Add menu link to standalone page or custom URL

New Front EN Support Forums Kanso Theme Support Add menu link to standalone page or custom URL


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  • #3102

    Hello. I’m using the one-page layout but also have a page that’s a standalone page. I’d like that other page to be linked from the header menu also. How do I do this?

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I thought I came across this topic before but I couldn’t find it anymore.


    Hey DKwan,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase, and my apologies for a slow reply here!

    regarding your question – initially, Kanso was not meant to have menu items that lead outside of the one-page layout, while the one-page mode is activated, in order not to confuse the users; however, following buyer requests I did develop an upgrade that would allow adding links to outside pages into the one-page menu – please refer to this forum post for details on how to install it. I will also include that feature into the upcoming 1.5 version update for Kanso.

    Andrii / Satori Studio



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