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Revue de Zyro 2024 : de zéro à votre propre site en moins d’une heure ?

« Oh, encore un outil de création de sites… »

C’est une réaction tout à fait compréhensible ; en fait, c’est exactement comme ça que nous avons réagi lorsque nous avons vu Zyro pour la première fois.

D’autre part, on peut présumer sans trop de risques que les créateurs de Zyro ont une idée réaliste du marché extrêmement compétitif des outils de conception de sites web. Et pourtant, ils l’ont créé.

– alors Zyro, qu’est-ce que ça vaut ?!

Dans cette revue détaillée, nous déterminerons une fois pour toutes si cet outil vaut la peine d’y investir votre temps et votre argent ; nous répondrons à vos questions, dont :

  • 🦄Zyro est-il différent des autres outils de création de sites ?
  • 🤖Les outils IA de Zyro – sont-ils performants ?
  • 💭 Ce que vous devriez savoir avant d’utiliser Zyro ?
  • 🔍Quelle offre Zyro devriez-vous choisir selon vos besoins ?

Une fois ce guide terminé, vous saurez si Zyro est l’outil approprié pour votre projet en ligne et comment l’utiliser de manière efficace.

Tout d’abord, commençons par essayer de comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles Zyro existe. En d’autres termes, en quoi est-il différent des autres outils de création de sites ?

Caractéristiques uniques de Zyro

Il s’avère qu’il existe des raisons solides de choisir Zyro plutôt que d’autres outils de création de sites. Mettons en lumière certains des aspects sur lesquels Zyro a une longueur d’avance sur ses concurrents :

  • Les outils faisant appel à l’Intelligence Artificielle pour des analyses intelligentes et l’automatisation de taches : par exemple le Générateur de contenu IA composera instantanément des textes thématiques pour votre site, et l’outil Heatmap AI vous aidera à prédire quelles parties de votre page attirera l’attention des visiteurs.

    Zyro AI Writer

  • Focus sur la rapidité et la disponibilité : tous les sites web crées sur Zyro ont l’avantage d’être alimentés par l’infrastructure de serveurs de pointe de Hostinger, une des entreprises d’hébergement internet les plus importantes au monde.
  • Beaucoup de stockage et de bande passante en comparaison aux autres outils de création de sites populaires – même l’offre BASIC de Zyro donne accès à des limites de ressources bien plus importantes, alors que l’offre UNLEASHED est l’option au trafic et stockage illimité la moins chère du marché.
  • Les prix déjà très bas pour les offres payantes de Zyro sont encore plus bas si vous choisissez un cycle de facturation sur deux ou trois ans. Même l’offre BASIC de Zyro permet d’avoir un nom de domaine personnalisé et supprime les publicités, ce qui rend l’offre 3 à 4 fois (!) moins chère que les options comparables d’autres plateformes.

Nous évoquerons plus amplement le dernier point dans cette partie de notre revue afin de vous aider à choisir la bonne offre Zyro ; cependant, il semblerait que ce soit le moment idéal pour lancer l’outil et voir ce qu’il peut faire de manière concrète :

Créer un site avec Zyro

Pour démarrer avec votre propre site Zyro vous n’avez qu’à faire trois clics: (#1) le bouton principal sur la page d’accueil officielle vous mène à la bibliothèque de templates, où vous pourrez choisir un design (#2) et une offre d’abonnement (#3).

Quelle est la première chose que l’on comprend lorsque l’on commence à utiliser l’outil de création Zyro ? Il met l’accent sur la simplicité :

  • Vous pouvez cliquer sur n’importe quel élément sur la page afin de modifier son contenu et/ou son apparence – sans avoir besoin d’écrire ou de déployer une seule ligne de code.
  • N’importe quel élément peut être repositionné en le faisant glisser à l’aide de la souris (ou doigt pour la version mobile) vers l’emplacement de votre choix sur la page.
  • De nouveaux éléments et de nouvelles pages entières peuvent être ajoutées en un seul clic dans le coin supérieur gauche de l’éditeur ; de nouvelles sections de pages peuvent être ajoutées en cliquant sur les frontières entre les sections existantes.

En d’autres termes, des connaissances proches de zéro en web design ou développement web vous permettront quand même de pouvoir utiliser Zyro (d’où le nom de cette marque d’ailleurs). L’ensemble du process est très visuel et intuitif 🐣


Vous avez remarqué la façon dont des rectangles grisés apparaissent lorsque vous commencez à faire glisser un élément, puis il vient s’enclencher très nettement dans l’emplacement sélectionné une fois relâché ?
C’est parce que, d’un point de vue fonctionnel, Zyro est un créateur de site basé sur le principe de grilles :

Zyro Editor Grid

Placer des éléments sur une grille est une pratique répandue du développement web moderne. En fait, c’est tellement efficace que la plupart des packages de code professionnels ont des principes de grilles intégrés au niveau le plus fondamental.

Zyro suit le même chemin – en imposant des proportions et positions pour intégrer chaque élément dans une grille flexible, Zyro s’assure que votre site web ait une apparence nette et organisée sans que vous ayez à fournir d’effort particulier.

Il existe aussi un autre avantage à utiliser des grilles :
Zyro peut ainsi générer automatiquement une version mobile du design de votre site web sans avoir à lever le petit doigt (bon d’accord, il faudra que vous leviez un doigt une fois, pour cliquer sur le switcher de vue mobile dans la barre de réglage en haut de page) :

Zyro mobile

En parlant d’automatisation : vous vous souvenez que nous avons mentionné le Générateur de contenu IA de Zyro un peu plus tôt ? Eh bien, il est temps de l’observer dans son milieu naturel !

  1. Dans la partie droite de l’écran de votre éditeur, cliquez sur l’icône « Aa » pour ouvrir le panneau de configuration IA.
  2. Choisissez le sujet, la catégorie et le type de texte puis cliquez sur le bouton violet « Generate » en bas.
  3. Après quelques instants, le Générateur de contenu IA générera plusieurs fragments de texte que vous pourrez copier ou directement insérer dans une zone de texte déjà existante.

À chaque utilisation, vous obtiendrez de nouveaux résultats, et ce ne sont pas des textes copiés sur internet, tous les extraits sont totalement uniques.

Mais, quelle est cette sorcellerie ?!

Selon Zyro, leur Générateur de contenu IA fonctionne grâce au GPT-2 (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), qui est un modèle de deep learning de pointe créé par OpenAI, un institut de recherche fondé par le célèbre entrepreneur Elon Musk.

Aussi puissant qu’il soit, cet outil ne peut évidemment pas créer un text qui serait spécifique à votre situation à 100 % (car il n’a pas connaissance de votre situation, seulement du thème que vous avez choisi).

Mais cela ne signifie pas qu’il est inutile –

Le Générateur de Zyro est idéal pour vous fournir rapidement un point de départ pour l’ensemble du contenu de votre site web, ce qui vous permet de considérablement accélerer le processus de création de site et passer de zéro à Zyro, un site web totalement fonctionnel en moins d’une heure !


Lorsque vous décidez que vous êtes prêts à rendre votre site accessible, cliquez sur le bouton violet « Publish website » dans le coin supérieur droit de l’écran d’édition –

Le système vous permettra de choisir votre nom de domaine personnalisé comme, et d’activer votre site (sans pubs) sur ce même domaine.

Voyons ce que nous obtenons avec un site Zyro publié :

Côté coulisses

Qu’est-ce qui différencie un bon site d’un excellent site web?

Son apparence est extrêmement importante, sans aucun doute, cependant il ne faut pas sous-estimer le rôle de facteurs moins évidents au premier abord, comme la rapidité, la stabilité et la sécurité.

La logique est assez simple : si votre site est lent (ou qu’il ne fonctionne pas du tout), vos visiteurs ne seront même pas en mesure d’apprécier son superbe design.

Les statistiques compilées par Google indiquent que la plupart des pages web sont abandonnées après quelques secondes de chargement seulement.

Ce qui est particulièrement vrai pour les utilisateurs de smartphone, étant donné qu’une connexion sur mobile a tendance à être plus lente et moins stable qu’une connexion wifi.

En ce qui concerne Zyro, l’infrastructure sous-jacente – les serveurs et autres hardwares spécialisés qui font fonctionner votre site web créé par le biais de Zyro – est gérée par sa société sœur, Hostinger.

Et c’est une bonne nouvelle :

Hostinger existe depuis plus d’une décennie et sert actuellement plus de 3 millions de clients à travers le monde depuis ses 6 datacenters.

Et la très bonne nouvelle ?

– Tout ça serait disponible à des prix des attractifs. Ça semble presque trop beau pour être vrai… Approfondissons un peu plus la question :

Formules et tarifications

Tous les grands outils de création de site offrent généralement plusieurs formules et tarifications avec des fonctionnalités progressivement avancées, par exemple :

  • En règle générale, la formule la moins chère de la plupart des outils de création de sites permet seulement de connecter votre propre nom de domaine.
  • Il peut y avoir une formule au prix légèrement plus élevé permettant d’avoir un site web ou les bannières du créateur de site ne figurent pas.
  • Une version (« illimitée ») plus onéreuse permet généralement de supprimer toutes les limites en termes de trafic et de stockage toujours présentes au niveau des formules précédentes.
  • Parfois, une quatrième formule peut exister ; elle offre encore plus de fonctionnalités et une assistance prioritaire.

Zyro simplifie ces choix en offrant seulement 2 options payantes : l’offre BASIC avec un espace de stockage et une bande passante limitée, ainsi que l’offre UNLEASHED avec un trafic et un espace de stockage illimité, et des fonctionnalités marketing et analyses supplémentaires.

Voici un visuel qui vous aidera à comprendre pourquoi nous avons mentionné la politique de tarification de Zyro comme étant un de ses principaux points forts :

Zyro price comparison

(Ce graphique compare la formule BASIC de Zyro aux offres similaires d’autres outils de création de sites – en d’autres termes, les formules les moins chères incluant à la fois un nom de domaine et la possibilité d’avoir un site sans pubs.)

Mais ce n’est pas tout, ça devient plus intéressant :

Pour l’instant, nous nous sommes penchés sur l’option par défaut de paiement sur 1 an, mais il est important de mentionner que Zyro permet aussi une facturation sur 2 et 3 ans :

Zyro pricing

Contrairement à ce qui est proposé par la plupart des autres outils de création de sites, chez Zyro le fait d’opter pour un cycle de facturation plus long réduit le prix mensuel de 30 à 40 % !

Ce qui signifie qu’actuellement aucune offre sur le marché ne peut concurrencer la formule BASIC de Zyro avec un paiement sur 3 ans :

Commencez à créer avec Zyro

Pour ce qui est de la formule UNLEASHED, elle sera utile aux sites plus importants avec un volume de contenu conséquent et un trafic de visiteurs élevé. De ce fait, il est plus logique de commencer petit et d’ajuster votre formule selon vos besoins en passant à une offre supérieure lorsque cela est nécessaire.

Zyro eCommerce

Si vous prévoyez de vendre des produits ou des services sur votre site, cette partie vous concerne. En plus de ses deux formules standard, Zyro propose également 2 autres formules adaptées aux projets e-commerce :

  • La formule ECOMMERCE, qui porte bien son nom, propose toutes les fonctionnalités de la formule UNLEASHED en y ajoutant f toutes les capacités d’une boutique en ligne, y compris la gestion de l’inventaire, les cartes cadeaux et les paiements en ligne. Avec cette formule, le nombre de produits est limité à 100 par boutique en ligne.
  • La formule étendue ECOMMERCE+ vient ajouter des fonctionnalités comme la récupération de panier abandonné et plusieurs langues tout en retirant la limitation du nombre de produits que vous pouvez ajouter dans votre boutique en ligne. Cette formule propose également des intégrations pour Instagram, Facebook et Amazon afin de maximiser votre portée.

En vous basant sur ce que nous avons pu observer dans la partie précédente, vous vous attendez probablement à ce que les offres e-commerce de Zyro soient bien moins onéreuses que les offres similaires des autres outils de création de sites…

– et vous avez tout à fait raison :

Pour les offres e-commerce, Zyro reste fidèle à sa stratégie de « meilleur tarif sur le marché », facturant ainsi 20 à 50 % moins que les autres créateurs de sites.

(Encore une fois, gardez à l’esprit que ces chiffres concernent la facturation pour un an, si vous choisissez d’être facturé sur 2 ou 3 ans vous bénéficierez d’une réduction supplémentaire jusqu’à 40 %.)

Les offres e-commerce ont très longtemps eu un coût démesuré sur la plupart des outils de création de sites : grâce à Zyro, cette tendance touche peut-être à sa fin.


Maintenant que nous avons une meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement de Zyro, résumons ses points forts ainsi que les aspects qui lui font défaut avant de formuler notre verdict final :

Pour et contre de Zyro

  • Un des prix les plus bas sur le marché. Effectivement, même la formule BASIC vous permet à la fois d’ajouter votre propre nom de domaine et de retirer les bannières publicitaires – le tout à un prix bien plus avantageux que sur n’importe quelle autre plateforme de création de sites.
  • L’outil principal de Zyro est un éditeur visuel simple s’appuyant sur un concept de grille qui génère automatiquement la version mobile du design de votre site au fur et à mesure.
  • Le générateur de contenu alimenté par Intelligence Artificielle parvient à produire des textes assez convainquant qui peuvent servir de base pour le contenu de votre site.
  • Vous pouvez obtenir les fonctionnalités e-commerce complètes pour seulement une fraction du coût des offres similaires d’autres outils de création de sites.
  • Plus d’1 million images de haute qualité gratuites sur tous les thèmes sont à disposition de tous les utilisateurs de Zyro.
  • L’infrastructure de Zyro est fournie par Hostinger, une des plus grandes entreprises d’hébergement du monde, ce qui implique un chargement plus rapide et une plus grande stabilité.
  • Une garantie de remboursement sous 30 jours est disponible pour toutes formules payantes Zyro (notez que compte tenu de leurs spécificités, les noms de domaines ne sont pas éligibles aux remboursements).
  • En tant qu’utilisateur, vous avez le droit à f une assistance 24h/24 et 7jours/7 via e-mail et chat en direct, quelle que soit l’offre Zyro choisie.
  • La bibliothèque de templates Zyro ne cesse de s’agrandir, cependant le choix n’est toujours pas aussi large que celui proposé par certains autres créateurs de sites.
  • Pour le moment il n’est pas possible de passer un site existant vers un autre template, vous pouvez soit supprimer tous les éléments et recommencer en partant de zéro, soit créer un nouveau site.
  • Actuellement, le Générateur de contenu IA fournit de bons résultats en anglais seulement; nous avons contacté Zyro pour obtenir plus de détails, leurs équipes nous ont dit travailler dur à l’entraînement du système dans d’autres langues. Nous mettrons à jour ce guide dès que d’autres informations seront disponibles !

