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Mysterious content shown after update

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Mysterious content shown after update

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  • #6771

    I have updated the theme but found the following content box shown in the homepage :

    “Nam pharetra feugiat ante quis cursus. Suspendisse vestibulum leo elementum, pharetra erat vel, luctus sapien. Duis volutpat vehicula tortor sed suscipit. Aliquam facilisis dui sed massa semper consequat. Suspendisse ac auctor lacus. In tempus sed nisl vel lobortis. Nulla aliquam elit libero, vitae elementum diam commodo eu. Fusce velit nibh, cursus nec odio eget, accumsan ullamcorper justo. Aliquam et nulla nec dolor imperdiet laoreet vel ac turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer cursus varius metus, ac luctus eros condimentum et. Sed non augue nunc.”

    I confirmed that it is not found in any post or pages. I dont know where to remove it


    Hey thelittlehand,

    first of all, thank you for purchase! Could you please provide the URL of your website? Seeing the actual code will enable me to give a more efficient recommendation.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Sorry for delay. Please note the URL as below:

    you can see a 4 columns span post is sticky on the top.

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