Sensei Theme Menu problem

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    Hello, I have a question / problem with creating Top Menu (primary) and Secondary Menu. I have used WP before, but with the Sensei Theme I created Rubrics, Entry’s and Sites and have tried to ad some to create a menu don’t appeared the my page. Should I something switch ON or what I must do to solve this???

    Thks in Advance


    Hey V_shchelkov,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    Could you please provide a screenshot of the current state of your “Appearance -> Menus” admin page, as well as your website’s URL? I’ll need to see if the problem is in the settings configuration or somewhere else.

    Andrew | Satori


    Hey Andrew, I found how to turn on the menu, but now i cant find how to turn on the footer like on your sample theme. It can be useful to add this info to standard manual.

    As wrote before I can not see the background on the top menu. Please see the link


    Dear V_shchelkov,

    Glad you’ve sorted out the menu issue!
    In order to display the footer area, please add one or more widgets into the “Footer” widget area in “Appearance -> Widgets” menu. Sorry I didn’t add this to the manual, the reasoning was that this is a standard WordPress feature and does not depend on the theme; I will add this in the next version of Sensei, thanks for the hint!

    Regarding the top menu background, unfortunately your link does not work. Could you please try using an image hosting service like or better yet – post an actual URL of your website, since I will be able to tell you much more by looking at the live code.

    Andrew | Satori


    Dear Andrew,

    my page is now under construction/test version. Please look at this link and then I hope my question can be solved.

    Thanks in advance


    Dear Vlad,

    I think I’ve gotten to the bottom of this. It’s a bug in the code, whereby the top menu only receives the background if the promo text has been switched on. To counter this, please go to “Appearance -> Editor” and add the following line at the bottom of “style.css” (should be opened by default):
    #nav-primary { float: left; }

    My apologies for that, and thanks for pointing it out! I will include the fix in the theme update.

    Andrew | Satori


    Dear Andrew,

    I have one more question about Shortcodes – I trz to use the Shortcode Insert Tool and I see nothing to put some codes in to page to use a link to the google map in header. See the link

    Thanks in advance


    And I forgot one other thing – IF I use a static font page one of my pages and a link to this page is placed in the menu. Like tgis It is possible, that this button do not appear with “mouse over” effect?


    Dear Vlad,

    the shortcode issue has not been reported before, and it’s hard to emulate on another machine since it is inside the admin area; I’m going to send you the latest version of the shortcodes folder to update, can I send it to the email you used while registering on this forum?

    Regarding the second question – please add this code to the “style.css” file (“Appearance -> Editor”):
    .home #nav-secondary li.current-menu-item a { background-color: inherit !important; }
    and do not forget to hit “Update File” ;)

    Andrew | Satori


    Dear Andrew,

    thank you very for your answer, send me please updated shortcodes folder to my E-Mail address from my profile. The code for css work perfect.

    I see the same result in Opera and in Chrome – and I think it is no proper result like on me screen-shot? So I asked what I must see ;-)

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