Error on page load

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  • #321


    Just bought your theme and installed it.
    Got this error on the top of the page:
    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘twitter_widget_script’ was given in /storage/content/55/159755/ on line 403

    Any ideas what it could be? I don’t get this error with other themes.


    Hey Akillander!

    First of all, thank you for the purchase!
    This is indeed caused by the theme’s built-in Twitter plugin, and has been reported and fixed earlier. Strange that it still pops up! In any case, please try the following: download this file, unzip it and upload into wp-content/themes/Origami/includes/twitter-widget folder, replacing the existing file. Let me know if that removes the message – if not, I’ll keep on looking into the problem.

    Andrew | Satori


    That fixed it!

    Thanks for awesome support!


    hi Andrew, I have the same problem as Akillander.

    (see it on ), and a bunch of other BTW .. %)
    I am a total rookie, so I will need to ask you a lot of questions I am afraid.
    Regarding this error thing: I downloaded and unzipped this file, but where exactly am I supposed to upload it ??
    I know, I know… but I learn fast.

    In my WP editor I cannot find where; I have no clue… is there a link ? Can you explain exactly where ?



    You’re supposed to upload it via FTP to your site. There is no way to do it in your WP dashboard.


    thanks, but I have no idea where my site ‘is’. I mean, I know the server where it’s hosted.
    But I know nothing about coding, and I used in the past FTP transfer to updload or download files from servers,
    but I was given an FTP adress to do so.
    I have no clue how to access ‘my website’s FTP’ or if there is on eto begin with.
    Am I the only clueless person in this forum? :/



    You’re not clueless, since you know what FTP is =)
    Who is your service provider? They must’ve provided you with an FTP account? Ask their support, if they have one. If they don’t I suggest you switch provider.
    If you just tell me the provider I’ll check and see if I can find any hints.


    oh, thans so much !
    my hosting is with Hostgator…
    I am trying to check if there is an FTP something in that mess of a login page they have….
    … I’ll let you know what happens.


    You have the “File Manager” under you Control Panel/Files which you could use.
    Choose Web Root as your starting directory and you should be able to find your way from there.


    thanks! I used it, and finally replaced this php file with the on eI found on this thread.
    Guess what?
    the error is still on my home page.
    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘twitter_widget_script’ was given in /home/leda1979/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403

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