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  • #589

    Hi Andrew,
    Please could you tell me – is it possible to have my “videos” page set up like the “videos” page in the Fuji live preview, without altering the way my other pages (homepage and photography) are set up? In the Fuji LP you have the video with as little or as much text under / over the video thumbnail (i am using the app you suggested btw), and on the right hand side you have “recent articles” which show you small thumbnails of other videos and their titles…at the moment I can display the video thumbnail, but any accompanying text only appears inside the video thumbnail, after you click on “more information”.
    Also, is there a way not to display “film” in the photography menus? As the “Film” page will start to have its own list of categories, which aren´t to do with the photography categories. So is it possible to keep the respective menu lists separate?

    What do you think?
    Thank you!


    Hey Agatha!

    The way I display videos in the live preview of the theme is through a blog post format, i.e. the videos section is simply a blog, with individual video posts being blog posts. To achieve this, you’ll need to do the following:
    1). Create a blank page to hold the blog posts; you can name it whatever you want :)
    2). Go to “Settings –> Reading” and declare this page as the “Posts page” in the “Front page displays” section.
    3). Create blog posts (“Posts –> Add New”), inserting videos e.g. via the media shortcode (see the manual, page 14, on how to use it).

    The blog page will also automatically have the sidebar, where you can list recent videos.

    Andrew | Satori


    Hi Andrew,

    Ok, I have set up the video page as a blog page – which seems to be sort of working, but how did you get the (autumn) video in the preview to play within the page, without jumping to the vimeo website AND have the text running over the top and the bottom of the video image?
    I can get the video image to display if I insert the video via URL via the “add media” button, but then the text appears stuck to the side of the image on the right and the image appears within a big black box. Or I can insert a featured image, but then there is no video. :S Did you mean i should use the “custom gallery” shortcode in the manual on p. 14? Because I couldn´t find anything on blog posts with shortcodes..dum, dum…



    Dear Agatha,

    I highly recommend using the MEDIA shortcode for inserting a video into a page or a post. Just click on the square parenthesis icon above the text editor field and choose the respective shortcode from the drop-down list ;)

    Andrew | Satori


    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for the MEDIA explanation :)
    I would like to know – how can I separate my sections more so that when I click on one of my categories “collage” – it shows only collage work, and not the whole list?
    The same for “photography” – why does “Film” come up in the list below?
    And yet, when I click on “Film” i get only my film project – as it should be.

    I can´t work out what I have done differently to set these paths?

    THank you!


    Also – do you know why, when I search for my name, the website no longer appears? Does this have anything to do with the google analytics, do you know?



    Dear Agatha,

    I am not sure I understood the first question correctly, so please correct me if I’m on the wrong track: you want to display different portfolio pages with different tag filters when clicking e.g. on “Collage” or “Photography” upper menu items? If that is the case, then I must say that every portfolio page in Fuji features all items that have been created in the system. If you want to display multiple portfolios with filters, some changes and additional code will need to be done to the theme template files, which I would classify as customization work and therefore would have to charge a symbolic fee for that. In case, however, you want your “Collage” and “Photography” pages to display items in a blog format just like the “Film” section, you can create the blog posts containing the works and assign “collage” and “photography” categories to them (“Posts -> Categories”) and then change the upper menu items to be category listings instead of portfolio pages (you can see a separate “Categories” box in the “Appearance -> Menus” section, on the left).

    Regarding the search results – again, correct me if I misunderstood the question, as far as I got it you were wondering about Google’s search results for your name query, i.e. “Agatha Whitechapel”. In this case I can assure that there is no exact way of knowing how Google or other search engines decide how to rank their data, there is an entire field of study and practice based on this called “Search Engine Optimization”, or SEO, which is a semi-empirical discipline, i.e. based mostly on facts sine the formulas are not disclosed by the search companies. I do not have access to an Austrian proxy server to check your website’s search rankings from within the country, but I can tell you that in Germany, your new website comes up 22th when searching for your full name, and in the UK, it comes up appr. on the 13th position. Since the website is still fresh, I suggest you give it some time to collect natural links and “appreciation” from Google, which will push it up in the rankings – I do not believe that you need to purchase complex SEO services here (although I can offer you those in case of need), since the search query containing your name is not at all a competitive one, relative to e.g. “stock investing” or “mortgages” :) What I do strongly recommend, however, is installing a good SEO plugin (such as Yoast SEO) and configuring the meta tags: title and description for your website, since this is something that Google pays close attention to. At the moment, I can see that your name is not mentioned in the meta tags, which might be one of the reasons why the website is lower in the rankings. Insert your name into title and description using this plugin and most probably you will see your website rank considerably higher for your full name query.

    Andrew | Satori


    Hi Andrew,
    Thank you for your reply!
    Ok, i shall try to follow with a question, i´m not sure if we´re talking about the same thing just with a different description – every portfolio page in Fuji features all items that have been created in the system – but I mean my “pages”.
    If i go to my “film” page or my “Home” page, they both just display the related content (home page image or video thumbnails) and then you have to go to the top of the page and click on a page to go somewhere else – which is correct.
    However, when i go to either “Collage” or to “Photography” , i see the related content and then at either the bottom or the top of the page, all of the site content sections in a horizontal list (All/ Collage/ Film/ Myths/ Night Zoo …) which is not correct.
    – is there a way to just display the clickable tags for “the page in question”-related pages (photography -> shows clickable tags for Myths/ Night Zoo/ Supers/ The Schella Kann Show) – or is this exactly what you meant?
    If it is then – what do you charge for customization work such as this?

    No, i don´t want my collage and photography pages to display items in blog format – i really like the way they are displayed now – it´s perfect! I just dont like the lists displaying everything.

    Thank you for your answer re. the google search. I wondered if it had something to do with the “Google Analytics” which is always displayed in red as the first thing i see when i go to my site maintenance. I will give the Yoast SEO plugin a go.




    Hi Andrew!

    I have another question – Is it possible to have more than one blog page? If I want to set up a separate page in blog format – can i do this too?

    Thank you!


    Dear Agatha,

    I apologize for a slow reply! I’ve thought of a simple way to show only some of the tags on portfolio pages – take a look at the “Photography” and “Graphics” pages and let me know if that is what you were talking about.

    Regarding your second question – WordPress does not allow creating two blog post pages by default, yet there are several options to closely emulate this behaviour, including:
    – create two categories and assign them to posts that you want to see on one or the other page. The category listing pages can then be used as separate blog pages.
    – use third-party plugins (e.g. the Advanced Post List to create lists of posts on any page you need.

    Andrew | Satori Studio

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