Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Reply To: Sub navigation + New vertical navigation

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Dear Andrii,

Thanks for the compliment about the work and thanks again for the quick and great support! Also thanks so much for the vertical dotted navigation code you made and sent me. It looks just the way I wanted! One question about it though, the dots don’t seem to correspondent now. When you click projects the 4th dot is active in stead of the 3rd. Is this easy to fix?

I hope you have the time to answer one more question, I promise that I won’t bother you after that!

I’m currently using a plugin called Intense WordPress Plugin for creating custom blog posts. This works great in combination with your theme except for one thing: the sidebar/widget option. In your theme, you give the possibility to set the post/project to full width, sidebar right or left.

But in the custom posts that come with the Intense plugin this option is not available/visible. I tried to find the page for the plugin post template and delete the sidebar option but it seems to come from within the theme. Where can I find and edit the post template so that it won’t show the sidebar and shows the post in full width? I don’t mind not being able to use a sidebar widget at all. I probably won’t be using sidebars in the near future. I hope this is easily fixed. Just tell me if what I’m asking is impossible or if that I need to contact the plugin builders for this. Thanks in advance!

Link to the plugins custom post is: