on those, adding more specificity:

Buy a smartphone
   Buy an iPhone
      Buy an iPhone 8
      Buy an iPhone 7
   Buy a Galaxy
Buy a used smartphone
   Buy a used iPhone
   Buy a used Galaxy
   Buy a used Sony phone
Get information about buying a smartphone
   Which smartphone should I choose?
   How to buy a used smartphone?
Get an answer to a specific question

When the semantic core is ready and you’ve went through all possible goals and actions of your visitors, it’s time to move on to the second step of our SEO research:

Choosing the Right Keywords

As we’ve discussed above, your potential visitors want to achieve a specific goal, for example, obtain certain information – but they might be using very different language to come and find you. While they’re “coming to the same conclusion” as you, they won’t find you if the way they express their requests is too different.

Let’s say that you are running a blog about how to make money online. People will be using Google to find out how to make money online, but they might not find you specifically because the words and phrases they’re typing into Google (e.g. “get rich on the web” or “earn profits from a website”), and the words and phrases that are on your page might be very different.

In other words, it is crucial to be aware of the possible combinations of keywords and phrases that people are searching in your niche.

Once you have the semantic core in place, you can “put some flesh on the bones” by gathering all possible search terms people use inside the boundaries of your core. These words and phrases can be broken down into three categories, depending on how many people use those specific search phrases per period of time (monthly figures are most often used):

  • High frequency – popular and usually quite generic search terms such as “making money online
  • Mid-frequency – more specific phrases which reflect certain intent, like “easy ways to make money online
  • Low frequency – very specific keywords and phrases like “how to make passive income using a laptop

The high-frequency words are the really popular ones, whereas the low ones are a lot less so. As mentioned, you need to think about the language people are using when they look for your website or business when collecting the keywords. While compiling your keyword list, you will notice that high frequency and mid-frequency phrases and keywords closely correspond to your semantic core (if they don’t you might want to go back to the previous step).

To help you find the right keywords and phrases, you can consider the following two approaches:

Direct Search – for this one, the AdWords Keyword Planner is your friend. To use this free tool, you need to first of all sign up to Google AdWords (you don’t have to deposit funds to have an account there). Once you’re up and running, you’ll be able to find the Planner by clicking on the three dots icon in the top right corner of the window and choosing the “Keyword planner” option under “Planning”.

You will be taken to a separate screen with several options; the items under “Find new keywords and get search volume data” are what you’re after. The first item is the most useful one when it comes to researching new keywords. Clicking on it reveals a section that asks you for keywords, which can be seeded in the first or third fields. You should already have a few in mind after thinking about your semantic core.

Next up is the Get Search Volume Data and Trends section. This won’t help you come up with new ideas, but it shows you how popular or unpopular each search term is. The desirable figures you’ll be looking for depend on your niche and the monetization potential – in some cases 10,000 searches per month is an acceptable market, while in others even a million impressions won’t be too high of a number given that the level of competition is high.

Once your search volume results are in, you can make better use of your results by going a bit more in-depth. Above the graph, you’ll see a drop-down menu called “Search Volume Trends.” Clicking it reveals a series of options that allow for further, more detailed analysis, looking into devices, locations, and other user characteristics.

Finally, the Multiply Keyword Lists to Get New Keyword Ideas tool takes your keywords and phrases and transposes them into potentially thousands of different combinations. Not all the results will be usable – in fact, most of them won’t. But every now and then, you’ll come across a real gem.

Competitor Analysis – sometimes, your competitors will be beating you at SEO, and their website(s) will be ranking higher. The good news? You can copy their tactics.

You know what they say about learning other people’s methods if we expect even half the success they have? It’s the same when it comes to SEO. If you want to keep up with your rivals, there is no better way to do it than by reverse engineering what they are doing.

Google Keyword Planner is a good way to do SEO – but it shouldn’t be the only way. This planner is being used by you and your rivals. As a result, it is difficult to obtain keywords with really interesting combinations of competitiveness to traffic.

To double down on your SEO campaigns and pick keywords that will get you ranking, you need to carry out a competitor analysis – gladly, there are specialized tools that can help you do this, which will be described in the following sections of this guide.

To sum up, competitor analysis is helpful for a few reasons: it gives you some new ideas for keywords, it helps you understand why your competitors are outranking you, and lets you access keywords you never would have thought of otherwise.

Analyzing SEO Campaigns

After you have chosen your keywords and launched your campaign, you’ll need to keep revising it so that you know what is working and what isn’t. Here are a few key performance metrics you need to understand:

Organic Traffic

The number of people that visit your website per period of time shows you the cold, hard evidence that your SEO campaign is going well – or that it’s failing. It’s the most quantifiable evidence there is, and it’s also super easy to track.

All you need to do is access your Google Analytics, click on the “Reporting” tab and select your website. In the sidebar menu, click “Acquisition” followed by Overview. You will see a list of your traffic that’s broken down by various mediums – paid, social, direct, organic, etc.
If you want to view data within a specific date range, access the calendar at the top of the Acquisition Overview page. Here, you can also customise the time period to see how well your campaign is faring compared to a few months ago.


Other websites linking back to yours are a key part of any SEO campaign. If a very similar competing website with same sort of images, same keywords, same bounce rate, et cetera – is still ranking better, you might be left scratching your head as to why. The answer could be that they have more – and/or better – backlinks than you. You can read more about link building for SEO in our special guide.

You can get quick overview of your existing backlinks by visiting the “Search Traffic” – “Links to Your Site” section in the Google Webmaster Console, yet this index is quite basic and is usually not updated very frequently, so for a more comprehensive review you’ll need specialized tools; read on for suggestions regarding the most useful ones.


The ultimate aim for anyone producing content must be to convince a site visitor to take some sort of action – subscribe to our email list, participate in a discussion, make a purchase, etc. In order to understand whether your SEO efforts help you to reach your web project’s ultimate goals, you’ll need to also track metrics such as conversion rate.

Conversion rate measures how many people who clicked on your page then took the action you wanted them to take (subscribed to your newsletter, shared your content on a social network, purchased a product, etc). This click-through rate is an important parameter because it lets you know how effective the keywords you’ve chosen are – in other words, whether the right pages are being seen by the right people.

The opposite of an interaction is a bounce – that’s when a visitor leaves your page without interacting with it in any way (not even visiting another page of your website). The lower the bounce rate, the better, but whether a specific level is good or bad depends heavily on the situation, for example a landing page can have a high bounce rate but the rest of the visitors, the ones who do interact with it, might be very targeted and produce a lot of conversions.

Essential SEO Analytics Tools

As promised earlier, here is a list of essential tools that any self-respecting webmaster should consider using for SEO research and tracking:

Google Analytics can be called the king of free webmaster tools – it lets you track your SEO performance, from traffic sources to page views to bounce rates, all at zero cost. If you want to understand your audience and segment your incoming visitor traffic, Google Analytics is essential, especially if you’re on a tight budget and can’t afford a premium tool yet.

To track your performance with Google Analytics, you need to set up a special code snippet on your website – if you’re running WordPress or another content management system, there’s a free plugin that should help you integrate GA into your site pretty easily.

Google Webmaster Tools lets you monitor the search presence of your website (in the Google search engine, naturally) and complements well the Analytics suite mentioned above as a tool to view which keywords you actually receive organic views and clicks. The Webmaster Tools also allows adding link disavow lists, verifying structured snippets on your website, and many other tasks encountered by any webmaster sooner or later.

Ahrefs is probably the most comprehensive specialized SEO tool created outside of Google’s walls: it is an impressive kit for webmasters with a serious approach to what they do, based on a proprietary index of the entire web which is second only to the big G’s.

Apart from in-depth analysis of a particular web domain (including your own), you can perform a slew of different tasks in Ahrefs, including doing keyword research with the help of their advanced Keyword Difficulty metric, running batch analysis of competing websites, as well as looking for content trends and influencers within your niche.

Ahrefs offers a 7-day trial for $7, after that the basic plan costs $99 per month; this can be a significant price tag for most beginner webmasters, but given the amount of time it saves and the insights it generates that’s very reasonable pricing.

A more recent alternative to Ahrefs, Nightwatch is all-in-one SEO tool that lets you track the average position of your pages, monitor the exact ranking of your website for specific keywords, as well as carry out competitor analysis.

You can sign up for a free trial, during which you’re allowed to slot in your website and perform an in-depth analysis of your SEO campaign – this lets you see the search visibility of your keywords, as well as their click potential. You will also be sent regular reports that help you stay on top of things.

Apart from tracking, Nightwatch can help discover new keywords, which makes it useful for both research and analysis, and it comes with an easy-on-the-eye interface that’s quick to get used to. To get the most out of it – including detailed competitor analysis, you’ll need to upgrade to the paid version, which starts at $19 per month.

Over to You!

Getting good at SEO isn’t as easy as it used to be – climbing the rankings and gaining search engine visibility will take time and effort. However, the outcome of a successful SEO campaign is a constant stream of highly relevant traffic for your website, without the need to pay for each single click – and it’s totally worth the hassle.

Share your experiences with SEO research and analysis in the comments section below, ask questions or share opinions – we’ll be glad to hear what you think. Let’s discuss!

Link Building for SEO: Everything You Should Know


What Is Link Building and Why It Matters

Ever wondered how Google became the most popular search engine in the world? A large part of its early success and explosive growth was due to its innovative approach to ranking search results: instead of relying solely on a web page’s content to determine its relevance, the young search engine deployed a new ranking factor: authority.

Authority is meant to gauge how “respected” a web page is among all existing web pages, using the mechanism of referencing by hyperlinks, i.e. what we now call simply links. The underlying assumption goes like this: if a certain page uses some of its precious space to present a link to another page, it must believe that there is some value in that referenced information.

By casting such a vote, the linking page thus passes some authority (or “link juice”, as SEO jargon puts it) to the linked page. The more aggregate authority is passed to a certain page via incoming links, the more important it must be as a piece of information. Search engines, which strive to present the most useful content to their visitors, use the authority flows described above to determine the relative prominence of each web page.

Within this context, it’s not hard to understand why website owners and online marketers are so intent on getting new incoming links: it was the original guiding principle of the search engines’ ranking algorithms, and it is very much valid today.

However, it is worth noting that the exact way Google accounts for the authority flows has changed a lot as the system grew more and more sophisticated, in order to prevent artificial manipulation of rankings by unscrupulous folks. Understanding the concept of link quality will not only help build a better link profile, but also avoid any sanctions by the search engines.

The Difference Between High- And Low-Quality Links

In order to understand why links can be of varying quality, let’s start with looking at what Google itself has to say on this matter:

Any links intended to manipulate […] a site’s ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This includes any behavior that manipulates links to your site or outgoing links from your site.

This might sound weird, since it looks like virtually every intention to get an incoming link might be considered as a violation of these guidelines. If we read the statement more carefully, though, we’ll notice one interesting nuance: the word may. This little circumstance adds new rules to the game by creating a broad spectrum for the activity. This “wiggle room” will determine whether your backlink building campaign will bring you high- or low-quality links.

In the same document as cited above, Google goes on to state that the best way to gain high quality links is by creating “unique and relevant content”. In other words, the more useful your content is to your visitors, the more chances that someone will link to it, sometimes even without your explicit request.

Given the above, here’s how we can draw the line between good and bad backlinks:

High-quality links are editorially controlled by the linking site
Low-quality links have been placed without editorial control

Following the editorial principle will help ensure that the links you get are future-proof and will not land you a search engine penalty someday. This, however, begs the question: are all non-editorial links automatically low-quality?

Surely not. If you share your content on social media platforms, for example, you still get links to your website, but these are focused on promotion, not manipulating search positions. Furthermore, as your website and the things it is offering become more popular on the web, it will inevitably get some natural links, some of which will originate from non-moderated platforms. This is okay as long as you’re not doing that yourself on a massive scale.

Modern Link Building Strategies

Now that we’ve established the basic principles behind link authority and quality, let’s look at some of the most commonly used link-building mechanisms that have been time-tested and still work to this day.

Linkable assets: instead of pushing others to link to your content, it is often much more efficient in the long run to create content that people will want to link to in the first place. There are many types of content with potential of becoming linkable assets, the primary idea here is to create the needed intent, i.e. ask yourself the questions: “what would people link to when they create their own content?” and “why would anyone link to this piece of content?”. Some of the most powerful linking intents include:

  • Permanently relevant information such as how-to’s and in-depth guides (no wonder WikiHow has thousands of backlinks).
  • Authoritative summaries that feature contributions by top influencers or data from respected sources in an easily digestible manner.
  • Useful tools and applications that help users perform tasks like searching, generating, analyzing etc. An example of such online tool is our free WordPress Theme Detector.

It is worth noting that linkable assets don’t need to be created entirely by you – some of the effort can be crowdsourced if you can come up with a way to make contributing fun or useful for third parties. For example, the startup incubator Ycombinator created this Hacker News list where users can submit new articles as well as upvote and downvote existing news, adding content and increasing the social relevance of the page at the same time. Another example is the job board created by ProBlogger: far from being their core business, it still attracts tons of backlinks because it provides real value to the industry.

Creating superior content: this one is closely related to the previous technique, because the basic premise is similar – coming up with top-quality content, only in this case it entails determining the most prominent pieces of content on a specific topic (keyword group) and creating an even more comprehensive one.

This method is often called the “skyscraper technique” in SEO lingo since it feels somewhat similar to building additional levels to construct the tallest building in the city; the metaphor goes even further when we consider that only the highest edifice tends to get all the attention in a given area, “second tallest” and “third tallest” are much less enticing names. Having the absolutely best content will help you land links more easily, especially if you couple it with unique linkable assets (wizards, search tools, and other interactive helpers) or media (videos, infographics, podcasts etc).

Not only can you borrow structural ideas from your established competitors on the stage of composing your new “skyscraper” page – you can also use their link profiles to scout for easy link prospects: after all, a site that has already linked to a competitor’s post will be more likely to link to your (superior) piece as well!

Guest posting, or writing a piece of content for a third-party blog. Backlinks can be had either from the body of the text or from the “author bio” section underneath it. This is probably one of the oldest and most popular link building techniques on this list, yet lately there’s been a fair degree of debating and overall controversy around it.

To avoid getting drowned in a similar discussion, it is worth specifying that the key ingredient of a solid guest posting campaign is the quality and authority of blogs chosen as potential hosts: the mere fact that a blog is accepting contributions from outsiders does not mean you should rush to publish a piece of content on it. Instead, in the long run it pays to be picky and pitch only to websites with a permanent audience (i.e. stable traffic), high-quality existing content that is regularly updated, and a strong brand (ideally).

Finding guest post prospects can be as simple as searching for specific keywords like write for us [your niche] or using specialized aggregators such as Guest Post Tracker. In addition to that, it is worth manually checking each established website in your niche (of which you should be aware anyway) for the presence of a blog – many will have a “write for us” notice on their website, but there’s also a fair chance that your high-quality content will be accepted even if a blog doesn’t have explicit calls for third-party contributors.

Infographics and other media: this one’s similar to linkable assets mentioned above, but instead of building useful pages on your domain that others might naturally want to link to, you can create graphics and video that other websites will want to embed into their posts. While the fact of an infographic being used in a third-party article does not guarantee you a backlink, two features of this method work in your favor: firstly, since making another copy of an image costs nothing, the sheer scope of the potential distribution of your media means there are significant chances of at least some part of publishers mentioning the source.

Secondly, you have the possibility to recover some of the link-less media by e.g. doing an image search in Google using your infographic. You can then reach out to each blog which has not linked back with a friendly request to do that, and chances are many decent ones will gladly do so (if a webmaster refuses to add an attribution to your work, you might not want a link from their blog in the first place since they might also be using other duplicate content across the board).

Monitoring brand mentions: apart from looking in search engines for users of your media content, why not also keep tap of any instances where your brand is being mentioned across the web – after all, if your brand name is unique enough anyone referring to it must be explicitly referring to your website. This means you can contact them and request a linked mention, which, statistically, will see some positive results, giving you extra backlinks from places that are almost by definition contextually related to your brand.

The easiest way to track brand mentions is by using specialized tools; our favorite is the Alerts tool by Ahrefs, which allows compiling a list of keywords for an automated system to monitor across the web. Once a new piece of content is found which contains your target words or phrases, you will be sent an email alert with the details.

Broken link recovery: we’ve talked about recovering links that are implicitly or explicitly connected with your website, yet there’s another useful technique worth mentioning that takes it a step further. Large and complex websites will almost inevitably have a certain proportion of outbound links that do not work anymore – it might be that the specific page they are linking to has moved or no longer exists, or maybe the entire website is no longer live. In any case, such links hurt user experience, which means webmasters will be happy to correct them.

As you might imagine, there are two important components to this link building method: finding the broken links on other websites and making sure you have your own pages to replace them. The first part can be approached from two angles – either finding pages with lots of links such as “Useful Resources” lists (they will typically be the ones with higher probability of containing broken links) or taking a specific large site and scanning all of its pages for non-functioning outbound links.

