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Dear Lowell,
– regarding the background issue: WordPress adds a “default template” choice to the Page Template drop-down, although there my not exist such separate template file per se. This is why when you leave a page’s template on default, it will not react to the background slider settings regarding page templates, since those settings affect the templates inside the theme. There are two ways to circumvent this: either choose the “Page, Right Sidebar” option from the page template drop-down on concerned pages (which I did on your website, and now it works well) – OR tick the “All Pages” option in the “Display” tab of the “Appearance -> Background Settings” menu.
– regarding the tabs: this stemmed from the fact that the Shortcodes Ultimate plugin was installed separately, which was not a particularly good piece of advice from me, I must admit. Since the shortcodes included in the theme had a fully customized stylesheet, the original plugin’s styles broke the display of the tabs. I’ve replaced the CSS styling file in Shortcodes Ultimate with the one from the theme, and now it displays well ;)
– I am not sure I understood what you meant by “completely blank” in case of admin settings, could you please clarify? In case you meant the fact that there are no theme colour scheme presets – then I can assure that I’ve considered this possibility when creating the theme, yet since there are so many e.g. colour settings and the tastes of people are so different, the colour scheme(s) would be used very seldom. From my experience (after selling over 500 themes), I learned that every buyer wants to customize the defaults, i.e. fine-tune all the colours and other settings to make the website look as unique as possible.
Andrew | Satori Studio