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Make site look like demo

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  • #1224

    I purchased the Fugi theme from ThemeForest and opened the PDF Fuji_Manual but it doesn’t show how to get the theme looking like the demo. Please provide instructions. Surely you have the default header images, etc.? I am also looking for instructions on uploading the sample data?

    Site installed here.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Sculley.

    Hey Sculley,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    The data import sequence has not been included because it is a standard WordPress procedure and is not theme-specific, but now I think I will include this part into the manual as well, thank you for bringing this up!

    To answer your question:
    1). Please go to the “Tools -> Import” admin menu after installing and activating the theme.
    2). From the importing options, choose “WordPress”.
    3). An overlay will open prompting to install the importer module. Press on “Install now” button.
    4). After the module installs, press “Activate Plugin & Run Importer”.
    5). Press the “Choose file” button and choose the file called “Fuji_demo_content.xml” located in the “Resources” folder inside the “Fuji_WP_Theme_Package” main folder downloaded from ThemeForest.
    6). Press “Upload file and import”.
    7). Tell the system which author to assign the imported posts to (or create a new one), and check the “Download and import file attachments” option!
    8). Press “Submit”.

    The importer will then import all posts, pages, categories, images, and other content from the original Fuji demo. The only things that will need to be inserted by hand are the Theme Options settings since they are not part of the WordPress importer but rather are theme-specific. In particular, the logo, the favicon, the header image, and the header slider will need to be added through the Theme Options panel. You can use the images from the demo if you need for that, just right-click on the required image and press “Save image as..” in your browser.

    Let me know if there is something that needs further clarification!

    Andrew | Satori Studio


    Thanks Andrew. I also recommend including all the things you are saying we need to right click on. I use another template company and after installing it looks exactly like the demo. I needed the images. But, it’s still not looking like the demo. I don’t see the menu at the top, etc. It’s here. Please advise.


    Honestly, the instructions are really not thorough at all. I also noticed about 10 plugins in the “include” folder in original theme folder (not plugins folder by the way) but they are not uploaded to wordpress. Please advise why this did not upload. I’m sure there are a ton of other things that aren’t uploaded too.


    Also, the footer isn’t there (or any of the info in the footer), the categories aren’t in the slider, the menu on top isn’t there, the SM icons aren’t there, the design image under “introducing Fuji theme”, etc… much is not there!!!!!!!!! What the what? This is very frustrating.


    Dear Sculley,

    please note that the WordPress importer only imports contents, i.e. the pages, posts, menus, and everything inside them (text, images, links, etc), yet it does not import WordPress settings, and this is not dependent on a particular theme. Thus some of the things are to be done “by hand” in WordPress.

    To address the things you’ve mentioned:
    – the menus that are imported by the importer will need to be assigned to specific positions in the theme: please go to “Appearance -> Menus” admin menu and find the “Theme Locations” box on the top left: there you can choose which menu will display in which location. This information is available on page 8 of the Theme Manual.
    – the files inside the “includes” folder are not plugins per se, they are uploaded with the theme and work from inside the theme folder, thus do not show up in the “Plugins” admin menu. Some of the includes do have settings, e.g. the SEO, the Quick Locatization, and the Link Cloaking modules – you can find corresponding extra admin menu items on the bottom of the admin menu after you activate the theme. You can find more on this on page 8 of the Manual.
    – the footer consists of widgets, which can be set in “Appearance -> Widgets”: just click on the “Footer” link on the right side and drag one or more widgets from the left side into the box. Once there is at least one widget in the footer area, it will start displaying automatically. This information can be found on page 7 of the Theme Manual.
    – the social media icons are displayed using the Social Media Widget which can be accessed from the “Appearance -> Widgets” admin area: drag the widget to the right side into any of the widget areas you need, and fill in your social profiles and hit the blue “Save” button to save the changes. More information can also be found on page 7 of the Manual.
    – the front page of a WordPress website is set in the “Settings -> Reading” admin menu: in the “Front page displays” option, choose the “Static page” radio button, and then from the drop-down near the “Front page” field choose the only page that has no name (i.e. a blank line). Do not forget to click “Save Changes”!

    Should you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact me – I will gladly help, that’s what support is here for ;)

    Andrew | Satori Studio

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