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Twitter widget not working

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    Exactly! Worth noting is that the error message was displayed on the website despite the fact that the built-in widget was removed from the sidebar! In other words, even the inactive widget is causing WP to display an error message (I actually cannot confirm whether the active widget does the same thing or not).

    Additionally, if I add then remove, then add again the built-in widget (the new version), the whole Options section of it breaks apart (error message everywhere).


    Alright, I think I’ve managed to get to the bottom of this one. Please update the twitter-widget.php file with this fix.

    Andrew | Satori


    It seems like the fix does help with the error line problem, nice!


    Good! :)
    Should anything else pop up, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrew | Satori


    Hey guys!

    one more update – based on Adrian’s comments I’ve decided to update the Twitter widget one more tome while I’m at it, adding the possibility for unlimited number of uses. Please download the latest version here. Let me know if it works fine for you, and I’ll include it into the upcoming theme update.

    Andrew | Satori


    Holy …!… Amazing.

    Andrew, “while you’re at it”… :) Here is a couple of suggestions. Now, I don’t want to be THAT guy (who gets his request resolved, so he begins spamming the creator with tons of new ones :) ), it’s just that I have tested about ten different Twitter widgets for WordPress and I think I now which extra options can be very useful for users. I think it’s very simple stuff, but do feel free to ignore it if you don’t think it’s worth pursuing!

    1. Options to not include retweets (so tweets beginning with “RT” afaiu) and replies (tweets beginning with @). The reason is that retweets often are not directly connected to the company/blogger, it’s just something we forwarded to others. Replies, on the other hand, are simply not fun to read because visitors to the blog/site don’t know the context and the conversation (that why’s actually you cannot see replies from someone you follow on Twitter unless you follow that other person involved in the conversation too).

    Also, BTW, retweets of long tweets right now seem truncated: they appear okay in Twitter, but not in the widget. For example, when I read Twitter in the browser, I can see that I have retweeted this “properly”:

    @Capy_Nathan: Can’t believe how much folks focus on duration. Short downloadable games should be applauded for their focus, not called out for ‘lacking’.

    …but Fuji’s twitter widget displays only:

    RT @Capy_Nathan: Can’t believe how much folks focus on duration. Short downloadable games should be applauded for their focus, not calle … 1 day ago

    2. Option (or have it by default) to color hashtags (same color as the tweet’s date, for example, so it’s all in harmony).

    3. Option to insert a character before the tweet date, so it doesn’t gel together with the rest of the tweet, e.g. now we have “ 3 hours ago” while it could be “ | 3 hours ago” or “ • 3 hours ago”. Or actually ANY solution that visually separates the date from the tweet (possibly including the option to not display the date at all).

    4. Option (or by default) to “decipher” links. Tweets look like this in the widget:

    Two great adventures in the Fall Bundle: To the Moon, and Blackwell Deception. Get it if you like good stories. 3 hours ago

    …while it looks like this when you read Twitter in the browser/native app:

    Two great adventures in the Fall Bundle: To the Moon, and Blackwell Deception. Get it if you like good stories.

    To be clear, only the first suggestion is something I truly care about (especially the @ mentions part) and would finally allow me to drop the external widget and use Fuji’s native one. The rest is just low priority suggestions (if suggestions can have priority :) )


    Hey Adrian,

    Thank you for the suggestions! I will try to implement as many of them as possible in the upcoming theme update. Have you found a third-party widget which offers the above functionality, which could serve as an example of best practices?

    Andrew | Satori


    There were so many… :) The one that I am using atm is this

    It’s probably a bit too advanced for its own good and does have a few problems (compare how it renders on in Firefox versus Chrome), but it’s quite decent example of possible functionality nonetheless.


    Fancy one! :) Thanks, I’ll take it as a benchmark for the new Twitter widget.

    Andrew | Satori

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