For the first approach, you can use search queries like useful links, useful resources, etc, ideally within your niche, and then scanning the pages you find with tools like the Check My Links Chrome extension. The second approach is most easily implemented with Ahrefs (yes, we do fancy this toolkit) by running a website through its Site Explorer tool and checking the “Broken links” sections in the “Backlinks” and “Outbound links” reports (you can see more information and screenshots in this official guide).

Once you have a list of broken links, you can filter out those that fit with your existing content, and then consider creating new content to fit the remaining ones, where feasible. After that, you’re ready to reach out to the webmasters and help them fix their broken links by substituting them with your resources. The most important thing to keep in mind here is that your substitute content should absolutely be of high quality and as close to the original links as possible.

Risky Link Building Tactics You Better Avoid

To avoid both manual and automatic downgrades of your website by the search engines, here are some link-building strategies you should abstain from:

Comment spam implies leaving comments on blog posts which either allow inserting links into the comment body or linking the comment author’s name. If you’re running a blog, you’ve most likely gotten a lot of comments along these lines:

Doing a quick Google search for the same phrase gives you thousands of results with identical wording (i.e. non-unique content):

To see why comment spam on a large scale is a useless (and potentially dangerous) SEO tactic, let’s consider the possible scenarios based on two factors: whether a blog moderates the comments before making them public and whether the comment links are dofollow –

  • Moderated, nofollow links – even if your comment does get approved eventually, any links inside it will be nofollow, i.e. not tracked by the search engine bots. This kind of defeats the entire purpose of the enterprise.
  • Moderated, dofollow links – such blogs are quite rare nowadays, and if you do find some from your niche, you’ll need your comment (and the contained link) to really be unique and have value-added to get approved. This is very difficult to implement on a massive scale, and is still less preferable than full-fledged content submissions such as guest posts.
  • Unmoderated, dofollow links – a magnet to various spammers, so over time such pages become so littered with comments linking to all kinds of non-topical websites, that being in such a crowded, low-authority company is not what you want for your links.
  • Unmoderated, nofollow links – the “worst of both worlds”, no explanation required.

In total, this implies that mass-spamming other blogs with backlink-containing comments is both impractical and risky.

Forum spam is another similar tactic, which can take the form of putting the link within your signature or post’s body or creating a bunch of fake profiles that post links to your web resource. Either way, it’s a useless strategy to say the least, even if the forum is a respected and moderated one: since forum threads tend to include multiple replies, and since you’re not the only one doing this, your outgoing links will be on the same page with dozens of other (mostly irrelevant, and sometimes low-quality) outgoing links – not very useful when it comes to passing authority.

Low-quality directories are apparently still a thing, considering the number of offers on freelance marketplaces to “place your link in 300 directories for $10”. While this might look like a real bargain, beware that it might also get you penalized by the search engines: directories that accept mass submissions, especially unmoderated ones, are places where mostly low-quality websites will hoard, thus creating very shady surroundings from your links.

In general, though, even moderated directories with paid entry are not the smartest way to build effective links nowadays, as Google gives more and more preference to user value and engagement. They had a blast in the early years of the Web, but now it’s about time we said goodbye to this SEO tactic.

Private Blog Networks, or PBNs, are another place where you don’t want your backlinks to live. A PBN is an interlinked group of websites (usually built on recycled expired domains) owned by the same entity carefully disguised as independent blogs in order to pass link authority in a pre-defined manner. Google has been penalizing PBNs heavily since 2014, and while their tactics did become more refined over time, the search giant still allegedly has little trouble identifying such structures, given the gargantuan amounts of data and processing power it wields.

As a webmaster, though, you might be wondering how to actually tell if the website you’re looking to publish on is a part of a private blog network in the first place. As mentioned earlier, the PBNs that do survive to the present day are more sophisticated than their ancestors, but there are some telltale signs you’re dealing with one:

  • Thin and superficial content: since PBN constituents are usually created by buying expired domains and fulling them with new content, such content is usually produced at scale, and at the lowest possible cost. You can quickly tell from the quantity and quality of the available content if a website is intended for real people or is just there to pass link juice.
  • Domain name that does not quite fit the content: while PBN owners try to search for expired domains that match their target niche, it’s not always possible to obtain such in needed quantities – which means some of the blogs in the network will have strange-looking domain names that have little relevance to their main topic.
  • Another website used to be on the same domain: if you have suspicions, you can use the Wayback Machine to check if the same domain used to have a completely unrelated website on it earlier.
  • Very little multimedia: unique media is more difficult to produce at scale than text, so PBN blogs will have much less (or none) of it compared to legit websites.
  • Abnormal backlink profile: if you check the backlinks of a PBN constituent by a specialized tool such as Ahrefs Site Explorer, you’ll notice certain patterns such as large numbers of broken links, stale or negative link growth over the past year, as well as incoming links that are not relevant to the current topic of the blog. These are all red flags which indicate a PBN candidate.
  • You’re being offered backlinks from a dozen blogs by the same person: maintaining a high-quality blog is a laborious task, and while many web entrepreneurs do handle multiple websites, it’s very rare that a single organization disperses itself into more than a couple of these. Anyone offering you simultaneous placement on 20 blogs is most probably a PBN owner.

Link Penalties and How to Recover from Them

Most SEO experts think that low-quality links are not taken too seriously by Google and other search engines. After all, you can never have 100% control over the process of external pages linking to your web resource. However, despite the fact that in most cases unintended or occasional bad links do tend to get devalued rather than sink your rankings, when used on a massive scale those can still be quite harmful.

Back in 2012 Google released the first Penguin algorithm update – a weapon of mass destruction for low-quality links, with the abusing sites becoming confined to the fringes of the web. Since that time, several more iterations of Penguin have been released, each next being smarter at identifying shady link-building strategies. The latest version, 4.0, is claimed by Google to be a real-time and page-specific feature – in other words, the search engine now wields laser precision when it comes to identifying and punishing low-quality links.

There are two types of penalties that Google can bring down on a web page that has been caught on link spam – algorithmic and manual:

Algorithmic penalty, as you’ve probably guessed from the name, involves no humans in reviewing potentially bad links. Most of those are passed by the Penguin algorithms we’ve discussed above. Is there a way to determine whether your website has been hit by an algorithmic link action? Unfortunately, you won’t get any notifications – it works “in the background”, and all you’ll see will be precipitous SERP declines over a short period of time.

Manual penalty, in contrast the previous one, is applied by someone from Google’s Webspam Team. It could be triggered by: a spam report from someone else, you being in a competitive niche actively monitored by Google, or some suspicious aspect in your link profile.

How do you determine that you’ve been hit by a manual link penalty? Easily – you will get an email notification from Google. In general, though, it doesn’t matter what type of penalty you’ve been stricken by – both types lead to a drop in SERPs and consequently a drop in traffic. The worse-case scenario is being de-indexed, i.e. disappearing from the search results entirely.

In general, though, it doesn’t matter what type of penalty you’ve been stricken by – both types lead to a drop in SERPs and consequently a drop in traffic. The worse-case scenario is being de-indexed, i.e. disappearing from the search results entirely.

What should you do if you’ve actually been hit by a link penalty (i.e. experienced a sharp drop in rankings and/or got a manual action notice from Google)? First thing to do is clean up the mess by removing the low-quality links or telling Google which links should not be taken into account, in case you’re unable to remove them for one or another reason. Below we’ll provide a detailed sequence of steps involving Ahrefs’ SEO toolkit; we will assume that you have already added your website to the Ahrefs Dashboard (by using the “+ Add a website” button):

  1. Generate a list of links to your website using the Site Explorer tool by inputting your website’s URL (or simply clicking on your website’s name in the Dashboard). From the overview, click on “Backlinks” in the left menu to see the incoming links.
  2. Find low-quality links by analyzing each inbound link from the list, based on what we’ve discussed above about link quality; pay special attention to the following: links from websites outside of your niche, links from shabby-looking pages, links with weird domain names, links with anchors that seem to be spammy, links from websites you can’t recognize.
  3. Create a disavow file containing a list of links that you consider detrimental to your website. You can do it manually or use the built-in functionality right inside the Site Explorer’s “Backlinks” view: when you find a link you’d like to add to the Disavow, tick the checkbox next to it and click on “Disavow domains” button that appears above the table of links. After you’ve gone through all your backlinks, return to the Dashboard and hit “Disavow links” in the row that lists your website. In the next screen, click on “Export” in the top right corner, then tick the “Save as TXT for upload to Google Disavow Tool” option and hit “Ok”.
  4. Upload the disavow file to Google through the interface available in the Google Disavow tool. Each time you upload a new version of the disavow file, it’s better to be on the safe side and repeat all previously disavowed links in the new uploads as well.

If you’re under a manual penalty, you should’ve also received an email stating the reason, and the same email will contain a link to the section of Google Webmaster Tools (if you’re still not using this instrument, go create an account right now!) which allows you to send a reconsideration request after you’ve cleaned up the faulty links. In case you’re facing an algo penalty, the only thing left to do is wait until Google notices the positive changes in your link profile and corrects its earlier decisions regarding your rankings. This can take anywhere from several weeks to several months, during which time you are advised to closely monitor your SERPs and incoming organic traffic for signs of improvement.

Keeping Your Link Profile Natural

As you’ve seen above, dealing with link penalties is never a pleasant work. This means it’s worth making every effort to avoid getting penalized in the first place. How do search engines decide which websites to punish for their backlinks and when? The exact details of their algorithms are never disclosed, yet the overall principle is easy to come by: they aim at distinguishing between sites that get their links naturally (i.e. thanks to being useful to others), and those that employ manipulative tactics with the sole aim of ranking higher.

A natural-looking link profile is therefore something any webmaster should be striving towards when they decide to engage in active link-building campaigns. “Naturality” should be present at both the individual link level and the overall link profile of the website. First, let’s go over the properties of each standalone inbound link:

  • Position on the page – the most natural way to include links to other resources is inside the main content of a page or post; links from sidebars, header (especially navigation menus) as well as footers look much more suspicious and should therefore be handled with extreme caution.
  • Surroundings – a link that just sits there on a page by its own might look less natural than the one embedded into a text. That text should also, of course, be relevant to the links (yes, search engines can easily gauge relevance nowadays, using their vast training datasets).
  • Anchor – the text of the link itself should, too, be relevant to its surroundings and of course to the external page it leads to. Brand mentions or generic anchors (such as “here” or “more information”) are usually safer than clearly keyword-optimized link text (i.e. using an entire keyphrase as an anchor).
  • Visibility – if a webmaster adds an outbound link consciously and really endorses the target page, they will never think of hiding or obstructing the link in any way. For that reason, backlinks hidden with styling methods like extremely small font size or text color that is almost indistinguishable from the page background, are clear red flags.
  • Forwarded traffic – if the page that contains the backlink receives any visitors at all, some of them are likely to follow the link if it’s relevant, useful, and otherwise satisfies the above criteria; therefore, if a backlink sends some real visitors your way, it is not only good for your inbound traffic, but also a sign to the search engine bots that the backlink is legit.

Apart from that, it is worthwhile considering the entirety of your incoming links as a single statistical group and making sure that the following criteria are not skewed and don’t look suspicious:

  • Anchor composition – diversity, frequency of occurrence, as well as specific keywords are important here: instead of containing only keyword-optimized anchors, branded links, generic anchors and URL anchors (that’s when a full web address is used as a link text) should typically be expected to prevail in a natural link profile.
  • Dofollow/nofollow proportions – while most SEO campaigns are focused on obtaining links without the “nofollow” attribute, i.e. those that are counted by the search engines towards your website’s overall inbound authority, it is unwise to think to Google and others don’t “see” them at all – websites with only dofollow links pointing at them can easily be considered as candidates for link manipulation and therefore receive further close “inspection” (you don’t want that to happen to your site, for sure).
  • Inbound authority distribution – statistical principles such as the Law of Large Numbers and the Central limit theorem imply that a website with many backlinks will almost inevitably have more weaker backlinks that stronger ones (after all, there are much more sites with low authority on the web). A situation when most of your inbound links come from pages with extremely high authority parameters doesn’t look natural, rather smells of over-optimization.
  • Evolution with time – apart from the link profile being balanced at any given point in time, it is also worth noting that sudden changes in any of the above parameters will raise doubts as to the absence of active manipulation from your side. In other words, strong and future-proof link profiles are built gradually and steadily over significant periods – months and years, certainly not days or weeks.

All of the above are easily monitored with the Site Explorer tool by Ahrefs we’ve mentioned earlier: most of the times, you can spot a website with a suspicious backlink profile by simply looking at the dashboard result of this tool’s analysis. Additional insights can be obtained by going through the specific sections of the Site Explorer report.

Don’t Forget about Outgoing Links

While most of SEO focuses on incoming links (which is totally understandable, given their influence on the search results rankings), we couldn’t skip outbound links in this guide because they also play a vital role in determining the level of authority of a page and even the entire website.

In order to play it safe it terms of linking out, it’s recommended to keep the following simple principles in mind:

  • Avoid out-of-context outbound links, especially to websites outside of your niche – Google has become quite good at gauging the meaning of a given text, so it’s also easy for the search engine to determine if a linked resource has anything to do with the topic being discussed in the text.
  • Don’t link to low-quality content – no matter if it’s been done intentionally or by mistake, linking to shady, hacked, or malware-infested websites is a big red flag for Google; since the websites you link to are also part of your “link surroundings” on par with inbound links, being “surrounded” with low-quality websites is not what you want when optimizing your pages for best search result performance.
  • Avoid hiding outbound links, search engine crawlers will find them in any case because they look at the code, not the visual representation of a page.
  • Fight comment spam on your own pages – just like you don’t want your backlink to be in a “bad company” of dozens of other shady links on someone’s page, it’s not a good idea to allow for such a “link fest” on your own blog posts as well.
  • Fix broken outbound links – such sloppiness simply tells Google that the website is not being well-maintained.

Build a Future-Proof Link Profile

As you’ve seen above, correcting your link-building mistakes can be a tedious, slow, and painful process – that’s why it is always advisable to play it safe right from the start and keep an eye on the quality of your incoming and outgoing links at all times. A more modest, but healthier link profile containing only high-quality links is much more preferable and safer in the long run than a bloated backlink base built with questionable methods. Keep that in mind and search traffic will follow!

Left with unanswered questions? Have something to add? Feel free to share your thoughts in a comment section below and of course don’t hesitate to tell your friends about this guide on your social media channels :)

SEO Basics: The Quest for Better Search Rankings


What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Any site owner can confirm that getting people to visit a website can often be much harder than actually building one, especially with all the specialized tools available on the modern Web. And for many webmasters, organic search traffic (i.e. visitors that come naturally from Google’s search results pages) is considered something akin to a holy grail, for two important reasons.

Firstly, you don’t have to pay for every click, and secondly – such users come to your website after explicitly searching for a specific word or phrase, which uncovers their current intent. The latter is a very strong factor determining how actively your visitors can be expected to engage with your page, performing the actions you want them to perform, from reading and sharing your content to following your recommendations and buying your products.

However, for all its advantages, organic traffic can be notoriously hard to obtain – and even harder to retain – in a consistent fashion. This is where SEO comes in, as a set of strategies intended to improve a webpage’s search positions for specific keywords.

Does SEO Still Work?

Successful search engine optimization used to be quite different (and arguably much less complicated) back in the day – there was a time when it was sufficient to repeat the necessary word as many times as possible on a page for higher rankings – or leave several hundred comments on various forums linking to your website.

Google’s algorithms have been evolving constantly, though, and most of the techniques that virtually guaranteed a ranking boost ten years ago not only stopped working, but can actually hurt your organic traffic in the long term.

A logical question arises in this respect: do any of the optimization techniques still bring positive results at all?

While Google is becoming more and more “intelligent”, it still remains an algorithm, which means it needs some parameters to use in its ranking decisions – it can’t just rank search results randomly in hopes of staving off any manipulation.

What this means is that SEO will always remain relevant, by its definition as “optimization for the factors that are used for search results rankings” – what has changed is the actions that constitute such “optimization”. In order to determine which tactics might be called modern-day SEO, we’ll need to understand the search engines’ point of view first.

In Google’s Shoes

Before we begin, one quick side note: you’ve probably noticed that we are using “Google” as a synonym for “search engines” at large in this guide. This is not a coincidence: according to various sources like Statista and NetMarketShare, Google accounts for more than 80% of the global search market, and up to 95% of the entire desktop search traffic in such major countries as Brazil and India.

Such near-monopolistic position forces other competitors like Yahoo and Bing to emulate the leader, effectively giving Google the power to drive the entire search engine market, which is why we will be focusing on it throughout the article, just like most SEO professionals do in their day-to-day activities.

