Deprecated: Hàm get_currentuserinfo hiện tại không dùng nữa từ phiên bản 4.5.0! Sử dụng wp_get_current_user() để thay thế. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

slider size

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  • #1578
    Thành viên

    I would like to create a Nivo slider on a post page that is more horizontal than the sizes provided by the shortcode – is that possible? Thanks.

    Quản lý

    Hey Kairosdesign,

    the nivo slider shortcode has a “size” option which allows customizing the dimensions of the slider: simply add
    into the shortcode attribute list, i.e.
    [nivo_slider size=”500×300″]
    changing the figures to any values you need.

    You can find more about the available attributes for the nivo slider in Appendix 2 of the theme manual (look for the “nivo_slider” shortcode description.

    Please let me know if this information was helpful in your case!

    Andrew / Satori Studio

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