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Tagged: extensions, footer background color
- This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 6 months ago by
August 17, 2013 at 10:18 pm #1474
Thank for your theme ; it’s great.In first, excuse my english: I’m french .
I’ve a problem with all the extensions that you precognized as:Shortcode, social media widget, quick localisation etc… Impossible to desactived it.
I can desactive the others extensions but not this. The only way is to delete directly by FTP, the folder and the file of extension. Of course, when you go again in WP, in extension menu, there are a mistake message, but it’s OK. It’s not verz good all that.
I’ve tried that on two different server; it’s same.Secondly, a little bug for the footer background: impossible to change and put my own color. Only for the background footer ! Always the grey color !
So, it’s only little pb.
Best regards.
JMAugust 18, 2013 at 5:07 pm #1480satori
KeymasterHey JM,
first of all, thank you for the purchase!
The plugins that are bundled with the theme deactivate automatically once the theme is disabled (i.e. when you switch to another theme in “Appearance -> Themes”. I will consider making them more flexible, thank you for this note! You mention that you did succeed in deleting them via ftp, but if you are having problems with the plugins, please let me know.
To change the footer background color, please use the “Footer background color” option in the “Style: Footer” tab of the Theme Options panel (I’ve double-checked this option on a separate theme installation, and it seems to be working fine). Please note that in case you have an image uploaded in the “Footer background texture” field, the texture will override the colour fill setting, i.e. to have a solid color fill for the footer, you need to have the “Footer background texture” option empty. In case this does not solve the issue, please let me know.
Andrew / Satori StudioAugust 18, 2013 at 10:37 pm #1482plumdhom
ParticipantHi Andrew,
Thank’s for your mail.
About the background color of the footer, I’m sorry, but it’s not works: for example, I write #c9187c in the text box (In theme options/ footer background color) and the background stay grey: # 999999.
I’d look in the CSS, line 1819:
#footer #copyright {
clear: both;
padding: 32px 40px;
background-color: rgb(85, 85, 85);
font-size: 14px;
color: rgb(119, 119, 119);
margin: 0px 8px;}And as you can see, the background color stay on rgb: 85,85,85 which is the grey #999999.
I’ve have another question … about portfolio.
For my site, the landing page (homepage) is a portfolio page (with model portfolio).
It’ seems to me that’s not possible to have more than one page in modele portfolio. I’ve well understand, that if there are more projets in the portfolio, than que number fixed, then there is automatically a second ou third page. It’s not that.
Is it possible to have a portfolio in home page and another portfolio in other page ?
If yes, how decide which project is in portfolio one and projects in portfolio two ?I don’t know if my english is enough good for my sentence are comprehensive.
Best regards.
Jean-MarieAugust 19, 2013 at 12:07 am #1483plumdhom
ParticipantHi Andrew,
It’s me again
Always about Protfolio, is it possible to have no logo in the right corner of the project only for the project with format “by default”, but I want logo for other formatas image, gallery or video.
In format “Link” there are no logo, but all the text in the project take a grey color, surligned, and I didn’t find the parameters to modi fy that.
I’ve think to delete the file logo, but no way to find this file in the mdeia biblio.
Can you helpme ?
Jean-MArieAugust 19, 2013 at 9:26 am #1484plumdhom
ParticipantHi Andrew
Sorry, but it’s me again for anothers problems :
In first, I’m work on Windows 7 64 bit, under the last version of Firefox 23.0.1 (but I test also under Chrome, IE 10, Opera and Safari; also with the new developper responsive design tool include in Firefox, to see the result on smartphone and tablet. The WP version is the last: 3.6-fr_FR.
About plug-in, there are your plugin “Advanced SEO Tools, Contact form and other that I’ve used always: all these pluging had already tested with other theme, for others developpement sites and no problem. And,before you mail you, I desactived all the plugin and no changement; same problems (except your plugin include, because impossible except by deleting the file !!!)
List: (Duplicate Post, Simple page ordering, sort by modified, updraft plus, User role editor, Varnish Http Purge, Wordfence security, WordPress importer, WP migrate DB, Shortcoder, P3.
The site is on Simple hosting of Gandi and I’ve desactived their “Varnish cache” during the developpement of the site, by an .htaccess file. About the cache of mt browser Firefox, I’ve adjusted at the minimal and when I Test, I go flush the cache of Firefox by the web desvelopper toolbar. All that to explain my work methodology.1- In the panel “Theme Options/Style: content, Widget”, about the second item “Portfolio filter background on mouse over:”: this item change the background color of the Icon Menu ! Not the filter ( But What’s the color filter ? the sub-color wich appears on the projects when mouse over…exact ? In my own design, this color filter is the backround color of the page but with a less luminosity gradient. So, il myy background color page is red, the color filter is a dark red transparent. And no way to change that.
So, I ‘m also web developper ; so , I think that I’ll go change the CSS ; but, if you put the value data color in a variable, and if there are a bug, il’s more better that’s the problem be corrected by you, doesn’t it ?2- Another problem
The item parameter “Body heading – text thickness” doesn’t work. It’s same with data value as 200, 400 o r 900. This parameter must be active on the H1 headings, yes ?
Exemple in page “Theme Feature” of your xml, and the title “Theme Features”
.serif, cite, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .stick-title, .pagerbox a, .pagerbox, .su-heading-shell {
font-family: ‘Open Sans’,Arial,sans-serif;
font-weight: 300 !important;
the parameter font-weight is always to 300, and do n’t take the value write in the menu.3- About the next item of this menu: Body subheading text color
It’s same. Doesn’t work.
