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portfolio page – hover caption on gallery items

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support portfolio page – hover caption on gallery items

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  • #6828

    hi there, great theme! one question – i’ve set up a couple of ‘gallery’ portfolio items on my homepage and have removed the timer clock and next/previous arrows and got it so that it auto rotates through the attached images. the only thing i’m struggling with is making the hover caption show on these gallery items. i.e. the caption based on post excerpt. looking in content-gallery.php it looks like the code is in there for the caption but i can’t figure out how to make it appear. any suggestions? should i be looking in the CSS? thanks


    Hey Chris,

    the “gallery”-type tiles were not given overlays for a specific reason in Ikebana: otherwise the overlays would obstruct the navigation buttons, which would make it impossible to manually go through the slides. If you want to enable overlays for “gallery” tiles, you’ll need to add a specific call to the javascript that shows/hides the overlays on mouse hover. I’ve prepared a custom solution for this: please download this archive, unzip it, and upload the contained files into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Ikebana/) on your server, overwriting the existing files when prompted.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    thanks very much for this – sorry for the delay – for some reason the notification email didn’t arrive when you replied to the thread.

    the problem i’ve got is that i’ve set up a child theme and can’t simply replace the 3 files in your zip file because i’ve made some other modifications to some of those files. is there any chance you could let me know how/where the files vary so i can look at making the same changes to my child theme copies. any quick pointers would be useful. i think i’m ok on the content-gallery file, but what did you change on the header-functions and style.css files? thanks again


    hi there, i finally got this sorted but the problem i have is that the hover caption on any gallery item flashes on and off several times when you mouse over or mouse off the tile in the area *where the caption is*. if you mouse over an area of the tile away from the caption position it’s fine. any idea how to fix this? thank you!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by tallhat.

    ok fixed this – it was a z-index issue – needed to reduce the z-index of the caption from 100 to 10.

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