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Origami questions

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    I’m curious if there’s any chance to enter the wordpress admin page of this:

    I’d love to open every post with a VIMEO video, just as wide as the content layer. is this possible? Also is it possible to have images in my content that are just as wide as the white content area?

    I just don’t get the whole header options in ‘theme options’… Isn’t every post/page or portfolio item supposed to have its own header image??



    Hi Tom!

    First of all, thank you for your interest in Origami!

    I’ve created a fresh installation for you here: The login is “origami” and the password is “demo”.

    Videos can be inserted into posts either by using the native WordPress functionality or by using the theme’s [media] shortcode. Please see an example on the first page of the theme demo, the bottom-most post. Please note that Origami’s styling retains 16px borders on both sides of content, so if you wish the video to stretch the entire length, you will need to add the following line to the “style.css” file (by going to “Appearance – Editor” in the admin):
    .post-wrapper .post-content iframe { max-width: 656px !important; margin: -16px 0 0 -16px !important; }

    You can view the full-width image on the full-width page in the demo.

    Regarding your last question: the header can contain either an image (example), an image slider, a recent post slider, a Google map, or a custom piece of HTML code. In theme settings, you can choose the default state (e.g. image) and on each particular page you can choose the header type for that page (i.e. if you do not change the per-post setting, the header will default to an image, otherwise it will display the type you’ve chosen for that particular page). Origami does not support individual header images for each page – however, you can use the featured image functionality to set a featured image for each post or page separately, as it is done on most of pages and posts in the demo (e.g. here).

    Hope I’ve managed to clarify things for you :) If you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask!

    Andrew | Satori


    Amazing support thank you very much.

    This is where I want to go to:

    and this is where I am now:

    some questions I wasn’t able to figure out today:

    – The menu items, how do I make the background colour automatically adjust to the length of the text? It is like that in the origami example, but not in the link you just supplied… ! Also wasn’t able to find the hover:a part in the CSS editor.. I want to change the colours. Is that the weird microsoft gradient code?

    – Header: For the header I’d like to use a vimeo video, for every new post.. But I suppose that isn’t possible is it?

    – , author, category, I’d like to delete those items on the right on my post, is that possible?

    Thanks for the other info, gonna dive into CSS now!


    I’d love to use header videos (or images) above the title of a post.. like in my example.. is that possible?


    Dear Tom,

    1). There is a special setting for making the menu items fit the length of the text: go to theme options, “Page Elements” tab, and check the following option: “Do not justify the main (vertical) menu on the left”. The colour of the menu items can be changed in the “Style: Header” tab of the theme functions, look for the “Top menu background color” option. If I misunderstood your question, please clarify :)

    2). Origami does not have such functionality “natively”, and rewriting the template files might take some time. What you can implement much easier with a little trick: in each post, insert the following code just after the video embed code (make sure you are in the HTML edit mode):


    replacing the “Heading” text with your heading (make sure to remove all spaces from the above string, otherwise it may render as simple text).
    Also, insert this line into the “style.css” file:
    .post-content .post-header { width: 100% !important; margin: -15px 0 16px -16px !important; } .post-content .post-header h2 { margin: 0 !important; } .post-header { display: none; } .post-content .post-header { display: block; }

    3). Yes, sure: you’ll need to insert this line into the “style.css” file (opens by default when you go to “Appearance – Editor”:
    .meta-author, .meta-cat { display: none !important; }
    If you want all four tags gone alltogether, please use the following line:
    .post-meta { display: none !important; }

    Should you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask!

    Andrew | Satori

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by mmsatori.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by mmsatori.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by mmsatori.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by mmsatori.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by satori.

    Perfect, part 1 of the question is now resolved, but I couldn’t find the a:hover in theme options.. I think the rollover isn’t in there.. where can I find that in CSS?

    2) that worked, but when I use Heading I get a nice title but the Background colour doesn’t work!

    3) What are the .meta-xx for replies and date?

    4) How do I turn all the replies off on the whole website alltogether? When I click on READ MORE on my post, I get the option to reply.. Don’t really want that..

    Thanks again for the support!


    Dear Tom,

    1). Now I understood the second part of the question, sorry :) You want the mouse-over menu items to be of different tone than the original state? At the moment the theme (by design) makes the mouse-over items completely untransparent and does not change the colour. If you want the mouse-over items to change the tone, you’ll need to insert the following css code into “style.css”:
    #nav-secondary .middle-menu-container li:hover { background-color: #000000 !important; }
    instead of the six zeroes, you can insert any tone you want in the hex format.

    2). Ah sorry I forgot to edit that in the original response! Instead of

    please put

    3). The date’s class is “.meta-date”, and the comments have the class “.meta-comment-count”

    4). This is not an Origami theme issue, yet anyways: if you go to “Settings – Discussion” section of the admin menu, you can un-check the “Allow people to post comments on new articles” option, which should turn off comments for all posts and pages, unless overridden by the individual page/post settings (there is a “Discussion” box underneath the text editor area if you edit a page or a post; if it does not appear, you should open the “Screen Options” tab on the top right and tick the “Discussion” option).

    Hope this helps!

    Andrew | Satori


    Dear Tom,

    I have a small favour to ask – I would be very grateful if you could rate the theme and the support by visiting the “Downloads” tab in your ThemeForest account. Thank you!

    Should you have other questions or issues, do not hesitate to approach me!

    Andrew | Satori


    Sure I’ll do that right away!

    1 more question, I’m really happy with the website now, but when I make my browser window smaller, it messed with my video windows..

    check it out:

    I know that’s because it’s supposed to be flexible for other devices and all.. but Is there any way to make the video scale with it? Or at least, to get rid of the empty space on the left so it can scale down more before it messes up that video windows?




    Regarding the video resizing issue – please correct me if I misunderstood the problem: you wish for the video content to resize correctly on smaller browser dimensions. If so, please locate the following line in the style.css file (it should be line 26, i.e. in the beginning):

    .post-wrapper .post-content iframe {
    max-width: 656px !important;
    margin: -16px 0 0 -16px !important;

    and remove the “!important” from the “max-width” parameter, i.e. it should look like “max-width: 656px;”

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