Hello, I was checking my website today and I realize a lot of ads on the page, between the pages and at the footer as well, what is that? is something on my computer only ? I have been hacked?
My apologies for a slow reply!
At the moment your website looks like this from my machine – is the ads issue still topical? Have you tried re-installing the theme? Another step I would suggest is turning off all plugins and checking if any of them is the source of the issue.
Thanks for reply, perhaps there is something to do with the changes you made ? I don’t know I’m just saying, because it was right after you did modifications, now I can’t login on the panel, and the pages don’t work. Any ideas? I will reinstall everything as a last resort
Let’s troubleshoot the situation – please enable the debug mode (please see e.g. this article, first section entitles “Debugging With WP_DEBUG”, for instructions), refresh the website, and let me know if any error messages appear on the website itself and/or in the admin area.
Alternatively, you can provide access to your website’s WP admin and your ftp account, and I will do everything myself.