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New Front EN Support Forums Origami Theme Support Error on page load

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  • #451

    Are you sure you uploaded the uncompressed file(s) to wp-content/themes/Origami/includes/twitter-widget ??


    ..positive! I did it several times. I wish I could post a screen shot !
    it definitely replaced the older php file, as it asked me to rewrite and it also says it got modified a few minutes ago.
    Looks like this file (i did unzipp it no worries!) didn’t work for me…

    Maybe the designers have an idea what’s up on my website ?


    So here is what was actually causing the problem: a stupid ‘update’ that ThemeForest made me buy for 5 $
    – there is a thread about this issue in the forum in fact –
    for a theme that is omonymous ‘origami’ by another designer
    I had the feeling that theme was messing up with ‘our’ Origami and indeed it was: once I deleted the theme from the WP manager,
    the error instantly disappeared!
    Forum manager: spread the word! Also to these guys at ThemeForest (who could refund us these 5 bucks for a suggested update that not only is not for the right theme but it also screws up the one we bought..)

    Thanks Akullander !
    I feel almost like a geek girl now!


    HAHA! Actually that’s not Themeforests fault. It just happens to be two different themes available from different providers with the same name.
    Look at it from the bright side, now you’ve got two themes if you grow tired of one of them =)

    Glad you’re fine now! GL HF!


    …. I am googling GL HF ….
    oh I had to delete the other theme in order to fix the bug (and it sucked anyway, honest)
    but I have sooooo much stuff that ain’t working on my blog, something tells me you’ll see me hanging in this
    forum quite often… (creepy smile)


    Hi Akullander and Leda1979!

    Glad you’ve managed to sort it out, thanks to Akullander for the tip!

    I must really apologize for the Twitter error – that’s the result of them re-writing their sourcing API. Also, the Origami name thing – that’s really annoying and there’s still no way to stop the updater from mixing the themes up :( I’ve contacted the ThemeForest team concerning this issue and they’re still working on it. Hopefully there’s a way, wouldn’t want to rename my theme :)

    …I really need to introduce a nice large search box to my forum, since the knowledge base is starting to “pile up” :) Will work on that this week.

    And yes – should you have any other questions or problems with customizing the theme – do not hesitate to approach me!

    Andrew | Satori

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