CSS Differences on Portfolio Page in Firefox/Chrome

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  • #2204

    Hi guys,

    I hope someone will be able to help with this one.

    When viewing my site, http://perfect.hatchmedia.ie, in Chrome and Firefox, I notice a significant difference on the top of the Portfolio page. On Chrome, the first post is in line with the filter icons to the left, however, in Firefox, there is a noticeable gap from the top of the content wrapper to the first portfolio item.

    I have been looking at this for a long time now and hope a new set of eyes will be able to help!




    Hey Damien,

    this is not a theme issue; the new “swoosh” element you’ve introduced (the one containing the curved line below the menu) shifts the portfolio container down in Firefox. Please try giving it a -55px bottom margin.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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