Customising The Top Section

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  • #3086

    Hi Andrii,

    I’d like to know whether the following modifications are possible in the top section:

    – Can a mail address (as link) be embedded instead of the plain promo text?
    – Can the whole top section (as opposed to just logo and menu) be fixed?
    – Can the transparency of the top section be maintained while scrolling?

    I also tried replacing ‘Find’ (as the standard text in the search box) by ‘Suchen’ (as my association is based in Germany) via Localisation to no avail…




    The latter actually works now as I had simply forgotten to add the domain… Unfortunately, I for some reason couldn’t edit my original post. Sorry!


    Hey Christopher,

    I will go over the questions in the same order:

    1). Yes, the field that populates promo section accepts HTML; you can insert an email link as follows:

    Email us!

    Please note that you’ll need to remove all spaces from the above code in order for it to work (I’ve used some becuase otherwise the page will render a ready link instead of plain code ;) You can read more about the “mailto” links e.g. here.

    2). It wasn’t envisaged in the admin settings, to avoid leaving an excessive chunk of fixed area that would obstruct the content of the website; however, it can be done via some custom CSS: please add this code at the very bottom of the theme’s main “style.css” file (go to “Appearance -> Editor” and it will be opened by default):

    #header-above, .top-line { display: block !important; }

    3). Aganin, some additional CSS can help with this one:

    #header { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) !important; }

    You can insert this piece just the same as in 2).

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hey Andrii,

    Thanks for the great support.

    #1 worked with without any problems.

    After some more consideration I decided not to fix the top section after all. You’re right that too much of the body is obstructed.




    By the way: the header background transparency setting via header style does not seem to function. I’m assuming due to a bad reference as I was fooling around with the fourth number in the line you posted regarding #3 in the editor and that made a difference.


    Is there only a feedback for the header bottom border color if the top section is fixed? I just noticed there’s also no feedback for the body background transparency…


    (And footer transparency)


    Hey Christopher,

    regarding #3 above – could you please tell me which code worked in the end? (you can paste code here by wrapping it into “

    " and "

    ” tags (without spaces after “<").

    Concerning the body and footer transparency: in case you meant the Theme Options settings, these come into play only when the respective background colours have also been altered, using preceding settings (e.g. the "Footer background transparency" will come into effect if the "Footer background color" in the same Theme Options tab has a color (you can assign #000000 i.e. black to is as well, just like default).

    Please let me know if I misunderstood something!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrii,

    The code for #3 worked.

    I did mean the theme options settings In my case the header, body and footer background colour is black but there is no feedback when changing the transparency… Is there a fix for this?

    And what about the bottom border colour of the top section? And why is there no top border colour of the bottom section if I remember correctly or are both set at the same time by the former?




    Hey Chris,

    I’ve just double-checked the transparency settings of the theme and they do seem to work; could you please post here the exact content of the fields of the following Theme Options settings (the “Style: Content, Widgets” tab):
    – Body background color
    – Body background transparency

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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