In its mission statement, the company says that its goal is to:

organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful

While this is a worthy undertaking benefitting all of humanity etc, one should not forget the primary cash machine that allows Google to exist: its enormous pay-per-click advertising business called AdWords (generating almost all of the $90 billion of the search giant’s 2016 revenues). This means two things:

  1. If there’s a way to consistently influence one’s rankings, people will buy fewer ads (why pay for each click when you can invest a fixed amount of money and time to get free clicks?)
  2. Even though ads are what matters for Google, search results should still be of high quality, since people will stop using the search engine if they aren’t; fewer users, in turn, will put the ad revenues under jeopardy, which Google understandably wouldn’t enjoy.

From this, we can go on and deduce, with a fair degree of confidence, some of the engine’s preferences with respect to organizing its search results.

Things Google Likes

In order for people to keep using the search engine (and for Google to earn its advertising profits), the results it generates in response to people’s search queries should possess one paramount property: they should be useful. In other words, people want to be able to find whatever they were looking for, and the faster – the better.

Google can’t (yet) ask its users directly if they like what they see in the search results, so it has to resort to indirect methods of determining the quality of a page with respect to a specific search phrase. There are two parts to this assessment: the page’s quality (the on-site SEO factors) and the page’s authority (often called off-site SEO factors).

When gauging the quality of a particular web page, search engines look at all measurable parameters they can lay their hands on:

Originality – a page’s value to the users is higher when its content is unique rather than taken from somewhere else, as simple as that. While original content is very unlikely to earn you high rankings on its own, plagiarizing is a sure way down the rankings and even to a penalty bench.

Substance – while there’s no hard rule that says “less text on a page is bad for SEO”, you should consider if your visitors would appreciate a deeper discussion of the topic at hand rather than a few superficial sentences. If that is likely to be the case, make sure your content is as substantial and well-researched as possible.

Usability – how long a visitor spends on your website is often a good indicator of its usefulness; time spent on a page, in turn, is heavily influenced by how easy it is to use it, including layout, navigation, and design. Making sure your website looks professional and adheres to UX (user experience) best practices is crucial in optimizing for better search rankings.

Speed – digital devices have made us all quite impatient with their immediate-feedback interfaces; according to Google, more than half of smartphone users abandon a web page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. To rephrase that: the faster a page loads, the better for the user – which, in turn, means that load time is very likely to be one of Google’s ranking factors, especially for pages accessed via mobile devices (since many people browse the web on metered mobile plans and fixed mobile internet usage limits or even pay per megabyte).

Our dedicated on-page SEO guide covers the above items in more detail, including practical advice on how to make the most out of each parameter and maximize your page’s chances of better search rankings.

Moving on to the authority metrics, this is where Google estimates how trustworthy a page is based on other websites’ actions. In plain terms, off-page SEO is mostly about third-party resources linking out to your pages: if such a link looks genuine, it tells search engines that other websites appreciate your content.

The more authority you gather through incoming links from other trusted websites, the higher your chances for top search rankings.

Things Google Doesn’t Like

While it’s quite obvious that the opposites of the things described above are red flags for search engines, it’s still useful to quickly review the behaviours that are detrimental to search rankings:

Low quality – Google’s algorithms are constantly improving, i.e. getting better and better at spotting unoriginal, superficial, difficult to use, or offensive content. Such pages don’t stand a chance of ranking high in search results, and sometimes even ranking at all.

Bad company – if your immediate “web surroundings”, i.e. sites that link to you and the ones you link to, are of dubious quality and reputation, your chances of higher rankings might suffer as well. And while you can’t control who links to your website, it is possible to take action if you spot any shady inbound links: by uploading a disavow list in the Google Webmaster Console you can tell the search engine which of your backlinks you don’t want it to consider.

Manipulation – while there’s nothing bad in improving your website for the sake of getting higher rankings, outright gaming the algorithm has never been something Google was particularly fond of. Add to that the fact that it’s becoming ever more sophisticated and eagle-eyed, and it’s clear that the risks involved hardly make it a worthwhile strategy to pursue.

Over to You

Search engine optimization is no hard science – rather a soft skill that can be improved by involving common sense and collecting as much experience as possible. In case you’ve got some interesting stories to share, or have questions about the topics covered in this guide, let us know in the comments section below!

On-Page SEO: The Ultimate Guide to Google Love

A lot of attention in SEO, or search engine optimization, is focused on off-page optimization, i.e. improving a website’s authority by getting high quality links pointing to it from other authoritative resources. To be fair, this is for good reason: external backlinks are how search engines get third-party verification of the quality and relevance of a website, which is still one of the most important ranking signals for search results pages.

This, however, often implies that good on-page SEO is self-evident and ubiquitous, which is (not surprisingly) far from true – just try analyzing any web page using one of the SEO tools such as this one. Funnily enough, even their own homepage does not get a solid 100/100 score, while some small-medium websites can get as low as 50/100. The thing is – if you want your website to rank high in search engines, two components are crucial: the authority and the quality; and while Google uses third-party links to verify the first one, it can easily gauge the quality of your web page all by itself.

What is On-Page SEO?

Simply put, on-page SEO is any practice that uses the elements of a webpage to increase the chances of better search engine rankings. On-site SEO, in this context, is slightly different, as it leverages all the pages on a given website through tactics such as internal linking. Both of these differ from off-page SEO which attempts to use exogenous signals such as hyperlinks and social shares in order to improve rankings.

What exactly can we do with a webpage in order to improve its SEO quality? In order to answer that, we will need to examine what a webpage is, why it exists, and what Google and other search engines expect from it.

What Makes a (Good) Web Page?

Any web page, in essence, is just a document composed in a language called HTML (for HyperText Markup Language). Your browser gets this document from a specialized computer (server) which stores the website’s files for any online user to access, parses the document and displays the page on your screen. This page can contain a lot of various elements, but on a more fundamental level we can distinguish between:

  • Text, which is also often called content in the SEO context. This is the “meat” of the page and often accounts for the largest share of the page’s value to the visitors.
  • Media – mainly images, but can also be video, audio, and other more exotic stuff like 3D embeds and interactive elements such as browser games, charts, etc.
  • Layout and design – all the various elements that define the structure, format, and visual representation of the page; those are usually set with CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets.
  • Navigation – the menu and everything else that helps you get around; this also includes the site logo, which often serves as the home button, as well as lists of categories, breadcrumbs, and the search bar.
  • Meta elements such as the data that describes the content of the webpage; those are usually needed for other programs and systems (including search engines and social networks) to interact properly with the page.

For successful on-page SEO, each of these elements needs to follow the guidelines and best practices set forth by Google and other search engines. The goal of such rules is to ensure that the pages served by Google in its search results are us useful and convenient as possible – in other words, making your visitors happy will also make search engines happy. In the next parts of this guide we will look at each class of web page components mentioned above and see how they can be improved to best server the visitors (and give you some well-deserved Google love).

Textual Content

In the very early days of the Web, SEO was much more simplistic; the frequency with which certain keywords appeared on a page was more of a direct ranking factor. For example, if your target keyword was “dog trainer”, and you mentioned “dog trainer” 30 times in a 300-word article, that would be a keyword density of 10%. And it was very likely to perform better than another page with only a 5% density for the same keyphrase.

As search evolved, Search Engines began to move away from this simplistic scoring method and towards rewarding content created for people instead of search engines. With time, high keyword density came to be seen as an unnatural manipulation by webmasters, and is now classified as “keyword stuffing” – a dodgy SEO practice that can actually hurt your rankings rather than improve them.

Today, keyword density is still sometimes referenced as a metric for analyzing page content, although it has evolved to mean something different, namely how well a page’s content matches the search intent. Instead of looking at density percentages, it is more useful to follow these basic guidelines:

  • The title of the page should go into an H1 tag – a HTML element which denotes the most important heading on the page. Include the primary keyword into the H1 tag, but do so in a human-friendly way, avoiding artificial “stuffing” – Google can understand synonyms and close variants of phrases these days. Instead of “Dog Trainer New York”, it makes much more sense to go for “The Best Dog Trainer in New York City – Bark up the Right Tree”
  • Whenever possible, try to structure your content using subtitles – this will not only help your users to better navigate the page, but also send the right signals to the search bots. Subtitles should be included as H2, H3, etc tags following a consistent hierarchy; using keyword-rich phrases will also help here, yet it’s, again, not an exercise in maxing out on percentage stats but rather a helpful way to consider which other related search queries might be targeted with the same piece of content. Using the example from above, the “dog trainer New York” primary topic might include subtopics about with keywords like “dog behavior” and “dog trainer New Jersey”.
  • There’s generally no need to specifically try to include the keywords you’re optimizing for into the main body of text (i.e. the content of the page) – if your text is to the point, the keywords will pop up naturally anyway. To repeat – Google has gotten very good at “sensing” unnaturally stuffed keywords, so such practices will only bring additional risks with no potential upside.

In is worth reiterating that the above tips are more of a checklist than a task – if you have a competent and knowledgeable person writing about a topic, chances are your content will be nicely optimized for search engines without even thinking about it too much; due to the sophistication of Google’s algorithm nowadays, there’s no need to include very precise phrases in a specific order for the search bots to understand what the text is about.

Google has long since moved past the days of keyword density and simple keyword lookups. In fact, you often don’t even need a keyword to be included on a page in order to rank for it. How does the algorithm accomplish this? Through semantic analysis – i.e. figuring out the topic of a page from its content.

Think of it like this: Google isn’t trying to understand what “words” a webpage is about anymore, it’s trying to understand what “concepts” or “topics” a webpage is about (yes, it’s gotten that smart). Words, of course, are helpful for Google to determine this, but due to the powerful nature of its semantic analysis algorithms, they don’t have to be exact matches of your keyword.

This means that a semantic hierarchy not only reads well for the user, but is also easy for the algorithm to digest. It allows the page to be seen as truly relevant for an entire semantic graph of a topic, and not just one specific keyword. The end result will be a broadly relevant page that ranks for a wide variety of topical keywords, some of which might not have even been identified in your keyword research.

Images and Other Media

The web is an increasingly visual place. Sites like Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat have found massive success with a purely image/media based value proposition, for a simple reason – visual media is much easier to digest and has a much higher information bandwidth; they say “a picture is worth a thousand words” for a reason.

Images have consistently been the largest contributor to web page size all across the Web, and given the constant growth in average web page size this implies that images have also been proliferating, encouraged by the rising Internet connection throughputs.

This means that images and other media content like videos are increasingly important for user experience on your website. And yes, they can also help with SEO – here’s how:

The most common media online is images, so we’ll focus on those at the moment; in order to help search engines understand your page, as well as to pop up in image search more often, it is useful to keep the following in mind:

  • Despite incredible advances on image recognition, Google still heavily relies on basic text markup to determine what a new image is. This means that the so-called alt text is still an important part of any image you include on your page.
  • The name of the image file also serves as a relevance factor, so it’s best to avoid filenames like images001.png – instead go for dog-trainer.png if you’re using a photo of a person training a canine).
  • Text around the image also helps establish relevance. Insert the image within relevant content, and include captions where appropriate.

With that being said, it’s important to point out that including more images does not help your pages’s rankings in any way. As with everything, sensible use and moderation are key.

Layout and Design

While specific design decisions do not seem to have any direct influence on search engine results (i.e. do not act as Google’s ranking factors), design can have a significant effect on how your visitors interact with your page – and user engagement metrics are very likely to be a part of the core ranking algorithm.

Thus, a clever motivational scheme emerges: Google doesn’t care about your page’s design, but it cares whether your users like it – which in turn means you should care as well. Since design is a very relative term, there are no specific rule-of-thumb bullet points to follow, except for the generic principles of clarity, legibility, and sensibility. In addition to that, however, there are some specific edge cases that deserve separate attention, and they are both connected with visibility of content.

Often used for hackers to inject links and other content into a website without the site owner’s knowledge, the use of hidden content has been prosecuted by Google, as it’s obviously quite deceptive towards users. As long as you aren’t actively trying to game the algorithm, chances are you won’t ever run into these issues, but best practice dictates that you don’t include any text, links, images or other elements that can’t be readily accessed by users in some way, such as by clicking a tab. Speaking of tabs..

Some variants of hidden content, such as sliders, tabs, accordions and other moving/interactive elements either temporarily hide their content, or require a user action (such as clicking a button) in order to view the content. There has been some speculation as to exactly how Google treats this type of content: it’s not against Google’s guidelines per se, but it also may be treated as less worthy of use in ranking factors since a user can’t readily see it.

This is even further complicated by the introduction of the Mobile-first index, which seeks to use a site’s mobile version as its primary source for search engine rankings. Since hiding at least some elements is one of the most practical ways to make pages consumable on smaller devices, the question of how Google would treat such content rose up again. With mobile first in place, content hidden for UX will have full weight, at least according to Google. However, some studies have shown that it’s still harder to rank for terms showing in hidden content, so even if mobile rules are rolling out, they will require time to come to full effect.

Conclusion? Don’t hide crucial content on full-width versions of your web page and use elements such as tabs and sliders in moderation. To prepare for mobile-first, do your best to present a mobile page that is as usable as possible, while still making all the content (and links!) clearly visible.


The most important concept when it comes to navigation is “clarity”: your visitors should understand the structure of your website, where they currently are within that structure, and how to get to any other part of the website from here. Just as with design, well-executed navigation will not directly affect your rankings, but it will help people stay longer on your website, which is yet another tangible metric that can influence Google’s perception.

There are several tactics you can use to ensure that your website’s navigation is working for the users, not against them:

  • Always have a primary menu linking to all major pages/sections of your website, as well as the homepage (alternatively, you can use the logo as the home link, since it’s a stable usability pattern that is recognized by most internet users).
  • Avoid using links to external websites in any of your navigation elements, as it is widely considered as a spam factor.
  • Even if you have a single-page website with all information located solely on the home page, it is often useful to introduce internal links to the most important sections.
  • Consider using breadcrumbs on internal pages of your website, they are very effective at improving navigability and might even help Google index your pages better.

Meta Elements

Meta data can generally be defined as “information about information” – in our case, it’s the bits of data that help describe a webpage. There are numerous types of HTML meta elements with relation to SEO, including <title>, <meta>, and <link> tags; in this guide we will take a look at the most important ones.

Let’s start with meta title – this is the phrase that is used by the search engines as the blue title of the search result, as well as by browsers as the text displayed in the open tabs. While the impact of title tags has shifted over the years, they are still a crucially important aspect of any on-page SEO initiative. Not only do title tags help search engines to understand the topical relevance of a webpage, they are also the first thing a user sees of your site in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

As with on-page headings, good title tags no longer have any direct positive effect on a page’s ranking strength, but getting them wrong might still hurt: firstly, having auto-generated or artificially keyword-rich meta titles are a spam signal for Google. Secondly, this is typically the only part of a search engine result that is being actively read, so users will tend to click less on the titles they don’t like.

The most common way of treating title tags is just using a page’s main heading text; while this is good enough in most cases, you can do better if you really want to make the most out of your on-page SEO. Firstly, try making them as “click-inducing” as possible (without going into clickbait territory, of course); secondly, use at most 60 symbols (including spaces), since Google will cut off everything after that on its results pages. Be sure to include the most important keywords, but in the form of a natural sentence – don’t try overstuffing in the form of a comma-separated list of bare keywords, Google is way smarter than that.

Custom-writing meta titles, at least for all major pages of your website, will ensure maximum relevancy and help click-throughs from the search results pages, which is a direct multiplier of your incoming organic traffic.

Like meta titles, meta descriptions are used in the search results, appearing as the two lines of black text under the page’s title and address. While much fewer users actually read those, writing a good meta description does not take much time (use a maximum of 160 symbols) and will surely not hurt your click-through rates. Another good news is, because meta descriptions are not a direct ranking factor, you may feel free to test to your heart’s content without worrying about disrupting your organic rankings.

You can track the click-through rates of your pages by using the Google Search Console – the Search Traffic → Search Analytics section provides detailed data for each search query that sends organic traffic to your website. Be sure to tick the “CTR” checkbox in the top part of the view to trigger the respective readouts.

Over to You

Looking at your site from the perspective of search engines will inevitably lead you to a conclusion about a motivational alignment: the more you make your pages useful, relevant, and easy to use, the better off are the visitors, and the happier Google is with your efforts. Coupled with solid authority-building strategies, on-page SEO can help you to compete in the upper echelons of your niche.

We’d love to hear about your personal experience with on-page optimization: what works for you and what doesn’t, and what else you think should be added to this guide. Also, in case you’ve got questions regarding on-page search engine optimization, hit us in the comment section below – let’s discuss!

Optimize All the Things: How to Combine SEO and CRO for Best Results

A lot of companies have now started implementing SEO and CRO (conversion rate optimization) simultaneously into their marketing mix. Although these two optimization approaches can and should go hand in hand, there are sometimes conflicts between the two.

