Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Header Menu Issue

New Front EN Support Forums Kanso Theme Support Header Menu Issue

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  • #3007

    Hello there,
    I am facing a problem with the header menu. I have 7 pages in the header menu and I would like to add one more. The problem is that when I add one more, the menu breaks in two lines. Is there a way I can control either the size of the font of the header menu or the distance between each “menu title”?
    And actually for some reason, right now even if I have included in the header menu in the one-page website options the page “TEAM”, it doesn’t appear at all. The link is

    Thank you for the support!


    Hey Galini,

    you can change the font of the menu items, as well as their font size, in the “Typography” tab of the Theme Options panel – the “Menu item font” and “Primary menu item font size” settings is what you need ;) the padding between the menu items is not changeable via the admin settings, yet you can also alter it if you wish, by adding a line of CSS code into the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel:

    #nav-primary li { padding: 0 !important; }

    Regarding the “Team” page: the Large-text page template was programmed not to become part of the main menu in Kanso, i.e. this behavior is intended – the Large-text template is mostly used for call-to-action statements which rarely correspond to separate semantic sections of the website. However, by popular demand I’ve removed this relationship in version 1.4 of the theme, in which the menu also displays the Large-text pages. Please update to the latest version (you can get it from your “Downloads” tab of the ThemeForest account).

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Thank you for your answer, everything works perfect!
    Could you please clarify how to update? I downloaded the zip file from the downloads tab, but is there a way to update to the new version without loosing the customization of the website that I have already done? Are there specific files I have to replace in ftp or do I have to replace everything?


    Hey Galini,

    for the future, the most widely recommended way to make custom changes to themes is by using child themes – this way you can ensure that your customizations are stored separately and are not voided during an update.

    Regarding the issue at hand, the code that governs the menu is located in the “header.php” file, thus you can first try updating just that one and see if it resolves the menu issue. In general, to update the theme, you need to unzip the “Kanso_Installable” archive found within the primary ThemeForest archive, and upload all contents of the resulting “Kanso” folder into the analogous folder on your server, i.e. /wp-content/themes/Kanso; in this case, you can try uploading just the header.php file. I would also highly recommend making a full back-up of your website (incl. database) every time before updating. My personal favourite plugin for that is Updraft Plus.

    Let me know if you face any problems with the process!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Andrii Sensei,
    Thank you very much for the tip with the Updraft Plugin!


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