WordPress "Posts Page" showing full posts / Mobile text size

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    I’m having a problem with my “Posts Page”: although I have my settings arranged so that each post shows only a summary of the post (such as on your Shogun demo site at https://satoristudio.net/shogun/blog-classic-right-sidebar-2/ ), my “Posts Page” shows the entire blog post and then the entire next post, and so on ( http://dreadpiratetrey.com/blog/ ).

    Also, I can’t seem to find a way to make the text on mobile larger without editing the size for a non-mobile device.

    Thanks for your help!



    Hey dreadpiratetrey,

    please see this thread for the information on the first question; regarding the font size on mobile devices – the theme currently does not offer a separate setting for that, yet you can modify it via CSS by using an @media query to target small-screen devices specifically.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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