Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Problem with Content Columns

New Front EN Support Forums Sensei Theme Support Problem with Content Columns

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  • #951

    Sorry for bombing you with questions! :)

    I’m trying to set the content columns by using shortcodes. So when I set size 1-2 the second column goes to the new line, 1-3 – each third column goes to the new line etc. I’m using full-width template, no sidebar. Could you please advise the solution?


    Dear Undalkeor,

    please try using last=”1″ on each column that is supposed to be the last one on its line – there is no way the system can know where we want to break the line, thus we need to hint at it with a small addition to the shortcode. The full code for a last column in a line would look like:
    [column size=”1-2″ last=”1″]This is column text[/column]
    There is some additional information on this in the manual, page 13 ;)

    Andrew | Satori


    Ah! Now I see how it works! Thank you so much for explanation! I’ve seen page 13. It was not enough in my case :)

    Thanks again))


    Anytime ;)

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