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Customising The Footer

New Front EN Support Forums Tokyo Theme Support Customising The Footer

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  • #3151

    Hey Andrii,

    I was wondering whether I can change the colour of the links on hovering in the copyright area? (The hover colour for the link in the promo text area in the top section works fine.) Also can I change the hover colour for the scroll to top button?




    Hey Chris,

    the color of the links on hovering in the copyright area can be changed by adding a line of custom CSS:

    #copyright-inner a:hover { color: #000000; }

    you can replace the “#000000” with the hex notation of any color you like. You can insert the code at the bottom of the theme’s main “style.css” file (opens by default when you visit the “Appearance -> Editor” section).

    The “scroll to top” button is an image – you can customize the default one and upload it in the “Scroll to top button” field in the “Page Elements” tab of the Theme Options panel.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrii,

    The code seems to have impacted the default text colour of the copyright area but not the link hover colour.

    Regarding the scroll to top button: So there are two scroll to top buttons? A standard one and another for hovering?

    I noticed that field in the page elements tab but then there would have to be two fields? May I download your standard button and alter its colour?




    Hey Chris,

    the copyright link code works on my machine – I’ll have to wait until I can see your website’s code to make a new suggestion, sorry.

    The “scroll to top” button is a sprite – it is an image with two parts, and one or the other is revealed depending on whether the cursor is over it or not. You can of course take the default image and alter it as you like ;)

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hey Andrii,

    I uploaded this ( but it isn’t displayed on the site. I’m a little confused as it has the same dimensions as the default version you linked (80×40) but next to the upload field in the page elements tab of the theme options it says the maximum dimensions are 51×51 px.



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by noisesev.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by noisesev.

    OK, it does now…


    Hey Chris,

    the image for the button is sourced as a background and powered by javascript, thus it may take a hard-refresh (or clearing the cache) to force the new one to display.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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