Reply To: Caption Font Size too large on 3×2 project box

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Hey Lynne,

first of all, thank you for using Ikebana!

I will go over the questions below, in the same order:

1). Larger fonts on larger tiles are not a bug, rather an intended feature, just as seen in the theme demo: smaller fonts would look less coherent and make the tiles appear empty. However, in case you need them to have the same font size as the smaller tiles, please insert the following snippet into the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel:

.iso-masonry .post-size-large { font-size: 20px !important; line-height: 28px; !important; }

2). The “Blockquote custom image” setting in the Theme Options panel is intended for blockquotes, just like its description suggests – i.e. the native WordPress content element called “blockquote”, which can be inserted into post content using the respective button above the content area while in the editor mode. In case you’d also wish this setting to affect the “quote” format tiles, please download this custom archive I’ve prepared; unzip it, and upload the resulting file into the following directory inside your WP install, using an FTP client or your hosting provider’s file manager: /wp-content/themes/Ikebana/

3). This is intended behaviour, as documented on page 9 of the Theme Manual: the post title in the “quote” format is used for displaying the author of the quote. This behaviour is recommended in the official guide, yet if you want to hide the title, you can either just leave the title blank or insert the following snippet into the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel:

.format-quote .post-quote-author { display: none !important; }

4). Thank you for the suggestion, we’ll add this feature into our development backlog; meanwhile, in case you have five or less social networks to display, you can use the available slots for the custom files to display all of your social icons using your desired designs.

The theme manual, a pdf file titled “Ikebana_Manual”, is included into the master archive downloadable from ThemeForest; the file is being updated regularly – for the latest version, please re-download the theme package from the “Downloads” tab of your ThemeForest account.

Should you face other issues or have questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

Andrii / Satori Studio