Deprecated: Functie get_currentuserinfo is sinds versie 4.5.0 verouderd! Gebruik in plaats daarvan wp_get_current_user(). in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383


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  • Auteur
  • In reactie op: I can not run the theme #1957

    Thank you very much for your quick reply.
    really great.

    Good work.

    In reactie op: I can not run the theme #1949

    hey! thank you for this message. actually my problem is simple. i want to run this theme like your demo. but i do not know english very well. so, if i give my website adress and admin – password, can you manage this theme at the moment? or what we can do now? thanks again. and this theme is so good, i want the run.. please help me.

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