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Hey Freepam,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
I will go over your questions in the same order:
1). The Google font did not appear because there were extra spaces after the names in the respective fields in the Theme Options panel (probably an artifact of copy-pasting from another place). I’ve removed the spaces and now the font displays normally.
2). The color of the body text can be set in the “Body text color” field in the “Style: Content” tab of the Theme Options panel.
3). I’ve added an extra CSS rule to your website, now the vertical margin between the site name and the post title is smaller (for non-logged-in users).
4). The footer in WordPress is determined by the widgets which are set up in the “Appearance -> Widgets” admin section; when there is at least one widget set up in the “Footet” widget area on that page, it will automatically create a footer. What you have at the moment is the copyright area, a custom element created within the Ikebana theme; in order to change its background color, please use the “Copyright background color” field on the “Style: Footer” tab of the Theme Options panel.
5). The website background is light-teal at the moment, which corresponds to the color set in the Theme Options panel, so I suppose this one has been solved. If there’s still a problem, please let me know.
Should anything of the above be unclear, or should you have other theme-related questions, do not hesitate to contact me!
Andrii / Satori Studio
P.S. I’ve edited out the login information to your website from your post, otherwise it would stay public and might have compromised your website’s security.