Show extract in blog page not the entire post

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    I don’t know what I’m missing, sure is a simple thing buth i can’t figure it out… How can i configure the blog page to show a “Read more” instead of the entire blog?

    Thank you!


    Hey Toni,

    first of all, thank you for using Ikebana!

    This is a WP core feature and is thus theme-independent (i.e. works the same way with Ikebana as with any other theme). You can create post extracts to be shown on the blog page (this will enable the “read more” link, clicking on which the user will be able to read the entire post) by inserting “more” tags into post contents in the place where you want the excerpt to end. In WordPress, you need to insert a special tag into the post content to tell the blog page to display only the content above the tag. In the visual edit mode, use the “Inset more tag” button on the panel above the content; in the HTML mode, the button says “more”; or – you can simply write it by hand (see the links below on how it should look like). You can find additional information on using the “more” tag on the official website, here.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Uhff!!! hahaha As i said sure is a simple thing. Thank you for your help!!!

    Best regards!!!

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