Verdict : Devriez-vous utiliser Zyro ?

Revenons à notre question de départ : Zyro est-il seulement un autre outil de création de site quelconque, ou mérite-t-il votre temps et votre argent ?

  • Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution tout-en-un qui vous empêche d’avoir à trouver séparément un hébergeur, un nom de domaine, un CMS, un éditeur pour vos visuels et extensions – Zyro est une solution remarquable qui vous permet d’obtenir le package complet à un prix avantageux.
  • Si vous souhaitez créer une présence en ligne le plus rapidement possible – et que vous valorisez la simplicité, le minimalisme et la stabilité, Zyro vous permettra d’atteindre votre objectif plus vite que la plupart des autres créateurs de sites.
  • En revanche, si vous avez besoin d’avoir un contrôle total du code, une structure de site complexe avec de multiples types de contenus, et/ou des intégrations avancées comme Zapier, alors le meilleur choix serait de se tourner vers une plateforme plus orientée développeur comme Webflow; gardez toutefois à l’esprit que ses offres coûtent 3 à 5 fois plus cher que celles proposées par Zyro.

Étant donné qu’il vous est possible de changer d’offre quand vous le souhaitez chez Zyro, nous vous recommandons de commencer avec la version BASIC pendant que votre site est en construction.

Lorsque vous êtes prêt à rendre votre site accessible, la facturation sur 3 ans pour la formule BASIC vous offrira le meilleur rapport qualité-prix sur le marché et vous permettra d’économiser un tas d’argent tout au long de la vie de votre site 💰

Créer votre site avec Zyro ›

Besoin de plus d’informations sur Zyro ? Vous utilisez peut-être déjà Zyro et vous aimeriez partager votre expérience ? Rendez-vous dans notre section Commentaires ci-dessous !

: Le guide 2024 complet pour acheteurs et vendeurs + avis d’utilisateurs

☑︎ Dernière mise à jour : May 2024

De nos jours, Fiverr est sans doute le plus grand marché de microservices en ligne au monde (y compris en France, en Belgique, au Maroc, en Algérie et dans les autres pays francophones).

Toutefois, vous avez peut-être entendu des avis mitigés de la part de personnes ayant utilisé cette plateforme.

C’est un peu paradoxal :

– Elle a beau être la plateforme la plus populaire pour embaucher des freelancers, Fiverr ne convient pas à tout le monde.

Afin d’exploiter au mieux cette plateforme, vous devriez savoir une chose ou l’autre avant de vous lancer, que vous vouliez vendre ou acheter.

Dans ce guide, nous avons rassemblé toutes nos recherches et expériences de Fiverr (que nous utilisons depuis 2012) pour répondre aux questions les plus importantes :

  • 🦄En quoi Fiverr diffère-t-il des autres plateformes ?
  • 🛒Est-il un bon choix pour les acheteurs et dans quels cas ?
  • 💵En tant que freelancer, devriez-vous choisir Fiverr ?
  • 😎Quel est le principal avantage de la plateforme ?

Un indice sur ce dernier point – non, ce n’est pas le prix !

Vers la fin de ce guide, nous vous offrirons également un code de 10 % de réduction valable sur votre première commande Fiverr (au cas où vous décidez de tester cette plateforme).

… Ah, oui, une dernière chose avant de commencer : « Fiverr » est orthographié avec deux « r » (sans raison réelle à part un coup de tête de ses fondateurs), mais si vous avez recherché fiverrr ou fiver ou encore fivver pour arriver ici – soyez rassuré.e, nous parlons du même site.

Bon, allons-y :

Qu’est-ce que Fiverr ? Différences clés par rapport aux autres plateformes

Comme nous l’avons sous-entendu plus tôt, Fiverr n’est pas une plateforme de freelancers ordinaire. Aussi, afin de l’utiliser efficacement, nous devons d’abord comprendre comment la plateforme fonctionne et en quoi elle est différente.

Pour vous mettre dans le bain, voici quelques faits illustrant l’étendue et la portée de la plateforme Fiverr :

Fiverr: faits

Assez impressionnant ! Ce qui est encore plus intéressant, c’est que Fiverr a pu croître autant grâce à trois idées seulement. Certes, celles-ci semblent évidentes avec le recul, mais elles étaient assez uniques en 2010 :

  • Le « service en tant que produit » – une nouvelle approche pour uniformiser les services freelance, y compris le prix, la portée et la durée du travail. Les clients ont tout de suite apprécié le fait que Fiverr leur facilitait la vie.
  • L’uniformisation a permis de passer à un modèle où le travail vient aux travailleurs indépendants, et pas l’inverse. Autrement dit, les acheteurs peuvent trouver ce dont ils ont besoin en explorant le vaste catalogue de talents de Fiverr à l’aide de filtres sophistiqués.
  • De plus, il n’y a virtuellement aucune limitation dans le type de service qui peut être offert sur la plateforme – du design de logo à la rédaction de livre électronique en passant par l’enregistrement de votre texte dans la voix de Trump – tant que le service est légal et peut être livré en ligne, vous le trouverez sur Fiverr.

Toutes ces caractéristiques ont permis à Fiverr d’offrir des prix imbattables – en réalité, la plateforme tire son nom du fait que tous les services offerts ne coûtaient que cinq dollars durant les premières années de son existence :

Fiverr beta

La première version de Fiverr (2010). Source :

Bien sûr, dans les faits, vous ne pouvez pas facturer 5 dollars pour tous les services imaginables et vous attendre à recevoir un travail de qualité – aussi, au fil des ans, Fiverr a évolué :

  • La condition des 5 dollars a été assouplie afin d’offrir des services plus diversifiés et de plus haute qualité. Les freelancers peuvent maintenant facturer plus pour des services plus complexes, mais l’efficacité et le prix bas sont toujours une priorité.
  • Pour aller un peu plus loin, Fiverr Pro a été mis en place afin de mettre en valeur les meilleurs freelancers, choisis et vérifiés manuellement par le personnel de Fiverr (découvrez-en plus – dans la section suivante).

En marge de ces évolutions, les principes de base de Fiverr, mentionnés plus tôt, restent les mêmes à ce jour : des services uniformisés, encourager la découverte et une immense variété de choix.

Vous devinez déjà comment cela peut affecter les acheteurs, n’est-ce pas ?

Comment ACHETER sur Fiverr

(Psst !.. si vous êtes indépendant et cherchez uniquement à offrir vos services sur Fiverr, n’hésitez pas à passer à la section destinée aux vendeurs)

La principale préoccupation de tout nouvel acheteur sur Fiverr est bien sûr la possibilité de ne pas en avoir pour son argent.

Jetons un œil aux tactiques mises en place pour minimiser ce risque.

En particulier, nous allons nous concentrer sur le processus par défaut de Fiverr (= acheter un « service en tant que produit »), décrit dans la section précédente. En premier lieu vient la recherche dudit service :

1. Utilisez les filtres intelligemment

Si vous recherchez un service assez ordinaire (comme écrire un article ou concevoir un logo), vous pouvez simplement commencer par les catégories préétablies dans le ruban au sommet de la page d’accueil :

Trouvez les meilleurs services sur Fiverr ›

… Si, cependant, les catégories préétablies sont trop génériques pour vous – autrement dit, vous cherchez quelque chose de plus spécifique/exotique/loufoque – la barre de recherche près du logo est un bon point de départ (1b).

Dans tous les cas, ce que vous obtiendrez en utilisant l’une de ces deux options est une liste immense de centaines ou milliers de services disponibles, triés par « pertinence » :

Fiverr: la recherche

Vous ne trouvez pas que le critère de tri est un peu vague, vous ? 🤔 Voyons si nous pouvons faire mieux.

Afin de clarifier ce vivier de prestataires avides de vous aider, nous allons employer les filtres au-dessus de la grille de résultats pour mieux les définir :

  • Le filtre le plus important est « Critères du service » (2a) : il affiche les spécialisations et suppléments disponibles pour votre type de projet. Par exemple, si nous avons tapé « Rédaction d’article », le filtre critères du service contiendra des options pour définir le thème, la langue et le ton. Le filtre critères du service à lui seul permet généralement de réduire les résultats d’un facteur dix.
  • Le deuxième filtre le plus utile est « Informations sur le prestataire » (2b), car il vous laisse choisir le niveau du vendeur. Il existe quatre niveaux dans la hiérarchie des freelancers sur Fiverr : niveaux 1 et 2, Top Prestataire, et tous les autres (prestataires inexpérimentés et inactifs). Monter de niveau requiert une qualité constante et de bons avis, aussi ces prestataires ont tendance à vendre leurs services plus chers. Pour des résultats optimaux, nous vous recommandons de vous concentrer sur les niveaux 1 et 2 au début – ceci devrait vous offrir suffisamment d’options de qualité.
  • Nous vous recommandons de laisser le filtre « Budget » (2c) vide pour éviter de limiter vos choix trop tôt – sauf si, bien sûr, vous cherchez les options les moins chères, auquel cas minimiser les risques d’obtenir de la mauvaise qualité n’est pas vraiment compatible avec votre stratégie…
  • Le filtre « Délai de livraison » (2d) peut être utile si vous avez besoin d’un service en urgence. De nouveau, attendez-vous à des prix plus élevés pour un service livré sous 24 heures plutôt que sous 3 jours !

2. Ne comparez pas les prix dans les résultats de recherche

Même si Fiverr offre des services uniformisés, il est impossible que tout soit complètement identique – les prestataires peuvent définir librement ce qui est inclus ou non dans leurs offres. Pour compliquer encore davantage les choses, chaque offre peut se composer de 2 ou 3 forfaits différents :

Par exemple, un freelancer proposant de rédiger un article de blog peut facturer un certain prix pour une longueur de texte spécifique (disons 300 mots), mais peut également inclure plusieurs suppléments dans la même offre, p.ex. un texte plus long, de 500 mots, pour un prix plus élevé.

Alors, que représente le prix affiché ? Les résultats de recherche dont nous avons discuté dans le conseil précédent ne vous montrent qu’un seul tarif. D’où sort-il donc ?

Fiverr: des prix

Eh oui, c’est le prix pour le forfait de base (= le moins cher) de toutes ces offres.

Deux problèmes découlent de cette situation : premièrement, le forfait de base n’est pas forcément celui qu’il vous faut ; et, deuxièmement, chaque offre aura un forfait de base différent !

Conclusion : ignorez les tarifs dans les résultats de recherche – à la place, analysez soigneusement entre 5 et 10 offres obtenues après avoir appliqué les filtres (voir conseil #1).

Maintenant, sommes-nous prêts à passer commande ?

Attendez, il reste une chose que nous vous recommandons de faire avant d’ouvrir votre portefeuille :

3. Contactez le prestataire à l’avance

Choisissez 2-3 offres qui vous paraissent prometteuses et envoyez un message personnalisé à chaque freelancer. Décrivez votre projet en quelques mots et posez une ou deux questions.

Observez le temps qu’ils mettent pour vous répondre. Leurs réponses semblent-elles pertinentes ? Montrent-elles leurs compétences ?

À propos, même si vous n’avez pas encore de vraie question à ce stade, inventez quelque chose – la réponse du freelancer à vos questions vous en dira bien plus que la réponse toute faite que vous recevrez probablement si vous ne demandez rien de spécifique.

De plus, si vous cherchez à obtenir un bon rapport qualité-prix, nous ne vous recommandons pas de négocier le tarif sauf si c’est absolument nécessaire :

  • D’abord, parce que Fiverr est déjà aussi abordable qu’il peut l’être en matière de services indépendants. Il y a une limite inférieure au montant que les freelancers sont prêts à gagner par heure de travail et, compte tenu de la compétition féroce, Fiverr est vraiment proche de cette limite.
  • Et ensuite, la plupart des prestataires optimisent déjà leur workflow afin d’offrir des tarifs compétitifs. Si vous faites pression pour obtenir un meilleur prix, cela pourrait les encourager à lésiner sur la qualité et passer le moins de temps possible sur votre projet – ce qui se comprend de leur point de vue.

La majorité des prestataires Fiverr ne sont ni paresseux ni cupides – toutefois, la logique dicte que plus vous essayez de faire baisser les prix, plus vous avez de chances d’obtenir des résultats inférieurs à la moyenne

…sans mentionner qu’une telle stratégie n’améliorera sans doute pas l’attitude du prestataire envers vous-même et votre projet 🤷

Mettez-vous plutôt à la place du freelancer un moment et respectez son travail. Fiverr s’assure déjà que les offres soient aussi compétitives que possible.

Quoi qu’il arrive, quand vous aurez reçu les réponses à vos messages introductifs, il devrait être relativement facile de faire un choix. Ensuite, il vous restera à passer commande, mettre les fonds sous séquestre et attendre le résultat.

En parlant de résultat :

4. N’hésitez pas à demander une révision

La plupart des offres sur Fiverr incluent la possibilité d’une ou plusieurs révisions – mais, même si cela n’est pas mentionné de manière explicite dans les détails de l’offre ou la description du forfait, tout prestataire qui se respecte acceptera d’effectuer des modifications raisonnables si vous le demandez.

