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Visual Composer update / WooCommerce update / Masonry tiles on mobile

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  • #6812

    Hi Andrii,

    Hope you are well.

    Just a few questions regarding the future of Shogun:

    1) The 4 column blog view on my site doesn’t work on a mobile phone (on an iPhone anyway). Any ideas to why that is? Here’s a screenshot from my phone: – also, is it possible to make the tiles keep their square shape instead of turning full width with a max height? No worries if that’s a bit hard to achieve…

    2) I was wondering if you are planning to upgrade the inbuilt version of the Visual Composer at some point? I think/hope that perhaps it will fix a series of small issues that I have, especially as to mobile-friendliness. An example is on this page (, where I have set a max width to the images, but where I am using a black background in order to give the images a sense of having a black overlay when hovered (by using transparency and the black background colour – a slightly bulky solution, I know, but it was all I could think of in order to achieve this). It looks fine on a desktop or on a mobile, as the images will then completely cover the background, but on a tablet it looks like this: … I am thinking that a newer version of VC would fix this by simply offering way more customisation options in the back-end (i.e. hover overlays etc.)… I am aware that you have earlier mentioned that it’s a really tricky plugin to work with, and so I of course completely understand if you are not planning to update this. Anyway, it would be good to know if this is something that we can look forward to of if it’s better to start looking for alternative solutions where needed.

    3) Do you by any chance know if the current version of the theme is compatible with the most recent version of WooCommerce (2.3.11)? I’m just not sure if I dare to make the upgrade in case something goes wrong…

    Thanks, and have a nice weekend! And again, sorry about all my questions :-/




    PS. The link to the example in point 2 (, was ment to be:

    Maître des clés

    Hey Jonas,

    I’ll cover the issues below, in the same order:

    1). This is indeed a bug, stemming from the absence of one declaration in JS that governs tile sizes on smaller screens. I’ve updated your website and the theme, will include this into the next version update, thank you very much for the heads-up.

    2). Frankly speaking, so far I haven’t had such plans for the immediate future, but I will investigate the scale and the time needed to make a decision. As far as the particular case is concerned, I am not sure if it will be solved in the new version directly, but what you can do for now is e.g. force the images to scale proportionally on tablets, i.e. adding a

    .wpb_single_image { height: 100%; }

    declaration for medium-sized screens. This will tell the images to stay square, but might make the page longer vertically.

    3). I’ve just updated WooCommerce to 2.3.11 on the demo website, so far haven’t identified any bugs – in case you encounter any, though, please let me know, and they will be solved ;)

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Thanks for your response Andrii – and for fixing the issue with the blog! Much appreciated :-)

    In regards to the points:

    1) Brilliant. Thanks for this! Could you give any advice as to making the tiles here keep their square shape on mobiles? That would be ideal really as then it’s easier to make sure that the images are seen in full and are not cropped in an odd way.

    2) Ok. Fair enough. I hope that you’ll end up choosing to go ahead with the update and that it’s not a lot of work – but of course, I completely understand if not… And thanks for the temporary fix. I’ll look into that now.

    3) Great. I’ve also updated it on my end and it seems to be working fine :-)

    Have a good weekend and thanks again!




    Hi Andrii,

    Hope you are well and enjoying the summer.

    Great to see the update of the Shogun theme a little while ago! :-)

    I noticed that the Visual Composer plugin was updated, but not to a more recent version of the plugin (ie. the back-end features aren’t the same as in the newer versions). Anyway, the update is still very much appreciated, so thank you for that! And I very much respect if you hadn’t envisioned to make ongoing updates of the plugin, which is definitely fair enough. I completely understand… However, as I’m super keen to use some of the newer Visual Composer features, I was wondering if you see any potential issues in simply buying the plugin separately and installing that instead of the version that comes with the theme? I’ve never done that before, and so I would just like to get your opinion before I can ahead and potentially ‘go down a dangerous path’ and mess things up.

    Thanks a lot!

    All the best,


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