Masonry layout doesn't work

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  • #2061

    Hello Andrii,

    The project title not displayed above the featured image at this moment on single project page. I added the get_the_title to the single -project.php but the result is two featured image.

    2nd.: Thats exactly what I need! But I don’t know the code. :-)


    Hey Csaba,

    I will use the same order for the answers as before:

    1). Please excuse me, yet I’m still not sure I understood what exactly you are trying to achieve. Do you want the thumbnails (i.e. featured images to display below the titles for single portfolio projects?

    2). The template function you need is “get_the_terms”; you can read more about it on the official WordPress website here.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hello Andrii,


    Please take a look on my site:

    This is an single project. The title not working. What You can see now is the result of the get_the_excerpt, before the featured image.
    The “Hide page titles on pages” in the Theme Options is unchecked.

    2nd., Thanks for this, the code works but I don’t know the perfect parameters. The result is an “Array” title.

    Best wishes, Csaba.


    Hey Csaba,

    regarding the questions:

    1). Alright, now I think I understand the situation, yet I cannot say anything meaningful without seeing the source code; I will need to ask you for admin login and password for this (you can send the information on my email:

    2). The get_the_terms function returns an array of term objects; please see the first usage example on the official WordPress page I mentioned above on how to use the function.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hello Andrii,

    1.) I sent the informations

    2.) In this case the ‘on draught’ is the tagportfolio?


    Hey Csaba,

    1). I’ve checked the situation and it seems that you’ve a third-party plugin installed that does this. The “Mav Menu Images” plugin replaced the project titles in H1 tags with project thumbnails – not only in the menu, as it should, but also in the content, for some reason.

    2). The function accepts taxonomy slugs, which is why in this case the second argument should be “tag-portfolio”.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hyper Thank You Very Much!

    It seems I need to find another way to change the “Home” menu item to an Home Icon.


    Hey Csaba,

    Well, you could just do it with some CSS, for example:

    #nav-primary ul li:first-child {
    height: 50px;
    width: 50px;
    background-image: url('');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 50% 50%;
    background-size: 30px 30px;

    #nav-primary ul li:first-child a {
    visibility: hidden;

    You can of course replace the URL with any other image you need, I just used the one found in your media library ;)

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hello Andrii,

    1., Thank You for the css code it works but how can I add the home link for this?
    2., I tried to add the get_the_terms code from the WordPress Function/Reference tutorial and from other sources but no one works.

    There is no any easy code which I just injects to the content.php?

    Best wishes, Csaba.


    Sorry for my late night nightmares before Christmas but how can I remove the complete “website” field from the comments template?

    I found and uncommented the placeholder but this clear only the name of the filed.

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