Quand vous demandez des révisions, restez cordial et gardez à l’esprit que le problème pourrait provenir d’un manque de clarté dans votre description initiale du projet !

(Si vous demandez d’inclure quelque chose que vous avez oublié de mentionner dans la description initiale, n’oubliez pas d’ajouter un bonus pour couvrir la charge de travail supplémentaire.)

…et, oui, tout le monde sait qu’il est poli de dire « merci », mais, juste au cas où –

Si le prestataire a été extrêmement serviable ou a dépassé vos attentes, montrez-lui votre appréciation en lui laissant un avis positif ou un bonus

C’est particulièrement important si vous comptez retravailler avec le même freelancer à l’avenir – ce dont nous discutons en plus de détails ci-dessous :

5. Faites preuve de stratégie et nouez de bonnes relations

« Mais je ne compte utiliser Fiverr que pour ce projet ! » – pourriez-vous objecter.

Admettons que vous n’aurez besoin d’acheter un service en ligne qu’une seule fois dans votre vie… Quelque peu irréaliste ? Parce que c’est probablement le cas !

Quand vous vous serez habitué à la simplicité et à l’éventail de choix de Fiverr, il y a de fortes chances que vous désiriez sous-traiter d’autres projets via la plateforme 🚀

Donc, que vous ayez plusieurs projets en cours ou cherchiez à embaucher un seul freelancer, il est bénéfique d’aborder Fiverr de manière stratégique :

  • Commencez par un petit projet pour tester les conseils ci-dessus et trouver un freelancer qui convient à la tâche et à vos besoins. Quand vous vous sentirez à l’aise avec Fiverr, il sera temps de tester des projets plus sérieux ou plus volumineux !
  • Sauvegardez vos offres préférées en cliquant sur l’icône en forme de cœur ; si vous avez plus de 5 ou 6 favoris, mieux vaut les organiser en plusieurs listes dans la section « Enregistrés » de votre compte (menu coin supérieur droit, à côté de votre photo de profil).
  • Laissez toujours des avis et des notations, et tentez de résoudre tout litige directement avec le prestataire avant de laisser un avis négatif.

Au fait, saviez-vous que les freelancers pouvaient également laisser des notations et avis sur leurs clients ? Cela signifie que – comme dans la vraie vie ! – chaque interaction compte.

Autrement dit, se montrer poli, patient et correct en tant que client permet d’améliorer les relations avec vos prestataires actuels et futurs. Et cela ne fera qu’améliorer la qualité du travail que vous recevrez !

Un travail bien fait avec Fiverr ›

Bon, et si vous décidiez de publier une offre personnalisée et publique en tant que client, au lieu de chercher vous-même des freelancers ? Voici quelques cordes de plus à ajouter à votre arc :

  • Utilisez un mot secret dans votre offre afin d’éliminer les candidatures copier-coller bâclées et automatiques : cela peut être aussi simple que demander aux candidats d’ajouter un mot spécifique (p.ex. « absolument » ou « fou ») quelque part dans leur réponse.
  • Fixez un prix réaliste, mais pas trop bas. Ceci signalera aux prestataires que vous êtes un client sérieux et attirera les meilleurs d’entre eux. Dans tous les cas, chaque freelancer peut faire une offre sur votre projet, ce qui garantit que vous obtiendrez un éventail d’offres inférieures et supérieures à votre prix.
  • Ignorez les e-mails automatisés des « meilleures offres » pour votre projet – ces candidats semblent toujours être sélectionnés au hasard, sur base de la vitesse à laquelle ils répondent à votre offre d’emploi. Fiez-vous à votre bon sens plutôt qu’aux algorithmes !

Lorsque vous avez reçu assez d’offres pour votre projet, il est temps de suivre les tactiques discutées précédemment.


Qu’en est-il si vous souhaitez mettre toutes les chances de votre côté en ce qui concerne la qualité du travail ? Voici une option supplémentaire à prendre en compte :

Fiverr Pro – En vaut-il la peine ?

Vous rappelez-vous que nous avons mentionné les différents niveaux de prestataires plus haut ? En fait, Fiverr offre un niveau supplémentaire dont nous n’avons pas encore parlé – il s’appelle Fiverr Pro.

Afin de devenir un « Pro », un prestataire Fiverr doit soumettre une demande spéciale au personnel de Fiverr, ainsi qu’un portefeuille de ses travaux ; toutes les demandes sont révisées manuellement, et seul le top 1 % a accès à ce statut.

Fiverr Pro

En un sens, Fiverr Pro est assez similaire au niveau Top Prestataire – en étant encore plus exclusif.

Et les prix, alors ? « Pro » = plus cher ? Est-il sensé de choisir un prestataire Fiverr Pro alors que les filtres sélectionnent déjà des prestataires de haut niveau dans la recherche Fiverr normale ?

Il est vrai que les services offerts par les Pros ont tendance à coûter 2 à 4 fois plus cher que les services offerts par des non-Pros dans les mêmes catégories, donc ces services ne sont pas vraiment moins chers que ce qu’on peut trouver sur des plateformes plus traditionnelles comme Upwork.

Mais voilà le truc :

Fiverr Pro n’est pas une plateforme séparée : même marché en ligne, même compte utilisateur, même tout – ce n’est qu’un niveau dans le système hiérarchique de prestataires de Fiverr (le plus élevé).

Pour renforcer ce point, il existe même un bouton spécial pour ne montrer que les offres de Pros sur la recherche Fiverr normale !

Ce qui nous amène au principal avantage de Fiverr en tant que plateforme freelance :

Fiverr vous donne accès à la plus grande variété de choix. Vous voulez faire faire quelque chose vite fait et pour pas cher ? Aucun problème. Vous cherchez à obtenir un travail sans erreur et très soigné ? Tout de suite !

En d’autres termes, vous pouvez combiner, en fonction de vos besoins, le moins cher au top 1 % – et l’entre deux. Quelle autre plateforme se vante d’offrir un tel degré de flexibilité ?

En parlant de pourcentage…

BONUS : bon de réduction 10 % sur Fiverr

Que vous décidiez de tester Fiverr ou non, il est agréable de savoir que vous pourrez toujours économiser sur votre première commande, non ?

…Notez que le mot clé ici est « première » – j’insiste sur le fait que le code ci-dessous ne fonctionne que pour les nouveaux comptes clients :

  1. Cliquez sur le gros bouton rouge ci-dessous pour consulter le site Web de Fiverr ; celui-ci s’ouvrira dans un nouvel onglet, par souci pratique :

    – 10 % sur votre première commande Fiverr

  2. Trouvez l’offre que vous désirez acheter, choisissez le forfait désiré et cliquez sur le bouton vert de commande (si vous avez bien lu nos conseils, vous avez déjà contacté le prestataire 🤓).
  3. Sur la page suivante, choisissez les suppléments nécessaires et cliquez sur le bouton « commander maintenant » à droite (ces différents boutons de commande sont légèrement déroutants, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous n’avez encore rien payé).

    Fiverr promo

  4. Dans le résumé de commande sur le côté droit de l’écran, vous verrez apparaître un champ code promo : cliquez dessus, puis copiez-collez le code suivant dans le champ :

  5. Cliquez sur le bouton gris « Appliquer » et voyez votre total diminuer de 10 %. Vous pouvez maintenant finaliser votre commande au prix réduit.

Dans les sections précédentes de notre guide, nous avons appris comment tirer le meilleur de Fiverr – maintenant, vous avez même une astuce pour économiser encore plus !


Qu’en est-il de l’autre côté du marché ? Fiverr est-il un marché lucratif pour les freelancers ? Allons voir :

Comment VENDRE sur Fiverr

(De nouveau, si vous êtes un acheteur de services en ligne, cette partie pourrait ne pas vous concerner – n’hésitez pas à passer directement au résumé final !)

Comme pour tout le reste, aborder le monde du travail freelance de manière insouciante ne vous mènera sans doute pas loin ;

– ce qui pourrait être particulièrement vrai pour Fiverr, notamment « grâce » à la compétition féroce et aux règles strictes qui gouvernent cette plateforme.

Malgré cela, Fiverr est sans doute l’un des meilleurs endroits pour commencer à gagner sa vie en ligne en tant que freelancer ; l’accent mis sur les microservices vous permet d’expérimenter rapidement et de perfectionner vos offres chaque jour, tandis que le système de niveau de prestataire garantit de vous faciliter la vie une fois que vous avez atteint un certain niveau de compétence et de confiance sur la plateforme 📈

Pour réitérer – ce ne sera pas une partie de plaisir, et vous devrez travailler d’arrache-pied au début ; cependant, des revenus à temps partiel de 1 000-2 000 dollars par mois pourraient en valoir la peine.

Sur base de notre expérience personnelle de nombreux prestataires Fiverr accomplis, nous avons rassemblé les conseils suivants pour vous aider dans votre parcours jusqu’au sommet de la hiérarchie de prestataires de Fiverr :

🔎 Délimitez une niche étroite pour commencer : des milliers de freelancers proposent des services de « design de logo » et de « rédaction d’article » sur Fiverr – évitez d’être trop générique, du moins tant que vous ne serez pas un Top prestataire !

💼 Créez un portefeuille d’offres : au lieu de mettre tous vos œufs dans le même panier, proposez autant d’offres que possible. Tirez profit du rythme endiablé de Fiverr : remplacez régulièrement les offres les moins populaires avec de nouvelles idées pour maximiser votre marché.

🎯 Faites mouche avec votre titre, votre image et votre description : incluez des mots clés pertinents (mais évitez d’en faire trop) et utilisez de belles images de qualité et accrocheuses.

💰 Rivalisez de prix pour étoffer votre portefeuille : les avis positifs et notations 5 étoiles sont essentiels pour être visible sur Fiverr – afin d’en obtenir aussi vite que possible, pourquoi ne pas baisser vos prix pendant quelque temps, afin d’investir dans votre futur profil ?

💌 Montrez à tous les clients que vous tenez leur projet à cœur : un seul avis négatif peut vous renvoyer au bas de l’échelle comparé aux prestataires de plus hauts niveaux. Traitez chaque client avec respect et faites de votre mieux pour livrer un travail de qualité et à temps (oui, cela semble évident, mais il est surprenant de voir combien de freelancers Fiverr échouent à suivre ce simple conseil).

🚀 Soyez stratégiquement généreux : parfois, il suffit de répondre aux attentes intelligemment – autrement dit, vos clients seront plus heureux si vous promettez un service modéré et surpassez leurs attentes que si vous promettez la lune et ne faites pas votre maximum.

📊 Surveillez vos performances de prestataire ! Difficile de trop insister sur l’importance du délai de réponse et de livrer le travail dans les temps – Les niveaux 1 et 2 sont assignés automatiquement par les algorithmes de Fiverr, sur base de ces statistiques.

🕗 Évitez le stress en faisant des breaks. Cependant, si vous planifiez des vacances ou du temps pour vous, n’oubliez pas d’activer le mode « indisponible » de votre compte Fiverr pour éviter que des clients frustrés n’inondent votre messagerie.

📚 Suivez des formations pour augmenter la confiance en vos capacités et la visibilité de votre profil. Saviez-vous qu’il existait une bibliothèque complète de formations professionnelles sur Fiverr, qui vous permettent de gagner des badges et de les mettre en valeur sur votre profil de prestataire ? Maintenant, vous le savez.

Pour résumer – penser sur le long terme, être original, livrer le travail à temps et dépasser les attentes du client sont des stratégies qui peuvent aider même un freelancer novice à atteindre les plus hauts niveaux de prestataire sur Fiverr.

Et, une fois que vous avez atteint le niveau 2 (ou encore mieux – Top prestataire ou Fiverr Pro), la plateforme peut facilement devenir votre première source de revenus.

Notre verdict : tirer le meilleur de Fiverr

Fiverr a fait du chemin depuis ses origines en tant que catalogue éclectique de services que les freelancers étaient prêts à offrir pour 5 dollars. Nous sommes à présent en 2024, et Fiverr est devenu l’un des plus grands marchés de services en ligne au monde !

– Quel est l’avantage principal de Fiverr comparé à d’autres plateformes ?

Son éventail impressionnant de choix pour tous les budgets ! En tant que client, vous pouvez trouver tous les services imaginables sur Fiverr, allant des prix les plus bas aux offres premium.

– Qui devrait utiliser ce marché en ligne pour acheter des services ?

Fiverr peut être particulièrement utile si vous voulez embaucher un freelancer pour votre projet et cherchez de la : flexibilité, variété, transparence et, bien sûr, de la commodité.

– Quelle est la meilleure manière d’aborder Fiverr en tant que client ?

Tirez profit des filtres, soyez prudent en comparant les offres, contactez les prestataires avant de passer commande, traitez l’autre parti avec respect et nouez des relations positives et à long terme avec les meilleurs freelancers.

(Si vous décidez de tester Fiverr, n’oubliez pas d’utiliser le bon de réduction de 10 % sur votre première commande – toutes les instructions sont détaillées dans cette section du guide)

– D’un autre côté, comment pouvez-vous exceller en tant que prestataire Fiverr ?

Votre objectif devrait être d’atteindre les niveaux de prestataire plus élevés aussi vite que possible : créez un portefeuille d’offres dans un créneau et assurez-vous de toujours offrir un excellent service et de faire attention à vos performances et statistiques.


Vous n’êtes pas sûr.e si Fiverr est la plateforme qu’il vous faut ? Vous avez quelque chose à ajouter à notre analyse ? Vous voulez partager votre expérience de Fiverr ? Rendez-vous à la section commentaires ci-dessous !

