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square image cropping

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support square image cropping

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  • #1513

    I don’t know if this is covered in a new update that I haven’t installed yet (I’m on 1.1) but I’m getting some cropping on images in portfolio tiles even though the images I uploaded were already in square proportions, they seem to have a sliver from the left and top cut off. This is my site as it is now:

    and this is one of the images I uploaded that’s getting cropped off even though it’s square:

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by jdudeo.

    Hey Jdudeo,

    this small cropping was introduced on purpose – without it the image backgrounds will not cover the entire tiles in the Opera browser, leaving empty margins on the top and left sides.

    In case you still want to cancel this behaviour, please insert this line of CSS into the textarea in the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel:
    .inner-image-placeholder { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; }
    and do not forget to click on the “Save All Changes” button.

    Not related to this topic: I highly recommend reducing the size of the background image on the website – currently it is 8.34 Mb and takes uncomfortably long to load. Try compressing the image with a graphics software package to at most 1 Mb. You can also reduce the dimensions of the image since there are very few viewing devices which have 4000+ pixel screen dimensions.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Ok I think the best thing for me to do will be to upload slightly larger images to make up for the cropping, so they can display properly in firefox and just show the extra margins in opera, can you tell me exactly by how much they are getting cropped on the top and left sides so I can make up for this?

    I was always intending to optimize the background image and will probably end up changing it altogether but thanks anyway for the heads up on how big it really is!


    Hey Jdudeo,

    the images are being moved up and left by 2% of the size of the item box (i.e. with the theme’s default settings the box width and height are 260px, which implies the cutoff by 5 pixels.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Excellent thanks

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