In the same page, “Theme features”, for example, the sentence (which is in a incluse in a )
“Ikebana is a premium WordPress portfolio theme created by Satori Studio.” stay with “#B9CF8A” or near. The defaut color, a light grrey-green.So if your are some solutions,it’s will be great.
Best regards.
Jean-MarieAugust 19, 2013 at 10:01 am #1485satori
KeymasterHey Jean-Marie,
I will go over the questions one by one:
1). I see now that I confused which part of the website you had in mind – I think what you need is the “Copyright background color” in the same tab of the Theme Options panel ;)
2). At the moment it is not possible to create two portfolio pages which would contain different project items – every portfolio page you create will unfortunately have the same items. I will consider adding this feature in the next version of the theme, but so far you can implement two separate portfolio pages using some custom coding. I’ve made two template files for you (downloadable from my repository), please unzip the archive and upload the two files into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Ikebana); you will then have two additional template choices for new pages; you can choose the “Front Portfolio” template for your front page, and “Second Portfolio” for your other showcase. The front portfolio will only display project items which have a tag “front” (you will need to create such tag in “Portfolio -> Tags”), while the second portfolio template will only display projects with the “second” tag. Let me know if this works!
3). Good point, I should add link project format styling options into the Theme Options panel. For now, what you can do is add some CSS into the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel (first line for the underlined link text, second – for the link URL below the text):
#content .format-link .post-link h2 a, #content .format-link .post-link h2 { color: #999999 !important; }
#content .format-link .post-link-url { color: #818181 !important; }
replacing “#999999” and “#818181” with your preferred hex colors.4). To hide the right-corner logo on standard-format portfolio projects, please use this CSS (inserting similarly as above):
.format-standard .overlay-post { background-image: none !important; }***** from here on are the questions from your latest post, I’ve continued my list numbering *****
5). Concerning the Theme Options panel item for portfolio filter – please accept my apologies if the name is confusing, I think I will change it to “Icon menu item background on mouse over” (will be updated in the next version of Ikebana) – by function it does exactly what it’s supposed to, just the name is not the best one. By the way, the portfolio box background change on mouse-over is just increased transparency (you can see it on line 1436 in “style.css”); if you want a different effect, let me know, I will try to help.
6). You’re right, there is a bug in the heading text thickness setting. Please download the fixed file, unzip, and upload into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Ikebana).
7). This one works fine :) The light-gree heading on the Features page in the demo is styled by the WordPress built-in WYSIWYG editor, which creates in-line CSS styles and thus always overrides the theme settings. The “Body subheading text color” setting, in turn, relates to the text color of headings in the comments and post-author sections of the posts, as well as the subheading on the search results page – as noted in the description of the option.
Thank you for pointing out the bugs and inconsistencies in the theme, I appreciate that because it helps me polish the theme for the existing and future users and make it even more convenient to use.
Andrew / Satori StudioAugust 19, 2013 at 11:38 am #1487plumdhom
ParticipantHi Andrew,
Thank’s for your fast answer. I appreciate :)
I’m going try all your solutions, and thank’s very mush for your template to make second portfolio.
(ps: A little question which has no link with the theme, but because Satori has a Japanese sounding, do you work in Japan ? Only to know the jet lag :)Sincerely
Jean-MarieAugust 19, 2013 at 11:54 am #1488satori
KeymasterLet me know if any of the above solutions does not work as intended!
..I chose the Satori name because of my fascination with Japanese culture, and because I rely heavily on Japanese art and web for inspiration for designs; speaking of offline, I’m Russian ethnically, originally from Tallinn, Estonia, and currently live between Vienna, Austria and Riga, Latvia; so it’s a bit complicated :)
Et, par parenthèse, j’étudiais en France pendant 4 mois, une pays tres interessant, et je comprends en peu francais aussi ;)
Andrew / Satori StudioAugust 19, 2013 at 1:23 pm #1491plumdhom
Puisque vous parlez si bien le français, (bonne nouvelle :)) , eh bien je vais en profiter pour vous perfectionner dans cette belle langue et me reposer d’écrire en anglais.
Au sujet des deux modèles de template de portfolio, j’ai suivi vos directives, en créant deux nouveaux tags: front et second. Puis j’ai dupliqué la page portfolio en deux nouvelles , l’une avec modèle Front portfolio et l’autre avec Portfolio Second.
Mais il y a 3 problèmes:
1- dans les deux nouvelles templates, on perd la disposition de la page portfolio; on se retrouve en full page sans sidebar.
2- les projects marqués front vont bien dans le portfolio front, mais ce n’est pas le cas pour le second. (Les “second” ne vont pas en “second”.
3- Si on enlève le tag “portfolio” à un projet, il n’est pas enlevé de la page portfolio.Coridalement
JMAugust 19, 2013 at 6:04 pm #1492plumdhom
ParticipantHi Andrew,
Pouvez-vous m’expliquer comment gérer les photos insérées dans un portfolio.
1- si je ne mets pas de short code, et que je charge plusiuers images dans “image à la une”, en choisissant le format “Galerie” alors je vois les images transférées. Mais aucune gestion possible.
2- Si je mets un short code pour une galerie ,
[custom_gallery style=”1″ source=”post” link=”image” description=”0″ size=”200×200″ limit=”10″]
avec source=”post”, c’est les mêmes images, et toujours même problème de gestion.
En demo, il propose de remplacer post par cat=1 par exemple, mais ceal n’affiche rien. D’ailleurs, il est impossible de mettre une catégorei sur une image , non ?
Bref, gérer les images est très difficile car il n’y a aucun outils pour choisir les iamges que l’on veut pour tel ou tel portfolio.
Arrivez vous à me comprendre ou voulezvous que je l’écrive en anglais ?
JM -
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