In Search of the Best Site Builder for 2024: Wix vs Squarespace vs Weebly

☑︎ this guide has been updated in: May 2024

Before we dive in, here’s something for those who don’t want to spend time on our in-depth review and comparative analysis of the most popular website builders:

TL;DR – Site Builder Choice Wizard

We’ve created a simple interactive wizard-thing which can help choose the right site-building tool in a couple of seconds – just go through several simple questions and check out the resulting recommendation –

In case you’d like to learn more about the similarities and differences between the most popular brands such as Wix, Weebly, Squarespace and others, as well as compare features and offers side by side, continue reading for more site builder goodness:

Why Does the Choice Matter?

You need to create a website, and you need it now. Instead of spending days to understand DIY-style content management systems like WordPress or Drupal, which do not include many important bits like hosting or domains and require getting used to, you’ve (understandably) decided to go for an all-in-one solution: website builder software.

The benefits are obvious: in a single account, you get everything you need to start a full-sledged online project – from a domain name to a built-in visual content composer to integrated e-commerce capabilities. You’re also happy to know that they offer dedicated support, in contrast to peer-driven public forums which are not always responsive, helpful and to the point.

However, once you set your sights on the website builder option, you quickly realize that now you’re facing a problem of choice: out of the numerous available builders, how do you pick the one that’s just right for your project – and not overpriced at the same time? This is where this guide comes in: we’ve conducted a comprehensive analysis of the largest and most popular website building services along various important dimensions, such as ease of use, reliability, versatility, pricing structure, and much more. Our analysis is based on observations from using real accounts in each of the services, in order to avoid superficial statements and pure guesswork.

We’ll first present our results in a condensed format, as a table of the most important comparative features, then discuss each of the brands in more detail; after that we will present one-on-one comparisons in case you’re stuck with choosing between two particular brands, and finally provide practical recommendations for making the actual choice based on your project’s needs and resources. Let’s get started!

Comparison Table

The table below contains certain important features of each of the three most popular website building services; we intentionally did not include such items as “presence of an ad-free version” or “possibility to add your own domain name” because those have been industry standards for quite a while now and are naturally offered by all major site builder brands. In other words, the table only focuses on real distinguishing features that vary from product to product – to help you make a more informed decision afterwards:

Website Builder Wix Squarespace Weebly
Year founded 2006 2004 2006
Free version yes no yes
Storage space (free) 500 MB N/A 500 MB
Extensions yes no yes
Backups yes no yes
templates yes yes yes
start from scratch yes no no
analytics yes yes yes
SEO tools yes yes yes
e-commerce yes yes yes
multilingual yes yes via an app
email yes yes yes
Cheapest plan with:
adding own domains $5 $12 $8
ad-free website $10 $12 $8
online shop $17 $26 $8
Google Ads credit $10 $18 $8

While evaluating the dimensions which cannot be directly expressed as numbers or yes/no answers, such as “SEO toolbox” or “choice of templates”, we’ve aimed at being as objective as possible and using hard data where appropriate; still, those measures should be viewed on a relative scale used only to simplify comparison between the brands.

Now let’s dive deeper and look at each of the website builders separately, critically evaluating its pros and cons with respect to competition; after that we will compare each pair one on one to finally reveal the most worthy solutions.

Wix: the Veteran That Still Got It

Wix website builder, the most popular one on the market (based on self-claimed usage figures), has been around for more than a decade, which, in the fast-paced website creation market, is a lot. Surely enough to prove that their product is worth something. From its humble beginnings as a brainchild of three friends on the Israeli seaside, the company has grown to serve millions of users in 190+ countries and get listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Wix is a classic example of a website builder that uses a freemium service model: the basic features, like the visual “what you see is what you get” type editor, as well as access to the template library and the app market, are free for anyone. For those wishing to test their online presence this is perfectly sufficient for a full-fledged website, with zero coding or design skills required – however, if you want to use the features which are essential for any self-respecting web project, such as using your own custom domain name instead of using a subdomain of (i.e. and removing the ads, you’ll need to purchase one of the paid plans.

When it comes to Wix pricing, there are five premium plans, ranging from the basic ““Connect Domain” ($5 per month with yearly subscription), which essentially only allows connecting a proper domain name like instead of the awkward, to the feature-packed “VIP” ($25 per month). More useful and value-for-money, however, is the “Combo” plan ($10 per month), which allows both linking a domain AND removing the ads – the two minimum ingredients to make your website stop looking unprofessional.

“Combo” is a good place to start if you’re serious about your online endeavor, yet if it gains traction, sooner or later you’ll most probably need to upgrade to the mid-priced “Unlimited” plan ($14 per month), to remove the visitor traffic limitation: the 2 Gb included in the former will only enable a couple thousand visits per month, based on the average web page size today. On the positive side, at the time when you’re in that situation your website will be well worth the upgrade.

It seems that Wix realizes that, being one of the older website builders, it needs to keep pace with the ever-advancing state of the art in website design and management – one example of this is the WIX ADI, or Artificial Design Intelligence. If you look closely, it’s just a more user-friendly and slightly stripped-down wizard which takes your data and mixes it into a template (which, of course, you can easily do with the standard Wix editor as well) – but it’s still arguably a step in the right direction and an indication that the company is not afraid to experiment and take on new challenges.

It will still be some time before Wix (or any other “AI web builder”) is able to create a ready-to-use website for you without you even taking part in the process, but even the current state of the primary Wix product is as close as it gets to an easy and seamless website-building experience.

Create a free website with Wix ›

Advantages of Wix:
  • The widest choice of visual templates on the market
  • Own domain plan competitively priced
  • Large extensions market with both free and premium addons
  • Machine learning powered helper for quick prototyping
  • The free plan never expires
Weaker sides:
  • Not possible to switch to another template after you choose one

Weebly: Simplicity and Value for Money

Founded as a Silicon Valley startup by three university students, Weebly has managed to grow into one of the most popular website builders in the world during its 10-year history. Over the years, the tool has changed almost constantly to keep up with the developing standards and trends, both in terms of design and features. One of the primary distinguishing traits of Weebly is its more intense focus on marketing, giving users an all-round solution to their website needs (creating – managing – promoting).

After creating an account by filling three simple fields (quite an onboarding!), Weebly asks you right away whether you need an online store or just a website – this will affect how the builder’s functionality is presented, but you can of course always activate the online store features afterwards. Still, this is a rather noteworthy detail since it hints that Weebly puts a significant focus on e-commerce compared with competing tools.

Indeed, their online shop plans start from $8 per month, which can be considered an aggressive pricing policy compared to other site builders: it’s twice as low as the cheapest Wix plan with e-commerce, and three (!) times less expensive than the Squarespace offer. For this price, you’re getting full online store capability, including specialized templates, inventory tracking, secure checkout, coupons, abandoned cart retargeting, and many more features. The choice of payment methods is also a pleasant surprise – Weebly currently allows you to accept transactions via Square, Stripe, PayPal, and, which is significantly better than e.g. Squarespace.

The built-in marketing suite mentioned earlier is another example of Weebly taking a more diversified approach to the site builder experience: not only can you create email campaigns for the email lists captured with your website’s forms, you can also segment your audience, manage the acquired leads, and even create Facebook ads right inside the same interface after connecting your Facebook account.

Price-wise, Weebly can be considered one of the most affordable solutions among the market leaders: its cheapest plan that includes a custom domain costs $8 per month (with annual billing), which is more than the comparable Wix plan, until you consider that the former also includes $100 AdWords credit and removes all Weebly branding and ads – and you’ll have to upgrade to a $10 per month Wix plan to match those.

In summary, Weebly offers a great toolkit for anyone who values ease of use and doesn’t like to overpay (which is, supposedly, most of the people?) and at the same time those who dig the idea of having their website and most of their online marketing on the same convenient platform. The e-commerce solution is also worth considering, not only as a competitor of Wix or Squarespace, but also, more generally, as a worthy competitor even to such specialized suites as Shopify.

Create a free website with Weebly ›

Advantages of Weebly:
  • Competitive pricing for all categories of users
  • App market for additional functionality
  • Wide choice of payment options for online stores
  • Can change theme after creating the website
  • The free plan never expires
  • Integrated marketing capabilities
Weaker sides:
  • Template styling capabilities are rather basic

Squarespace: Minimalist to the Core

As one of the oldest website builders that are still thriving up to this day, Squarespace seems to know the secret to satisfying website owners around the world – be it sleek design, simplicity, or easy-to-understand pricing. Founded in 2004, this service has been steadily growing its user base (and fandom) ever since, having received numerous accolades as well as making it at #8 in last year’s Forbes Cloud 100 List.

Anyone signing up with Squarespace will get a full toolkit for creating and managing their website: from a free domain name and hosting, to a publishing engine and analytics suite. Most of these might not be as feature-rich or advanced as you might get by seeking services from separate, specialized providers – but the genius of Squarespace is exactly in stripping all that is less necessary and leaving in only the essentials, thereby making your entire website-building experience as smooth and seamless as possible. Less cognitive strain, more minimalism – that could be the motto of Squarespace.

Unlike most other website builders, this one does not offer a free version: you can try the service for 2 weeks (without entering your card details), but after that it’s pay to play. You can choose between two pricing plans: Personal, which will set you back $12 per month if billed annually ($16 for monthly billing) – and Business, which costs $18 per month ($26 with monthly billing). Most small online projects will do just fine with the Personal plan, as the only significant difference compared to the Business version are limitations on the number of static pages (20) and contributors (2), as well as a Gmail-powered branded email account (which in principle you can set up on your own).

The recently added e-commerce options are seen widely as a response to the growing number of competitive offers with built-in e-commerce capabilities; the Basic plan is priced at $26 per month ($30 with monthly billing) and includes everything from the above-mentioned Business plan, as well as all essentials for running an online store: order and inventory management, taxes, accounting, etc. The Advanced e-commerce plan ($40 per month or $46 with monthly billing) offers some nifty features, such as abandoned cart auto-recovery, checkouts on your own domain, as well as automatic discounts. Since all of these features are potentially significant money or time savers, it is sensible to switch to the Advanced plan as soon as you see at least some sales.

Squarespace is an example of a closed-ecosystem site builder – there is no extension community or an app marketplace; everything you need is built into the system, removing the need to search for, install and configure additional modules. While that is good news for the usability aspect, it also means that anyone requiring a specific new feature will need to rely solely on the discretion of the site builder itself to implement it.

Squarespace can be called a design-centric CMS: while other web builders have arrived at the importance of clean, streamlined, clutter-free visuals in the process of their evolution, Squarespace has embraced these guiding principles from day one. And at that time, it really, really did help stand out from the competition.

Nowadays, as the largest competitors have caught up with the design part and sometimes outstripped Squarespace in the features dimension, there’s not that much left to justify its premium pricing policy. Nevertheless, it’s still a beautiful website builder with timely minimalist templates and a wonderfully simple user interface – and as a creative type, do you really need anything else?

Create a website with Squarespace ›

Advantages of Squarespace:
  • Beautifully designed, minimalist templates
  • Advanced Style Editor with a vast choice of options
Weaker sides:
  • Free trial expires after 14 days
  • No extensions or apps
  • Only available in two languages
  • Higher transaction fees for the e-commerce

Head-to-Head Matchups

Each product described above can easily be called a full-fledged web presence management system in its own right. In other words, there is no sense in using two or three simultaneously, since their feature profiles largely overlap; with this in mind, the problem of choice becomes even more challenging once we take into account the fact that migrating between these platforms is almost impossible unless everything is transferred “by hand”, i.e. the entire website is re-created from scratch in the new platform.

So now that we’ve had a detailed look at each of the website builders, it’s time to compare them one on one to make sense of the available choices. Between the three of them, Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly form three pairs that can be contrasted in terms of available options, user experience, design quality, ecosystem size, and the general value for money. Let’s get started:

Wix vs Weebly

While being equally powerful site building toolkits, Weebly and Wix each have their individual differentiating points which can help choose among the two.

While Weebly’s focus on simplicity ensures a steep learning curve (i.e. fast learning) for any user of its drag-and-drop website editor, Wix offers more freedom for design-oriented users though more granular controls for each website element (fonts, colours, etc), while also allowing to start from a blank template and work your way up to a fully fleshed out website all by yourself if you don’t feel like using a pre-made template.

Wix also has a slight advantage in terms of the variety of templates and apps it offers, yet Weebly is very close with just marginally less choice in each of these categories. Given the sheer number of available alternatives in each cases (200+ apps and dozens of templates), the differences do not have a significant effect on the user experience or website’s capabilities whether you’re using Wix or Weebly.

Weebly, on the other hand, can boast a more comprehensive marketing toolkit built right into the platform: apart from emails and leads, at also allows segmenting your audience and creating targeted social media ads.

Both e-commerce solutions are quite potent and integrate beautifully into your website, while third-party apps and marketing tools can help boost sales and recover abandoning customers. It’s safe to say that this aspect is a close tie for Wix and Weebly.

In terms of price points, Weebly is slightly more competitive in this pair, since it offers a cheaper ad-free plan and more affordable advanced plans. There’s also the $100 Google AdWords credit bonus if you sign up for any of Weebly’s paid plans – Wix gives away the same coupon only starting with its second premium plan.

Winner: TIE (more details below)

Weebly vs Squarespace

As one of the more experienced market players, Squarespace has had plenty of time to perfect its design and layout engine, and it shows: the site-building part of the experience is superb, and can be said to surpass that of Weebly, which focuses more on simplicity and affordability.

The latter does win in terms of template variety, though – Weebly users can choose from hundreds of pre-designed layouts, and can switch between the themes after adding content to the website, which is not possible in Squarespace.

Weebly’s focus on marketing means more options for promoting your website right from the interface of your site builder, while Squarespace tends to concentrate on design and visuals. Some of the marketing features that are unique to Weebly in the context of this comparison are manual and automated mass email campaigns as well as Facebook ad engine that lets you create FB campaigns right inside the Weebly admin panel, tying them to the behaviour of your website’s visitors.

In addition to that, Weebly has a free version with no expiry date, and is priced considerably more affordably for almost any comparable feature set. The price advantage is especially evident for the e-commerce solutions, with Weebly’s being three times less expensive than the one from Squarespace.