Some of these are real, but most of them are rooted in marketing mythology. The aim of this article is to shed some light on these issues and give marketers a solid grasp of the idea of implementing SEO and CRO simultaneously.

If You’re Not Doing CRO Yet, It’s Time to Think Again

Conversion rate optimization is an umbrella term for various actions and practices aimed at transforming website visitors into paying customers. Instead of focusing on the number of visitors, like SEO, CRO’s goal is to maximize the paying share of those visitors, i.e. get as much revenue as possible from the existing traffic.

There’s a stereotype among marketers that CRO is only about A/B testing. Although A/B testing one of the staple activities in CRO, there are numerous others that are part of the process, such as website personalization, online surveys, heat-mapping, user testing, session recordings, website overlays, etc. Nowadays, most of those are being automated by specialized software, such as Omniconvert and Optimizely.

The main appeal of CRO is thus the fact that websites can increase revenue by optimizing their websites instead of investing more in traffic acquisition. According to a study done by Prelocate, the average share of advertising expenses is almost half of the entire marketing budget (48%), which means it is constantly eating up sizeable sums of money; if you spend some of it on maximizing your conversion rate instead, you get increased future returns for many periods to come.

In many respects, the evolution of CRO’s popularity is similar to what happened in the SEO market: 10-15 years ago there were still websites that thought SEO was optional; most of them are now getting nowhere near the amounts of organic traffic enjoyed by their more savvy competitors. Likewise, conversion rate optimization has been around for a while but it’s nowhere near its maturity. According to Google Trends, we can see a sharp increase of interest for conversion rate optimization starting with 2016.

And like 10 years ago there are companies today that believe that CRO is optional. While their peers are investing in higher conversions, the former risk being left behind in the ever-speedy internet race, similarly to the SEO-deniers of the last decade.

Can CRO Harm SEO?

One of the main concerns of marketers that would like to start implementing CRO strategies on their websites is that they risk harming their SEO efforts. Although this seems valid at first sight, there aren’t any reports so far of websites that have been penalized by Google as a direct result of their CRO actions.

However there are some important aspects that we should take into account here in order to make sure we avoid the potential risks involved. Some of these practices might have an effect on SEO, but most of them don’t. Here’s what you should know:

A/B Testing and SEO

A/B testing is the technique that people associate the most with CRO, so it gets a lot of attention. And the word around town is that it might harm SEO because of the old content cloaking rule that’s been in place since the early 2000s.

Content cloaking is a black-hat SEO technique that serves different content to search bots and real visitors, based on their IP addresses. This was an issue in the early days of SEO when black-hatters would create a keyword-stuffed version of a page for search engines only to serve a clean and user friendly version to real visitors. This forced Google to put a lid on it by penalizing the websites that were cloaking their content.

And because A/B testing (and especially split URL testing) works in a similar way, some marketers are afraid of getting their websites penalized. However, according to Matt Cutts, the chief SEO evangelist at Google, “A/B testing can be really helpful”.

In order to take all the precautions before running your A/B tests, here’s what you can do:

  • If you’re running split tests, then use a canonical tag pointing to the original page (or add “noindex” tags) for each new URL
  • After the split tests are completed, make sure to add 301 redirects of the variations that will not be implemented.
  • Create hit and run experiments: test a hypothesis, let the experiment run until you have enough data and stop it. Avoid multiple ongoing tests without clear finishing dates.

SEO and Mobile Overlays

Back in 2016 Google released an update by which mobile sites with intrusive overlays / pop-up banners / interstitials would be penalized in search results. Considering that website overlays are an important part of the CRO toolkit, it can be argued that this might be a conflict area between it and SEO.

Although there have been no reports of websites being penalized by this specific update so far, it’s definitely something that should not be ignored. Especially considering that most of the website overlay tools display the creatives both on desktop and mobile versions if not otherwise specified. So make sure you understand Google’s definition of ‘intrusive interstitials’ and adhere to those rules in your CRO experiments.

Best Practices for Managing CRO + SEO

Most of the cases when CRO can negatively influence SEO is when there are two different teams optimizing the website, each from their perspective, without efficiently communicating with each other.

In this scenario, the CRO team for example can change page titles and other on-page elements critical to SEO, or create duplicate versions of a page without using proper canonicals. This can lead to rankings drops, but not something so bad that it can’t be recovered from with proper fixes.

However, in order to avoid such scenarios here are some tips and best practices to keep in mind while implementing both strategies in the same time:

  • Create testing procedures that aim at avoiding SEO accidents and follow them each time you roll out a CRO test/update.
  • Make sure the CRO and the SEO teams are in constant contact and are collaborating instead of working in parallel.
  • Hold trainings for both teams so that CRO people learn about SEO and vice-versa.
  • Keep an eye on new Google updates that might impact CRO’s effect on SEO.

Overall, using both search engine optimization and conversion rate optimization requires some additional considerations, but if those are followed diligently, such mix usually results in more traffic and conversions at the same time, giving a hefty boost to your online business’s bottom line.

SEMrush vs Ahrefs: Which SEO Toolkit to Choose?

Growing your online presence is not easy these days, especially with all the competition and endless alternative sources of information on the web, but the more visitors you get on your site, the greater the chances that someone will actually pay for something you offer. There are several important sources of traffic, including foremost organic search, social networks, and other websites – and none comes easy if you don’t manage it in a systematic fashion. Even those who start from scratch tend to realize the need for a professional tool at some point – be it because of the increased complexity or the need to expand beyond the obvious options.

Since you’re reading this, you’ve most probably heard of both Ahrefs and SEMrush; we’ve compiled a comparative analysis so don’t have to waste time researching which one is best for you. Let’s dig in:

SEMrush – the Online Marketing Swiss Knife

Having started as a primarily search engine marketing tool, SEMrush has evolved over the years to include SEO, SEM, Social media marketing, as well as content marketing and PR. When it comes to search engine optimization, here are some of the notable features SEMrush has to offer:

Competitor analysis – learn from others the smart way! You can have a better insight into what the best keywords are and what the target audience wants, as well as what topics are popular in your field. Exploring your competitor’s backlink profiles and traffic will give you the information you need.

Keyword analysis – targeting the right keywords is really important for search engines. SEMrush gives you the value of every keyword and the possibility to compare it with search volume, traffic, CPC estimation and other parameters. Once you have all the data, you can choose the most profitable keyword for you.

Site review – all of the things that are wrong with your site can be easily removed or changed with the Site Audit feature. Whether you just want to check your site’s health or take a look at SEO optimization progress, this is the feature you need. Not just that, you can also detect and correct minor SEO issues such as add missing tags, detect error pages and optimize every type of link.

If you decide to use SEMrush, you should expect to spend starting from $99.95 per month ($83 if you’re buying an annual subscription). Small and medium enterprises managing their growth phases can consider the Guru plan ($199.95 per month), while agencies could benefit best from the Business offer ($399.95 per month).

Ahrefs – the Heavy Artillery of a SEO Expert

Using Ahrefs provides the entire vertical of tools, from keyword search and content ideation to competitor analysis and rank tracking. Some of the most noteworthy components of the Ahrefs package include:

Site Explorer – provides you with a detailed analysis of backlinks, search traffic, and keywords of any site you’re interested in (including your own or your competitors’, or course). The tool has three sub-sections that focusing on a specific SEO aspect – Backlink Checker, Organic Traffic Research kit and the Paid Traffic Research kit.

Content Explorer – helps you identify trending and popular content from any niche. This is a great tool to search for new content ideas and analyze the prospects of your existing posts and pages in terms of both social sharing and linking potential.

Keyword Explorer – this tool allows you to estimate the value of your existing keywords as well as come up with new ones. The analysis is country-based, which might be especially useful for multilingual and multi-location projects. One of the most useful features of the Keyword Explorer is the proprietary keyword difficulty score developed by Ahrefs, which allows quickly estimating the competitiveness of a particular phrase and compile a corresponding link-building plan.

If you opt for Ahrefs, there are 4 pricing plans, starting from Lite ($99 per month or $82 with annual billing) and Standard ($179 per month), through Advanced ($399 per month), and Agency pricing plan ($999 per month). There is a 14-day free trial, which is a nice little bonus as compared to SEMrush, which requires an upfront payment for using its tools.

The Choice

Both SEMrush and Ahrefs are excellent toolkits if you need to boost traffic to your website, and each will be a significant help in your day to day online marketing activities. While many features they offer do overlap, some general recommendations can still be made when it comes to making the choice. If you’ve looking for an all-round solution for all your online marketing activities, SEMrush is a more versatile alternative: it covers all important web traffic channels, so you don’t have to pay for any other tools with specialized functions.

If, however, you’re already using other tools for your social media and SEM efforts, or if your primary focus is organic search engine traffic, Ahrefs is the ideal choice: it has everything a SEO expert might need, and maybe more – all backed by the largest proprietary search index outside of Google.

Have you used either (or both) of the above described tools previously? We’d love to hear what you think! Hit us in the comments section below:

Den ultimata recensionen: Gör 30 milj. människor rätt i att välja det i 2024?

Hostinger är ett av de mest prisvärda alternativen inom hosting idag. Men “stort och billigt” betyder inte nödvändigtvis något i sig –

Titanic var också stort, och några av biljetterna var ganska prisvärda…

Så istället för stora ord kommer vi i denna djupgående granskning att analysera fakta och data för att ta reda på om Hostinger är värt dina pengar.

Sammanfattning: De viktigaste fördelarna med Hostinger är dess enkelhet och låga kostnader, vilket gör Hostinger till ett bra val för små och medelstora webbprojekt. Både utvecklare och webbplatsägare kan hitta ett lämpligt alternativ från Hostingers utbud av erbjudanden.
Prissättning: Får du valuta för pengarna? Läs mer
Servers: hur snabbt och pålitligt är det? Se data
Funktioner: Vad får du som kund? Detaljer
Support: finns det tillgängligt och är det användbart? Läs mer

Förresten, när Hostinger bestämde sig för sitt varumärke förutsåg de förmodligen inte de många olika sätten det kan stavas fel..

Så om du är här som ett resultat av att du sökte efter hostenger eller hosinger eller till och med hostiger – så ska du veta att ja, det är exakt samma företag som vi pratar om här :)

Hur stort är Hostinger?

För att ge dig en uppfattning om hur stor Hostinger är, här är några siffror: företaget för närvarande har över 30 miljoner kunder i över 170 länder (detta är nästan alla länder i världen!).

Och det finns inga tecken på att man sänker tempot – enligt deras egna data expanderar Hostinger fortfarande med en hastighet motsvarande en ny klient var femte sekund.

Vad är Hostinger?

Men som du kan förvänta dig, har Hostinger inte alltid varit den internationella jätten det är idag. När allt började 2004 växte Hostinger ur en enda idé:

Människor vill inte betala för vår marknadsföring – bara hosting: enkel, pålitlig och så billig som möjligt.

Efter många år är denna princip fortfarande kärnan i Hostinger, nämligen högkvalitativa tjänster för lägsta möjliga pris.

Låt oss ta en titt på deras erbjudande:

Välja rätt Hostinger plan

Då man är en stor internationell leverantör, erbjuder Hostinger en mängd lösningar för alla typer av privata och affärsbehov.

Delad hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress, VPS – det kan bli riktigt förvirrande riktigt snabbt! 🤯

Få inte panik, här är en enkel guide:

  1. Förväntar du dig över 10 000 besökare/månad på din webbplats? Om ditt svar är “NEJ” (eller “Jag har ingen aning”), gå till delad hosting!

    Vi rekommenderar Premium plan eftersom det innehåller ett gratis domännamn, men om du redan äger ett, räcker Single plan ypperligt!

    Om du svarade “JA” – med andra ord, om du bygger en webbplats med hög trafik, fortsätt till nästa fråga:

  2. Behöver du en mycket optimerad WordPress-webbplats för företag? Om ditt svar är “JA”, överväg Hostinger’s managed WordPress erbjudande.

    Om du letar efter något mer sofistikerat och flexibelt (dvs. du svarade “NEJ”), kolla in nästa steg:

  3. Behöver du en professionell server med dedikerade resurser? Om du svarade “JA”, då är Virtual Private Server, eller VPS hosting bäst lämpat för dig..

    Tänk på att VPS kräver specialiserad kunskap – så om du inte är bekant med serverinställningar, prova ett av de tidigare alternativen istället!

    VPS hosting erbjuder det bästa valuta för pengarna för mindre professionella projekt 👓 – så det finns en mer lämplig produkt för att bygga något större:

  4. slutligen, om du behöver en skalbar lösning för ett stort projekt, satsa då på cloud hosting

    Detta är det mest flexibla alternativet som möjliggör omedelbara resurstillskott och garanterar den bästa drifttiden för din webbplats eller webbapp.

…Men, vänta borde jag välja Hostinger alls? Bra, du är fortfarande uppmärksam! För att svara på den här frågan behöver vi mer data:

– i följande delar av denna recension kommer vi att analysera Hostingers tekniska egenskaper 🤓 våra egna intryck från att använda denna leverantör.

Vi dyker in!

Hostinger Uptime och hastighet: Hur pålitlig är denna leverantör?

Förutom funktioner och prissättning är ett annat extremt viktigt kriterie för att välja host dess stabilitet – med andra ord uptime och hastighet.

För att mäta drifttiden, eller hur stor andel av tiden Hostingers servrar är igång, kan vi titta på både egna rapporter och tredjepartssiffror.

De förstnämnda är fritt tillgängliga på deras server monitor sida. Den listar daglig, veckovis och månatlig statistik för alla Hostingers över 150 servrar, som ser ut ungefär så här:

Hostinger uptime

Längst ner i tabellen hittar du de kombinerade siffrorna för alla servrar, vilket är vad vi är intresserade av:

Titta på 30-dagarsgenomsnittet för att få idén om hur mycket tid din webbplats kan förväntas hålla sig offline inom en viss månad.

Från och med May 2024 är denna siffra nära 99.9% – vilket innebär att en hostad webbplats endast bör uppleva cirka 42 minuters stilleståndstid per månad, vilket är ett ganska normalt resultat för de flesta moderna hosting leverantörer.

Detta är också i linje med 99.908% oberoende mätt med Hrank, liksom inom gränserna för Hostingers servicetidsgaranti – vilket är exakt 99.9% enligt avsnitt 7 i deras Hosting Agreement.


Vad sägs om hastighet? Detta är lite svårare, eftersom det kan bero på många olika faktorer förutom webbhotellens hårdvara.

En webbsidas laddningstid beror starkt på saker som den totala storleken på bilder på sidan, antalet aktiva WordPress-plugins och andra detaljer som inte är relaterade till hosting.

Så det är förnuftigt att bara kolla in response time – vilket är den genomsnittliga tiden (i millisekunder) det tar en server att svara på en inkommande anslutningsbegäran (dvs. någon som försöker komma åt en webbplats på den servern).

Enligt data från tredje part, av Hrank bots, så ligger Hostingers genomsnittliga svarstid runt 800 ms:

Hostinger uptime

Hostingers genomsnittlig svarstid mätt med Hrank (lägre är bättre)

Faktum är att det kan ses att Hostingers genomsnittliga svarstid har minskat (= snabbare webbplatser) under de senaste åren, delvis tack vare infrastrukturuppgraderingar.

Allt under 1000 ms första svarstiden är ett bra resultat för shared hosting, och Hostinger klarar sig bättre än de flesta andra stora internationella leverantörer.

Okej, nu när vi har tittat på fakta, låt oss gå från medelvärden till våra personliga intryck:

Våra intryck från att använda Hostinger

Som vi diskuterade tidigare, så erbjuder Hostinger en mängd olika tjänster för både nybörjare och proffs.

I denna recension kommer vi att titta närmare på shared hosting, eftersom det är den överlägset mest populära Hostinger produkten.

Som vanligt är det första steget att köpa en plan.

När du slutför din beställning får du tillgång till hostadministratörspanelen – det här är panelen där du kommer att hantera ditt värdkonto:

Hostinger erbjuder en anpassad administratörspanel, byggd av företagets interna utvecklare. Vi fann den ganska användarvänlig och lättnavigerad, även när man jämför med allmänt använda alternativ som cPanel eller Plesk.

Allt du behöver representeras av tiles med bilder och organiseras snyggt i grupper för att hjälpa dig att hitta tjänster snabbare. Du kan också använda sökfältet högst upp för enklare åtkomst till önskade objekt.

Om du vill skapa en webbplats kan du antingen använda Auto Installer för att ställa in ett innehållshanteringssystem som WordPress – eller använda dra-och-släpp-webbplatsbyggaren från Hostinger-produktfamiljen som kallas Zyro.

Båda alternativen kan nås från Hemsida sektionen av hostingadministratörspanelen.

Förresten, Zyro website builder är ett intressant fall av hur en halvbakad produkt kan göra en framgångsrik comeback.

När vi först recenserade Hostinger 2017 var Zyro en riktig röra – det såg ut som en korsning mellan en för tidigt släppt startupidé och en övergiven äldre produkt.

