Posts instead of custom post types in portfolio

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Posts instead of custom post types in portfolio

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    Hey Simon,

    the current update of Ikebana was a technical update, mostly correcting small bugs rather than adding new functionality. In case you wish to update your instance, please re-upload the files I’ve provided above after the update in order to retain the “blog posts in portfolio grid functionality”.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hello, Andrii! I am loving this theme so far. I have a similar need to what was posted here – to have posts appear in the portfolio. OR to have the portfolio projects appear on the “News” page in a regular sort of blog format.

    I tried the archive you posted on page 1 of this thread and it’s not working for me. The site is now taking forever to load and then not loading completely. And having the posts in the portfolio then takes away the ability to make any of them sticky (like a logo image) or choose whether they go in a large or small box.

    Can you help? I’m okay with using projects instead of posts if I have to. But I need them to also show up on a News page, in order, like a normal blog (in addition to them being on the front page in the portfolio).


    Hey Bren,

    please try the following: open the “header-functions.php” theme file (either in the “Appearance -> Editor” admin menu or by downloading it from the server and opening in your code editor of choice), find the line with the text “Truncate text on portfolio and blog pages”, and remove the piece of code that goes after it, i.e. everything up to “Isotope Masonry Magic” line; this should remove the loading problem for the portfolio with blog posts. Please let me know if it works!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    That helped the loading problem. Thanks! I converted all my projects to posts and they show up in the portfolio AND on the news page (which is what I wanted), but here are the problems that “fix” creates:
    1. Lost the ability to choose the box size
    2. Lost the ability to make things sticky (which I need because I have the logo done that way)
    3. Lost the excerpt field that puts the hover-over titles on the portfolio boxes

    Those are all pretty important for my site, so I don’t think that’s going to work. If I undo all that and revert back to having projects in the portfolio, is there a way to make those projects show up on the News page (where posts would normally go)?


    Hey Bren,

    the three items you’ve listed are all controlled via the “functions.php” file, I can point you or your programmer to the places where the necessary code is located.

    Regarding your second question: portfolio items on the blog posts page haven’t been envisaged by Ikebana’s design (just as the blog posts in the portfolio grid), so it is not possible to display the portfolio items in the blog without either customizing the “index.php” file or (a more recommended solution) creating a new custom template file based on the “index.php” with a custom WP_Query that would include both blog posts and portfolio items.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrii,

    Do you add this function in the version 3.0?
    Or I should update to the v3.0 and put your file on first page?

    Many thanks,


    Hey Aderli,

    the blog posts are still blog posts and the grid still consists of portfolio projects in version 3.0 – in fact, so far I am not planning to add this hack to the theme because, as pointer earlier, the grid has been envisaged to display portfolio items, and the blog has been made to look different on purpose, in order for the users not to confuse the two. You can try implementing the custom solution posted here, preferably via a child theme, yet the extra code is not present in the 3.0 theme version.

    By the way, I am building a new theme right now, called Shogun, which will offer much more page templates that any other of my themes, and there the user will be able to choose a grid layout independently for a blog and for a portfolio. Stay tuned!

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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