Winner: WEEBLY

Wix vs Squarespace

If there’s one area where Squarespace can be considered almost unbeatable, it’s style and design: both the templates and the interface are sleek, minimalist, and well thought-though. It can be ideal for those who are planning to place a heavy emphasis on graphics and imagery, since most templates devote a significant part of their layout to photos. The pitfall here, though, is that your finished website won’t look nearly as sleek as the template demos if you don’t have access to extremely high-quality photography, or if you aren’t used to matching colours and shades.

Wix, on the other hand, wins in terms of template variety (almost twice as many available) as well as the editing capabilities: the sole fact that you can start from a blank canvas in Wix makes it a more flexible tool for a lot of potential users.

Another feature which is offered by Wix and is not currently present in Squarespace is site backups, which usually tends to stay underrated until one experiences a blackout or loses their website for one or another reason.

There’s also the App Market in Wix, an integrated extension marketplace allowing users to get free and paid plugins developed both in-house and by third parties. This creates an entire ecosystem around the core website builder, expanding the range of things your Wix-built website can do. While Squarespace does offer several pluggable modules with additional features, it’s nowhere near the diversity offered by Wix’s App Market.

Price-wise, Wix has the upper hand, both because all of its plans are less expensive than the comparable Squarespace plans, and because its free version, despite containing ads, does not expire after two weeks – there’s no time pressure to get everything ready for launch, and you can even stay on the free plan with Wix indefinitely, if you’re okay with the ads.

Winner: WIX

Other Notable Site Builders

There are many more website building toolkits on the market, of course – in this guide, we’ve focused on the most popular ones so far. However, it would be wrong not to mention other significant brands that offer good value for money along with some unique features and designs:

Zyro: the AI-Powered Site Builder

While the old guard like Wix are starting to flirt with Artificial Intelligence tech, newer brands like Zyro are fully invested in these trends, making then an integral part of their toolkit.

For example, every Zyro client can take advantage of the built-in Content Generator, which instantaneously creates unique paragraphs of text on a given topic (that actually make sense!). This seemingly magic widget is based on Open AI‘s latest language-processing models and can serve as a really quick way of seeding your website with initial content.

Zyro’s infrastructure is provided by Hostinger, one of the largest web hosting companies in the world (30M+ clients in 170 countries); for all Zyro-based websites, this implies stability and speed – both important for visitor satisfaction and search engine rankings.

In summary, Zyro is an interesting option for those who seek simplicity and value for money. It ticks all the boxes for a great site builder, while boasting extremely competitive pricing.

Site123: The No-Nonsense Builder

While some site builders keep increasing in complexity, others choose a different path – the one which focuses on speed and ease of use. This is exactly what Site123 does, with some impressive results. Let’s have a closer look.

The main difference between Site123 and other solutions described in this review is the central role of templates in the site building process: once you sign up and choose the website’s function, the system automatically generates a template and hands it over to you for customization.

It should be noted that Site123’s visual editor is not drag-and-drop: you are able to personalize each element, yet the process reminds more of the famous WordPress Customizer than other notable site builders. This doesn’t mean it’s less convenient, though: in fact, as your space of potential choices gets smartly limited to the most likely options, the cognitive strain of customizing your first website is significantly reduced.

Apart from the visuals, you can also add plugins, most of which require the Premium version to function (more on this later) – the only one that works out of the box is the Google Analytics tracking code. The premium integrations include several more analytics suites, live chats, social sharing and marketing automation.

Another notable feature of Site123 that helps it stand out is the multilingual option: you can easily choose the primary locale for your website as well as add any number of additional language versions with just a click. Definitely less clunky that most other site builders which focus on a single language for your website (I’m looking at you, Squarespace!).

Site123’s aim at simplicity is also clearly seen in its pricing strategy: just two plans – Free and Premium, the latter including all traditionally paid features such as the ability to deploy on your own custom domain instead of a subdomain of Site123, more bandwidth, no branding, and e-commerce functionality. The Premium version costs $9.80 per month, which is on par with the best value-for-money offers in the industry. Upgrading is a simple feat – clicking on the respective golden button at the bottom of your site editor’s left panel will initiate the payment sequence.

Overall, Site123 is a laid-back alternative for those seeking to minimize their site-building efforts through template-based customization. The premium plan includes all the features one would need for a fully functional small business / personal website, at a very reasonable price.

Jimdo: Simple, Stylish, Affordable

This is an interesting example of a site builder that started out as a classical hosting: the company had its first significant clientele back in 2009 when they accepted the former users of Yahoo’s discontinued GeoCities hosting service. Over time, Jimdo has aimed at providing the full spectrum of features a website owner needs, focusing more and more on the website building experience. The service currently hosts more than 20 million websites around the world.

Jimdo uses a freemium model similar to Wix and Weebly: there’s a permanently free version which displays branded ads and allows using a subdomain of the form for your website. The Pro and Business versions allow removing the ads and choosing your own custom domain name, which is already included in the price. It is worth noting that the basic e-commerce features are available starting with the Pro version, which, at $7.50, makes it the most affordable online store functionality among all existing website builders (cheaper even than Weebly).

The biggest advantages of Jimdo are its simplicity and pricing. The learning curve is extremely steep even for new users who have never seen a site builder before, while the $7.50 per month Pro plan includes all features that are usually priced considerably higher by other competing services like Wix and Squarespace.

When comparing Jimdo vs Wix, the templating system grabs attention: the former has made it very easy to not only choose a design from the pre-built library, but also edit the code of your template with a few clicks. In case of Jimdo vs Squarespace, the most important consideration is pricing: such features as adding own domain name, ad-free experience, and online sales are almost two times less expensive with the former. As for Jimdo vs Weebly, the former is still priced slightly more competitively – despite the difference being just $0.50, it can accrue to sizeable sums over time, e.g. the annual saving with Jimdo would be $6.

Sitebuilder: The Cheapest Option

When it comes to, which is another tool closely resembling Wix, the most important aspect is its cost: it’s currently the most competitively priced website building tool out there. There is a (permanently) free and 3 primary premium plans, with the fourth, Personal, being a nice little marketing trick by Sitebuilder designed to make the more feature-rich AND cheaper Pro plan more attractive – which means we will disregard it for the purpose of clarity.

The free plan does not have an expiration term but is limited to 5 pages, which makes it less useful for any serious online project – it’s more like an advanced trial of the toolkit. The gem here is the Pro version: at $4.99 per month (billed annually) it offers a free domain name, free email and (more importantly) an ad-free experience, which means that in the Sitebuilder vs Wix comparison it is clearly a winner in terms of pricing. Even Weebly’s ad-free plan cannot compete with Sitebuilder’s Pro version: the annual savings on the former would be over $36.

In terms of features and usability, is quite similar to Wix and Weebly; while the company boasts “over 10,000 templates” on its official homepage, the real amount is closer to 210+ when you are actually choosing one for your website inside your account. This discrepancy is most likely due to the fact that the company considers each template option and setting as a separate template, which, to our mind, is slightly misleading, to say the least; in any case, there’s plenty of templates to choose from, even given the two hundred real alternatives in the template library.

SEO settings and Analytics become available in the Pro version as well, while the e-commerce options are activated by upgrading to the eponymous plan (priced at $11.99 per month). This makes Sitebuilder one of the most affordable online shop toolkits from our comparison as well, beaten only by Weebly.

Overall, is a rather powerful toolkit with a pleasant user experience and extremely competitive pricing for the first year of use.

uKit – the Up-and-Coming Contestant

Having evolved from uCoz, a free hosting with an integrated site builder, uKit is the modern iteration of that decade-old project. The new version offers extended features and options, including an online store and an automated tool that keeps track of the website’s “marketing-readiness”.

The visual builder has everything one could need for creating a clean-looking custom website: after choosing from over 300 available templates, the user can quickly define the structure, set up various elements, and tweak the design. There are no plugins or third-party apps to extend the functionality at the moment, yet all basic needs, including an online shop, are covered.

uKit does not offer a free version, only a 14-day trial (no credit card required) – after that you will need to choose one of its paid plans to continue managing the website. Pricing is extremely competitive, with the most affordable plan (uKit Premium) costing only $4 per month with annual billing. It is worth noting that, unlike with most other similar products, pricing here depends on the billing period, not unlike web hosting platforms: for example, the Premium+ plan can cost from $10 in the case of monthly payments to as low as $7 with biyearly billing.

In case you don’t want to allocate extra time for your website’s design or simply would like to have a professional do it for you, there’s a possibility to order a custom website from the uKit team for a $50 flat fee.

The combination of easy to use, basic functionality and aggressive pricing makes uKit a close competitor to Weebly and Jimdo. In a uKit vs Wix comparison the latter comes out a clear winner in terms of available features and design variety, yet the former offers an interesting alternative for the price-conscious cases without overly complex needs.

GoCentral – a Site Builder from the Domain Behemoth

Another worthy mention is GoCentral, offered by (surprise!) GoDaddy – one of the largest domain name registrars and hosting companies in the world. A site builder was arguably a very logical step in their path towards vertical integration which started with upselling hosting with domain names. In this case, we see a drag-and-drop visual composer bundled with a hosting, rather than the other way around found in all other site builders discussed in this review.

The slogans of the GoCentral, “Anyone can make a website now”, and “Build a better website in less than an hour” sound fair when applied to their product: the user interface is so simple it can be learned in minutes. All extras have been sacrificed in the name of ease of use – which allows putting together a basic website really quickly. There are 8 templates to choose from (by simply clicking through them you can preview each design instantly), each customized using color palettes. Each individual element, like buttons, images and text, can of course be edited on its own as well.

The best part of it all is pricing: the Personal plan costs only $5.99 per month and includes all necessary basics – significantly less expensive than even the most competitive classical site builder. Scaling up, there are Business ($9.99) and Business Plus ($14.99) plans, each unlocking more features like SSL, PayPal integration, and email marketing. The Online Store plan ($29.99) enables creating a fully functional ecommerce website, yet looks hardly competitive compared to similar offers from Wix, Weebly, or even Squarespace.

Overall, GoCentral might suit those who need a basic website quickly and with minimum hassle; the parent brand’s extensive hosting experience provides an additional guarantee of maximum uptime for the website.

Alright, we’ve now looked at the other widely used as well as up-and-coming site builders and compared them with Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace. At this point in time, however, you might be asking:

What About WordPress?

Indeed, while reading this analysis you might have had a reasonable question – how does this popular site engine stack up against these website builders? You might even have used WP before and experienced its simplicity firsthand. The difficulty in comparing WP with any of the discussed brands like Wix or Weebly is that it is based on a different philosophy: a free, open system which can be used out of the box, but most of the time requires numerous external additions (domain, hosting, themes, plugins) to realize its full potential.

Since WordPress core is free, it does not include a domain and a hosting – those will need to be purchased separately. And while it is possible to find hosting offers from respectable providers which include domains for as low as $3.95 per month (see Bluehost’s Basic plan), a certain amount of time and effort will need to be invested from your side to set things up – install WordPress on the hosting, configure the WP admin panel, find and install the necessary plugins and a suitable theme. This is why, when comparing, it is important to take into account the fact that a typical site builder is a fully integrated system, entirely created (and supported) by the same team, which allows for maximum compatibility and a smoother experience, whereas WordPress is an open-source project with voluntary (read – unpaid) contributors and community support.

Wix vs WordPress

As the most popular site builder, Wix gets compared with WP more often than its competitors. In terms of user experience and learning curve, Wix wins as an integrated solution to site-building: to get a first draft of a website in Wix, you’ll need 5-10 minutes, while setting up WordPress properly will take at least several days, based on our clients’ experience. The one aspect where WP outperforms Wix is the choice of visual templates and functional extensions: the WordPress ecosystem contains thousands of themes and plugins to choose from; the catch here, however, is that Wix strictly controls the quality of each of its add-ons and maintains a uniform level of aesthetics throughout its template library, while in case of WordPres the quality varies a lot (and we mean a Lot!) since anyone can contribute their own.

Weebly vs WordPress

Weebly comes closest to WP in terms of price competitiveness: with its $8 per month plans, this site builder offers the most sensible trade-off between cost and quality. The possibility to change templates after adding content to a website is also a feature that allows Weebly to compete successfully with the fee CMS giant. What really sets Weebly apart, though, is its e-commerce capabilities, which allow turning it into a fully functional online shop in a matter of minutes – while WordPress will require you to install several additional plugins, make sure your chosen WP theme is compatible with those plugins, and then spend some more time setting everything up.

Squarespace vs WordPress

For the lovers of sleek design, Squarespace is the solution that trumps WP any time: in order to get a theme that is at least closely as good-looking as Squarespace, you will need to turn to the premium WP theme markets – the free themes just won’t cut it. And a premium theme might set you back anywhere from $30 to $80 – and you will still need to pay for the hosting. However, it should be noted that WP themes are getting better, and as more and more designers take interest in the platform, the overall visual standards are rising steadily, even for the free WordPres themes; and, given the fact that even a premium theme is a one-off payment, Squarespace might need to up its game if it wants to stay competitive in the future.

Another aspect where the community vs organization philosophy is easily noticeable is user support: while in Wix or Weebly you can approach the support team directly and expect a fast and precise answer (after all, you’re paying for the product), in case of WordPress you are left with public forums where users like you answer each other’s questions – which obviously is less efficient when solving specific and time-sensitive issues. In other words, while WordPress has a vast knowledge base in the form of Q/A forum threads, your questions get answered by other users – who are obviously less motivated to help or reply faster.

Which One Should You Choose?

As we’ve seen above, each of the website builders has both stronger and weaker sides, and is able to carve out a niche on the market for itself thanks to specific features that appeal to certain user groups. This is therefore also a good starting point for deciding which site builder will best suit your needs: if you’re looking for a quick test of your idea and don’t care if the website will display ads, Weebly is the recommended solution – it allows you to go online very rapidly and change templates at the click of a button. If you have a very specific design in mind and would like granular control over every visual element of the website, go for Wix. If you’d like to start designing your website from a blank canvas, Wix is again your go-to solution. If you’re planning to sell products online, then Weebly might offer some of the best combination of pricing and features.

