Problem with child theme

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    Hi Andrew,

    I have following tow problems in ikebana theme:

    1. Icon menu: filtering is not working in other pages except portfolio page. it gives the following error message:

    Object not found!

    The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.

    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

    Error 404

    Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.7

    Problem 2: Jerky opening of pages: I liked the smooth loading (filtering) of all boxed contents in the portfolio page. But in ohter pages( for example conact, service etc.) the entire website content first loads to the left of the screen and then aligns them to center. It looks very odd. Can you help me out here to change this transition to any other smooth effect.
    Will it possible to load the website directly center aligned without the jerky?

    Please help



    Hey Rohidas,

    I will answer the questions in the same order:

    1). Please make sure that your “Permalinks” settings in the “Settings -> Permalinks” admin menu are on the “Post name” radio button. If this does not help, please provide the URL of your website, I will need to look at the code.

    2). The pages start loading in the left corner in Ikebana because the side margins are set by a jQuery script which needs the DOM to be fully loaded before safely performing any actions. The margins cannot be set via CSS since they depend on the width of the screen of each particular user. Do you mean that the content shakes back and forth several times while loading? Could you please tell me which browser and which version you are using? Thanks!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for the answer.

    Problem 1. has solved. But the tag description appears at the begining in a box in each portfolio filters(that box is double in width of normal portfolio backgorund box size). I dont know how to remove those description contents from each filtering display. Since site has not yet uploaded to online i am not able to give you the URL.(testing on local server xamp)

    Problem 2: I am using latest version of chrome 29.0.1547.57 m. The site looks quite obviously odd while loading portfolio page directly(meant not filtering inside the portfolio), and little bit while loading other pages. It would be a great support to me if you tried to edit the jquery to load the DOM as it is aligned center to the screen and hopefully thanks for the help !



    Hey Rohidas,

    the wide tag title box in the beginning of portfolio tag pages is intended by design, so that the user knows what page he/she is on. If you wish, you can remove the boxes by deleting lines 43-53 in the “taxonomy-tagportfolio.php” file in the theme root folder.

    I will look into the loading sequence, but I need to be clear that I cannot promise anything definitive at this point.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Andrew, have you had a chance to look into the loading problem described above? I love the theme, but this is really bothersome. For my site, it happens on all pages, except when already on the portfolio page and then click on any of the filters, then the tiles move smoothly into place. When the portfolio page loads, two or three tiles appear on the far left, then after several beats, everything jumps to the right and the other tiles fill in. On all pages, the main nav top menus starts out all the way to the left with my logo hidden, plus all the page content starts out on the left – then everything jumps to the right and the logo appears. It seems to me I have seen other tiled sites that do not do this.

    Thanks for anything you can do.


    Dear Leslye,

    the fact that the tiles start on the left is a normal loading order of websites on the Internet – from top left to bottom right; moreover, they do align as intended after the page is loaded, after all. I could have fixed the side margins manually for the theme, which would prevent the “jumping”, but in that case the theme’s width would be fixed and it would not be responsive, i.e. adapt to the width of the viewing device. I am still thinking as to how it can be done while preserving the responsiveness, but changing the loading order requires rewriting the entire theme architecture, which is why it is not an easy update.

    As a side-note – in case the website takes long to load, you might want to try optimizing the images size so that the total size of the website’s files is smaller. There is a great online testing tool called Pingdom Speed Test for that.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Thanks for your response, Andrew. But I don’t understand why I do not see this behavior on any other websites. It is very pronounced and frankly, looks like a mistake with the site.


    Dear Leslye, could you please provide several examples of such websites – they might help in developing a more beautiful loading pattern for Ikebana.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    By the way – is the effect as pronounced on the theme demo as on your website?

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Oh my gosh, Andrew, the effect doesn’t seem to be happening at all on the demo site – all pages are loading beautifully. Maybe it is something I have done wrong. I currently have the site on my own computer but maybe I will try to get it uploaded so you could take a look.


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