Så var fallet ett tag, men i början av 2020 genomgick Zyro en fullständig översyn:

Hostinger Zyro

Nu känns den mer som en modern site builder 😎 Valet av mallar är fortfarande ganska smalt, men åtminstone så är de olika designerna rena och uppdaterade.

Förutom bättre bilder och en samling 1M+ bilder, har Zyro nu ett par spännande artificiella intelligensbaserade produkter:

  • AI Writer, ett automatiskt system som ber dig om ett ämne och producerar flera stycken med (mycket mänskligt klingande) text om det ämnet. Det är fortfarande inte perfekt, men det kan vara en bra hjälp för att bryta din writer’s block.
  • AI Heatmap Tool, som analyserar dina webbsidor baserat på besökarnas uppmärksamhet och berättar för dig var du ska placera sidans viktigaste element, till exempel call to action-knappar.

Nästan magiskt!

Sammantaget kan den nya versionen av Zyro rekommenderas för alla som vill skapa en enkel webbplats bestående av en eller flera statiska sidor. För dem som behöver mer flexibilitet och fler funktioner är WordPress fortfarande det bästa valet.

Hostinger kundtjänst

Om du redan är kund kan du be Hostinger-teamet om hjälp dygnet runt via live chat som finns i det nedre högra hörnet av hostadministratörspanelen.

För att testa kvaliteten på supporten har vi ställt frågor till dem via chatten: svarstiden var supersnabb (vanligtvis bara några sekunder), och Hostinger-representanten var alltid vänlig, artig och hjälpsam.

Fjantiga kattbilder användes för att muntra upp ditt humör medan vi väntade på att de skulle skriva svaret 🐈

Förutom livechatt finns det ett gratis bibliotek med användbara artiklar om alla Hostingers produkter och tjänster. Du kan hitta den genom att klicka på länken “Hjälp” i den övre menyn på värdadministratörspanelen.

Den innehåller också en lista över de vanligaste frågorna – det finns en stor chans att ditt problem redan kan åtgärdas där.

…Tänk om du inte är kund?

I så fall kan du skicka ett meddelande till Hostinger-teamet via kontaktformuläret på deras webbplats.

Det kommer naturligtvis inte att gå lika snabbt som livechatten, men förmodligen kommer din fråga inte att vara brådskande heller :) I vilket fall som helst får du fortfarande ditt svar inom ett par timmar; den längsta svarstiden i våra tester var 7 timmar.

Förresten, visste du att du kan ställa frågor om Hostinger också? Kolla in detta formulär i slutet av texten!

Sammantaget har Hostinger lyckats överträffa våra förväntningar när det gäller kvaliteten från kundtjänst. Vi har sett mycket värre exempel även från konkurrerande företag med högre priser.

30-Day Money-back och avbryta ett Hostinger konto

Om du scrollar Hostinger’s officiells hemsida hela vägen ner till sidfoten ser du ett uttalande som erbjuder återbetalning av din beställning under den första månaden (30 dagar, för att vara exakt) efter betalningen.

Medan money-back garanti är en berömvärd funktion för alla webbhotell med självrespekt, det är värt att påpeka några av de finstilta detaljerna – se till att du är medveten om konsekvenserna av att begära denna återbetalning:

  • Nya domännamnsregistreringar kan endast avbrytas inom 4 dagar (96 timmar) efter att köptransaktionen har slutförts. De flesta andra stora hostingleverantörer erbjuder inte återbetalningar för nya domäner alls.
  • Med tanke på föregående punkt finns det fortfarande en lång lista över domäner som inte stöder återbetalningar. dessa omfattar nästan alla landsspecifika och regionala förlängningar, liksom vissa generiska sådana som .mobi och .info.
  • Vissa andra objekt som inte räknas in i 30-dagars pengarna tillbaka-garantin är domänförnyelser, sekretessskyddspaket och SEO toolkits.
  • Slutligen kan du inte återbetala något köp som gjorts med kryptovalutor (ja, Hostinger tillåter att betala för dina beställningar med Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin och ett gäng andra populära mynt).

Okej, vad händer om du bestämmer dig för att avbryta ditt konto senare än 30 dagar? – Du behöver till exempel inte hosting längre eftersom du har avbrutit motsvarande webbprojekt.

Du kan enkelt inaktivera hosting planer och domäner via din värdkontrollpanel, bara sök efter “Inaktivera konto”, markerat med ett stort rött stopptecken:

Intressant nog, medan enskilda tjänster lätt avbryts och tas bort, erbjuder Hostinger inte ett enkelt sätt att helt ta bort sitt personliga konto hos företaget (med hänvisning till “säkerhetsskäl”).

Även om detta inte bör skapa några verkliga problem när du inaktiverar alla tjänster på det kontot (du kommer definitivt inte att debiteras längre), för dem som gillar att städa noggrant efter sig finns det en strategi som kan fungera: be helt enkelt Hostinger-supporten att ta bort kontot.

Om du befinner dig inom Europeiska unionen kan du till och med kasta in ord som GDPR för att se till att din begäran blir uppfylld; invånare i andra regioner måste förlita sig mer på företagets goda vilja.

Vad mer vill Internet veta om Hostinger?

Innan vi fortsätter att sammanfatta de starka och svaga punkterna på Hostinger, här är en samling av de vanligaste frågorna vi har sett på webben och i våra kommentarer:

Är Hostinger verkligen gratis? Tja, inte längre… Vad menar vi med “inte längre”? Rolig fakta – det brukade vara gratis, som en del av dess tidigaste försök att snabbt fånga de olika internationella marknaderna – men idag är det betald hosting, även om det är med en riktigt aggressiv lågkostnadsstrategi.

Är Hostinger bra för WordPress? Absolut. Vi kan enkelt kalla det ett av de bästa prisvärda alternativen för en självvärd WordPress-webbplats (check out vår rankning av bästa “billigaste” hosts).

Är Hostinger pålitligt? Kort svar – ja, definitivt. Längre svar – för en detaljhandelshotelllösning som kostar en bråkdel av vad andra stora leverantörer skulle debitera dig, är Hostinger förvånansvärt välutrustad för att leverera avbrottsfri hosting med kraftfulla säkerhetsfunktioner inbyggda.

Fördelar och nackdelar med Hostinger

Nu när vi har undersökt Hostingers produkter och tjänster, liksom kundsupport – låt oss sammanfatta de positiva och negativa sidorna. Vi ska försöka vara så objektiva som möjligt:

  • Stort värde för pengarna: mycket konkurrenskraftiga priser för alla hostingpaket – som Hostinger uttrycker det, “du betalar bara för hostingen, inte för marknadsföringen”
  • Flexibla erbjudanden för alla typer av kunder – från individer och småföretag (delad hosting) till stora företag och professionella programmerare (VPS och moln)
  • 99.9% drifttidsgaranti – i huvudsak lovar Hostinger att din webbplats kommer att vara tillgänglig online hela tiden. Siffran innebär maximalt 44 minuters stilleståndstid per månad, vilket i praktiken är nära 0 minuters stilleståndstid enligt våra tester.
  • Du kan få ett gratis domännamn med ditt värdköp om du väljer minst ett 12-månaders paket
  • Du kan välja mellan populära värdinstrumentpanelerna som cPanel eller använda Hostingers egenutvecklade lösning (vilket inte är dåligt alls)
  • WordPress (eller någon annan populär webbplatsmotor) kan installeras med bara flera klick med Auto Installer funktion från hostingdministratörspanelen
  • Hostingers site builder som heter Zyro har totalrenoverats under 2020 och är nu ett nöje att använda
  • Stort bibliotek med utbildningsresurser om att använda Hostingers produkter, tillgängliga gratis för alla kunder
  • Förstklassig support från ett vänligt, snabbt och hjälpsamt team som alltid är redo att lösa dina problem 24/7
  • Anständiga men på något sätt inte enastående genomsnittliga drifttids- och serversvarshastighetsavläsningar
  • Relativt begränsat urval av mallar i deras Zyro website builder
  • Ingen möjlighet att få support via telefon – du måste använda antingen livechatt, e-post eller kontaktformulär istället

Innan vi avslutar den här recensionen med en slutsats och en dom (ska du använda Hostinger?), är här en steg-för-steg-guide för att få en extra rabatt från ditt Hostinger-köp:

Bonus: Hostinger Promo kod

Vi argumenterar inte för att du ska tvunget välja Hostinger – men om du bestämmer dig för den här leverantören är det trevligt att spara ännu mer på din beställning, eller hur?

Med detta i åtanke, här är en steg-för-steg-guide om att få extra rabatt på Hostinger med hjälp av en kupongkod:

(Som vi kom fram till tidigare så är 12-månaders Premium delade planen är det mest rimliga valet för de flesta fall, kommer vi att använda den som ett exempel)

  1. Besök den officiella Hostinger-webbplatsen genom att klicka på knappen nedan (den öppnas automatiskt i ett nytt fönster):

    Få det bästa erbjudandet på Hostinger

  2. Under Premium Shared Hosting (dvs. mittenalternativet), klicka på den stora röda knappen “Lägg i varukorg”. Detta tar dig till konfigurationssidan.
  3. Klicka för att välja 12-månaderspaketet (det här är den billigaste planen som ger dig ett gratis domännamn, så det är inte värt att välja 1-månadsplanen).
  4. I det här läget ska din konfigurationssida se ut så här:

    Hostinger: rabattkupong

  5. Titta nu längst ner på sidan och hitta texten som säger “Har en kupongkod?”, precis under den totala ordersumman. När du klickar på länken visas det nya fältet på plats. Skriv in följande kod:

  6. När du har matat in koden klickar du på plusikonen till höger (den ska bli violett i färg). Du kommer att se ett meddelande om att kupongkoden har tillämpats framgångsrikt, och en ny rabatt kommer att visas i din beställning!
  7. Grattis! Du har just sparat några ytterligare medel från ditt Hostinger-köp, vilket gör det slutliga priset ännu mer attraktivt.

Om kampanjkoden som nämns ovan inte fungera, låt oss veta in the comments nedan – vi undersöker och gör vårt bästa för att se till att du får en fungerande.

Domen: är Hostinger prisvärt?

Om man tar allt i beaktande, ska du använda Hostinger för ditt nästa webbprojekt?

När det gäller hosting är detta varumärke själva förkroppsligandet av “valuta för pengarna”: du betalar ett rimligt pris för vad du får – och det du får är funktionellt, praktiskt och lätt att använda. Hostinger bara fungerar ⚡

Skapa en webbplats på

För dem som bestämmer sig för att prova Hostinger: glöm inte att kolla in vår step-by-step guide om hur du sparar extra på din första beställning.


Har du fortfarande frågor om servrar, planer, support etc? Eller kanske använder du redan Hostinger och vill dela din erfarenhet?

Under alla omständigheter, delta i diskussionen i kommentarsfältet nedan, Låt oss hjälpa varandra att fatta välgrundade beslut!

Affiliate disclosure: Om du tyckte att den här recensionen var användbar, överväg att stötta vår blogg genom att använda länkarna i texten för att köpa Hostinger-tjänster. Detta påverkar inte det pris du får på ditt Hostinger-erbjudande, naturligtvis.

Galutinė apžvalga: ar 30 milijonų žmonių turi teisę jį pasirinkti?

Hostinger yra vienas iš prieinamiausių variantų tarp hostingo milžinų šiandien. Bet „didelis ir pigus“ nebūtinai kažką reiškia –

„Titanikas“ taip pat buvo didelis, o kai kurie bilietai buvo gana prieinami…

Taigi, vietoj ekstrapoliacijos, šioje išsamioje apžvalgoje analizuosime faktus ir duomenis, kad išsiaiškinti ar Hostinger yra vertas jūsų pinigų.

Verdikto santrauka: pagrindiniai Hostinger privalumai yra paprastumas ir mažos išlaidos, todėl tai puikus pasirinkimas mažiems ir vidutiniams interneto projektams. Tiek kūrėjai, tiek svetainių savininkai gali rasti tinkamą variantą iš Hostinger pasiūlymų asortimento.
Kaina: ar tai kainos ir kokybės santykis? Skaityti daugiau
Serveriai ar tai greita ir patikima? Žiūrėti duomenis
Funkcijos: ką jūs gaunate kaip klientas? Išsami informacija
Klientų aptarnavimas: ar jis prieinamas ir naudingas? Sužinokite

Beje, kai Hostinger nusprendė dėl savo prekės ženklo, jie tikriausiai nenumatė daugybės skirtingų būdų, kaip jį galima rašyti neteisingai.

Taigi, jei esate čia ieškodami hostenge ar hosinger arba net hostiger – tiesiog žinokite, kad taip, tai būtent ta pati įmonė, apie kurią čia kalbame :)

Kiek didelis yra Hostinger?

Kad suprastumėte, koks didelis Hostinger yra, štai keletas skaičių: įmonė dabar turi daugiau nei 30 milijonų klientų 170+ šalyse (beveik kiekvienoje pasaulio šalyje!)

Lėtėjimo požymių nėra – pagal jų duomenis plečiasi tokiu greičiu, kad kas 5 sekundes 1 naujas klientas.

faktai apie Hostinger

Tačiau, kaip ir galima tikėtis, Hostinger ne visada buvo tarptautinis milžinas, koks yra šiandien. Kai viskas prasidėjo dar 2004 m., nuo tada Hostinger išaugo iš vienos idėjos:

Žmonės nenori mokėti už mūsų rinkodarą – tik hostingą: paprastą, patikimą ir kuo pigesnę.

Po daugelio metų šis principas vis dar išlieka Hostinger esmė, būtent aukštos kokybės paslaugos už mažiausią įmanomą kainą.

Pažvelkime į pasiūlymą:

Tinkamo Hostinger plano pasirinkimas

Būdamas didžiulis tarptautinis tiekėjas, Hostinger siūlo daugybę sprendimų visų tipų privatiems ir verslo poreikiams patenkinti.
Dalinamasis hostingas, debesų hostingas, WordPress, VPS – tai gali labai greitai supainioti! 🤯

Neišsigąskite, čia yra paprastas vadovas:

  1. Ar tikitės, kad jūsų svetainėje bus daugiau nei 10 000 lankytojų per mėnesį? Jei jūsų atsakymas yra „NE“ (arba „NETURIU IDĖJOS“), eikite į dalijąmą hostingą!

    Mes rekomenduojame Premium planą, nes jame yra nemokamas domeno vardas, bet jei jūs turite vieną Atskirą planą, bus gerai!

    Jei atsakėte „TAIP“ – kitaip tariant, jei kuriate intensyviai lankomą svetainę, eikite link kito klausimo:

  2. Ar jums reikalinga labai optimizuota WordPress svetainė verslui? Jei jūsų atsakymas yra „TAIP“, apsvarstykite Hostinger valdantį WordPress pasiūlymą.

    Jei ieškote ko nors sudėtingesnio ir lankstesnio (t.y. atsakėte „NE“), patikrinkite kitą žingsnį:

  3. Ar jums reikia profesionalaus serverio su tam skirtais ištekliais? Jei atsakėte „TAIP“, tada Virtualus privatus serveris , arba VPS hostingas atitiks jūsų poreikius.

    Atminkite, kad naudojantis VPS reikia specialių žinių, taigi, jei nesate susipažinę su serverio nustatymais, vietoj to išbandykite vieną iš ankstesnių parinkčių!!

    VPS hostingas siūlo geriausią kainos ir kokybės santykį mažesniems profesionaliems projektams 👓 – taigi yra tinkamesnis produktas kuriant ką nors didesnio:

  4. Pagaliau, jei jums reikia keičiamo dydžio sprendimo dideliam projektui, neabejotinai eikite į debesų hostingą

    Tai yra lanksčiausia parinktis, leidžianti nedelsiant papildyti išteklius ir garantuojanti geriausią jūsų svetainės ar žiniatinklio programos veikimo laiką.

…Palaukite, bet ar apskritai turėčiau rinktis Hostinger? Norint atsakyti į šį klausimą, mums reikės daugiau duomenų:

– tolesnėse šios apžvalgos dalyse analizuosime Hostinger technines charakteristikas, 🤓 taip pat pateisime mūsų pačių įspūdžius, naudojant šį teikėją.


Hostinger veikimo laikas ir greitis: kiek patikimas yra šis teikėjas?

Be funkcijų ir kainų, dar vienas itin svarbus hostingo pasirinkimo kriterijus yra jo stabilumas – kitaip tariant, serverio veikimo laikas ir greitis.

Norėdami išmatuoti veikimo laiką arba Hostinger serverių veikimo laiko proporcijas, galime pažvelgti tiek į save, tiek į trečiųjų šalių duomenis.