The Best Free Website Builder

Since most of the site builders we’ve discussed in this guide have free versions, one might raise a logical question: which of them is the best tool for creating a free website?

It should be noted right away that you won’t be able to avoid ads or choose your own domain using any of the free plans, making such a website only a temporary option for any online project with serious intentions – yet as a proof of concept this might be indispensable; later on, as you see traction, you can always upgrade to a more comprehensive plan with no ads and more features.

Moreover, since site builders like Squarespace and GoCentral do not offer permanently free versions (instead, they have free trials which expire after a fixed period), they will not be considered for the title of the best free website builder. The candidates will thus include: Wix, Weebly, and Jimdo.

Website Builder Wix Weebly Jimdo
Permanently free version yes yes yes
Available in free version:
Visitor statistics no yes no
Email marketing tools no yes no
Bandwidth limit 1 Gb 2 Gb
Online store no no yes

Based on the availability of various features in the free version, Weebly stands out as the most flexible and feature-rich free website builder: unlike Wix and Jimdo, it doesn’t hide such useful items as visitor statistics and email marketing behind the paywall, while also imposing no limitations on the incoming bandwidth (Wix, for example, has a 1 Gb ceiling on the free plan).

Jimdo deserves an honorable mention as well, though, as a runner-up in our challenge – its 2 Gb traffic cap is quite enough for most new websites, and the online e-commerce capabilities in the free version are unique among other site builders.

WINNER: Weebly

The Easiest Website Builder

Creating a website might be a much easier task nowadays, thanks to the existence of the website building toolkits we’ve analysed in this review, yet user friendliness is still an important factor in how quickly you can master a particular site building tool. When talking about ease of use, it is worth looking at several broad areas: the onboarding process (i.e. creating an account and finding relevant information on the official website), the account admin panel, as well as the builder interface itself.

In terms of first-user experience, every major website builder’s homepage is quite well optimized: there’s a navigation menu with all necessary items such as pricing and features, as well as clearly distinguishable registration buttons on every page. Clicking on the latter opens a sign-up form which needs to be filled out; Jimdo is worth mentioning as the site builder having the simplest one (2 fields, while e.g. Weebly has 3 and Wix has 4, and Squarespace has 5).

As for the admin panel and the real-time website constructor, Jimdo doesn’t fare as well, though – the internal admin navigation tends to be either hidden or layered, while the editor tends to over-simplify things, hiding as much functionality as possible behind hovers and clicks. The real leader in these areas is Wix, which offers a logically organized and navigable admin panel, as well as a truly visual site editor with convenient settings overlays for each element and a host of quick links on the left side of the screen.


The Best Website Builder for Photographers

Another common question we’re getting is about the most suitable site builder for photography professionals – the specifics of this niche dictates certain must-haves, including, foremost, image presentation and management capabilities, as well as e-commerce for licensing and appointment bookings.

We should start with a suitable theme, though; from the most popular website builders, only Weebly does not offer specialized templates for photography websites, while Squarespace includes 10+ and Wix has more than 30. While themes from other categories can also be used, of course, the existence of pre-made designs tailored specifically to photographers can be a big plus for those who wish to go online as quickly as possible and with minimum hassle.

Once you’ve chosen your template, the issue of presenting and arranging your images comes into play; this is being addressed by specialized content blocks, such as galleries and carousels. Each major website builder offers gallery and slideshow tools that help create customized blocks in no time, yet Wix is worth a mention here as the one having over 40 different kinds of image representation formats, including 3D galleries – not even counting the specialized third-party apps you can install from the Wix App Market.

Regarding additional functionality, each site builder can boast a set of e-commerce features, which might be interesting to photographers who desire to sell their work online, yet Wix, again, goes several steps further by also including a booking engine for those who’d like to enable their prospective clients to make appointments right on the web page.

Overall, all three major site builder offer decent levels of support for photographer websites, Wix seems to consistently outperform in each considered dimension – its killer combination of template variety, image management options, as well as additional capabilities is a package that’s difficult to beat.


Best Restaurant Website Builder

By popular demand, here’s a discussion of which site builder is best suited for a foodservice/catering web presence. Apart from the usual things like ease of use, content management, and image features, there are several specialized items that a restaurant website should be able to handle; the most important are arguably the menu and the table booking engine – the former facilitates research and aligns customer expectations about the restaurant’s offer, while the latter allows increasing efficiency and securing a more stable customer flow.

Out of the largest site builders, Wix and Squarespace currently offer the above features, taking different approaches to their integration: while Squarespace has the “menu” block built directly into its Layout Engine and the “calendar” content type available with any template as a core CMS feature, Wix has specialized extensions in its App Market which perform these functions: Wix Reservations, Wix Restaurant Orders, and Wix Menus. The plugin approach allows Wix to pack more relevant niche features into each of the above items, making it more versatile and user-friendly at the same time while still allowing its use with any chosen template.

Speaking of templates, both Squarespace and Wix have pre-designed specialized themes for the foodservice industry, covering everything from coffeeshops to restaurants and bars. Squarespace’s library counts 15 of those, while Wix offers more than 40.

Many restaurants and cafes tend to offer parts of their menu or their special ingredients to the public in the form of packaged goods, which is where the e-commerce functionality comes in. While most website builders offer the possibility to set up an online shop, out of our pair of close contenders Wix has a pricing advantage.

Just like foodservice business itself, this site builder niche has some of the toughest competition, and it can be said with confidence that both Wix and Squarespace are very high on our shortlist. However, due to the more versatile set of specialized features (available through the extension store) and niche templates we will go with Wix on this one.


Apart from these niche analyses, you can try out our handy Website Builder Choice Wizard in the beginning of this review – just answer several simple questions, and the system will magically produce a recommendation tailored to your specific preferences.

Share Your Thoughts!

Got hands-on experience with any of the mentioned website builders that you’d like to share? Still have doubts about which one to choose? Want to recommend additions and improvements to this analysis? Don’t hesitate to drop us a line in the comments section below:

How to Choose a WordPress Theme for Your Website

If you’re running a WordPress blog or a company website, its design is largely determined by the theme you are using. In this article, we will discuss what a theme actually is, why you need it, and how to make the right choice that will make you a happy website owner.

What is a Theme?

Let’s start with the basics: a website template is a set of visual styles and page layouts that users can upload/install to their websites and customize up to their needs. A stand-alone template includes HTML and CSS3 files, and often some JavaScript; even though adding content is up to the template user, some bundles also include pre-made images, audio and video.

Website templates are usually created for a specific website engine, or CMS (content management system): a Joomla template won’t work for WordPress, and a template that is meant for Wix will is usually not portable to Drupal or Ghost. Summarizing the above, a WordPress theme is a web template made specifically for WordPress-powered websites.

If you’ve already tried looking for a WP theme, you’ve surely noticed that scarcity is definitely not a problem: rather, one can quickly get overwhelmed by the sheer variety of hundreds and thousands of template options all over the web. To help you choose, we’ve compiled a list of the most important factors to consider; before we get to that, however, let’s quickly answer the question:

Why Do You Need a Theme?

To understand the implications of using a website template, let’s look at the alternatives. First of all, you may hire a freelancer (or an agency) and order a custom website design – this is a suitable option if have several thousand dollars to spare, as high-quality, personalized web design is not a cheap product these days. Moreover, you will need to choose a knowledgeable developer to implement the design, or you’ll end up with a product of poor quality that might be ridden with bugs and security glitches.

If you don’t feel like paying that much for your website, you may think of creating your website yourself. This is a viable option if you already know the basics of web design and development, yet if you’re new to both of these fields AND you need a website now, this option may be ruled out with easy heart.

The third way to launch your website is by using a content management system (CMS) and a template. As you might have probably guessed, this option combines the speed of the first approach with the low cost of the second option:

  • Using a website template is a good solution for small businesses, even if you’re on a budget. The template’s average price is $40 – $80, which is way less than for a custom design from an agency.
  • Website templates help you save massive amounts of time as you don’t have to start from scratch with your designs. Templates not only come with pre-made layouts and styles, but also frequently with sample data that contains diverse content, pre-made for you by template developers. Using sample data, you can simply change the text and images to the ones you need.
  • With many templates, you save on acquiring paid plugins as authors tend to equip their themes with premium plugins, such as sliders or content builders, at no additional cost.
  • High-quality website templates are usually well-documented and many of them come with customer support so help you solve any configuration issues.
  • You can easily check which theme an established website is using with the help of our WordPress detector.

Things to Take into Account When Choosing a WP Theme

To fully reap the advantages listed above, it is worth while keeping certain things in mind while choosing the right WordPress template for your future website:

  1. Who is behind the theme? To end up with a high-quality template that is built with valid, well-structured code, you are better off searching for it on the websites of the leading template providers, such as ThemeForest, TemplateMonster, or Elegant Themes. By doing so, you can be sure that you’ll get a product free of security vulnerabilities, glitches and bugs. Moreover, due to the severe competition, well-established template providers are motivated to deliver designs that follow the latest trends and bring you the most powerful features.
  2. Does the theme look modern? If you want your website to be taken seriously, you’ll need a theme that looks current and professionally designed. Some of the most prominent features of modern web design include clean, clear lines, plenty of white space, bold, easily readable typography, absence of obtrusive, noisy or too detail-rich elements. It is also a given nowadays that a website looks good on all types of screens, from large HD monitors to the smallest smartphones – so be sure to check out how the theme looks and behaves on various devices.
  3. Does the visual style match your needs? Your website’s design and content should go hand in hand – depending on what you’re offering and who your target audience is, you might want to adjust your requirements. For examples, if the site is meant to showcase your creative works, a more minimalist and bold theme with an emphasis on imagery could be suitable, while a more text-focused theme is a good fit with an information-heavy website, such as a blog or a news portal.
  4. Do you need a niche template? Keep your specific needs in mind when looking for a specialized theme – be it fashion, photography, car repair, sports, education, consulting or food industry, you’ll be able to find a number of options that offer niche-specific features and design elements.

    Niche templates include features that provide for specific needs of your visitors and clients. For example, you’ll find an extended real estate search plugin in a real estate template, an appointment booking plugin in a healthcare or beauty salon template, a timetable plugin in education or sports template, etc.

  5. Does it load fast? Load speed is one of the most important visitor retention factors for any web page – so make sure the theme you’ve chosen does not take too long to fully render a page. Among the factors that most commonly influence website speed are the scripts, stylesheets, and other files loaded by the theme and bundled plugins. You can check a theme’s demo page in Pingdom’s Speed Test or using the GTMetrix engine to make sure everything is running smoothly.

    It’s an additional bonus if your chosen template comes with an animated pre-loader which clearly indicates to your guests that the page is in the process of being loaded. Be mindful, however, that it’s not a substitute for lean, optimized code, as Google and other search engines will still prefer pages which load faster.

  6. Does it include a content builder? Most theme users prefer creating pages using content builders nowadays; a content builder is a visual system that offers pre-designed elements as drag-and-drop blocks for your content. Such a tool helps you add varied content (such as tabs, dividers, counters, progress bars, timelines, blurbs, diagrams, tables, etc.), as well as create and reuse entire custom layouts.

    It’s not a big deal if your chosen theme doesn’t include a page builder out of the box, though – you can always purchase and install one by your own, e.g. the Visual Composer, one of the most popular plugins from the CodeCanyon marketplace.

  7. Is it search engine optimized? Look for a template that is built in accordance with recommendations of major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. You use free tools such as the SEO Site Checkup to perform an SEO audit of the chosen theme’s demo website or other existing pages that use the theme.

    Despite the fact that there are numerous specialized (free) SEO plugins for WordPress out there, it’s always a plus if a theme allows at least defining meta titles and descriptions for individual pages, as this alone might even be enough to avoid using yet another third-party plugin that would potentially slow down your website.

  8. Is it compatible with major plugins? It’s also worth checking whether a template is compatible with popular WordPress plugins such as WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, BuddyPress, bbPress, etc. Most good themes will offer pre-built features and styling for the most widely used plugins, while the best theme authors will also offer their help in ensuring that a given less popular plugin also plays nicely with the theme.

Premium or Free?

The web is a pretty competitive and largely frictionless market – which means that in most cases, you truly get what you pay for; even if what you paid was zero dollars. Having said that, it would be unjust to claim that only premium WP themes are worth your while: there are numerous free templates that offer most (if not all) of the important features of paid ones (you can check out our free Bento theme for example).

With the free themes getting more and more advanced, it can be argued that the real value of premium templates stems from three thigs these days: pre-built layouts, more detailed documentation, and faster, dedicated support. The former saves you massive amounts of time by allowing to start from entire websites pre-designed on top of a specific theme and just fill them with your content; the latter will come handy if you’re on a tight schedule.

Overall, it all boils down to your personal requirements: in case you’re okay with getting into the nuts and bolts of it, and do not have significant time constraints, a free theme might be a good fit; if, though, you value top quality visuals, abundance of options and quick support, going for a paid theme might be a sensible idea.

Over to You!

Have questions about any of the above tips? Still can’t choose between two or more WP themes after reading this? Drop us a line in the comments section below, we’ll be happy to help!

Avada vs Enfold: Choosing the Right WordPress Theme for Your Project

With all the available options, choosing the right WordPress template can be a daunting task. For example, most top themes available on ThemeForest are so powerful and well-built that they almost look identical from the first glance. And if you’re considering Avada and Enfold as your final candidates, the choice only gets harder as both themes are TF top-sellers with massive feature sets and fantastic design. So how do we choose just one? Let’s break down the primary aspects of theme quality and find out which template is right for whom:

Close-up Comparison

There are several things to consider when buying a WordPress theme, and design plus features are by far not the only components of the mix: one should also be mindful of such aspects as search engine optimization, theme speed, item rating and reviews, and support quality. For your convenience, we’ve summarized the important factors in a table; below we will discuss them in more detail.

