Hello Alessandro, thank you for using Kanso! You currently have version 1.3 installed – the issue you’re talking about was fixed in a later release. Could you please try updating the theme to the latest version (1.8)?
In order to update, download the latest package from the “Downloads” tab of your ThemeForest account, unzip it to get the Kanso_Installable.zip archive, then unzip that one. Go to the /wp-content/themes folder via an FTP client (like FileZilla) or your hosting’s file manager, locate and delete the /wp-content/themes/Kanso folder; then upload the Kanso folder you obtaned by unzipping the Kanso_Installable.zip into /wp-content/themes. If you run into issues during the process, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Andrii / Satori Studio