Tweets shortcode

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  • #3641

    Hi, I must be doing something wrong in the username field of the tweets shortcode. I insert my twitter account there and I get back a message that says “No public messages”??


    Hey Chris,

    this is not your fault, it’s due to the fact that Twitter has recently made significant changes to its API, making the process of embedding a Twitter feed into a page much more complex. I’ve updated the plugin’s code to accommodate the current API, please download this file, unzip it, and upload the entire folder via FTP into the following directory inside your WordPress install: /wp-content/plugins/ – replacing the existing files and folders. After that refresh the website and try adding the shortcode again (note that the required fields should have changed); here’s an explanation of how it works:

    In order to use the Tweets shortcode, please create a new Twitter API project:
    1. Go to the Twitter Developer Center to create an app.
    2. Give it a name, description and website, at least, and validate
    3. In the next page, open the “OAuth Tool” tab and find the 4 data points (should look like long strings of random characters) to insert into the fields below.

    Your shortcode should look something like this:
    [tweets username=”satoristudionet” limit=”3″ consumerkey=”nG7SaE9zg” consumersecret=”1JnNnAumMNoU” accesstoken=”969066456-0F7Buym3U98FWUjytM9nA” accesstokensecret=”Lid1ot6f3FuOETZI”]
    – the last four fields being your own keys generated using the steps above.

    Please let me know if you face any problems with using the new version of the shortcode!

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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