Pirmasis yra laisvai prieinami jų serverio monitoriaus puslapis. Joje pateikiama visų Hostinger 150+ serverių dienos, savaitės ir mėnesio statistika, kuri atrodo maždaug taip:

Hostinger uptime

Lentelės apačioje galite rasti visų serverių suvestinius skaičius, kurie mus domina:

Peržiūrėkite 30 dienų vidurkį, kad suprastumėte, kiek laiko jūsų svetainė gali būti neprijungta, per bet kurį mėnesį.

Kaip irMay 2024 šis skaičius yra apie 99.9% – tai reiškia, kad hostingo svetainėje prastovos per mėnesį turėtų būti tik 42 minutės, o tai daugumai yra įprastas rezultatas šiuolaikinių hostingo paslaugų teikėjų.

Tai taip pat atitinka 99.908% skaičių, nepriklausomai matuojamą Hranko, taip pat neviršijant Hostinger paslaugų veikimo laiko garantijos ribų 99.9% pagal 7 Hostingo sutartes skyrių.


Kaip dėl greičio? Tai yra šiek tiek sudėtingiau, nes tai gali priklausyti nuo daugelio skirtingų veiksnių, išskyrus hostingo paslaugų teikėjo techninės įrangos.

Tinklalapio įkėlimo laikas labai priklauso nuo tokių dalykų kaip bendras puslapio vaizdų dydis, aktyvių WordPress prisijungimų skaičiaus ir kita su hostingo nesusijusia informacija..

Taigi prasminga atsižvelgti tik į atsakymų laiką – kuris yra vidutinis laikas (milisekundėmis), kurio reikia serveriui, kad jis atsakytų į gaunamą ryšio užklausą (t.y. kažkas bando pasiekti to serverio svetainę) .

Remiantis Hrank robotų trečiųjų šalių duomenimis, vidutinis Hostinger atsakymo laikas svyruoja apie 800 ms:

Hostinger uptime

Vidutinis Hostinger atsako laikas, matuojamas Hranku (mažesnis yra geresnis)

Tiesą sakant, galima pastebėti, kad pastaraisiais metais vidutinis Hostinger atsakymo laikas mažėjo (= greitesnės svetainės), iš dalies dėl infrastruktūros atnaujinimo.

Viskas, kas yra trumpiau nei 1000 ms pirmajam atsakymo laikui, yra geras rezultatas bendrojo hostingo paslaugų teikėjui ir Hostinger kaina yra geresnė nei dauguma kitų didelių tarptautinių paslaugų teikėjų.

Gerai, dabar, kai jau peržiūrėjome faktus, pereikime nuo vidurkio prie savo asmeninių įspūdžių:

Mūsų Hostinger naudojimo įspūdžiai

Kaip aptarėme anksčiau, Hostinger siūlo įvairias paslaugas tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek profesionalams.

Šioje apžvalgoje atidžiau pažvelgsime dalijąmą hostingą, nes tai yra pats populiariausias Hostinger produktas.

Kaip įprasta, pirmas žingsnis yra pirkimo planas.

Kai atliksite užsakymą, gausite prieigą prie hostingo administratoriaus skydelio – čia tvarkysite savo hostingo paskyrą.

Hostinger siūlo pasirinktinį administratoriaus skydą, kurį sukūrė įmonės vidiniai kūrėjai. Mes pastebėjome, kad jis gana patogus naudoti ir lengvai valdomas, net lyginant su plačiai naudojamomis alternatyvomis, tokiomis kaip „cPanel“ ar „Plesk“.

Viską, ko jums reikia, vaizduoja plytelės su paveikslėliais, tvarkingai sugrupuotos į grupes, kad galėtumėte greičiau rasti paslaugas. Norėdami lengviau pasiekti norimus elementus, taip pat galite naudoti viršuje esančią paieškos juostą.

Norėdami sukurti svetainę, galite naudoti Automatinę diegimo programą
sukurti turinio valdymo sistemą, tokią kaip WordPress – arba naudokite „drag and drop“ svetainės kūrimo priemonę iš vadinamosios Hostinger produktų šeimos Zyro.

Abi parinktis galima pasiekti hostingo administratoriaus skydelio skiltyje Svetainė.

Beje, Zyro svetainės kūrėjas yra įdomus atvejis, kai pusiau iškeptas produktas gali sėkmingai sugrįžti.

Kai mes pirmą kartą peržiūrėjome Hostinger 2017 m., Zyro buvo netvarkinga – tai atrodė kaip per anksti išleisto startuolio idėjos ir apleistas senas produktas.

Tai truko tam tikrą laiką, tačiau 2020 m. pradžioje Zyro buvo visiškai rekonstruotas:

Hostinger Zyro

Dabar tai atrodo labiau kaip šiuolaikinis svetainių kūrėjas 😎 Šablonai vis dar yra gana riboti, tačiau bent jau dabar dizainai atrodo tvarkingi ir atnaujinti.

Be geresnių vaizdų ir 1M + vaizdų kolekcijos, Zyro dabartinės funkcijos pora intriguojančių dirbtinio intelekto produktų:

  • AI rašytojas, automatinė sistema, kuri jūsų klausia temos ir kuria kelias (labai žmogiškai skambančio) teksto norima tema dalis. Tai vis dar nėra tobula, tačiau tai gali būti puiki pagalba sulaužant rašytojo bloką..
  • AI Heatmap įrankis, kuris analizuoja jūsų tinklalapių lankytojų peržiūras ir nurodo, kur įdėti svarbiausius jūsų puslapio elementus, pvz., raginimo veikti mygtukus.

Beveik magija!

Apskritai naują kartojimą Zyro galima rekomenduoti visiems, norintiems sukurti paprastą svetainę, susidedančią iš vieno ar kelių statinių puslapių.

Tiems, kuriems reikia daugiau lankstumo ir daugiau funkcijų, WordPress vis tiek yra geriausias pasirinkimas.

Hostinger klientų aptarnavimas

Jei jau esate klientas, galite paprašyti Hostinger komandos pagalbos 24/7 per tiesioginį pokalbį, kuris yra apatiniame dešiniajame hostingo administratoriaus skydelio kampe.

Norėdami patikrinti aptarnavimo kokybę, per pokalbį uždavėme jiems klausimus: atsakymo laikas buvo labai greitas (paprastai vos kelios sekundės), o Hostinger atstovas visada buvo draugiškas, mandagus ir paslaugus.

Kvailos katės nuotraukos buvo naudojamos jūsų nuotaikai praskaidrinti, kol mes laukėme atsakymų 🐈

Be tiesioginio pokalbio, yra nemokama biblioteka, turinti naudingų straipsnių apie visus Hostinger produktus ir paslaugas. Ją rasite spustelėję nuorodą „Pagalba“ viršutiniame hostingo administratoriaus skydelio meniu.

Joje taip pat pateikiamas dažniausiai užduodamų klausimų sąrašas – didelė tikimybė, kad ten jau bus išspręsta jūsų problema.

… Ką daryti, jei nesate klientas?

Tokiu atveju galite išsiųsti pranešimą Hostinger komandai per jų svetainėje esančią kontaktinę formą.

Natūralu, kad tai nebus toks greitas, kaip tiesioginis pokalbis, bet neabejotinai jūsų klausimas nebus
toks skubus taip pat :) bet kokiu atveju, jūs vis tiek gausite atsakymą per porą valandų ; ilgiausias mūsų bandymų atsakymo laikas buvo 7 valandos.

Beje, ar žinojote, kad galite užduoti klausimų ir apie Hostinger? Patikrinkite šią formą teksto apačioje!

Apskritai Hostinger sugebėjo viršyti mūsų lūkesčius kai kalbama apie aptarnavimo kokybę. Mes matėme daug blogesnių situacijų net iš konkuruojančių bendrovių, turinčių aukštesnes kainas.

30 dienų pinigų grąžinimas ir Hostinger paskyros atšaukimas

Jei slinksite Hostinger oficialiame pagrindiniame puslapyje žemyn į poraštę pamatysite išrašą, kuriame siūloma grąžinti jūsų užsakymą per pirmąjį mėnesį (tiksliau – 30 dienų) po apmokėjimo.

Nors pinigų grąžinimo garantija yra pagirtina savybė, bet kuriam save gerbiančiam hostingo paslaugų teikėjui, verta atkreipti dėmesį į kai kurias smulkias šrifto detales – įsitikinkite, kad žinote, kokiomis aplinkybėmis prašysite grąžinti. :

  • Naujų domenų vardų registraciją galima atšaukti tik per 4 dienas (96 valandas) po pirkimo operacijos atlikimo. Dauguma kitų didelių hostingo paslaugų teikėjų visiškai nesiūlo grąžinti lėšų už naujus domenus.
  • Atsižvelgiant į ankstesnį punktą, vis dar yra ilgas sąrašas domenų, kurie nepalaiko lėšų grąžinimo; tai apima beveik visus konkrečiai šaliai ir regionui skirtus plėtinius, taip pat kai kuriuos bendruosius .mobi ir .info.
  • Kai kurie kiti elementai, kurie neįskaičiuojami į 30 dienų pinigų grąžinimo garantiją, yra domeno atnaujinimas, privatumo apsaugos paketai ir SEO įrankių rinkiniai.
  • Galiausiai, jūs negalite grąžinti pirkinius, įsigytus naudojant kriptovaliutas (taip, Hostinger leidžia mokėti už jūsų užsakymus naudojant Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin ir daugybę kitų populiarių monetų).

Gerai, o jei nuspręsite atšaukti paskyrą po daugiau nei 30 d.? – pavyzdžiui, jums nebereikia hostingo, nes nutraukėte atitinkamą interneto projektą.

Galite lengvai išjungti hostingo planus ir domenus naudodami hostingo valdymo skydelį, tiesiog ieškokite elemento „Deaktyvinti paskyrą“ su dideliu raudonu stop ženklu:

Įdomu tai, kad nors atskiros paslaugos yra lengvai atšaukiamos ir pašalinamos, Hostinger nesiūlo paprasto būdo visiškai ištrinti asmeninę paskyrą įmonėje (nurodydamas „saugumo sumetimus“).

Išjungus visas toje paskyroje esančias paslaugas, tai neturėtų kelti realių problemų (jums tikrai nebereikės mokėti), o tiems, kurie mėgsta kruopščiai ištrinti viską po savęs, yra strategija, kuri gali veikti: paprasčiausiai paprašykite Hostinger aptarnavimui ištrinti paskyrą .

Jei esate Europos Sąjungoje, galite tik parašyti žodžius, pvz GDPR bei įsitikinti, ar jūsų prašymas patenkintas; kitų regionų gyventojai turės labiau pasikliauti įmonės gera valia.

Ką dar internetas nori žinoti apie Hostinger?

Prieš apibendrindami stipriąsias ir silpnąsias Hostinger puses, pateikiame dažniausių klausimų, kuriuos matėme internete ir mūsų komentaruose, rinkinį:

Ar Hostinger yra tikrai nemokamas? Na, nebe … Ką reiškia „daugiau“? Įdomus faktas – anksčiau tai buvo dalis pirmųjų bandymų greitai užvaldyti įvairias tarptautines rinkas, tačiau šiais laikais tai yra mokamas hostingas, nors tikrai agresyvi pigių kainų strategija.

Ar Hostinger yra geras WordPress? Visiškai. Tai galime lengvai pavadinti viena iš geriausių kainos ir kokybės santykio galimybių, kurias teikia savarankiška hostingo WordPress svetainė, mūsų reitingas yra tarp geriausių „pigiausių“ šeimininkų).

Ar Hostinger yra patikimas? Trumpas atsakymas – taip, tikrai. Ilgesnis atsakymas – už mažmeninės prekybos hostingo sprendimą, kuris kainuoja dalelę to, ką kiti dideli paslaugų teikėjai iš jūsų ims, Hostinger yra stebėtinai gerai pasirengęs teikti be pertraukų hostingą su integruotomis galingomis saugos funkcijomis.

Hostinger privalumai ir trūkumai

Dabar, išnagrinėję Hostinger produktus ir paslaugas, taip pat klientų aptarnavimą, apibendrinkime teigiamas ir neigiamas puses. Mes stengsimės būti kuo objektyvesni:

  • Puikus kainos ir kokybės santykis: labai konkurencingos kainos visiems hostingo paketams – kaip sako Hostinger, „jūs mokate tik už hostingą, o ne už rinkodarą”.
  • Lankstūs pasiūlymai bet kokio tipo klientams – pradedant individualiomis ir mažomis įmonėmis (bendrasis hostingas), baigiant didelėmis įmonėmis ir profesionaliais programuotojais (VPS ir debesys)
  • 99.9% veikimo laiko garantija – iš esmės Hostinger žada, kad jūsų svetainė visą laiką bus prieinama internete. Šis skaičius reiškia ne daugiau kaip 44 minutes prastovos per mėnesį, o tai, praktikos metu, yra beveik 0 minučių, pagal mūsų testus.
  • Įsigiję hostingą, galite gauti nemokamą domeno vardą, jei pasirinksite bent 12 mėnesių paketą
  • Galite pasirinkti tarp populiarių hostingo prietaisų skydelių, tokių kaip „cPanel“, arba naudoti Hostinger patentuotą sprendimą (kuris visai neblogas))
  • WordPress (ar bet kuris kitas populiarus svetainės variklis) gali būti įdiegtas vos keliais paspaudimais naudojant Automatinės diegimo programos funkciją iš hostingo administratoriaus skydelio
  • Hostinger svetainių kūrėjas, vadinamas „Zyro“, buvo visiškai atnaujintas 2020 m., ir dabar juo malonu naudoti
  • Didelė mokomųjų išteklių biblioteką apie Hostinger produktų naudojimą gali nemokamai įsigyti visi klientai
  • Aukščiausio lygio draugiškos, greitos ir paslaugios komandos, kurios visada pasirengusios išspręsti jūsų problemas 24/7
  • Padorus, bet jokiu būdu ne išskirtinis, veikimo laikas ir serverio atsako greičio rodmenys yra vidutiniai
  • Palyginti ribotas šablonų pasirinkimas jų „Zyro“ svetainių kūrimo priemonėje
  • Nėra galimybės susisiekti telefonu – vietoj to turėsite naudoti tiesioginį pokalbį, el. laišką arba kontaktinę formą

Prieš baigdami šią apžvalgą su išvadomis ir sprendimais (ar turėtumėte naudoti Hostinger?), Čia pateikiamas nuoseklus vadovas, kaip gauti papildomą nuolaidą įsigyjant Hostinger:

Bonusas: Hostinger reklamos kodas

Dabar mes nesiginčijame, kad jūs turite būtinai pasirinkti Hostinger, bet jei nuspręsite kreiptis į šį paslaugų teikėją, malonu turėti galimybę sutaupyti dar daugiau užsakymui, tiesa?

Atsižvelgdami į tai, pateikite nuoseklų vadovą, kaip gauti papildomą nuolaidą Hostinger, naudojant kupono kodą:

(kadangi mes priėjome prie išvados anksčiau kad 12 mėnesių „Premium“ bendras planas daugeliu atvejų yra pats protingiausias pasirinkimas, jį naudosime kaip pavyzdį)

  1. Apsilankykite oficialioje Hostinger svetainėje spustelėdami žemiau esantį mygtuką (jis atsidarys naujame lange automatiškai):

    Gaukite geriausią pasiūlymą Hostinger ›

  2. Pagal Premium dalijamą hostingą (i.e. vidurinis variantas), spustelėkite didelį raudoną mygtuką „Į krepšelį“. Taip pateksite į konfigūracijos puslapį.
  3. Spustelėkite norėdami pasirinkti 12 mėnesių paketą (tai pigiausias planas, suteikiantis nemokamą domeno vardą, todėl neverta rinktis 1 mėnesio plano).
  4. Šiuo metu jūsų konfigūracijos puslapis turėtų atrodyti taip:

    Hostinger reklamos kodas

  5. Dabar pažiūrėkite į puslapio apačią ir po pilnos užsakymo sumos raskite tekstą „Ar turite kupono kodą?“. Spustelėjus nuorodą, jo vietoje pasirodys naujas laukas. Įveskite šį kodą:
  6. Įvedę kodą, spustelėkite dešinėje esančią pliuso piktogramą (ji turėtų tapti violetinės spalvos). Pamatysite pranešimą, kuriame teigiama, kad kupono kodas sėkmingai pritaikytas, o jūsų užsakyme pasirodys nauja nuolaida!
  7. Sveikiname! Ką tik sutaupėte papildomų lėšų iš Hostinger pirkinio, todėl galutinė kaina tampa dar patrauklesnė.

Jei jūsų atveju aukščiau paminėtas reklamos kodas neveikia, praneškite mums apie tai komentaruose žemiau – mes ištirsime ir padarysime viską, kad įsitikintumėte, jog gausite veikiantį.

Verdiktas: Ar Hostinger yra vertas?

Atsižvelgdami į viską, turėtumėte naudoti Hostinger jūsų kitam interneto projektui?

