Header question

New Front EN Support Forums Fuji Theme Support Header question

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    I’m making a simple 2-page (for now) website for writing and photos. Love the crisp, clean look of this theme and its color customization.
    As I understand it, I should be able to have a header (in my case a photo) on the front page, and not have a header on the second page, which is where my blog posts are going. I can’t seem to get that to work. All the pages I create, with the exception of portfolio layout pages, have a header on all the pages. I have adjusted the settings in the meta-box below the WYSIWYG editor, and republished the pages. Have deleted and re-made pages from scratch. Can’t seem to lose the header on the second page while keeping it on the front page. What gives???
    Thanks for your assistance!


    Hi Suz!

    If you choose a particular type of header in the Theme Options panel, it will show on the blog posts page by default – otherwise it would not be possible to show any header there at all, due to the WordPress architecture. Here’s what you can do though: in the Theme Options panel, “Header” tab, choose the “Custom HTML” under the “Content of the custom header”, but do not remove the uploaded image under the “Header: static image” section there. Save the changes. Now go to the page where you want your photo header to display and choose the “Image” option from the “Custom Header” drop-down under the text area editor.

    Hope this helps!

    Andrew | Satori


    Bingo! Beautiful. muahahaha. I knew there would be a work around that would have something to do with order of operation, but don’t know enough about WP or CSS to know what would trump what. Thanks! :D


    Glad it worked ;)

    A | Satori

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