Portfolio Page

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    The portfolio page was working perfectly until today. I’m not sure what happened but suddenly all the masonry elements are gone and my portfolio items show up as one long line rather than how they were before. I realize my header logo is bigger than it should be but it worked before just fine. The only thing I had an issue with was the top level menu. Obviously with my logo so big, it wouldn’t work and I was going to ask if there was a way to insert a menu somewhere there without it going wonky, but it’s not important. What is is getting the portfolio page to line up like it did before. Not sure what caused the change. I’ve done nothing to it in weeks and now it’s just horribly wrong. http://ginaruiz.com


    UPDATE: The issue with the Masonry elements has been fixed. I still would like to know how to fit in a separate menu top bar without it having to be part of my header banner.


    Dear Gina,

    I’m glad the masonry issue has been resolved!

    Regarding the menu positioning – full-width logos were not envisaged by the theme’s architecture; you can try inserting the following code into the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel:
    #logo-wrap { position: inherit !important; }
    yet in general this qualifies as a theme customization and I would recommend hiring a specialist with knowledge of HTML and CSS to tweak the menu into the desired way (Fiverr and Tweaky offer some very attractive pricing on such tasks).

    Thank you for understanding!

    Andrew / Satori Studio

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