Kalbant apie hostingą, šis prekės ženklas yra pats „kainos ir kokybės santykio“ įsikūnijimas: už tai, ką gaunate, mokate pagrįstą kainą – o tai, ką gaunate, yra funkcionalu, praktiška ir lengva naudoti. Hostinger tiesiog … veikia⚡

Sukurkite svetainę Hostigner ›

Tiems, kurie nusprendžia išbandyti Hostinger: nepamirškite patikrinti mūsų nuoseklų vadovą kaip sutaupyti papildomai pirmam užsakymui.


Vis dar kyla klausimų apie serverius, planus, palaikymą ir pan.? O gal jau naudojatės Hostinger ir norėtumėte pasidalinti savo patirtimi?

Bet kuriuo atveju prisijunkite prie diskusijos žemiau esančioje komentarų skiltyje, padėkime vieni kitiems priimti pagrįstus sprendimus!

Partnerių atskleidimas: jei ši apžvalga jums pasirodė naudinga, apsvarstykite galimybę paremti mūsų tinklaraštį naudodamiesi tekste esančiomis nuorodomis norėdami įsigyti Hostinger paslaugas. Tai, žinoma, neturi įtakos kainai, kurią gaunate už Hostinger pasiūlymą.

Najpełniejsza opinia o usługach – Czy 30 mln klientów wie co robi w 2024r.?

Hostinger jest jedną z najbardziej przystępnych cenowo propozycji wśród dzisiejszych potentatów hostingowych. Ale „duży i tani” samo w sobie nie musi jeszcze wiele znaczyć –

Titanic także był duży, a część biletów oferowano w przystępnej cenie….

Tak więc, zamiast ekstrapolować, w tej szczegółowej opinii przeanalizujemy fakty i dane, aby dowiedzieć się, czy Hostinger wart jest Twoich pieniędzy.

Podsumowanie: kluczowymi zaletami Hostingera są: łatwość obsługi i niskie koszty, które sprawiają, że jest to świetny wybór dla małych i średnich projektów internetowych. Zarówno programiści, jak i właściciele stron znajdą w ofercie Hostingera odpowiadającą im opcję.
Ceny: czy stosunek ceny do jakości wypada korzystnie? Czytaj więcej
Serwery: jak szybkie i niezawodne? Sprawdź
Funkcjonalność: czego można oczekiwać jako klient? Szczegóły
Pomoc techniczna: czy jest dostępna i pomocna? Sprawdź

A propos, kiedy Hostinger decydował się na nazwę swojej marki, prawdopodobnie nie przewidział, na ile różnych sposobów może być ona błędnie napisana.

Jeśli więc trafiłeś tutaj szukając: hostenger lub hosinger albo nawet hostiger – pamiętaj, że tak, to jest dokładnie ta sama firma, o której tu mówimy :)

Jak duży jest Hostinger?

Aby uzmysłowić zainteresowanym, jak duży jest Hostinger, oto parę liczb: firma posiada obecnie ponad 30 milionów klientów w ponad 170 krajach (to prawie każdy kraj świata!).

I nie widać żadnych oznak spowolnienia – według danych firmy, Hostinger wciąż rozwija się w tempie 1 klienta co 5 sekund!

Co to jest Hostinger?

Jednakże, jak można się domyślać, Hostinger nie zawsze był międzynarodowym gigantem, którym jest dzisiaj. Wszystko zaczęło się w 2004 roku, a Hostinger rozwinął się na bazie jednego pomysłu:

Ludzie nie chcą płacić za nasze działania marketingowe, lecz za hosting: prosty, niezawodny i tak tani, jak to tylko możliwe.

Po wielu latach ta zasada nadal stanowi podstawę działalności Hostingera, a mianowicie świadczenia wysokiej jakości usług za najniższą możliwą cenę.

Przyjrzyjmy się zatem ofercie:

Wybór odpowiedniego planu Hostingera

Jako ogromny, międzynarodowy dostawca usług, Hostinger oferuje wiele rozwiązań dla każdego rodzaju potrzeb prywatnych i biznesowych.

Hosting współdzielony, hosting w chmurze, WordPress, VPS – łatwo oszaleć od tego wszystkiego! 🤯

Nie wpadajcie jednak w panikę, oto prosty poradnik:

  1. Czy spodziewasz się ponad 10 tys. wejść na stronę internetową miesięcznie? Jeżeli odpowiedź brzmi „NIE” (lub “NIE MAM POJĘCIA”), należy wybrać hosting współdzielony!

    Sugerujemy plan Premium, ponieważ zawiera on bezpłatną domenę, lecz jeżeli posiadasz już takową, to plan Single będzie w sam raz!

    Jeżeli odpowiedź brzmi „TAK”, to znaczy, że jest to strona o dużym natężeniu ruchu, prosimy przejść do następnego pytania:

  2. Czy potrzebujesz wysoce zoptymalizowanej strony firmowej z wykorzystaniem WordPressa? Jeżeli odpowiedź brzmi „TAK”, możesz rozważyć ofertę Hostingera zarządzany WordPress

    Jeśli poszukujesz czegoś bardziej wyrafinowanego i elastycznego (tzn. odpowiedziałeś „NIE”), prosimy przejść do następnego kroku:

  3. Czy potrzebujesz profesjonalnego serwera z dedykowanymi zasobami? Jeśli odpowiedziełeś „TAK”, to Virtual Private Server, czyli hosting VPS będzie odpowiadał Twoim potrzebom.

    Pamiętaj jednak, że VPS wymaga specjalistycznej wiedzy – więc jeżeli nie czujesz się dostatecznie wtajemniczony w konfigurowanie serwera, spróbuj zamiast tego jednej z poprzednich opcji!

    Hosting VPS oferuje najlepszy stosunek jakości do ceny dla niewielkich, profesjonalnych projektów 👓 – a podczas tworzenia czegoś większego lepiej sprawdzi się inny produkt:

  4. Na koniec, jeżeli potrzebujesz skalowalnego rozwiązania dla dużego projektu, zdecydowanie warto wybrać hosting w chmurze

    Jest to najbardziej elastyczna opcja, która pozwala na natychmiastowe dodanie zasobów i gwarantuje najlepszą dostępność Twojej strony lub aplikacji internetowej.

… ale chwileczkę, czy ja w ogóle powinienem wybrać Hostingera? O, super, że nadal uważnie śledzisz ten temat! Aby odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, potrzebujemy więcej danych:

– w kolejnych rozdziałach tej opinii przeanalizujemy techniczną stronę Hostingera 🤓 oraz nasze osobiste odczucia podczas korzystania z oferty tego usługodawcy.

Zaczynajmy więc!

Dostępność i szybkość Hostingera: na ile niezawodny jest ten dostawca?

Oprócz funkcjonalności i ceny, kolejnym niezwykle ważnym kryterium przy wyborze hostingu jest jego stabilność – innymi słowy dostępność i szybkość.

Aby zmierzyć uptime, czyli procentowe ujęcie czasu, przez jaki serwery Hostingera są dostępne i działają, możemy przyjrzeć się zarówno danym własnym, jak i zewnętrznym.

Te pierwsze są do dyspozycji na ich stronie monitoringu serwerów. Zawiera ona dzienne, tygodniowe i miesięczne statystyki dla wszystkich z ponad 150 serwerów Hostingera, co wygląda mniej więcej tak:

Hostinger uptime

W dolnej części tabeli można znaleźć zestawienie danych dla wszystkich serwerów, czyli to, co nas aktualnie interesuje:

Należy zwrócić uwagę na średnią 30-dniową, aby zorientować się, przez jak długi czas w danym miesiącu Twoja strona może być niedostępna.

Obecnie wartość ta oscyluje wokół 99,9% – co oznacza, że hostowana strona powinna mieć jedynie około 42 minut przestoju miesięcznie, co jest dość typowym wynikiem dla większości nowoczesnych dostawców usług hostingowych.

Jest to również zgodne z wynikiem 99,908% niezależnie zmierzonym przez serwis Hrank, jak również mieści się w granicach gwarancji czasu dostępności usług Hostingera – która wynosi dokładnie 99,9% zgodnie z punktem 7 ich Umowy hostingowej.


A co z szybkością? To jest nieco bardziej złożona kwestia, ponieważ może ona zależeć od wielu różnych czynników, poza zasobami technicznymi dostawcy usług hostingowych.

Czas ładowania strony internetowej zależy w dużym stopniu od takich czynników jak: całkowity rozmiar grafiki i zdjęć na stronie, ilość aktywnych wtyczek WordPress i innych elementów, które nie są związane z samym hostingiem.

Dlatego rozsądnie jest uwzględnić jedynie czas odpowiedzi – który jest średnim czasem (w milisekundach), po którym serwer odpowiada na przychodzące żądanie połączenia (tzn. gdy ktoś próbuje uzyskać dostęp do strony internetowej na tym serwerze).

Według niezależnych danych, pochodzących z botów firmy Hrank, średni czas odpowiedzi Hostingera oscyluje wokół 800 ms:

Hostinger uptime

Średni czas odpowiedzi Hostingera zmierzony przez Hrank (im niższy tym lepszy)

W praktyce widać, że średni czas odpowiedzi Hostingera w ostatnich latach uległ obniżeniu (=szybsze strony internetowe), po części dzięki modernizacji infrastruktury.

Każdy wynik poniżej 1000 ms jest dobrym rezultatem dla dostawcy hostingu współdzielonego, a Hostinger wypada lepiej niż większość innych, dużych, międzynarodowych dostawców.

No dobrze, skoro już przyjrzeliśmy się faktom, przejdźmy teraz od wartości średnich do naszych osobistych wrażeń:

Nasze wrażenia z użytkowania Hostingera

Jak już mówiliśmy wcześniej, Hostinger oferuje różnorodne usługi zarówno dla początkujących, jak i profesjonalistów.

Dla celów tej opinii przyjrzymy się bliżej hostingowi współdzielonemu, ponieważ jest to zdecydowanie najpopularniejszy produkt Hostingera.

Jak zwykle, pierwszym krokiem jest wykupienie abonamentu.

Po sfinalizowaniu zamówienia, otrzymujesz dostęp do panelu administracyjnego hostingu – jest to miejsce, gdzie można zarządzać swoim kontem hostingowym:

Hostinger oferuje autorski panel administracyjny, zbudowany przez zespół deweloperski firmy. Naszym zdaniem jest on dość przyjazny dla użytkownika i łatwy w nawigacji, nawet w porównaniu z powszechnie stosowanymi alternatywami, takimi jak cPanel czy Plesk.

Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, jest przedstawione w postaci kafelków z obrazkami i uporządkowane w grupy, co pomaga w szybszym dotarciu do poszczególnych usług. Możesz również skorzystać z paska wyszukiwania na górze, aby łatwiej odnaleźć potrzebne elementy.

Aby stworzyć stronę internetową, możesz skorzystać z Autoinstalatora, aby skonfigurować system zarządzania treścią, taki jak WordPress, albo użyć kreatora stron internetowych typu „przeciągnij i upuść” z rodziny produktów Hostingera o nazwie Zyro.

Obie opcje są dostępne w sekcji Strona w panelu administracyjnym hostingu.

A przy okazji, Kreator stron internetowych Zyro jest ciekawym przykładem udanego powrotu w połowie wypalonego produktu.

Kiedy po raz pierwszy ocenialiśmy Hostingera w 2017 roku, Zyro był w rozsypce – wyglądał jak skrzyżowanie przedwcześnie wypuszczonego pomysłu startupowego z porzuconym, starszym produktem.

Tak było przez dłuższy czas, ale na początku roku 2020, Zyro doczekał się kompletnego przeobrażenia:

Hostinger Zyro

Teraz wygląda on bardziej jak nowoczesny kreator stron 😎 Wybór szablonów jest jeszcze dość ograniczony, ale przynajmniej projekty wyglądają już przejrzyście i modnie.

Oprócz lepszej wizualizacji i kolekcji ponad 1 mln zdjęć, Zyro posiada teraz kilka intrygujących rozwiązań bazujących na sztucznej inteligencji:

  • AI Writer, to automatyczny system, który prosi Cię o wybór tematu i produkuje kilka akapitów (bardzo naturalnie brzmiącego) tekstu. Nie jest on jeszcze doskonały, ale może być pomocny w przełamaniu bariery twórczej.
  • AI Heatmap Tool, który analizuje Twoje strony internetowe z punktu widzenia zainteresowania odwiedzających i podpowiada, gdzie umieścić najważniejsze elementy strony, takie jak przyciski typu „call-to-action”.

Prawdziwa magia!

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, nową odsłonę Zyro można polecić każdemu, kto chciałby stworzyć prostą stronę internetową, składającą się z jednej lub kilku statycznych stron.

Dla tych, którzy potrzebują większej elastyczności i bardziej rozbudowanej funkcjonalności, najlepszym wyborem wciąż pozostaje WordPress.

Wsparcie klienta Hostingera

Jeżeli jesteś już klientem, możesz poprosić zespół Hostingera o pomoc 24/7 poprzez czat na żywo, który znajduje się w prawym, dolnym rogu panelu administracyjnego hostingu.

Aby sprawdzić jakość wsparcia, zadawaliśmy im pytania za pośrednictwem czatu: czas odpowiedzi był superszybki (zazwyczaj zaledwie kilka sekund), a przedstawiciel Hostingera był zawsze przyjazny, uprzejmy i pomocny.

Dla poprawy nastroju, zawsze gdy czekaliśmy na pojawienie się odpowiedzi, na czacie wyświetlały nam się obrazki ze śmiesznymi kotkami 🐈

Oprócz czatu na żywo, istnieje bezpłatna biblioteka przydatnych artykułów o wszystkich produktach i usługach Hostingera. Można ją otworzyć klikając na link „Pomoc” w górnym menu panelu administracyjnego hostingu.

Zawiera ona również listę najczęściej zadawanych pytań – istnieje duża szansa, że znajduje się tam już rozwiązanie Twojego problemu.

…A co, jeśli nie jesteś klientem?

W takim przypadku może wysłać wiadomość do zespołu Hostingera poprzez formularz kontaktowy na ich stronie.

Naturalnie nie przebiegnie to tak sprawnie jak czat na żywo, ale zapewne twoje pytanie nie będzie aż tak pilne :) W każdym razie otrzymasz odpowiedź w ciągu kilku godzin; najdłuższy czas odpowiedzi podczas naszych testów wyniósł 7 godzin.

A tak na marginesie, czy wiesz, że nam również można zadawać pytania dotyczące Hostingera? Prosimy zajrzeć do tego formularza na samym końcu artykułu!

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, Hostingerowi udało się przewyższyć nasze oczekiwania, jeżeli chodzi o jakość wsparcia. Spotkaliśmy się z dużo gorszą jakością obsługi nawet u konkurentów, którzy mają wyższe ceny.

30-dniowy zwrot pieniędzy i rezygnacja z konta Hostingera

Po przewinięciu strony głównej Hostingera aż do stopki, zobaczysz tam deklarację zwrotu pieniędzy za zamówienie w ciągu pierwszego miesiąca (dokładnie 30 dni) od dokonania płatności.

O ile gwarancja zwrotu pieniędzy jest godną szacunku właściwością każdego szanującego się dostawcy usług hostingowych, warto zwrócić uwagę na niektóre szczegóły pisane drobnym maczkiem – upewniając się, że jesteś świadomy następstw żądania zwrotu pieniędzy:

  • Nowo zarejestrowane domeny mogą być anulowane tylko w ciągu 4 dni (96 godzin) od zakończenia transakcji kupna. Warto tu zauważyć, że większość dużych dostawców usług hostingowych w ogóle nie oferuje zwrotu pieniędzy za nowe domeny.
  • Odnośnie do powyższego należy dodać, że istnieje długa lista domen, dla których refundacja nie jest możliwa; należą do nich prawie wszystkie rozszerzenia specyficzne dla danego kraju i regionu, jak również niektóre ogólne, jak .mobi czy .info.
  • Kilka innych produktów, które nie są uwzględniane w 30-dniowej gwarancji zwrotu pieniędzy, to: odnowienie domeny, pakiety ochrony prywatności i zestawy narzędzi SEO.
  • I na zakończenie: nie można otrzymać zwrotu pieniędzy za zakupy dokonane przy użyciu kryptowalut (tak, Hostinger pozwala płacić za zamówienia opłacone przy użyciu bitcoina, ethereum, litecoina i kilku innych popularnych kryptowalut).

No dobrze, a co, jeżeli zdecydujesz się na rezygnację z konta później niż po upływie 30 dni? – na przykład nie potrzebujesz już hostingu, ponieważ przerwałeś realizację danego projektu internetowego.

Dezaktywacja planów hostingowych i domen jest bardzo prosta, wystarczy wyszukać w swoim panelu administracyjnym pozycję „Dezaktywacja konta”, oznaczoną dużym, czerwonym znakiem stopu:

Co ciekawe, podczas gdy poszczególne usługi można łatwo anulować i usuwać, Hostinger nie oferuje prostego sposobu na całkowite usunięcie indywidualnego konta w firmie (powołując się na „względy bezpieczeństwa”).

