Background Image again

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  • #2462

    Hello Adrii

    After long time finally I’m putting site live. But I encountered the same old custom dir background problem. I copied the file from ‘archive’ into the right place nevertheless I can’t see the dir to choose. Could it be that this file is not compatibile with WP3.8?
    Could you quickly take a look on it? I would be grateful. I can send you back end info in a privet email.
    Please let me know if it is possible.
    Thanks a lot!


    Hey Fry,

    I would be able to troubleshoot more efficiently if I had the back-end access – please do send your login information (to Thanks!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi! Thanks for a beautiful theme!
    We just started to set everything up and, can’t find what dimension is ideal for pictures used as background slider?

    kindly Lisa and Max


    Hey Lisa, Max,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    Since the screen sizes of viewing devices may vary greatly nowadays, I would recommend using full background images that would not have to be stretched even on the large typical monitors – i.e. 2560×1140 pixels. I would also highly recommend to pay extra attention to how much disk space such images take up – in case any single picture is larger than 500 Kb, I’d suggest downsampling it (i.e. increasing the compression rate) – to reach a tradeoff between quality and size.

    Should you have other questions about the theme, do not hesitate to ask!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hey Andrii and thanks for you answer!
    Again about the size of background image, and about the position.
    1. When I set the image to 2560×1140 pixels its being cut in the upper – when shown in my window macbook pro 13″ -window, and even when I expand the window to wider.
    How can I avoid the picture being cut?
    2. When changing the wideness on the window I’d like the background pictuer to be set in the right side, I mean so that one always sees the same part of the picture on the right side! How can I do this?
    kindly Lisa


    Hey Lisa,

    I will go over your questions in the same order:

    1). It is generally not recommended to use an image with important information content as a website background image, since on various devices the image will render differently depending on the screen size and aspect ratio (and today there are dozens of possible ones, from 2560×1440 to 320×480 pixels, and everything in-between. Having said that, I should mention that in Kabuki, you are in fact able to control whether the image will be fitted to cover the entire screen (“cover”) or fitted to remain entirely inside the screen area (“contain”), in which case there will most probably be empty spaces either on top and bottom or on the sides of the image, depending on the screen aspect ratio. You can try the “Always fit” setting in the “Size and position” tab of the “Appearance -> Background Settings” admin menu.

    2). To force the background image to fit the top left corner of the screen, you can try turning off the “Center the background vertically” and “Center the background horizontally” settings in the “Size and position” tab of the “Appearance -> Background Settings” admin menu.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi again ant thanks for you quick answer!

    About 1. and fitting the image to cover the entire screen (“cover”) or fitting it to remain entirely inside the screen area (“contain”), this doesn’t work for kabuki then, the theme I’m working in right now?
    And its not possible to put in som css to make it work that way?



    Dear Lisa,

    My apologies, this was a mistake in the text – the same information is also valid for Kabuki, and I meant to mention that theme instead of Tokyo in the post; I’ve corrected the text as well.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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