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  • #1294

    Dear Susan,

    please go to “Appearance -> Editor” and add these lines to the bottom of the “style.css” file (should be opened by default):

    .widget_mailchimpsf_widget h3 { float: none !important; }
    #sidebar .widget_mailchimpsf_widget form input { float: none !important; }
    input#mc_signup_submit { color: #333333 !important; background-color: #cccccc !important; padding: 10px !important; }
    .mc_signup_submit { margin-top: 20px;

    Andrew | Satori Studio


    Thanks Andrew…

    It’s almost there :-).
    Still a little cut off on the left and the subscribe button is cut off.
    I tried changing the padding value to 15px and 20px, with some success in fixing the subscribe button, but it was still a weird shape.

    Sorry for my code-writing ignorance!

    Be well,


    Dear Susan,

    my ultimate goal is to design themes which are user-friendly and require no coding skills, so it’s important for me that every website based on my themes is exactly what its owner wants it to look like ;)

    Please try adding some more CSS code:

    .mc_signup { padding: 8px; }
    input#mc_signup_submit { height: auto !important; }
    #mc_signup_form .mc_var_label { display: block; }

    Andrew | Satori Studio


    Hi Andrew…

    The extra code didn’t make a difference.
    Maybe it would help to know that if I add a huge border (like 20px) through the MailChimp setup, the form all fits in the sidebar and just the left side of the border is lost…?



    Dear Susan,

    I propose we do the following: in case you do want me to change the submenu drop-down as well, I will fix the widget styling together with that task (it’s easier when I actually see the changes the added code does) as soon as I get admin login from you (see my last email). I’ll charge nothing extra for that.

    What do you think?

    Andrew | Satori Studio


    Hi again, Andrew,

    After some thought, you are right that there is a design issue if we do the drop-down from the left side instead of the right. I’m not sure how I feel about that. Let me sit on it a bit.
    In the mean-time, I am happy to give you access to my admin if you would be willing to look at the code to straighten out the newsletter sign-up widget…I would even be happy to pay you for your time.
    Now, what do *you* think :-)?


    Dear Susan,

    you can send me your login details, and I will fix the widget for no charge, since this is a theme compatibility issue ;)

    As for the menu, there are at least two alternatives I can suggest:
    1). Make the menu justified on both sides, and then switch the submenu to the right. The first part can be done via the Theme Options panel, “Page Elements” tab, by unticking the “Do not justify the main (vertical) menu on the left” option. You can take a look at how such a menu looks and decide if that would suit you, and then I will move the submenu to the right.
    2). Try moving the submenu with the unjustified menu – I can do that, you’ll see how it actually works, and then decide if you want to leave it or not. In the latter case I’ll not charge you anything.

    A | Satori Studio

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