Avada Enfold
Year created 2012 2013
Content Builder Fusion (custom) Avia (custom)
Builder elements 55 47
One-click demos 27 27
ThemeForest sales 300,000+ 100,000+
Average rating 4.77 4.84
Price $60 $60

Both Avada and Enfold have a long history on ThemeForest, having been around for more than 5 years. Avada was the theme that probably had the most influence on the ongoing all-round, multipurpose WP theme revolution, and Enfold followed suit shortly after. The idea was to create a truly versatile and flexible theme which would allow users to build their own layouts; this implied integrating a content builder of some sort, and most themes went for the Visual Content Builder by WPBakery at first. The idea was a huge success, and nowadays you won’t find a self-respecting premium WP theme that does not use a content composer.

Avada, and later Enfold, when their own way, creating custom content builders which are fully integrated into the theme core – this meant smoother updates and zero compatibility troubles. These custom composers contain dozens of pre-made functional elements such as widgets, sliders, buttons, etc, enabling each user to build beautiful custom pages from scratch, with being confined to pre-set layouts. At the moment Avada offers 55 composer blocks, and Enfold is slightly behind with 47, yet both are continuously adding new ones to their arsenals, and the tally might change in the future.

Time flows fast in the world of web design, so over the years both themes had to keep modernizing to keep pace with the latest visual trends. Most experts would agree that Enfold has managed this path slightly better than its competitor, being more minimalist from the start. While the initial theme demos have stayed mostly intact since their creation, theme authors responded to the new design challenges, most notably the flat design movement, by creating numerous new demos based on specific user needs; whether it’s a coincidence or not, both Avada and Enfold currently offer 27 demos, and each can be easily installed with a single click as a ready-made website to tinker with and work from.

When it comes to popularity, Avada is clearly the winner, with over 300 thousand purchases on ThemeForest, Enfold having three times less. However, this can be a double-edged sword, since a huge user base can generate a wide variety of websites, so new users building a website on even a theme as versatile as Avada can have difficulties staying unique. This is mitigated by the wide variety of settings, options, layouts, and content blocks each theme offers, but should not be forgotten when choosing the right one for your website.

Support is top-notch for both themes, with entire teams of dedicated experts always ready to answer user questions. Both Enfold and Avada have extensive manuals and video tutorials, with slightly differing approaches to pre-purchase information. Avada chose to make its knowledgebase public, letting anyone to browser through its features before buying, while Enfold’s manual is contained within the downloadable theme package. However, Avada does not let non-buyers ask questions on its support forums (in fact, their forums can only be viewed by those who have the purchase code), while Enfold has a separate section on its open forums for pre-purchase questions.

Enfold has a slightly higher average rating among the two themes, standing at 4.84 as opposed to Avada’s 4.77. This might seem like an insignificant difference, but given tens of thousands reviews, even decimals can translate into large numbers of extra negative or positive opinions.

It’s easy to see that none of the themes has a clear upper hand and can be called the ultimate winner. However, there are cases in which one might be preferable over the other, and we’ll go over them in the next sections of our article.

Who Should Use Avada?

Avada is perfect for those who have little or no experience with WordPress, or need to set up a website as quickly as possible. Their extensive online tutorials and walkthroughs include countless useful articles, from general WP-related questions to specific Avada-related aspects: you might not even need to use the support ticket system at all! It is also worth keeping in mind that, as the top-selling ThemeForest item, Avada has the highest motivation to stay on top of its game by constantly improving, which is clearly evident from the frequency with which the authors publish new updates.

Who Should Use Enfold?

Enfold is a great theme for picky users who aim for absolute quality and support excellence. With this theme, websites stand slightly more chances of looking unique. Despite its 100,000+ sales, Enfold can still be called an underdog when compared to the behemoth Avada, and this gives Enfold’s authors additional motivation to keep striving for the top position.

Have you got hands-on experience with any of the themes? Still looking for the right one? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

7 Amazing Examples of Salient WordPress Theme Based Websites in 2024

Salient is one of the top-10 ThemeForest best-selling themes of all time, created by an elite author ThemeNectar. First available in April 2013, the theme was a breakthrough in terms of design, giving rise to a plethora of later imitators. Salient has since accumulated 60,000+ happy users and evolved into a full-fledged website building environment, preserving and updating its distinct visual style.

We remember our team’s initial reaction on seeing Salient for the first time: “whoa! Now these guys sure know how to design!”. Cracking it open, we saw clean, rather efficient code, adding to our respect towards the theme’s creators. Salient is distinctly minimalist, but not excessively so; this allows using it to create crisp and clean websites which still retain their individual touch.

Take Salient for a spin ›

The Salient theme is choke-full of features and settings, the most prominent additions of the last years being the internal templating system, which complements the existing drag-and-drop content builder (already a standard in premium WP themes) by allowing to use entire pre-designed page blocks or even entire layouts easily and quickly.

The ThemeNectar team is doing a great job in terms of providing timely and friendly support for the item. During our review we’ve created several “test tickets”, ranging from newbie questions to customization to developer-level inquiries; each was answered within 2 working days (most of them much faster), and none of the underlying issues was left unsolved.

Let’s See What This Baby Can Do

We won’t overwhelm you with dozens of Salient-based websites – instead, let’s look at 7 noteworthy real-life examples of the theme in action, hand-picked by our design and development team:

1. Senz

The creators of the original storm umbrella with the easily recognizable tilt, Senz use Salient for their official website. It makes extensive use of the theme’s WooCommerce compatibility to render and manage a complex online shop.

The front page slider is worth a separate mention: it features both beautiful static-image backgrounds as well as animated backgrounds and built-in animations for text elements to make it more dynamic. The front page itself is organized into several blocks using the theme’s visual content builder, ranging from product grids to full-width call-to-action sections, making it anything but boring.

2. Design Garden

This gorgeously-designed website is a learning platform created by Sabina Radeva, an Oxford, UK, based designer and illustrator. Sabina uses the Easy Digital Downloads plugin ecosystem to offer online courses to her Design Garden visitors, which blends in well with Salient.

The entire website is sprinkled with Sabina’s lovely illustrations; the theme does not stand in the way, letting the author express her talents while providing that minimalist touch to everything from navigation to the blog feed.

3. Manifesto

Let’s head to Canada and check out Manifesto Festival’s homepage for a change. This annual hip-hop culture event has been brightening Toronto’s youth scene for over a decade, and its unique essence has been successfully captured by the website’s style. Using basic colors (red, black, white), contrasting elements, bold typography and large elements, the page conveys the feeling of authenticity and freedom of expression.

The front page makes use of full-width image grids as well as clever call to action button placement to simultaneously maximize its “wow!” effect and visitor conversions. The previous years’ Manifesto editions are also worth checking out from the top menu, all those pages are also built with Salient’s visual composer.

4. Lion’s Share Digital

The Austin, TX based web design and development agency’s ambitions are reflected in their telling name. The Lion’s Share website is there to express their drive for growth and service excellency. Salient readily offers the necessary elements: large, basic fonts; colourful, full-width sections, plenty of room for imagery.

This is a great example of Salient’s full-screen header in action: on entering the website, we are immersed into an epic video presenting the brand. The rest of the page is comprised of visual composer elements tailored to give it a dynamic and colourful vibe.

5. StorNext

If you’re starting to get an impression that Salient is only good for design-focused web pages, think again. Here’s StorNext, a specialized provider of highly distributed file storage system solutions. A good example of a no-nonsense website by IT specialists, for IT specialists:

Content is king here, and Salient successfully helps the right things stand out. The website integrates a plethora of plugins, including a client-facing live chat, which works flawlessly with the theme. Another interesting thing to mention here: the StorNext website has been specifically tailored to closely resemble its parent company’s page, – showing how easily Salient morphs and flexes to fit any design requirements.

6. Mota

Another high-tech company on our list, Mota is a hardware maker: they produce a range of cool gadgets, focusing on drones and wearables. In this case, Salient needed to support a website with a large and complicated structure, which it handles pretty well with the built-in MegaMenus.

The theme’s visual style fits perfectly with the company’s image: a future-facing manufacturer of highly advanced electronic devices. The individual product pages deserve a special mention: there’s an example of Salient’s custom visual content builder in its full glory; parallaxed images, subtle animations, specs and FAQ sections – all come together to create professional-looking and functional product presentations.

7. Gravual

Last but not least, one of our personal favourites, Gravual, is a tiny design boutique based in Antwerp, Belgium. The entire thing breathes minimalism and style, and scales extra-neatly on smartphone screens thanks to Salient’s smart grids.

This one’s a good example of Salient’s single-page capabilities: the entire website is essentially presented on the front page, with separate sections branching off where and when needed. The site’s also available in Dutch, showcasing the theme’s multilingual functions.

Your Examples?

Building a website on Salient or know any other noteworthy examples? Drop a line in the comment section below, we’ll consider including it in the list!

The Ultimate Review 2024 – a Worthy Tool or Yet Another Site Builder?

☑︎ This review was last updated in May 2024

UPDATE: we’ve added a detailed visual explanation of Webflow’s pricing plans, you can see it in the respective section below; we hope you’ll geek out as much as we did when creating it 🤓

…Alright, let’s get straight to the point: you’re probably here because you’re also wondering –

Is it really worth it? Should I even bother spending the extra time in order to learn how to use Webflow?

This in-depth review will (hopefully) help you decide. We’ve been testing and using Webflow since 2016, so we do know a thing or two about the platform.

By untangling the various components of Webflow’s offer, including Designer, CMS, Hosting, and eCommerce – we will find out whether it’s really a tool worth using, or just another site builder with some fancy bits.

In the process, we will cover the most important questions for anyone considering Webflow:

  • 📐Is Webflow user-friendly – and who’s the intended user?
  • 💰How do their pricing plans really work, really?!
  • 🔌What about compatibility with other popular technologies?
  • 🏆Should you choose Webflow over more traditional tools?

The cornerstone principle of the Webflow philosophy is “smart codelessness” – this means creating beautiful websites without ever touching the source code – while still working with clean, well-written code:

Try Webflow for Free ›

This is good news for the visual types out there, since such approach empowers designers to unleash their imagination directly onto the web, possibly even skipping the graphics suites such as Sketch or Figma.

Is this the only use case of Webflow? Does this concept actually work in practice? We’ll find out soon. But first:

Blitz: Frequently Asked Questions

Before we dive in, here’s a compilation of the most popular questions we receive about Webflow – with brief answers containing references to the relevant sections of this review:

— What is Webflow? 🤔

In essence, Webflow is an online toolkit for creating and running websites, a glorious hybrid between traditional site builders like Wix, classical content management systems like WordPress, and actually coding your website by hand.

Confused yet? The current guide has been created with the intention to fix just that! The best place to start is to look at main parts of the Webflow toolkit, including its Site Designer, CMS, and deployment/hosting.

— How much is Webflow? 💳

This one’s a doozy! In fact, it’s probably the most difficult question to answer about Webflow – so instead of using a lot of words, we’ve decided to put together a graph. You can check it out in the Pricing section using this in-text link.

In short, there are two layers of pricing in Webflow – account plans and site plans, first of which determine how many people from your team can use Webflow and for how many projects; site plans, in turn, unlock higher traffic and ecommerce capabilities.

— Is Webflow easy to use? 🙉

Well, the answer will probably not surprise you, because it’s: “once you’ve learned it, the user experience is quite fluid”. Yes, there’s a steeper learning curve than, say, with Wix or Squarespace, but the reward is a much more flexible, customizable, and powerful tool.

We will discuss this matter in much more detail in the following three sections, which deal specifically with Webflow’s core components:

Webflow Site Designer

There are three main components to Webflow’s offer: the code-less, visual web design tool, the content management system (CMS), and the hosting – the first one arguably being the flagship feature of the service. In this section, we’ll take a deeper look at the Webflow Site Designer.

What looks somewhat like a Photoshop window is actually more of a HTML/CSS automation tool, where the user is free to add, position and style elements as they please, while the underlying system automatically generates the markup and all other necessary code. The interface is rather complex and takes some time to get used to, yet it’s undeniably one of the most powerful and versatile real-time website builders in existence today.

Let’s make it clear right from the start: you won’t be able to simply draw a shape in the middle of the canvas: instead of offering a naive way of slapping together a visual of a web page, Webflow keeps it real by acknowledging that there’s always actual code behind each element, and that such code gets exponentially messy if you don’t consider the way HTML and CSS work.

In other words, to draw a square in the middle of the page you’ll need to add a new <div> element (a “container” or a “section” in Webflow terms), set its positioning to “fixed” and its top-right-bottom-left positions to 0 – this is real life, kids!

Yes, the Webflow builder panel consists of actual CSS properties, so in order to fully appreciate the power of this tool, one should be familiar with HTML/CSS. However, if you mark the “I don’t write code” option during the sign-up process, Webflow will automate a significant part of the builder for you, for example handling the media breakpoints to ensure responsive behaviour (i.e. generate tablet- and mobile-friendly code for your page on the fly).

Working with media breakpoints and device views in Webflow

Needless to say, it wouldn’t be possible to cram every single CSS feature into the Designer – which is why Webflow simplifies most less-useful or less-frequently used parameters and makes the wording more user-friendly: from providing pre-defined options, to introducing toggles that show or hide “advanced” features and more granular control.

It is possible to start from a blank canvas or use any of the pre-made templates, some of which even come with ready-made site structure. There are over 30 free and 100 premium templates in the Webflow library, with the key difference between these two groups being the level of detail as well as included assets like styles and images. The paid themes range from $40 to $80 and are the creations of the Webflow community, i.e. professional designers and developers outside of the company.

For the reasons outlined above, starting from a blank canvas is mostly recommended for those who already possess at least some practical experience with HTML/CSS and are comfortable arranging the building blocks from scratch. If you haven’t coded before and also if you have but want to familiarize yourself with Webflow’s toolkit first, tweaking a pre-made template is highly advisable.

