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Dear Leslye,
I will go over the questions in the same order:
1). The social icons in the header are created using an external icon font (Font Awesome), which means they are fixed in appearance.
2). The text color of portfolio captions is the same as the body text, i.e. changed with the “Body text color” setting in the “Style: Content, Widgets” tab of the Theme Options panel. If you want to change it separately, you can use this line of custom css (add to the textarea in the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel):
.image-post-overlay-in, { color: #555555; }
changing the #555555 to the hex code of your preferred color.
3). You cannot change the color of the submenu text separately from the menu text (controlled by the “Menu text color” option in the “Style: Header” tab of the Theme Options panel); if you want finer control, you can use the following CSS:
body #nav-primary ul ul li a { color: #555555 !important; }
Andrew / Satori Studio