How to set/add custom box size?

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support How to set/add custom box size?

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    Great theme!
    I’d like to add 2 more box size to portfolio template: portrait (1×2) and landscape (2×1). I’m very familiar with HTML/CSS, and pretty good with PHP/JS – so I guess I’ll find the way, but any guiding from you will be much appreciated.

    Plus – can I make any of these boxes show video (youtube/vimeo) right in the box, instead of redirecting to “project” page?



    Hey Oren,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    In order to introduce new project box dimensions into Ikebana, you’d need to modify the following files: “functions.php” (the part with the meta boxes that choose the box size for each particular project), “header-functions.php” (the Isotope part), as well as individual content templates, depending on how you wish the elements to arrange inside the new boxes; modifications to the theme’s main style.css file might also be necessary.

    In principle, it is also possible to tell the embedded videos to play right inside the portfolio grid without pointing to the project page; for that you’d need to modify the “content-video.php” template file by removing the overall hyperlink to the project which is wrapped around the project box.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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