Wprawdzie po dezaktywacji wszystkich usług na tym koncie nie powinno to stanowić problemu (na pewno nie nastąpi już obciążanie kosztami), ale dla tych, którzy lubią dokładnie posprzątać po sobie, istnieje metoda, która może zadziałać: wystarczy poprosić obsługę Hostingera o usunięcie konta.

Jeżeli mieszkasz na terytorium Unii Europejskiej, można tu skorzystać z takich sformułowań jak RODO, aby mieć pewność, że Twoja prośba zostanie spełniona; mieszkańcy innych krajów będą niestety zdani na dobrą wolę firmy.

Co jeszcze internauci chcieliby wiedzieć o Hostingerze?

Zanim przejdziemy do podsumowania mocnych i słabych stron Hostingera, przedstawiamy poniżej zbiór najczęściej pojawiających się pytań, które widzieliśmy w sieci i w naszych komentarzach:

Czy Hostinger naprawdę jest darmowy? Cóż, już nie… a co mamy na myśli mówiąc „już”? Otóż – kiedyś był. W ramach swoich pierwszych prób szybkiego zdobycia różnych rynków międzynarodowych. Ale obecnie jest to płatny hosting, chociaż z bardzo agresywną strategią niskich opłat.

Czy Hostinger nadaje się pod WordPressa? Absolutnie tak. Możemy go śmiało nazwać jednym z najlepszych, pod względem stosunku jakości do ceny, wariantów dla samodzielnie zarządzanej strony internetowej opartej na WordPressie (prosimy sprawdzić nasz ranking najlepszych „najtańszych” hostingów).

Czy Hostinger jest wiarygodny? Krótko mówiąc – zdecydowanie tak. Dłuższa odpowiedź – jak na rozwiązanie detaliczne, które kosztuje ułamek tego, co oferują inni duzi dostawcy, Hostinger jest zaskakująco dobrze przygotowany do zapewnienia bezawaryjnego hostingu z wbudowanymi potężnymi mechanizmami bezpieczeństwa.

Zalety i wady Hostingera

Skoro przeanalizowaliśmy już produkty i usługi Hostingera, jak również obsługę klienta – podsumujmy pozytywne i negatywne strony. Postaramy się być tak obiektywni, jak to tylko możliwe:

  • Wspaniały stosunek jakości do ceny: bardzo konkurencyjne stawki za wszystkie pakiety hostingowe – jak to ujął Hostinger, „płacisz tylko za hosting, nie za marketing”
  • Elastyczne oferty dla każdego rodzaju klienta – od osób prywatnych i małych firm (hosting współdzielony) do dużych firm i profesjonalnych programistów (VPS i rozwiązania oparte na chmurze)
  • 99,9% gwarancji dostępności – w istocie Hostinger obiecuje, że Twoja strona będzie dostępna online przez cały czas. Liczba ta przekłada się na maksymalnie 44 minuty przestoju w miesiącu, co w praktyce odpowiada w przybliżeniu 0 minutom przestoju podczas naszych testów.
  • Przy zakupie hostingu możesz otrzymać darmową domenę, jeżeli wybierzesz co najmniej 12-miesięczny pakiet
  • Można wybierać pomiędzy popularnymi panelami administracyjnymi hostingu, takimi jak cPanel lub skorzystać z autorskiego rozwiązania Hostingera (które jest całkiem niezłe)
  • Zainstalowanie WordPressa (lub jakiegokolwiek innego, popularnego silnika www) to kwestia kilku kliknięć przy użyciu funkcji Auto Installer w panelu administracyjnym hostingu
  • Kreator stron internetowych firmy Hostinger o nazwie Zyro przeszedł całkowitą metamorfozę w roku 2020 i jest teraz niezwykle przyjemny w użyciu
  • Duża biblioteka zasobów edukacyjnych dot. korzystania z produktów Hostingera, dostępna za darmo dla wszystkich klientów
  • Najwyższej klasy wsparcie przyjaznego, szybkiego i pomocnego zespołu, który jest zawsze gotów rozwiązać Twój problem przez całą dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu
  • Przyzwoity, ale w żadnym wypadku nie wybitny średni uptime i czas odpowiedzi serwera
  • Względnie ograniczony wybór szablonów w firmowym kreatorze stron Zyro
  • Brak możliwości uzyskania wsparcia telefonicznego – zamiast tego trzeba korzystać z czatu na żywo, poczty elektronicznej lub formularza kontaktowego

Zanim zakończymy tę opinię konkluzją i werdyktem (czy warto korzystać z Hostingera?), oto instrukcja krok po kroku, jak uzyskać dodatkową zniżkę przy zakupie produktów Hostingera:

Bonus: Kod promocyjny Hostingera

Nie twierdzimy, że koniecznie powinieneś wybrać Hostingera, ale jeśli zdecydujesze się na usługi akurat tego dostawcy, miło jest mieć możliwość oszczędzenia dodatkowych pieniędzy podczas składania zamówienia, prawda?

Mając to na uwadze, oto wskazówki krok po kroku, jak uzyskać dodatkową zniżkę w firmie Hostinger za pomocą kodu kuponu:

(z uwagi na fakt, że stwierdziliśmy już wcześniej, iż 12-miesięczny plan współdzielony Premium jest w większości przypadków najrozsądniejszym wyborem, będziemy posługiwać się nim w naszym przykładzie)

  1. Prosimy wejść na oficjalną stronę Hostingera, klikając na poniższy przycisk (otworzy się automatycznie w nowym oknie):

    Uzyskaj najkorzystniejszą ofertę Hostingera ›

  2. Pod ofertą Premium Shared Hosting (czyli pod środkową opcją) należy kliknąć na duży, czerwony przycisk: „Dodaj do koszyka”. To przeniesie Cię do strony konfiguracyjnej.
  3. Należy wybrać pakiet 12-miesięczny (jest to najtańszy plan, który daje Ci darmową domenę, dlatego nie warto wybierać planu 1-miesięcznego).
  4. Na tym etapie Twoja strona konfiguracji zamówienia powinna wyglądać następująco:

    Kod promocyjny Hostingera

  5. Teraz spójrz na dół strony i znajdź tekst „Czy posiadasz kod kuponu?”, tuż pod całkowitą kwotą zamówienia. Po kliknięciu tego linku, na jego miejscu pojawi się dodatkowe pole. Należy tam wpisać następujący kod:

  6. Po wpisaniu kodu, klikamy na ikonę plusa po prawej stronie (powinna zmienić kolor na fioletowy). Zobaczysz wiadomość, że kod kuponu został pomyślnie zrealizowany, a w Twoim zamówieniu pojawi się dodatkowy rabat!
  7. Gratulacje! Właśnie zaoszczędziłeś dodatkowe środki na zakupie Hostingera, dzięki czemu cena końcowa stała się jeszcze bardziej atrakcyjna.

W przypadku, gdyby wyżej wymieniony kod promocyjny nie zadziałał, prosimy o poinformowanie nas o tym w komentarzach poniżej – zbadamy sprawę i zrobimy wszystko, co w naszej mocy, aby upewnić się, że otrzymasz działający kod.

Nasz werdykt: Czy Hostinger jest wart swojej ceny?

Czy, po uwzględnieniu wszystkiego o czym mówiliśmy, powinnieneś w swoim kolejnym projekcie internetowym skorzystać z usług Hostingera?

Jeżeli chodzi o hosting, to ta marka wydaje się być uosobieniem powiedzenia „dobry stosunek jakości do ceny”: płacisz rozsądną cenę za to, co otrzymujesz – a to, co otrzymujesz jest funkcjonalne, praktyczne i łatwe w obsłudze.

Hostinger… po prostu działa ⚡

Załóż stronę z Hostingerem ›

Dla tych osób, które zdecydują się wypróbować Hostingera: prosimy o zapoznanie się z naszym przewodnikiem krok po kroku, aby dowiedzieć się jak dodatkowo zaoszczędzić przy pierwszym zamówieniu.


Czy macie jakieś dodatkowe pytania dotyczące serwerów, abonamentów, wsparcia technicznego i tym podobnych? A może korzystacie już z usług Hostingera i chcielibyście podzielić się swoimi spostrzeżeniami?

Tak czy inaczej, prosimy o przyłączenie się do dyskusji w komentarzach i wzajemną pomoc w podjęciu właściwej, w pełni świadomej decyzji!

Nota afiliacyjna: jeżeli uznasz tę opinię za pomocną, prosimy rozważyć wsparcie naszego bloga poprzez użycie linków w tekście w celu zakupu usług firmy Hostinger. Nie wpłynie to, oczywiście, w żaden sposób, na uzyskaną cenę oferty Hostingera.

究極のレビュー: 2024時点で3,000万人は正しい選択をしているのか?




評決のまとめ: Hostingerの主な利点は、シンプルさと低コストであり、小・中規模のウェブプロジェクトに最適な選択肢となっています。開発者もウェブサイトのオーナーも、Hostingerのオファーの中から適切なオプションを見つけることができます。
料金: お金の価値があるのか? 続きを読む
サーバー: 速度や接続はどれくらい安定しているのか? データを見る
機能: 利用者として何が利用できるのか? 詳細
サポート: サポートは利用できて、役に立つのか? 確認する


hostengerhosingerhostiger とも誤記されることがありますが、この記事の主題は同じ会社であることはご存知のことでしょう。


Hostingerがどれほど大きな会社かを知っていただくために、いくつかの数字をご紹介します。同社は現在、170以上の国(これは世界のほぼすべての国です!)で 3,000万人以上の顧客を抱えています。









共有ホスト、クラウドホスト、WordPress、VPS など、混乱することもあるでしょう。🤯


  1. 毎月のウェブサイトのアクセス者が一万人以上と予想されますか?もしも「いいえ」と答えた方には、 共有ホスティングがおすすめです。



  2. ビジネスのために高度に最適化されたWordPressサイトを必要としていますか? 答えが「はい」であれば、Hostingerの マネージドWordPressのサービスをご検討ください。


  3. 専用のリソースを持つプロフェッショナルなサーバーが必要ですか?もし「はい」と答えたならVirtual Private Server、またはVPSホスティングがあなたのニーズに合うでしょう。



  4. 最後に、大規模なプロジェクトのためにスケーラブルなソリューションが必要な場合は、間違いなくクラウドホスティングをご利用ください。


…では、結局 Hostingerを選ぶべきなのでしょうか?この質問に答えるためには、より多くのデータが必要です。







Hostinger uptime



May 2024時点で、この数字は99.9%に近いもので、これはホストされているウェブサイトが月に約42分しかダウンタイムを経験しないことを意味しており、これは最近のほとんどのホスティングプロバイダーにとってかなり正常な結果です。

これは、Hrank社が独自に測定した99.908%の数値と一致しており、Hostinger社のサービスアップタイム保証の範囲内でもあります。これは、ホスト契約 のセクション7によると、正確に99.9%です。





Hrank botsによる第三者機関のデータによると、Hostinger社の平均応答時間は約800msです。

Hostinger uptime







. 今回のレビューでは、Hostinger社の製品の中でも最も人気の高い共用ホスティングについて詳しくご紹介します。





ウェブサイトを作成するには、Auto Installerを使用してWordPressなどのコンテンツ管理システムをセットアップするか、Hostinger製品ファミリーのZyroと呼ばれるドラッグ&ドロップ式のウェブサイトビルダーを使用します。





Hostinger Zyro



  • AI Writerは、あなたにトピックを尋ね、そのトピックに関する数段落の(非常に人間的な)テキストを作成する自動システムです。まだまだ完璧ではありませんが、書き手の悩みを解消するには大きな助けとなるでしょう。
  • AIヒートマップツールは、訪問者の注目度という観点からWebページを分析し、コールトゥアクションボタンなどのページの重要な要素をどこに配置すべきかを教えてくれます。











もちろん、ライブチャットほど速くはありませんが、おそらく質問はそれほど緊急なものでないでしょう :) いずれにしても、2、3時間以内に回答を得ることができます。私たちが行ったテストにおける回答にかかった最大時間は7時間でした。

ところで、Hostinger について私たちにも質問できることはご存知でしたか?記事の一番下の このフォームをご覧ください!





  • 新規ドメイン登録のキャンセルは、購入手続き完了後4日(96時間)以内に限り可能です。他の大手ホスティングプロバイダーのほとんどは、新規ドメインの返金を一切行っていません。
  • 前述の点から、返金に対応していないドメインのリストはまだ残っています。これらのドメインには、ほとんどすべての国別および地域別の拡張子と.mobi.infoのような一般的なものが含まれます。
  • その他、ドメイン更新、プライバシー保護パッケージ、SEOツールキットなどは、30日間の返金保証の対象外となります。
  • 最後に、暗号通貨を使って購入したものは返金できません(そう、Hostingerでは、ビットコイン、イーサリアム、ライトコイン、その他多くの人気コインを使って注文の支払いができます)。


ホスティングプランやドメインの無効化は、ホスティングコントロールパネルから簡単に行うことができます。大きな赤いストップサインのついた「Deactivate account (アカウントを無効化)」という項目を検索してください。







HostingerはWordPressに適しているのか?もちろんです。私たちは、WordPressのセルフホスティングのウェブサイトには最高のコストパフォーマンスのオプションの一つといえます(私たちの「安い 」ホスティングのランキングをチェックしてみてください)。




  • 優れたコストパフォーマンス:すべてのホスティングパッケージにおいて、非常に競争力のある価格を実現しています。Hostingerは、「マーケティングのためではなく、ホスティングのためだけにお金を払う」と言っています。
  • 個人や中小企業(共用ホスティング)から、大企業やプロのプログラマー(VPSやクラウド)まで、あらゆるお客様に柔軟に対応します。
  • 99.9%のアップタイム保証:要するに、Hostingerはお客様のウェブサイトが常にオンラインで利用可能であることを約束します。この数字は、1ヶ月のダウンタイムが最大44分ということになりますが、私たちのテストによると、実際にはダウンタイムは0分に近いです。
  • 12ヶ月以上のパッケージを選択すると、ホスティング購入時にドメイン名を無料で取得できます。
  • cPanelのような一般的なホスティングダッシュボード、またはHostinger独自のソリューションを使用することもできます(まあまあなオプションです)。
  • WordPress(またはその他の一般的なサイトエンジン)は、ホスティング管理パネルの Auto Installer機能を使って数回クリックするだけでインストールできます。
  • HostingerのZyroというウェブサイトビルダーは、2020年に全面的に刷新され、使い心地がよくなっています。
  • Hostinger製品の使用に関する教育資料の大規模なライブラリは、すべての利用者に無料で提供されます。
  • 24時間365日、お客様の問題を解決するために、フレンドリーで、迅速で、親切なチームによる一流のサポート。
  • なかなかのサービスですが、平均的な稼働時間とサーバーの応答速度を見ると、決して優れているとは言えません。
  • Zyro のウェブサイトサイトビルダーでは、テンプレートの選択肢が比較的限られています。
  • 電話でのサポートを受けることができません。ライブチャット、メール、お問い合わせフォームのいずれかを使用する必要があります。


ボーナス: Hostingerのプロモコード

私たちは、あなたが必ずしもHostingerを選ぶ べきだと主張しているわけではありませんが、もしこのプロバイダーを利用することを決めたなら、注文時にさらにお得なオプションがあると嬉しいですよね?



  1. 下のボタンをクリックして、Hostingerの公式サイトをご覧ください(自動的に別ウィンドウで開きます)。

    Hostingerのお得な割引 ›

  2. プレミアム共有ホスティング(つまり真ん中のオプション)の下にある、大きな赤い「Add to cart(カートに追加)」ボタンをクリックしてください。これにより、設定ページが表示されます。
  3. クリックして12ヶ月のパッケージを選択してください(これは無料のドメイン名を提供する最も安いプランなので、1ヶ月プランを選択する価値はありません)。
  4. この時点で、設定ページはこのようになっています。

    Hostinger coupon

  5. 次に、ページの下部を見て、注文合計金額のすぐ下にある「Have a coupon Code?」というテキストを見つけてください。このリンクをクリックすると、その場所に新しいフィールドが表示されます。以下のコードを入力してください。

  6. コードを入力した後、右のプラスアイコンをクリックしてください(色は紫になります)。クーポンコードが正常に適用されたことを示すメッセージが表示され、注文に新しい割引が表示されます。
  7. おめでとうございます!これでHostingerでの購入がお得になり、最終的な価格がさらに魅力的になります。

上記のプロモコードが機能しない場合は、以下の コメント欄でお知らせください。有効なものをご利用いただけるようにお調べいたします。

評決: Hostingerは価値があるのか?




Hostingerを試してみようという方は、初回のオーダーでお得に購入するためのステップバイステップガイド を必ずご覧ください。