Apart from static content, animations are an essential part of the Webflow design tool, adding an extra layer of interactivity to the resulting websites which can be daunting to achieve and test using more traditional tools. Firstly, you can add transitions and transforms directly to any element using the same right sidebar with element properties – which is a real time-saver as most of such CSS rules are tedious to write by hand and many developers use one or another auto-generation tool in any case.

The real fun stuff starts in the “Interactions” panel, accessible from the tab with the lightning icon at the top of the right sidebar: there you can add animations based on the page’s state or the user’s interactions with a specific element (e.g. hover, click). Essentially it’s a Javascript automation tool, which can potentially replace 80-90% of your ordinary JS file for a standard website – menu animations, element fly-in-outs, hover states, and what not.

Take Webflow Site Designer for a Spin ›

The remaining sidebar tabs contain the Navigator (a HTML tree) and the Style Manager (CSS hierarchy) which are useful as overview tools but add less value compared with the panels discussed above.

Overall, the Webflow team have managed to create a very comprehensive coding automation toolkit which works as a semi-visual editor; the degree to which it simplifies the process of creating attractive web pages with clean code will be appreciated by anyone who has ever tried writing their website by hand.

Content Management System

Apart from on-site editing, i.e. the possibility to change any text or media right on the page you’re designing, Webflow CMS allows manually defining custom content types (blog posts, projects, team members, etc) with fully customizable fields, which can greatly improve the life of those who manage larger web projects with complex structures.

This comes in the form of CMS Collections, accessible from the tab with a stack icon on the left side of the main editor view. After creating a collection, which is essentially a specific content type, you can set the fields and add items – to be used both as individual pages or as lists / grids on existing static pages; for example, you can add a “team members” collection to create a page showing your company’s people’s photos, names, descriptions, social links, etc.

Apart from the CMS back-end, there’s also the Webflow Editor, which allows adding new content of the existing type on a published website – useful both to the creators of the website and their collaborators, as well as to their clients. What this means is that you get a fully functional website with both editable static pages and dynamic content like blog posts, portfolio projects, etc, without the need to install any plugins.

The fact that it offers multiple content types, of which blog posts are just one option, means that Webflow eats WordPress and other open-source systems like Drupal for breakfast when it comes to CMS flexibility. The flip side – it will take some time to get used to; however, the Webflow University (which we’ll discuss in detail below) can help here.

One thing that doesn’t seem to be a part of Webflow’s CMS system from the get-go is localization – creating a multilingual website on Webflow used to be a real headache before third-party extensions (most notably Weglot) came along.

One might get a feeling that Webflow strives to make the content management part as seamless as possible, in order not to steal the spotlight from the Site Designer – which is not a bad thing, considering its primary value proposition. In any case, Webflow’s CMS is still much more flexible and diverse than that of WordPress core or popular site builders like Wix.

Deployment and Hosting

Publishing your creation to a live URL is a breeze in Webflow: clicking the corresponding button on top of the Designer screen will call a drop-down of available deployment options, which include a subdomain of the domain (typically recommended for testing purposes) and a custom domain. With the next click you can publish to any or both of these locations without having to worry about the details – everything else is processed in the background, automatically.

Webflow’s hosting services follow its “start building for free, add hosting to go live” principle: you can design a prototype (up to 2 static pages) in their staging environment, i.e. on a subdomain, and then connect your own domain name (not included) by upgrading to one of Webflow’s hosting plans. The latter range from the basic, $12 per month* option with a 25k monthly visit limit, to the $36 per month* business version with more features and a 1m monthly visit limit (* with annual billing).

In addition to being an integrated solution, there are several advantages to Webflow Hosting that can really make a difference for your website’s performance and your webmaster workflow:

  • Since it is based on the distributed infrastructures on some of the largest cloud providers in the world (Amazon Cloudfront and Fastly), it can scale seamlessly with your traffic demands, removing the need to manually upgrade your hosting server
  • A built-in content delivery network (CDN) at no additional cost ensures that your website gets served from the node that is geographically close to your visitors, no matter where they are located
  • The advanced distributed infrastructure means fast loading times and close to 100% uptime for your website, regardless of traffic spikes or even malicious attacks
  • A built-in SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate at no additional cost ensures that your website complies with the modern security standards out of the box – no setup or prolongation required

Considering the above factors, Webflow Hosting is a scalable, ready-to-use hosting with a built-in CDN, priced on par with the best self-managed solutions like Digital Ocean as well as traditional website builders. Its value-for-money is a great complement to the other capabilities of this online suite, making it a full-cycle solution for web creators and potentially letting you save hundreds of dollars per year on CDN, SSL and other extras which otherwise need to be purchased separately.

Webflow eCommerce

One of the most recent (and most awaited) additions to Webflow is the eCommerce version, which brings full online shopping capabilities to the toolkit.

It comes with a new set of pricing plans offering all the essentials for projects which sell things online – including product and inventory management, custom carts, checkout, and other endpoints, full control over customer emails, as well as self-hosted checkout.

The main value proposition of Webflow eCommerce is the possibility to fully customize your online store’s every detail, from product grids and payment pages to how the purchase notifications look like.

This can be contrasted with the current state of affairs in the e-commerce website building software like Shopify, Wix, or even the WooCommerce + WordPress bundle, where one needs to exert considerable effort (and be skilled in coding) to achieve such granular control.

Other features that we can look forward to at the moment are coupon/discount capabilities as well as subscriptions and digital/downloadable products.

In the longer term, Webflow team is planning to add a host of more advanced features to its eCommerce plans, including abandoned order recovery, multi-currency support, Amazon integration, as well as customer accounts.

As you can see, the current release, although technically not beta anymore, is still a work in progress – so if you’re looking to create a complicated online store, Webflow eCommerce is still a bit too basic for such advanced applications.

If all of the promised features get implemented though, Webflow eCommerce will become a full-fledged competitor to such specialized solutions as Shopify and Instacart, with the whole shebang of Webflow builder, CMS, and hosting to back it up.

Webflow Pricing

With regards to paid plans, it is important to understand that Webflow has two different systems of premium tiers: one for your overall account and one for each individual project (i.e. websites you build).

When you begin working with Webflow, the latter will probably be more important and topical, so we’ll start with project-level pricing, which is basically cloud hosting for each of your websites:

First, there’s the forever-free option which lets you use all the features of Webflow and deploy on a subdomain. If you want to use a normal domain (which you probably will, eventually), several paid options are available:

The Basic plan will cost you $12 per month (annual billing), unlocking automatic SSL, CDN, as well as custom domain deployment which is easy to set up and even easier to use. The CMS plan, at $16 per month (billed annually) will allow you to deploy not only static pages but also items created by the content management system (blog posts, projects, etc). The Business plan, priced at $36/mo with yearly billing, is mostly a scaled-up version of the previous plan, suitable for larger websites with significant traffic.

Then there are account plans, which set the maximum allowed number of active projects and other professional parameters: while the free Starter account plan allows you to work on 2 websites and use free staging, the Lite plan (at $16 per month with annual billing) includes 10 projects and code export tools, letting you use the Webflow-generated code on any other platform of your choice. The Pro plan ($35 per month, billed annually) adds white labelling and site password protection options – suitable for those who regularly work on full-fledged projects for third-party clients.

To help make sense of all this, we’ve created this diagram explaining all of Webflow’s pricing plans in a more visual way:

Webflow pricing

When you visit Webflow’s Pricing page, it can get a bit confusing because of the way they group plans based on whether you need one site, many sites, or work as part of a team – essentially, the “I just need one site” option will offer you pure hosting (i.e. the per-project plans we discussed earlier) while the other two will collectively offer a Lite plan for $16 and a Pro/Team plan for $35, as well as a Custom plan for large teams. This still adds up to just two specific account-level plans described above, apart from the free and the custom version.

Any account plan can be combined with any hosting plan, including free ones, e.g. you can be on a Starter account plan and only pay for deploying a particular project on your custom domain – or use a paid account plan and free hosting for rapid prototyping.

You can choose between monthly and annual billing cycles for all premium plans, the latter coming at a 20% discount, which can add up to significant savings over time, especially for the more advanced plans.

Collaboration Options

We’ve mentioned the team plan briefly in the previous section when we talked about pricing, but given the target users of Webflow it just as well deserves its own discussion.

If you work together with at least one more other person on web projects, it is definitely worth considering the Webflow Teams plan. It is essentially the same as the Pro individual plan, but it also adds more collaboration modes and features for the $35 per person per month you pay (annual billing).

While the visual Designer environment does not currently support real-time collaboration, all parts of your Webflow projects can be accessed and edited by any team member at any time. This is especially useful for cross-functional teams, where e.g. one person is responsible for design and another for the content.

Apart from shared access and assets, Webflow Teams also adds a specialized team dashboard which brings all your collaboration aspects into a single, unified UI. Larger teams can also contact Webflow for custom pricing offers for the Enterprise plan, as well as discounts for the hosting upgrades.

Overall, all of the above implies that Webflow has carefully considered the needs of not only its freelance/individual clients, but also the broader group of small/medium teams and agencies – a nice little cherry on top of its already magnificent cake of features and possibilities.

Pros and Cons of Webflow

To recap, let’s list the advantages and the not-so-strong sides of Webflow’s user offer, as compared to other similar website builders and popular content management systems:

  • Pro-grade real-time web design tool with built-in mobile friendliness that seamlessly generates clean, exportable code as you create
  • Create your design by editing one of dozens of free and premium templates, working with a wireframe or starting from blank canvas
  • Advanced CSS and JS managers allowing for both granular control over styles and animations as well as easy site-wide management
  • Fast and easy two-click deployment to a staging environment and/or your custom domain right from the Webflow Designer
  • An integrated CMS with a flexible custom content type constructor which can be used to create any type of static or dynamic content, from pages and blog posts to projects, reviews, team members, etc
  • Advanced distributed hosting powered by the big names such as Amazon Cloudfront ensures maximum page load speed and minimum downtime for your visitors
  • Integrated content delivery network (CDN) at no additional cost ensures both speed and security for your website as the content gets served from the optimal geographic locations and benefits from the added security of the CDN layer
  • Built-in SSL certificate at no additional cost (usual expenses $50-$100 per year) to ensure compliance with current web safety standards out of the box
  • A rather steep learning curve expected from those who have never dealt with web development previously
  • Limited multilingual capabilities out of the box (easily fixed with extensions such as Weglot, though)
  • Convoluted pricing structure with separate schemes for account and site level – takes time to comprehend
  • The website builder interface is still not 100% compatible with Firefox and Edge. Seriously, Webflow, that’s almost a quarter of all installed browsers.. get your act together!
  • With the Webflow’s e-commerce kit still in active development, online shop capabilities require additional polish and minor improvements to be called an outstanding feature

Webflow vs WordPress

Before comparing Webflow with the most popular content management system in the world, we first need to make an important distinction: there are two separate “types” of WordPress available: the free, open-source, self-hosted, community-driven, and the paid version on with integrated hosting and dedicated support. While they both use pretty much the same codebase, there are significant differences in most other areas. For the purposes of this review, we will consider since it is the (by far) more popular WP flavour.

Despite all the differences, at their core both Webflow and WordPress have been created for making websites – however, each approaches this task with a different philosophy. While they both feature a content management system and a rendering engine (without which it is impossible to create a website at all), WordPress goes the way of modularity, while Webflow aims at making the entire experience as integrated and seamless and possible.

What this means is that WordPress is famous for offering thousands of free and premium plugins as well as visual templates (themes), making it almost infinitely flexible and customizable. The flip side of this abundance, though, is the problem of choice as well as a high proportion of poorly made and insecure extensions.

Webflow, on the other hand, is not as versatile, but can help achieve almost any conceivable setup and feature by providing built-in capabilities. Some of them are even beyond what can offer, e.g. integrated hosting with custom domains and two-click deployment, built-in SSL certificates for added security, or a fast CDN. Compared to a WordPress + third party hosting bundle, this is a much smoother experience.

Ease of use Medium/hard Easy/medium
Extensions Dozens Thousands
Integrated hosting Yes No
Automatic deployment Yes No
Custom content types Yes Via plugins
Content builder Powerful built-in Content Designer Free built-in Gutenberg or paid plugins
eCommerce options Still being actively built Abundant, via e.g. free WooCommerce
Community Relatively small Huge but dispersed
Support Dedicated in-house team By fellow enthusiasts

Where Webflow really shines, though, is the visual builder (Webflow Designer) – there’s little point to even trying to describe how vastly superior it is to any WP content builder plugin (such as WPBakery’s Visual Composer available from ThemeForest), let alone the core WordPress capabilities via the ambiguously-successful Gutenberg.

Another important advantage of Webflow is support and education: being run by a dedicated company rather than a loose community of volunteers, it can afford to offer a customer support guarantee WordPress will never be able to provide, by definition. Webflow’s knowledge base is consistent and easy to digest, as opposed to a rather patchy one in case of

Overall, while WordPress might be a more advisable idea for complete beginners, Webflow looks like a more well-rounded solution for anyone who is serious about creating websites and values smooth workflows and seamless experiences.

The all-in-one structure lets you forget about the unnecessary details and focus on what really matters – designing and developing beautiful, solid web pages.

Alright… that was lot of information to take in! So what’s the bottom line? In other words –

Should I Use Webflow?

After analyzing its various features, one can conclude that Webflow strives to be an advanced integrated toolkit for web creators who value both flexibility and efficiency.

The combined power of its Designer, Editor/CMS, Hosting, and (now also) eCommerce offers, is on par with the best custom web development setups, while requiring much less upfront costs and setup time as well as ensuring constant support and issue resolution.

Try Webflow for Free ›

In a product landscape dominated by simplistic site builders and clunky open-source CMS’es, Webflow is a hybrid solution especially well-suited for those who are prepared to spend a certain amount of time getting used to its powerful features for the sake of a unique mix of capability and automation.

Your Opinion?

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