Forum Replies Created
Memberah no… (this is embarrassing…) turns out chrome was just being silly… ctrl-r refresh and now it works
thanks again!
Memberah, i typed too soon! now instead of opening with any lightbox at all it opens the image as a webpage…
Memberthis worked, thanks Andrii
Memberi have just found an earlier post in this forum in which you mentioned creating a menu in the wordpress menu settings to solve this issue. it works, the only problem is that my about menu item appears after the one page menu items. is there a fix for this?
currently they appear as Home Projects Gallery Contact About
i would prefer if the contact and about menu items were swapped around, but if this isn’t doable in the current theme it doesn’t bother me too much.
MemberHello Andrii,
Although the Gallery section of the one page is now showing up in the menu I am still not seeing the about page which is not included in the one page website, but is not excluded from the menu. the only page excluded from the menu is my ‘short about’ page which appears at the top of the ‘one page’ page, so this is working correctly.
Essentially the problem now seems to be just for the menu item to link to an external page.
MemberI seem to have solved it myself. there was an issue whereby the actual page was no longer allowing me to change its type, so i just deleted it and created a new one, set it to portfolio page type, and now it’s working…