Portfolio item captions – change source

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  • #2761

    Hi Andrii,

    After I use “Posts instead of custom post types in portfolio”.
    I want to use blog as index page and customize the blog page style. (modify index.php?)

    I found that I may use the Excert as preface. And the title could be the captions of portfolio item.

    I’d like to ask is it possible to change the source of Portfolio item captions?

    Many thanks,


    Hey Aderli,

    portfolio item captions are sourced from excerpts in Ikebana, and it is not changeable via the admin back-end settings. You can change the source of the captions, however, by customizing the template files which are responsible for generating project content (“content.php” and “content-[format].php”). E.g. in the “content.php” the lines that generates the caption are 75-79:

    ID ) ) { ?>

    You can change the “has_excerpt()” to any other condition, and “the_excerpt” to any other WP template tag.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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