Chineses did not work

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  • #3630

    Hey Spock,

    that was indeed a bug – thank you for noticing, and my apologies for the inconvenience! I’ve developed a fix, and added the necessary code to your website’s files; now the error message does not display. I will also include the fix into the upcoming version update for Shogun (1.1).

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrii,

    Thanks so much for fixing the problem. So, may I download the latest version, v1.1 on Themeforest right now?



    Hey Spock,

    glad it worked!

    The 1.1 version is still in the process of becoming available online, please check this Friday or the upcoming Monday (once a new version is available, every existing user should receive an email, and the changelog at the bottom of the theme’s TF page will be updated as well.

    Thank you for your patience!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrii:

    I got it, Thank you very much, I have no other question.

    by the way I like Russia. In Taiwan, we call Russia 「Fighting Nation」(戰鬥民族)

    cause we have the impression that Russian do everything is Just Powerfully!!!

    the interesting chip is well known in Taiwan ( Russian driving a car like driving a Tank lol )


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by wptheme.

    Hey Spock,

    well, my personal aspiration is to see the Russians being recognized not for being rather impreturbable people, but more as a nation which gave the world the Periodic Table and objective psychology, and put man into space :) but that requires hard work and humility, from each one in particular.

    In any case – should you have any other questions about the theme, or face issues during its usage or set-up, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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